Dr. Manoj Kumar


Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences
Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak



Experience of more than 20 years in teaching and Ph.D. in Mathematics


Ph.D. in Mathematics


Mathematics, Applied Mathematics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Boyd-Wong type contractions in generalized parametric bipolar metric space
    Manoj Kumar, Ozgur Ege, Vinit Mor, Pankaj Kumar, and Manuel De la Sen

    Elsevier BV

  • A Fixed Point Theorem for Weak (ψ - φ)-Jaggi Type Contraction
    Pankaj and Manoj Kumar

    Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática
    In this paper, we introduce the weak ()-Jaggi type contraction. The existence and uniqueness of fixed point for such contraction is investigated. It is very helpful in extending the existing results of corresponding literature. In addition, we also provide an example in support of our theorem.

  • Effect of three-phase-lag thermal and three-phase-lag diffusion models on waves at the boundary of elastic and thermoelastic diffusion medium
    Shruti Goel, Vandana Gupta, and Manoj Kumar

    World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd
    In this paper, we discuss the reflection and refraction of an incident P wave or [Formula: see text] wave at the interface of a plane. The plane, which is divided into two halves, is an elastic medium [Formula: see text] having an incident wave and a thermoelastic diffusion medium [Formula: see text] with TPLT (i.e., three-phase-lag thermal) and TPLD (i.e., three-phase-lag diffusion) models. It has been noticed that two waves are reflected and four are refracted in an isotropic thermoelastic diffusion medium. Out of the four refracted waves, three are longitudinal waves: a quasi-longitudinal wave [Formula: see text] a quasi-mass diffusion wave [Formula: see text], a quasi-thermal wave [Formula: see text] and one is a transverse wave [Formula: see text]. If we consider the above waves first, the amplitude and energy ratio are calculated by using the surface boundary conditions and then graphically represented to compare the change in energy and amplitude ratio with the change in incident angle for three particular cases. The conservation of energy is depicted by verifying that all the energy sums up to unity. The considered problem has its application in earthquake engineering, astronautics, rocket engineering, seismology and many more engineering areas.

  • Meshfree algorithms for analysis and computational modeling of multidimensional hyperbolic wave models
    Sapna Pandit, Pooja Verma, Manoj Kumar, and Poonam

    PurposeThis article offered two meshfree algorithms, namely the local radial basis functions-finite difference (LRBF-FD) approximation and local radial basis functions-differential quadrature method (LRBF-DQM) to simulate the multidimensional hyperbolic wave models and work is an extension of Jiwari (2015).Design/methodology/approachIn the evolvement of the first algorithm, the time derivative is discretized by the forward FD scheme and the Crank-Nicolson scheme is used for the rest of the terms. After that, the LRBF-FD approximation is used for spatial discretization and quasi-linearization process for linearization of the problem. Finally, the obtained linear system is solved by the LU decomposition method. In the development of the second algorithm, semi-discretization in space is done via LRBF-DQM and then an explicit RK4 is used for fully discretization in time.FindingsFor simulation purposes, some 1D and 2D wave models are pondered to instigate the chastity and competence of the developed algorithms.Originality/valueThe developed algorithms are novel for the multidimensional hyperbolic wave models. Also, the stability analysis of the second algorithm is a new work for these types of model.

  • Time-fractional (2+1)-dimensional navier-stokes equations: similarity reduction and exact solutions for one-parameter lie group of rotations
    Pooja Verma, Sapna Pandit, Manoj Kumar, Vikas Kumar, and Poonam Poonam

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The current study is dedicated to solving the time-fractional (2+1)-dimensional Navier–Stokes model. The model has wide applications in blood flow, in the design of power stations, weather prediction, ocean currents, water flow in a pipe, air flow around the aircraft wings, the analysis of pollution, and many other areas of engineering. The Lie symmetry approach is applied to the governed time-fractional equation to fulfill this need. In the direction of exact solutions of the time-fractional equation first of all invariance condition is obtained in the presence of the Lie group. Consequently, infinitesimals are obtained with the help of the invariant condition. Moreover, these infinitesimals are utilized to obtain the subalgebras. Further, under each subalgebras similarity variables and similarity solutions are obtained which are used to find the reduced equations. These reduced equations are solved for exact solutions. The solutions of the reduced equations are further used to find the exact solutions of the main time-fractional (2+1)-dimensional Navier–Stokes equation with the help of similarity solutions under each subalgebra.

  • Ulam–Hyers Stability and Well-Posedness of Fixed Point Problems in C*-Algebra Valued Bipolar b-Metric Spaces
    Manoj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Ali Mutlu, Rajagopalan Ramaswamy, Ola A. Ashour Abdelnaby, and Stojan Radenović

    Here, we shall introduce the new notion of C*-algebra valued bipolar b-metric spaces as a generalization of usual metric spaces, C*-algebra valued metric space, b-metric spaces. In the above-mentioned spaces, we shall define (αA−ψA) contractions and prove some fixed point theorems for these contractions. Some existing results from the literature are also proved by using our main results. As an application Ulam–Hyers stability and well-posedness of fixed point problems are also discussed. Some examples are also given to illustrate our results.

    Preeti ., Manoj Kumar, and Poonam .

    Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
    This manuscript consists a common fixed point result for four weakly compatible self-maps ˆ P, ˆ Q, ˆ S, ˆ T on a metric space (M, d∗) satisfying the following contractive inequality of integral type: Z d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Sν) 0 ξ(t)dt ≤ β(d∗(μ, ν)) Z Δ1(μ,ν) 0 ξ(t)dt, where (ξ, β) ∈ ξ1 × ξ3 and for all μ, ν in M. Δ1(μ, ν) = max{d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Sν), d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Pμ), d∗( ˆ Sν, ˆ Qν), 1 2 [d∗( ˆ Pμ, ˆ Sν) + d∗( ˆ Qν, ˆ Tμ)], d∗( ˆ Pμ, ˆ Tμ).d∗( ˆ Qν, ˆ Sν) 1 + d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Sν) , d∗( ˆ Pμ, ˆ Sν).d∗( ˆ Qν, ˆ Tμ) 1 + d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Sν) , d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Pμ)[ 1 + d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Qν) + d∗( ˆ Sν, ˆ Pμ) 1 + d∗( ˆ Tμ, ˆ Pμ) + d∗( ˆ Sν, ˆ Qν) ]}. 150 South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Also, some common fixed point results for the above mentioned weakly compatible self - maps along with E.A. property and (CLR) property are proved. A suitable illustrative example is also provided to support our result

  • (α − ψ) Meir–Keeler Contractions in Bipolar Metric Spaces
    Manoj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Rajagopalan Ramaswamy, Ola A. Ashour Abdelnaby, Amr Elsonbaty, and Stojan Radenović

    In this paper, we introduce the new notion of contravariant (α−ψ) Meir–Keeler contractive mappings by defining α-orbital admissible mappings and covariant Meir–Keeler contraction in bipolar metric spaces. We prove fixed point theorems for these contractions and also provide some corollaries of main results. An example is also be given in support of our main result. In the end, we also solve an integral equation using our result.

  • Perturbed Fokas-Lenells equation: Lie symmetry analysis, complexitons and baseband modulation instability
    Pooja Verma, Vikas Kumar, Manoj Kumar, and Poonam

    World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd
    In this work, Lie symmetry analysis method is utilized to find the complex soliton solutions of the perturbed Fokas–Lenells equation. In this direction, first of all, we obtained the infinitesimals of the Fokas–Lenells equation with the help of the Lie symmetry method. After that, we reduced the Fokas–Lenells equation into the highly nonlinear system of an ordinary differential equation. Consequently, with the application of suitable back transformation, complex solitons are formulated for the Fokas–Lenells equation in trigonometric, hyperbolic and exponential functions. Finally, in this work, conditions of stability and instability are discussed with the aid of baseband modulation instability.

    Rashmi Sharma and Manoj Kumar

    Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
    In this paper, we introduce new notions of α0−(ψ0,g0)- proximal contraction of Type-I and Type-II and modified α0 − (ψ0,g0)- proximal contraction. In the setting of these notions, we prove certain fixed point theorems in metric space. Additionally, a few applications are provided to show how the results can be used.

  • Common fixed point theorems for four self maps satisfying generalized (ψ, φ)-weak contraction in metric space

  • Best Proximity Point for G-Generalized ζ − β − T Contraction
    Amit Duhan, Manoj Kumar, Savita Rathee, and Monika Swami

    SCIK Publishing Corporation
    In this paper, we find the best proximity point in G-metric spaces for G-generalized ζ-β-T contraction mappings and verify the existence and uniqueness of the best proximity point in the complete G metric space using the idea of an approximatively compact set. In addition, an example is provided to illustrate the outcome.

    A Ashish, M Monia, Manoj Kumar, K Khamosh, and A.K. Malik

    National Library of Serbia
    The difference and differential equations have played an eminent part in nonlinear dynamics systems, but in the last two decades one-dimensional difference maps are considered in the forefront of nonlinear systems and the optimization of transportation problems. In the nineteenth century, the nonlinear systems have paved a significant role in analyzing nonlinear phenomena using discrete and continuous time interval. Therefore, it is used in every branch of science such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, mathematics, neural networks, traffic control models, etc. This paper deals with the maximum Lyapunov exponent property of the nonlinear dynamical systems using Euler?s numerical algorithm. The presents experimental as well as numerical analysis using time-series diagrams and Lyapunov functional plots. Moreover, due to the strongest property of Lyapunov exponent in nonlinear system it may have some application in the optimization of transportation models.

  • Common Fixed Point Theorems for Generalized Contractive Pair of Mappings in a Metric Space and Their Application to Fractional Calculus
    Priya Goel, Manoj Kumar, Dimple Singh, and Kamal Kumar

    Hindawi Limited
    In this manuscript, we have established relation-theoretic version of some common fixed point results in metric space for generalized β − ϕ − Z -contractive pair of mappings furnished with an arbitrary binary relation R . Recently, the concept of binary relation is well known leading trend in fixed point theory. Our results extend and unify several fixed point theorems present in the literature. An illustrative example is given to support our main theorem. Finally, we exploit our main result for proving existence and uniqueness results to established the solution of a fractional differential equation of Caputo type.

    Narinder Kumar and M. Kumar

    SCIK Publishing Corporation
    In this paper, with the aid of simulation mapping η ∶ [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) → R, we prove some Lemmas and fixed point result for generalized Z − contraction of the mapping g ∶ X → X satisfying the following conditions: η(G(gx, gy, gz), M(x, y, z)) ≥ 0, for all x, y, z ∈ X, where M(x, y, z) = max {G(x, gy, gy), G(y, gx, gx), G(y, gz, gz), G(z, gy, gy), G(z, gx, gx), G(x, gz, gz)}. and (X, G) is a G − metric space. An example is also given to support our results.

  • Fixed Point Theorems for Modified Generalized F-Contraction in G-Metric Spaces
    Manoj Kumar and Sahil Arora

    Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica
    In this paper, we introduce new notions of generalized F-contractions of type(S) and type(M) in G-metric spaces. Some common fixed point theorems are proved using these notions. A suitable example is also provided to support our results.

  • Best proximity point theorems using simulation functions


  • Design of Miniaturized Active Matching Network Integrated Ultra-Broadband VHF/UHF Monopole Antenna for Direction Finding Array Applications
    MA Shukoor, AZ Ahmad, M Kumar, S Dey, G Basavarajappa, K Rawat
    IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 2024

  • Energizing an IoT sensor using regenerative opposite fringing fields from an embedded communicating patch antenna
    S Kumar, M Kumar, A Sharma, IJG Zuazola
    IEEE Access 2024

  • Tunable microstrip bandpass filter with constant absolute bandwidth using BST varactors and digitally tunable capacitors
    M Kumar, G Basavarajappa
    International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 1-7 2024

  • Fixed point theorem for four self-maps satisfying (CLR) property in fuzzy metric space
    M Kumar
    American Institute of Physics Conference Series 2986 (1), 030180 2024

  • Boyd-Wong type contractions in generalized parametric bipolar metric space
    M Kumar, O Ege, V Mor, P Kumar, M De la Sen
    Heliyon 10 (2) 2024

  • Fixed Point Results for Generalized Non-linear Operators with Convergence Analysis
    RP Bhokal, M Kumar, A Kumar
    Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 19 (11), 95-103 2023

    JK Kim, M Kumar
    Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 703-717 2023

    AKA Manoj Kumar
    Jnanabha 53 (1), 173-180 2023

  • Some Fixed Point Theorems in S-metric Spaces via Simulation Function
    S Devi, M Kumar, S Devi
    Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 19 (9), 13-24 2023

    Poincare Journal of Analysis & Applications 10 (1), 165-174 2023

    MKP Jong Kyu Kim
    Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 28 (2), 383-394 2023

  • Ulam–Hyers Stability and Well-Posedness of Fixed Point Problems in C*-Algebra Valued Bipolar b-Metric Spaces
    M Kumar, P Kumar, A Mutlu, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, ...
    Mathematics 11 (10), 2323 2023

  • (αψ) Meir–Keeler Contractions in Bipolar Metric Spaces
    M Kumar, P Kumar, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, A Elsonbaty, ...
    Mathematics 11 (6), 1310 2023

  • Best Proximity Point for G-Generalized ζ-β-T Contraction
    A Duhan, M Kumar, S Rathee, M Swami
    International Journal of Analysis and Applications 21, 6-6 2023

  • Perturbed Fokas–Lenells equation: Lie symmetry analysis, complexitons and baseband modulation instability
    P Verma, V Kumar, M Kumar, Poonam
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 37 (02), 2350015 2023

  • Fixed Point Theorems Using Soft Multiplicative Generalized Weak Contractive Mappings
    S Nagpal, S Devi, M Kumar
    Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 38 (1), 33-51 2023

  • Hyers-Ulam Stability of Quadratic Functional Equations in Random Normed Spaces
    AK Amrit, M Kumar
    International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 12 (3 2023

  • Common Fixed Point Theorems for Weakly Compatible Maps Satisfying Integral Type Contraction in G-Metric Spaces
    N Kumar, M Kumar
    Communications in Mathematics and Applications 14 (1), 21 2023

  • Stability of Generalized Quadratic Functional Equations in Fuzzy Normed Spaces
    A Rani, S Devi, M Kumar
    Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 18 (1), 51-67 2023

  • Lyapunov Exponent Using Euler’s Algorithm With Applications in Optimization Problems
    M Kumar, AK Malik
    Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 32 (4), 503-514 2022


  • Risk analysis of flood disaster based on similarity measures in picture fuzzy environment
    P Singh, NK Mishra, M Kumar, S Saxena, V Singh
    Afrika Matematika 29, 1019-1038 2018
    Citations: 67

  • Coupled fixed point theorems in complex valued metric spaces
    SM Kang, M Kumar, P Kumar, S Kumar
    Int. J. Math. Anal 7 (46), 2269-2277 2013
    Citations: 34

  • , Some common fixed point theorems using (CLRg)-property in cone metric spaces
    PKSK Manoj Kumar
    Advances in Fixed Point Theory 2 (no. 3), 340–356 2012
    Citations: 22

  • Common fixed point theorems in complex valued metric spaces
    M Kumar, P Kumar, S Kumar
    Journal of Analysis and Number theory 2 (2), 103-109 2014
    Citations: 19

  • Coincidence and common fixed point results via simulation functions in G-metric spaces
    M Kumar, S Arora, M Imdad, WM Alfaqih
    J. Math. Comput. Sci 19 (4), 288-300 2019
    Citations: 16

  • A new approach to the study of fixed point theory for simulation functions in G-Metric spaces
    M Kumar, R Sharma
    Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica 37 2017
    Citations: 13

  • Common fixed point theorems for weakly compatible mappings in complex valued metric spaces
    PKSK Manoj Kumar, Shin Min Kang
    International journal of pure and applied mathematics 92 (no. 3), 403-419 2014
    Citations: 7

  • Fixed point theorems for modified generalized F-contraction in G-metric spaces
    M Kumar, S Arora
    Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat 40, 1-8 2022
    Citations: 6

  • Some fixed point theorems under EA and (CLR) properties on C∗-algebra valued metric spaces
    M Kumar, M Imdad, M Asim
    Inf. Sci. Lett 9, 75-82 2020
    Citations: 5

  • New Type of Coincidence and Common Fixed-Point Theorems for Modified α-Admissible z-Contraction Via Simulation Function.
    S Arora, M Kumar, S Mishra
    Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 52 (1) 2020
    Citations: 5

  • On the power of simulation map for almost Z− contraction in G-metric space with applications to the solution of the integral equation
    M Kumar, S Arora, S Mishra
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 44, 639-648 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Fixed Point Theorems for Generalized -Expansive Mappings in Generalized Metric Spaces
    M Kumar, S Araci, P Kumam
    Communications in Mathematics and Applications 7 (3), 227 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Fixed point theorems for φ-WEAKLY expansive mappings in metric spaces
    SM Kang, M Kumar, P Kumar, S Kumar
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 90 (2), 143-152 2014
    Citations: 5

  • Security Improvisation in Image Steganography using DES
    M Kumar, N Hemrajani, A Kishore
    Advance Computing Conference (IACC). Ghaziabad: IEEE 2013
    Citations: 5

  • Some common fixed point theorems in generalized metric spaces
    M Kumar, P Kumar, S Kumar
    Journal of Mathematics 2013 (1), 719324 2013
    Citations: 5

  • Perturbed Fokas–Lenells equation: Lie symmetry analysis, complexitons and baseband modulation instability
    P Verma, V Kumar, M Kumar, Poonam
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 37 (02), 2350015 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Common fixed point theorems for four self-maps satisfying (CLRST)-property in b-metric spaces
    S Arora, S Mishra, M Kumar
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1531 (1), 012083 2020
    Citations: 4

  • The Generalized Pre-Open Compact Topology on Function Spaces
    S Mishra, S Kang, M Kumar
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 114 (1), 1-15 2017
    Citations: 4

  • Ranking of triangular type-2 fuzzy sets and its application in multicriteria decision making problem
    P Singh, M Kumar, SM Kang
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 109 (3), 631-649 2016
    Citations: 4

  • Ulam–Hyers Stability and Well-Posedness of Fixed Point Problems in C*-Algebra Valued Bipolar b-Metric Spaces
    M Kumar, P Kumar, A Mutlu, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, ...
    Mathematics 11 (10), 2323 2023
    Citations: 3