Manal Ibrahim AlOhali

Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department



PhD in statistics


Statistics and Probability, Mathematics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Point and Interval Estimators of R = P[Y < X ] Based on Gompertz Distribution and Ranked Set Sampling Data

  • Estimation of reliability in a multicomponent stress- strength model based on generalized linear failure rate distribution
    M. KH. Hassan and M. I. Alohali

    Hacettepe University
    In this paper, we consider the problem of estimation reliability in multicomponent stress-strength model, when the system consists of $k$-components have strength are given by independently and identically distributed random variables $X_{1},...,X_{k}$ each component experiencing a random stress governed by a random variable $Y$. The reliability such system is obtained when strength and stress variables are given by a generalized linear failure rate distribution. The system is regarded as alive only if at least $s$ out of $k$ $(s<k)$ strength exceed the stress. The multicomponent reliability of the system is given by $R_{s,k}=P[$ at least $s$ of $X_{1},...,X_{k}$ exceed $Y]$. The maximum likelihood estimator $(MLE)$ and Bayes estimator of $R_{s,k}$ are obtained. A simulation study is performed to compare the different estimators of $R_{s,k}$. Real data is used as a practical application of the proposed procedure.


  • A new application of R = P[Y < X] for the inverse Lindley distribution using ranked set sampling
    MK Hassan, MI Alohali, FA Alojail
    Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 24 (8), 1713-1731 2021

  • Point and Interval Estimators of R= P [Y< X] Based on Gompertz Distribution and Ranked Set Sampling Data
    MK Hassan, MI Alohali, FA Alojail
    Thailand Statistician 19 (4), 784-796 2021

  • Validation of Messadi equation on viscosity-temperature dependence for some ternary liquid mixtures by statistical correlation analysis
    DH Alotaibi, E Mliki, N Vrinceanu, TK Srinivasa, ME Al-Ohali, AA Al-Arfaj, ...
    Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 58 (5), 590-602 2020

  • Estimation of reliability in a multicomponent stress-strength model based on generalized linear failure rate distribution
    MKH Hassan, MI Alohali
    Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 47 (6), 1634-1651 2018

  • Estimating the Completion time of Stochastic Activity networks with uniform distributed activity Times Archives Des Sciences Journal Vol 66 (4): 115-134
    YH Abdelkader, M Al-Ohali

  • Reliability equivalence factors in exponentiated exponential distribution
    MAO Abdelkader, Y. H., A. I. Shawky
    Wulfenia journal 20 (3), 75-85 2013

  • Estimating the Completion time of Stochastic Activity networks with uniform distributed activity Times
    MAO Abdelkader, Yousry H.
    Archives Des Sciences 66 (4) 2013

  • Reliability Equivalence of Independent Non-identical Parallel and Series Systems
    MIAO Y.H.Abdelkader, A.I .Shawky
    Life Science Journal 9 (3), 577-583 2012

  • Prediction in the Presence of Outliers and Random Sample Size from the Pareto Model
    AASME Al-Ohaly
    Proc. Of the Saudi Science Conference . KFUPM, 439-455 2001

  • Bayes 2-sample prediction for the Pareto distribution
    MEAO Ahmed A. Soliman
    Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 8 (1) 2000


  • Estimation of reliability in a multicomponent stress-strength model based on generalized linear failure rate distribution
    MKH Hassan, MI Alohali
    Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 47 (6), 1634-1651 2018
    Citations: 16

  • Reliability equivalence factors in exponentiated exponential distribution
    MAO Abdelkader, Y. H., A. I. Shawky
    Wulfenia journal 20 (3), 75-85 2013
    Citations: 15

  • Validation of Messadi equation on viscosity-temperature dependence for some ternary liquid mixtures by statistical correlation analysis
    DH Alotaibi, E Mliki, N Vrinceanu, TK Srinivasa, ME Al-Ohali, AA Al-Arfaj, ...
    Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 58 (5), 590-602 2020
    Citations: 7

  • A new application of R = P[Y < X] for the inverse Lindley distribution using ranked set sampling
    MK Hassan, MI Alohali, FA Alojail
    Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 24 (8), 1713-1731 2021
    Citations: 6

  • Estimating the Completion time of Stochastic Activity networks with uniform distributed activity Times
    MAO Abdelkader, Yousry H.
    Archives Des Sciences 66 (4) 2013
    Citations: 5

  • Bayes 2-sample prediction for the Pareto distribution
    MEAO Ahmed A. Soliman
    Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 8 (1) 2000
    Citations: 4

  • Estimating the Completion time of Stochastic Activity networks with uniform distributed activity Times Archives Des Sciences Journal Vol 66 (4): 115-134
    YH Abdelkader, M Al-Ohali
    Citations: 3

  • Reliability Equivalence of Independent Non-identical Parallel and Series Systems
    MIAO Y.H.Abdelkader, A.I .Shawky
    Life Science Journal 9 (3), 577-583 2012
    Citations: 3