Melvi Ulvan

Department Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Lampung



Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control and Systems Engineering, Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, Agricultural and Biological Sciences


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

    IOP Publishing
    PREFACE The 4th International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2018) was organized by University of Lampung, in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung, Indonesia, on August, 29th - 30th 2017. Following the successful of previous events, IC-STAR 2018 shared and highlighted the original and novel ideas, significant advances, the technological state-of-the-art, current status, and future challenges on all aspects related to the research and development in the field of science, engineering and technology, and their inter-discipline cross-linked. IC-STAR 2018 accomplished as a forum for information dissemination, gathering, and networking for academia, researchers, engineers, and professionals within the areas. The conference also provided advanced orientation and understanding for related industries and academia to looking across industrial partnerships, business strategic, and policy and regulations, including the environmental awareness and the mitigation of natural disasters. One of the most important outcomes of IC-STAR 2018 was the understanding to emphasize Krakatau and its potential disaster as a common issue and interest. List of Editorial board, IC-STAR 2018 Committee and Conference Photographs are available in this pdf.

  • Combined centralised and distributed mechanism for utilisation of node association in broadband wireless network
    A Ulvan, M Ulvan, and H Pranoto

    IOP Publishing
    Mobile broadband wireless access system has the stations that might be fixed, nomadic or mobile. Regarding the mobility, the node association procedure is critical for network entry as well as network re-entry during handover. The flexibility and utilisation of MAC protocols scheduling have an important role. The standard provides the Partition Scheme as the scheduling mechanism which separates the allocation of minislots for scheduling. However, minislots cannot be flexibly reserved for centralised and distributed scheduling. In this paper we analysed the scheduling mechanism to improve the utilisation of minislots allocation during the exchange of MAC massages. The centralised and distributed scheduling is implemented in some topology scenarios. The result shows the proposed mechanism has better performance for node association than partition scheme.

  • Downlink power control for interference management in femtocell-macrocell cellular communication network
    Misfa Susanto, Dika Fauzia, Melvi, and Syaiful Alam

    Deployment of femtocell in macrocell cellular network which forms two-tier femtocell-macrocell cellular network faces more complicated interference problems, since it uses the same licensed frequency spectrum as its macrocell. This paper addresses the interference problems for downlink transmission in such two-tier cellular communication network. In this paper, interference management using power control is proposed in that two-tier network. This paper considers multi-cell cellular network composing of three macrocell systems. Ten femtocells are deployed in each macrocell system. This paper takes worst case for the scenario that is all femtocells and macrocells in downlink transmissions. Simulation for the system without power control was carried out first as a baseline system. Then, two methods of power control called as PC-1 and PC-2 in this paper were explored to reduce the interference effects. The use of two power controls is to take a trade-off, the increasing of quality of service (QoS) in macrocell system while is not degrading much QoS in femtocell system. Both power control methods are based on the estimated Signal to Interference Plus Noise Ratio (SINR). Both of power control methods also ensure that the results of controlled transmitting power will not exceed the maximum or the minimum of allowable transmitting powers. Simulations have been carried out and performance parameter in term of Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of SINR have been collected for co-tier (femtocell-femtocell and macrocell-macrocell), cross-tier (femtocell-macrocell and macrocell-femtocell), and the total interferences. The simulation results show that both power control methods outperform the baseline system.

  • Spectrum-less communication by virtualizing the core network of 4G wireless network

  • The analysis of signalling process of the services in integrated IMS

  • Dynamic tunnel switching using network functions visualization for HA system failover
    Hery Dian Septama, Ardian Ulvan, Gigih Forda Nama, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    High Availability (HA) is an ability of the system to operate continuously in desired amount of time. Telephony system, for example, should operate 99.999%, that means the system should have only 5.26 maximum downtime for a year. Provide high available IP based service such as Voice over IP for telephony is difficult since IP is not designed for reliable connection. A lot of research has been conducted to overcome these drawbacks. This paper works by enhancing the failover mechanism of Remus as a high availability solution using server virtualization. This paper proposed network function virtualization in order to create a dynamic tunnel switching between primary and secondary server to the clients gateway. The result shows the jitter level and downtime of modified failover using dynamic tunnel switching did not make the jitter or amount of downtime higher. The server downtime using dynamic tunnel switching were varied between 1.3-1.5 second that is still comparable with basic Remus downtime with gratuitous ARP means the proposed idea using network function virtualization works well. This paper extends the ability of failover to adapt the wide area condition.

  • Design and implementation web based geographic information system for public services in Bandar Lampung City - Indonesia
    Gigih Forda Nama, Melvi Ulvan, Ardian Ulvan, and Abdul Munif Hanafi

    The work on this paper has point of view on development of public service geographic information system at Bandar Lampung City. The idea of this application deployment was driven to provide a better public services for the citizens. Currently, information of public service locations category which are needed by the citizens those are; lodging/housing information, health facilities, government office, service station, worship place, traditional market, modern market, banking, culinary, sports facilities, tourism, industry, police station, school/university place, tour and travel. The developed application enables the possibility to locate the public service information through web page easily. In this research, deployment of public services application based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach, including the use case model, activity diagram, and object diagram. The authors also explored usage of several non commercial applications under General Public License that is; apache2 web server, PHP5 programming language, MySQL5 for data base server, Google Maps API as base map of city visualization. A lot of public service information on Bandar Lampung city have been gathered, which are emerged the location on application including its picture, short video, and short description about the places. This application can be easily integrated with existing of city government web portal by using XML data transport technology, to improved a better public service for the citizens.

  • Integrated IMS-femtocell testbed
    Ardian Ulvan, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    This paper conducted the integration deployment of IP Multimedia Subsystem and LTE-based femtocell network in a lab scale environment (test-bed). A feasible integration designs called the SIP/IMS-based integration with all-IP connectivity is proposed as a new design for the 4G wireless technology called the Next Generation Wireless Network (NGWN). The performance evaluations of integrated IMS - Femtocell were not conducted independently, but as one system. End-to-end test-bed simulation and measurements were conducted and analysed. Some test cases, i.e., the registration process to IMS core network and call setup between two IMS' clients were deployed in various testing time. The test cases included the measurements of generated traffics, jitter, max delta, and bandwidth usage. The analysis of packet stream considered five most common protocols in IMS system, i.e., SIP, HTTP, TCP, UDP and RTP. Despite having some issues, the simulation test-bed of integrated IMS-Femtocell network has been proven to working well.

  • Handover procedure and decision strategy in LTE-based femtocell network
    Ardian Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Melvi Ulvan

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Handover scenario and procedure in lte-based femtocell networks

  • IMS signalling in lte-based femtocell network

  • The study of handover procedure in LTE-based femtocell network
    Ardian Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Melvi Ulvan

    Wireless systems have the capability to address broad geographic area without the costly infrastructure deployment. However, the main drawback resides in the bandwidth limitation and the coverage for single access point. The deployment of Femtocell as the promising wireless access technology becomes one of the possible solution. In this paper the handover procedure in femtocell network is studied. The 3GPP LTE based handover is analysed in three scenarios: hand-in, hand-out and inter-FAP. In addition, the reactive and proactive handover strategy is also proposed as the handover decision policy to diminish the very frequent and unnecessary handovers.

  • IEEE802.16 MAC management messages: The overhead and efficiency analysis in mesh topology
    Ardian Ulvan, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    This paper presents the analysis of MAC Layer (L2) in wireless broadband system based on WiMAX IEEE802.16. The analysis is focused on overhead and efficiency of MAC Management Message and derived for mesh topology. The Mesh topology is evaluated concerning both existing types of scheduling - centralized and distributed - and their performance is compared. Some parameters, which deduced to have considerable influences i.e. the number of subscriber stations in the network, number of hops, various modulation and coding, and length of MAC PDUs, are assigned as the overhead parameters. The results show those parameters have significant impact on the efficiency of MAC layer.

  • The study of IMS functionality in femtocell environment
    Melvi Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Ardian Ulvan

    In this paper, the deployment of IMS functionality in femtocell environment is investigated and overviewed. Femtocell is a small cellular base station designed for use in residential or small business environments. It allows service providers to extend service coverage inside of our home, especially where the existing access is limited or unavailable. In the mean time, the IMS, as emerging framework of fixed and mobile convergence, provides the functionalities that accommodate current and future services in wired and wireless networks (e.g. voice, video and data transfers). Configuring the IMS framework in new approach of network architecture such as femtocell and designing the femtocell network to support IMS services is quite demanding. Some possible network design will be discussed. In this paper we concern on the investigation of IMS SIP signalling when it works on femtocell environment. Another critical issue such as the delay properties of session establishment signalling is also interesting to be discussed. The IMS-based and Cellularbased approaches for the integration of femtocells system and IMS core network are discussed.

  • Delay performance of session establishment signaling in IP multimedia subsystem
    Melvi Ulvan and Robert Bestak

    In this paper we investigate and analyze SIP delay during the session establishment signaling process in the IMS system. The delay for end-to-end link scenarios such as WiMAX-to-WiMAX, UMTS- to-UMTS, UMTS-to-WiMAX and vice versa are examined. For the analysis, we consider three types of delays: transmission delay, processing delay and queuing delay. The results show that the main delay of session establishment signaling process is due to the processing delay. In addition, the lower channel rate in the UMTS network as well as IMS service rate has significant impact to the session establishment signaling delay. In this paper, we review and analyze the delay of the session establishment signaling process. We present the structure of session establishment signaling process that is based on the standard. We analyze the delay, not only during the IMS processes where the S-CSCF, P-CSCF, I-CSCF and HSS take part, but also the transmission delay and the delay when the SIP messages are queued in the network. The transmission delay is analyzed as end-to-end delay where the source terminal (ST) and the destination terminal (DT) are either UMTS or WiMAX terminals. In term of transmission delay, the RLC (Radio Link Control) delay at the UMTS network and the non RLC delay at the WiMAX network are considered. The queuing delay is analyzed for the M/M/1 scheme. We also examine which delay among the transmission, processing and queuing delays that contributes the most significant delay in the system.

  • Analysis of session establishment signaling delay in IP multimedia subsystem
    Melvi Ulvan and Robert Bestak

    Springer Berlin Heidelberg