- Numerical Implementation of Direct and Reverse Flow for Plate Heat Exchanger.
HS Majdi, WK Hasan, MA Mahmood Hussein, LJ Habeeb
Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (2) 2023
WKH Mohammed Ali Mahmood Hussein
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022
- Temperature-dependent mechanical properties ofAl/Cu nanocomposites under tensile loading viamolecular dynamics method
IIM Mohammed Ali Abdulrehman*, Mohammed Ali Mahmood Hussein
Curved and Layered Structures 9 (1), 96-104 2022
- Mixed convection around a circular cylinder in a buoyancy-opposing flow
MAM Hussein
Design Engineering 2021 (8), 10353-10371 2021
- Natural convection heat transfer in a concentric annulus vertical cylinders embedded with porous media
MA Mahmood, MA Mustafa, MM Al-Azzawi, AR Abdullah
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 66 (2 2020
- New environmental friendly corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution: Adsorption and thermal studies
TA Salman, QA Jawad, MAM Hussain, AA Al-Amiery, LM Shaker, ...
Cogent Engineering 7 (1), 1826077 2020
- Adsorption, temperature and corrosion inhibition studies of a coumarin derivatives corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in acidic medium: gravimetric and theoretical investigations
LMAAAA D.S. Zinad,1 Q.A. Jawad,2 M.A.M. Hussain,3 A. Mahal,4
Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib 9 (1), 134–151 2020
- The Influence of Water Temperature Change on Static Pressure in a Centrifugal Pump
MA Mahmood, MAS Mustafa, LJ Habeeb
2019 1st AL-Noor International Conference for Science and Technology (NICST 2019
- Numerical Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Two-Dimensional Rectangular Enclosure with Discrete Isothermal Heating from Bottom Side
LJH Mohammed Ali Mahmood Hussein1, Ameer Resan Kalash2, Ibtisam A. Al-Beldawee3*
International Journal of Heat and Technology 37 (No. 4), 1141-1150 2019
- Novel ecofriendly corrosion inhibition of mild steel in strong acid environment: Adsorption studies and thermal effects
AAHKMST T.A. Salman,1 Q.A. Jawad,2 M.A.M. Hussain,3 A.A. Al-Amiery,2* L. Mohamed
International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 8 (No. 4), 1123–1137 2019
- Isolation and Purification of Antimicrobial Peptides from the Blood of some Animals and the Study of its Antimicrobial Activity Against some Multidrug Resistant Pathogenic Bacteria
MA Mahmood, MA Essa
Rafidain journal of science 26 (1A) 2017
- Extraction of some Antimicrobial Peptides from Rubiaceae Flowers and Studying their Activity Against some Pathogenic Bacteria
MA Mahmood, MA Essa
Rafidain journal of science 25 (3A) 2014
- The Effect of Workers and Computers on the Indoor Air Flow in Office Room
M Mahmood, W Hasan
Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences (Print ISSN: 1681 2014
- Transient Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Al2O3-Water Nanofluid in Enclosure: A Numerical Study
WK Hasan, MA Mahmood
Int. Ref. J. Eng. Sci 3 (3), 41-50 2014
- Transient Three-dimensional natural convection in confined porous media with time-periodic boundary conditions
W Hasan, M Mahmood
Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences (Print ISSN: 1681 2013
- The effect of rotational speed variation on the velocity vectors in the single blade passage centrifugal pump (part 2)
MAM Hussein, WK Hasan
Continuity 17, 1 2013
- Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Enhancement from Trapezoidal Interrupted Pin-Fins
WK Hasan, MAM Hussein, AN Abdullah
- Experimental Investigation Of Thermal Performance And Climatological Parameters For Trough Parabolic Collector With Manual Tracking System
MA Mahmood, KA Khalaf, IM Abed, LJ Habeeb
- Amplitude Effects on Natural Convection in a Porous Enclosure having a Vertical Sidewall with Time-varying Temperature
LDWK Hasan, LDMA Mahmood
- The effect of rotational speed variation on the static pressure in the centrifugal pump (part 1)
MAM Hussein