Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Wiralodra
Master of Mathematics Education
Mathematics education, ethnomathematics, geometry
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Poppy Yaniawati, Sudirman Sudirman, Mellawaty Mellawaty, Rully Indrawan, and Melinda Putri Mubarika
Omnia Publisher SL
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia requires teachers and students to perform learning activities online. Meanwhile, teachers use a variety of technology products in the classroom without paying attention to the didactic, pedagogical, and content aspects. This is due to time constraints and short learning adjustments that should be flexible to this pandemic. Therefore, this research provides an alternative by exploring the potential of augmented reality as a didactic and pedagogical source in learning geometry. An exploratory case study design was used to reveal this potential, while three mathematics teachers and twenty-six students from three schools in Indramayu Regency, Indonesia, participated in the research. Data from observations and documentation were checked, extracted, entered verbatim, and coded. The results of the interview data were analyzed using the content analysis method, while those from the geometry understanding test and student response questionnaires used descriptive analysis. Consequently, the research results showed that augmented reality was useful as an alternative didactic and pedagogical source of learning geometry during the COVID-19 pandemic. This conclusion was based on the reason, first characteristically augmented reality technology can be integrated with textbooks or certain learning methods. Second, the results of the geometry understanding test showed that there were more students who answered the questions correctly than the students who answered incorrectly. Third, the results of questionnaires and interviews showed that students had a positive attitude during the geometry learning process. Therefore, the researcher believes that the use of augmented reality is worthy of being an alternative didactic and pedagogical source and has the potential to be applied to other subjects both during the COVID-19 pandemic and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sudirman, Poppy Yaniawati, Mellawaty, and Rully Indrawan
IOP Publishing
Abstract The Covid 19 epidemic has altered the interplay of the classroom learning process. To facilitate the learning process of 3D geometry, secondary school teachers adopt several technology items. Augmented reality technology is one of those technological goods. This study therefore aims to explain the constraints and perceptions of secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic, during the 3D geometry learning process. This study used a qualitative research design descriptive of it. The number of participants to this study was five, namely 3 male students and two female students. Techniques for collecting data using sheets of observations and interviews. Although data analysis by Miles and Huberman [1] adopts data analysis, which consists of data selection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification processes. Study results show that there are still many challenges faced during the learning process using augmented reality technologies, namely: (a) Constraints when downloading the program on the cellphones of the instructor and the pupil. (b) Marker constraints pertaining to AR identification. (c) Constraints on the student’s smartphone requirements. (d) Limit and network restrictions for accessing the Resources section. (e) Students found too many constraints on appraisal questions on the test checklist. While several challenges do remain, the majority of the students have a good understanding of the learning experience using augmented reality technologies.
Mellawaty and Mochammad Taufan
IOP Publishing
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-concept and mathematics anxiety on the ability to think critically pre-service teachers of mathematics at the time of a pandemic Covid-19 in Indramayu, Indonesia with used digital platforms LMS-Google Classroom. This type of quantitative research uses one group pre-test post-test design. By using the purposive sampling technique, the research sample taken is the fourth-semester students who take the Abstract Algebra of Theory Ring course as many as 19 people. Research instrument in the form of critical thinking skills tests, self-concept questionnaires, and mathematics anxiety. Data analysis using ANOVA test. Based on the results, there is a direct influence self-concept and mathematics anxiety on the ability to think critically pre-service teachers of mathematics at the time of a pandemic Covid-19 in Indramayu, Indonesia by using a digital platform LMS-Google Classroom. There are other findings obtained, namely: the readiness of the lecturer in preparing the learning process must be very correct and can add applications that can face virtual eyes with students, such as the use of Zoom Meeting; the readiness of pre-service teacher in following the lecture process in the form of stable internet use because 90% of pre-service teacher come from the border area of Indramayu district and surrounding districts.
S Sudirman, R P Yaniawati, M Melawaty, and R Indrawan
IOP Publishing
Abstract This study aims to integrate ethnomatematics into augmented reality technology in learning geometry. The research method used was ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) approach. The stages used in this study consisted of (1) exploration; (2) design, (3) development; and (4) implementation. This study used two data analysis techniques: (1) qualitative was conducted for exploration studies, describing the design and development process; (2) quantitative was conducted to investigate the result of the use of integrated ethnomathematics AR technology implementation to 56 Mathematics pre-service teachers’ at Indramayu, Indonesia. The results showed that (1) ethnomathematics values in the form of uma lengge traditional house, ethnic karo houses, wa rebo traditional house, demak grand mosque, kaghati kolape kite can be used as marker objects on augmented reality technology and to explain geometry concept;. (2) The design stages consist of designing integration concepts, AR interfaces, and learning system development;. (3) the results of implementation analysis can (a) help to increase learning interaction activities (b) improve the understanding of concepts and geometry visualization, (c) provide information to Mathematics pre-service teachers’related to ethnomathematics and local wisdom in Indonesia.
Sudirman Sudirman, Mellawaty Mellawaty, Poppy Yaniawati, and Rully Indrawan
International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
This study aims to implement integrated learning of local wisdom forms in Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) application and analyze their impact on learning attitude, learning motivation and Geometry concept understanding of pre-service mathematics teachers. The subjects of this study were 24 pre-service mathematics teachers. This study uses an embedded design of the Mix-method. The instruments in this study were questionnaires (attitude and learning motivation), Geometry concept understanding test, and semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed quantitative and qualitatively. The finding covered that learning geometry by integrating local wisdom form in MAR application was effective and gave a positive impact on the attitude, motivation, and geometry concept understanding of pre-service mathematics teachers.
Mellawaty, Sudirman, St B Waluya, and Rochmad
IOP Publishing
Abstract The method in this study, Mixed Method Design with concurrent embedded strategy. This research was conducted mathematical creative thinking skills of students class VII-B of Indramayu State Middle School 1, Academic Year 2018/2019. Sampling technique used snowball sampling technique.There were three stages in this research, the first was designing learning process stage that consisted of syllabus, lesson plan, learning syntax and expert validated test items. The second was the implementation. It was conducted to see the students’ respond and activity during the learning process. The third was evaluation stage. This was conducted to know the learning effectiveness. The result, it was obtained that (1) the learning design integrated Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) and Missouri Mathematic Project (MMP) consists of syllabus, lesson plan, learning syntax, students’ worksheet and TKBKM were valid; (2) The respond of students and teacher were 82,9% good and happy to involve in the process of learning design that integrates Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) and Missouri Mathematic Project (MMP); (3) the learning that integrates Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) with Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning is effective in improving mathematical creative thinking students with moderate categories.