Assisstant Professor / Pediatrics Dental Center
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
2022, Post graduated of pediatric dentistry, Azad University of
Push-out bond strength comparison of two bulk-fill and one
conventional composites with two different dentin bonding
systems to intracanal dentin in severly damaged primary
anterior teeth
Dentistry, Dentistry
ntroduction: The nutrient canals in the anterior region of the mandible are derived from the incisive branch of the inferior neurovascular bundle the damage of which in any surgery could lead to more hemorrhage and postoperative paresthesia. Evaluating the incidence and anatomical location of these canals using dental CBCT is the purpose of this study. Materials & Methods: In this study, the CBCT scans of 196 patients-consist of 89 women and 107 men with a mean age of 49.1 from the archive of the radiology department of Isfahan Islamic Azad University were scrutinized. Sex, location, number, size (mesial-distal and buccal-lingual diameter), shape (round or ovoid) of nutrient canals were recorded. Results were analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Independent T-test, and Kruskal-Wallis test.(p value< 0.05). Results: There are nutrient canals in 83.6% of the cases, in most of the cases (73.4%), two nutrient canals in the anterior region of the mandible were detected. The independent t test showed