Malik Ibrahim

Education Faculty
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Nusa Tenggara Barat



Mathematic Education


Education, Mathematics, General Mathematics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


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Scopus Publications

  • Comparison of coastal wind speed in Southeast Asian Countries using ANN backpropagation algorithm
    Syaharuddin, D R Muharani, M Ibrahim, and V Mandailina

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This study aims to analyze the neural network backpropagation (ANN-BP) algorithm in seeing the development and comparison of wind speed. We estimated the wind speed of coastal areas with a case study of five countries in Southeast Asia. We used data for the last 10 years in the form of monthly data. The ANN-BP architecture uses input layers, three hidden layers, and one output layer with 12-25-10-1 architecture. From the simulation results in the training stage, we obtained information that the data model that is closest or follows the wind speed pattern with the smallest MSE value is the coastal area in Thailand with an MSE value of 0.00012 in the training stage and 0.00011 in the testing stage. Then, we also obtained that the average prediction of wind speed on the coast of Brunei Darusslam obtained the smallest value compared to other countries.

  • One decade of temperature change at the North Pole and South Pole using ANN backpropagation algorithm
    Syaharuddin, Yuli Yasmin, and Malik Ibrahim

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Global warming is an event in which the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean and land rises. Changes in atmospheric temperature cause changes in the physical conditions of the atmosphere to become unstable, causing anomalies in weather parameters that cause climate change. In the last decade there have been temperature changes in the North Pole (Greenland) and the South Pole (Antarctica). The impacts caused by temperature changes are melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, extinction of species in large numbers, people living on the coast are threatened by tidal floods, while small islands can sink. To anticipate temperature changes, a model is needed that can forecast air or temperature conditions using Artificial Neural Network with Backpropagation method using Matlab software media. Data obtained from Data Access Viewer of NASA. After training and testing the data, the average value of the prediction results for the south polar region (Antarctica) is -47.910C with a Mean Square Error (MSE) value of 0.0015. Meanwhile, for the North Pole region (Greenland), the average value of the prediction results is -22.410C with an MSE value of 0.0069. By looking at the average value of the prediction results, it can be concluded that the temperature change for the South Pole region (Antarctica) is higher than the temperature change for the North Pole region (Greenland).

  • Maximum turning point and final spread of COVID-19â in Indonesia: An analysis of trends and data patterns
    Malik Ibrahim, Anisah, Wita Ratna Puspita, Rody Satriawan, Lalu Jaswandi, Aminullah, Johri Sabaryati, and Syaharuddin

    AIP Publishing
    The COVID-19 pandemic data in Indonesia have been simulated from March 2, 2020, until August 31, 2020. In each case, the ARIMA method applied the mathematical model to determine the data of confirmed, recovered, and dead Covid-19 patients. Each data creates four mathematical models based on the accuracy parameters used, namely MAD, MSE, and MAPE, with the 4th mathematical model used to forecast the growth of data trends. The peak point of the number of patients being treated or in isolation occurred in December 2020 with as many as 1,150,629 positive patients, 995,922 recovered, and 29,741 deaths. It also obtained information that the increase in the number of confirmed, recovered, and dead patients were 1.56%, 1.71%, and 1.14%. © 2022 Author(s).

  • Modify Alpha Value of EMA Method and Brown Method: A Data Forecasting Comparison of COVID-19
    Syaharuddin, Habib Ratu Perwira Negara, Malik Ibrahim, Ahmad, Muhammad Zulfikri, Gilang Primajati, Via Yustitia, Suvriadi Panggabean, Rina Rohayu, and Nurjannah Septyanun

    AIP Publishing
    Forecasting is a process or method used to predict future uncertainty as an effort to make better decisions. The purpose of this research is to compare the proximity level of the quantitative measurement to the actual value (accuracy) between the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) method and the Brown method by modifying the alpha value between 0 and 1. The data used is the daily data dissemination of COVID-19 in NTB Province, which starts from 11 March-14 July 2020. Based on data simulation results with alpha value modification obtained information that the Brown method is more accurate than the EMA method. The alpha value with the least error in the Brown method amounted to 0.7 with the MAPE of 4.34%. Therefore, doing forecasting by using Brown should take the results of the smallest simulation value of the value of MAD, MAPE, or MSE because the smaller the value will be the better quality of objects.

  • Acceleration analysis of population growth using winter’s method: case study of lombok island
    H R P Negara, Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim, K R A Kurniawati, V Mandailina, D Pramita, Abdillah, Mahsup, Ahmad, and Saddam

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The research aims to analyze the acceleration of the population growth in Lombok which consists of 5 districts/cities using forecasting system by constructing the winter’s method in the form of a GUI Multiple Forecasting System (G-MFS) based on Matlab by calculating the indicator level of accuracy to find predictive data for the next 10 years. At the data simulation stage, researchers used population data over the last 11 years. The evaluation of forecasting results is calculated by calculating the value of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) with 27 attempts through modified Winter parameter values. From the simulation data obtained the most optimal parameter value is α, β, and γ sequential values of 0.9, 0.5, and 0.9. Then with the value of the parameter obtained MAPE value of 1.25%. Furthermore, it can be noted that for the next 10 years the increase in the population of Lombok Island on average of 1.49%, with the average East Lombok district details of 1.15%, the average West Lombok district by 1.17%, the average central Lombok district of 0.98%, the North Lombok district averaged 0.98%, and the average Mataram city of 3.05%. These results suggest that the simulated and numeric techniques using the GUI of MATLAB provide quite accurate results. In subsequent research, it is necessary to do predictions based on the number of births, the number of deaths, the number of transmigration, the amount of productive and non-productive, and other data series that is more complex so that it will be seen how the development of the population productivity on the island of Lombok.


  • Positive Dicipline Parenitng: Mathematics Learning Strategies for Elementary School Students Self-Confidence
    M Ibrahim, PY Fauziah, R Riana, G Muzdybayeva
    IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 7 (2 2024

  • Evaluasi Keterlibatan Siswa dalam Lingkungan Pembelajaran Daring: Tinjauan Sistematis Literatur
    M Ibrahim, R Riana, S Soraya
    Ulul Albab: Majalah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram 28 (2), 112-125 2024

  • Pemanfaatan Media Instagram Sebagai Media Informasi Mesjid Darul Hasani di Desa Miruek Taman Kabupaten Aceh Besar
    M Ibrahim, A Salsabila, A Fauza, D Julana, D Sari, FP Salsabila, ...
    Jurnal Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (2), 83-91 2024

    R Riana, M Ibrahim, S Sunardi
    Jurnal Lebesgue: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Matematika dan 2024

  • Analysis of Privacy Policy Impacts on Data Collection in the Age of Advanced Technology
    S Soraya, NPR Yuliartini, M Ibrahim, M Hapipi
    Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education 2024

  • The Utilization of Virtual Reality Technology to Enhance Student Motivation in Mathematics Lessons: A Systematic Literature Review
    KR Ahmad, NPR Yuliartini, M Ibrahim, M Hapipi
    Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education 2024

  • Implementation of Technology-Based Learning Methods in Education: A Systematic Literature Review
    R Fionasari, NPR Yuliartini, M Ibrahim, M Hapipi
    Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education 2024

  • Analysis of the Accuracy Level of Ensemble Learning Methods with Various Modifications in Time Series Data Forecasting
    A Solehah, WA Khattak, M Ibrahim, F Zahro
    Journal of Tamora Science and Modeling 1 (2), 94-102 2023

  • Implementasi Program Kampus Mengajar Angatan 6 Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Literasi Dan Numerasi Peserta Didik
    N Hikami, WS Nufusita, M Ibrahim, M Akrom, R Riana
    KREASI: Jurnal Inovasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3 (3), 510-520 2023

  • Comparison of coastal wind speed in Southeast Asian Countries using ANN backpropagation algorithm
    DR Muharani, M Ibrahim, V Mandailina
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1267 (1), 012014 2023

  • One decade of temperature change at the North Pole and South Pole using ANN backpropagation algorithm
    Y Yasmin, M Ibrahim
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1267 (1), 012013 2023

  • Rancangan Media Pembelajaran Polinomial Berbasis Matlab
    HRP Negara, KRA Kurnaiwati, M Ibrahim, M Fathoni
    Journal of Millenial Education 2 (2), 187-200 2023

    MP Razali, MP Ibrahim, MS Abubakar, L Sundana
    Dr. Abubakar, M. Si 2023

  • Rainfall Classification Using Hierarchical Clustering Method: Lombok Case Study
    M Ibrahim, S Goyal
    Journal of Tamora Science and Modeling 1 (1), 38-45 2023

  • Pendampingan Persiapan Akreditasi Sekolah di SDN 3 Suralaga
    LM Fauzi, M Gazali, N Hayati, R Satriawan, Z Wardi, M Ibrahim, D Fadilah, ...
    Al-Mu'awanah 4 (1), 1-13 2023

  • Interrelation of learning model and peer interaction through motivation on achievement
    S Rody Satriawan, F Lalu Muhammad Fauzi, S Sri Supiyati, ...
    Jurnal Elemen, 9 (2), 464-474 2023

    L Mubarok, S Magfirah, SN Tohaerah, M Ibrahim, S Syaharuddin
    Prosiding Amal Insani Foundation 1, 116-129 2022

  • Satu Dekade Implementasi Software Cabri 3D Dalam Pembelajaran Geometri
    AD Meikantari, S Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim, HRP Negara

  • Penggunaan Tools Tutor Maple Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Kalkulus Integral
    V Mandailina, L Sucipto, S Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim, A Abdillah, ...
    JPMB: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter 5 (1), 43-50 2022

  • Meta analisis: Keefektifan STEM terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa
    M Amin, M Ibrahim, A Alkusaeri
    Journal of Authentic Research on Mathematics Education (JARME) 4 (2), 248-262 2022


  • Pelatihan pembelajaran daring (google classroom) bagi guru MTs dan MI nurul yaqin Kelanjur
    A Ahmad, HRP Negara, M Ibrahim, D Etmy
    JPMB: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter 3 (1), 66-79 2020
    Citations: 39

  • Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa Sebagai Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Pendataan Penduduk Dan Potensi Desa. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 1 (1), 60
    S Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim
    Citations: 35

  • Penerapan metode pembelajaran blended learning dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep hasil belajar siswa: sebuah meta-analisis
    J Jumaini, HH Hertin, M Nisfiyati, M Ibrahim
    Al Khawarizmi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika 5 (1), 48-63 2021
    Citations: 34

  • Peningkatan kepercayaan diri siswa terhadap matematika dengan menggunakan pendekatan CTL (REACT)
    M Ibrahim
    Jurnal Tatsqif 16 (1), 55-77 2018
    Citations: 26

  • Meta analisis: Keefektifan STEM terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa
    M Amin, M Ibrahim, A Alkusaeri
    Journal of Authentic Research on Mathematics Education (JARME) 4 (2), 248-262 2022
    Citations: 23

  • UTAUT: Analysis of usage level of Android applications as learning media in Indonesian educational institutions
    V Mandailina, S Saddam, M Ibrahim, S Syaharuddin
    IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application) 2 (3 2019
    Citations: 23

  • Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa Sebagai Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk Pendataan Penduduk Dan Potensi Desa
    S Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim
    JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 1 (1), 60-67 2017
    Citations: 23

  • Pelatihan Pembelajaran Daring (Google Classroom) bagi Guru MTs dan MI Nurul Yaqin Kelanjur
    HRP Negara, M Ibrahim, D Etmy
    JPMB: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter 3 (1), 66-79 2020
    Citations: 13

  • LKS himpunan: Sebuah pengembangan matematika integrasi
    R Riana, M Ibrahim
    JTAM (Jurnal Teori Dan Aplikasi Matematika) 3 (2), 162-167 2019
    Citations: 12

  • Penelusuran Referensi Berbasis Digital sebagai Peningkatan Soft Skill Mahasiswa dalam Menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir
    S Syaharuddin, HRP Negara, M Ibrahim, V Mandailina, D Pramita, ...
    Selaparang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan 3 (2), 151-155 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Perbandingan hasil belajar berdasarkan penggunaan software Maple dan Geogebra: Sebuah meta analisis
    W As' ari, DD Dirganti, S Syaharuddin, M Ibrahim, HRP Negara, L Sucipto
    Justek: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 5 (1), 01-10 2022
    Citations: 9

  • Identification of fungi associated with storage rots of Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberosum l.) tubers in Sokoto Metropolis
    M Ibrahim, K Shehu, U Tukur, IY Tafinta
    Annals of Biological sciences 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Designing STEM–based learning management system using moodle as a distance learning alternative in basic calculus courses
    M Ibrahim, S Sunardi, LMY Isnaini
    JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) 6 (1), 154-162 2022
    Citations: 8

  • The Effect of the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) Learning Model On Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities: A Meta-Analysis
    HRP Negara, M Ibrahim, KRA Kurniawati, A Firdaus, R Maulidina, ...
    Justek: Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi 4 (1), 40-51 2021
    Citations: 8

  • Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Pada Materi Bangun Datar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Dimensi Tiga
    M Ibrahim
    Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika 2 (2), 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Mathematical model of growth in the number of students in NTB using Newton-Gregory polynomial method
    HRP Negara, M Ibrahim, KRA Kurniawati
    Jurnal Varian 4 (1), 43-50 2020
    Citations: 6

  • LKS Himpunan: Sebuah Pengembangan Matematika Integrasi. JTAM| Jurnal Teori Dan Aplikasi Matematika, 3 (2), 162
    R Riana, M Ibrahim
    Citations: 6

  • Mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran statistis
    HRP Negara, FH Santosa, M Ibrahim
    MES: Journal of Mathematics Education and Science 5 (1), 29-41 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Implementasi Program Kampus Mengajar Angatan 6 Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Literasi Dan Numerasi Peserta Didik
    N Hikami, WS Nufusita, M Ibrahim, M Akrom, R Riana
    KREASI: Jurnal Inovasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3 (3), 510-520 2023
    Citations: 5

  • Efficacy of some plant extracts on growth and germination of Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium oxysporum isolated from rotten Irish potato tubers
    M Ibrahim, K Shehu, YI Hassana
    Annals of Biological sciences 2014
    Citations: 5