Mechanical Engineering Education
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
teachers' professional identity, teacher learning, teacher knowledge, STEM Education, and TVET
Scopus Publications
Dedi Setiawan, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Sukarno Sukarno, Muhammad Nurtanto, Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid, and Mustofa Abi Hamid
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers in implementing pedagogical skills. The present study used a mixed methods approach. The participants in this study consisted of 55 highly effective educators employed in vocational secondary schools. The research data were acquired using effective teacher questionnaires, peer evaluations, observations, and comprehensive interviews. The findings indicated that a majority of highly effective educators possess a strong comprehension of the practical application of pedagogical competence. Nevertheless, a marginal disparity exists between academic knowledge and its practical application in the respective domain. The facilitation and support of teachers in the development of their pedagogic competences is a crucial responsibility of school principals. Effective and well-structured ongoing training is essential to bridge the divide between theoretical concepts and practical application, and to guarantee that educators possess the requisite expertise and understanding to tackle the demands of the current and future educational landscape. Hence, it is imperative to allocate resources towards teacher professional development and ensure the availability of sufficient assets in vocational secondary schools in order to attain educational excellence in Indonesia.
Suyitno Suyitno, Muhammad Nurtanto, Dwi Jatmoko, Yuli Widiyono, Riawan Yudi Purwoko, Fuad Abdillah, Setuju Setuju, and Yudan Hermawan
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Work-based learning (WBL) is an important tool for enhancing students' employability skills in vocational education and training. Many studies have underlined the importance of a variable of WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity in developing vocational students' employability skills. Nonetheless, the research is limited and examined separately. Therefore, this study investigates how WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity influence employability skills and how self-efficacy moderates between WBL and employability skills. Four hundred and three state university students in Yogyakarta were involved in the data collection. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis to test its hypothesis. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of WBL did not have a direct effect on employability skills; however, self-efficacy was able to moderate the relationship between WBL and employability skills. However, WBL directly influences vocational identity, which in turn directly influences employability skills, while self-efficacy also directly influences employability skills. This research has important implications for improving learning that can improve students' self-efficacy skills in an effort to build students' employability skills in vocational education and training.
Bernadeta Siti Rahayu Purwanti, Ihsan Auditia Akhinov, Raden Sugeng Mulyono, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Mustofa Abi Hamid
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
This study tackles a critical challenge in converting two-dimensional (2D) images into three-dimensional (3D) representations, focusing on the precise detection of flat surfaces. The research utilizes a triangulation method involving laser and camera systems, emphasizing the optimization of laser shooting angles and camera positioning to accurately determine z-coordinates. The methodology employs hue, saturation, and value (HSV) color masking, which has proven superior to traditional red, green, blue (RGB) methods for isolating red line objects. Key findings indicate that the optimal laser angle, β1=70.65°, significantly minimizes root mean square (RMS) error, thereby enhancing the accuracy of 3D imaging. Additionally, the use of three laser lines at different angles enables a more comprehensive detection of z-coordinates by creating multiple reference points across the surface. This arrangement improves the robustness and precision of the 3D reconstruction process, as the intersecting laser lines generate detailed coordinate data that is critical for accurately mapping surface irregularities. These results not only support existing theories in digital feature extraction but also offer a robust framework for practical applications in manufacturing and quality control, particularly in surface defect detection. The study’s innovative approach advances the field of computer vision, providing new insights and methodologies for optimizing image conversion techniques.
Triyanto Triyanto, Nur Kholifah, Muhammad Nurtanto, Hamid Ramadhan Nur, Ida Nugroho Saputro, Hanifah Nur Istanti, and Alicia Christy Zvereva Gadi
Malque Publishing
The research examines the role of pedagogical, evaluative, and technological dimensions (PET-D) in the success of e-learning platforms in higher education. Specifically, it focuses on fashion design students at Yogyakarta State University during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study explores how these dimensions contribute to the effectiveness of e-learning by enhancing the quality of information, learner control, beneficial interactions, and appropriate strategies. The study involved 472 fashion design students from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta who responded to a 28-item questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The data collected was statistically analyzed, and both the validity and reliability of the instruments were assessed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) followed by model fit tests. Findings indicate that all three dimensions pedagogy, evaluation, and technology - positively impact the effectiveness of e-learning. Interesting further findings include the positive contributions of a learning community and student satisfaction with available facilities towards online learning success. Additionally, design aesthetics and technology mastery were identified as key to accessing information resources. The study highlights the importance of comprehensive evaluation of online learning implementations, digital content, and accessibility to ensure e-learning success. It underscores the need for digital competencies, tailored teaching methods, and innovative e-learning platforms to enhance educational outcomes during the pandemic. The research is limited to a specific group of students and a single discipline, suggesting the need for broader studies across various fields and institutions. Future research should investigate the long-term impacts of e-learning post-pandemic, the integration of new technologies, and the challenges of digital access to fully understand the potential of e-learning in transforming higher education comprehensively.
Nur Kholifah, Muhammad Nurtanto, Gulzhaina K. Kassymova, Hani Subakti, and Mustofa Abi Hamid
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
This study investigates the innovative work behavior (IWB) of marine lecturers, considering work motivation (WM), organizational culture (OC), and soft skill competence (SSC). Data from 145 respondents representing ten higher education polytechnics in Indonesia were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Respondents answered 54 Likert-scale questions, revealing that SSC significantly shapes IWB (estimated value: 0.504), primarily through problem-solving ability. However, WM showed no significant impact on IWB, possibly due to non-influential dimensions like science, technology, environment, and society. Incorporating technological developments as moderating variables could enhance this relationship. Notably, SSC and OC exhibit crucial relationships with IWB, highlighting their importance over WM. These findings shed light on the complex dynamics influencing IWB among marine lecturers, emphasizing the significance of SSC and OC in fostering innovation in the maritime education sector.
Nur Kholifah, Muhammad Nurtanto, Farid Mutohhari, Urip Wahyuningsih, and Sri Listiani
Journal of Pedagogical Research
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Suyitno Suyitno, Singgih Fajar Iyanto, Dianna Ratnawati, Sulaeman Deni Ramdani, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Bayu Gilang Purnomo
AIP Publishing
Ali Rahmat, Hidayat, Kiki Kurniawan, Hari Hariadi, Latifa Nuraini, Aldiano Rahmadya, Hendra Prasetia, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Usep Suhendar
AIP Publishing
Achmad Samsudin, Nurul Azizah, Nuzulira Janeusse Fratiwi, Andi Suhandi, Irwandani Irwandani, Muhammad Nurtanto, Muhamad Yusup, Supriyatman Supriyatman, Masrifah Masrifah, Adam Hadiana Aminudin,et al.
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
Alternative conceptions become obstacles in physics. However, it is difficult to find instruments that can identify students' alternative conceptions, especially in gases kinetic theory (DIGaKiT). The purpose of this research was to development of diagnostic instrument of DIGaKiT in identifying students’ alternative conceptions by Rasch analysis model. The research method used the defining, designing, developing, and disseminating (4D). The samples are 31 students (12 male students and 19 female students, their ages were typically 16 years old) at one of the senior high schools at Belitung. Rasch analysis was used to identify the validity, reliability, and distribution of students' alternative conceptions. The result is that the level of validity and reliability of the instrument is in a good category. Meanwhile, alternative conceptions of the kinetic theory of gases can be identified in all questions, and the questions with the highest alternative conceptions are questions with code Q11 (77%) and the lowest are questions with codes Q1, Q5, and Q6 (4%). Therefore, teachers must design learning processes that can reduce students’ alternative conceptions of the kinetic theory of gases material.
A. Muthumari, C. Sushama, Suresh Kumar Grandhi, Ashish Kaushal, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Mohana Sundaram K
The integrity of welded joints is a crucial influence in the field of structural engineering, as it has significant implications for the dependability and safety of diverse sectors, including aerospace, automotive, and construction. In order to ensure the optimal performance of welded joints, it is important to evaluate their microstructural features. This paper explains a novel methodology for investigating the integrity of welded joints by employing microstructural characterization with the use of a deep encoder. The deep encoder is a neural network design that has exhibited exceptional skills in applications related to image processing and feature extraction. In the course of our study, we modified this particular framework to examine microstructural pictures of welded joints, facilitating the acquisition of significant information pertaining to their structural soundness. The methodology employed in this study entails the acquisition of high-resolution images of welded connections, often obtained by the utilization of scanning electron microscopy or comparable imaging techniques. The findings of our investigation exhibit promise, as they offer a more precise and effective approach for evaluating the integrity of welded joints in contrast to conventional manual techniques.
Nur Kholifah, Muhammad Nurtanto, Farid Mutohhari, Hani Subakti, Muhammad Agphin Ramadhan, and Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid
Informa UK Limited
Amat Jaedun, Muhammad Nurtanto, Farid Mutohhari, Ida Nugroho Saputro, and Nur Kholifah
Informa UK Limited
Rihab Wit Daryono, Nur Hidayat, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Athok Fu'adi
Omnia Publisher SL
The discrepancy between competence and real work in engineering graduates can be resolved with cooperation by the construction industry. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the appropriate and required architectural engineering competencies with the current demands and conditions of the construction industry. So this study aims to analyze the determinants of competence and test the competency development model for architectural engineering graduates according to the needs of the construction industry. The research sample method is non-probability sampling using purposive sampling. The research sample consisted of 240 practitioners and trainers from 40 construction industry companies. The PLS-SEM technique was used to test the measurement and structural models (3 dimensions, 8 elements, 47 constructs/indicators, and 9 hypotheses). The competence of architecture graduates is determined by the dominant factor, namely Utilities and Building Construction (UBC1 & UBC2, λ = 89.90%), and Building Estimation and Costing (BEC7, λ = 73.30%) is the lowest factor. The ability of the structural model to explain architectural competency measurements is 36.20% in the moderate category. The predictive relevance value (Q²) explains 47.5% to 56.0% of the phenomena predicted in the field and explains the level of strength of the observed value in the structural model. Furthermore, 9 hypotheses from 8 dimensions have a positive and significant effect. The results of this study can be a recommendation for schools in the competency implementation model, and efforts to improve graduates' abilities and skills so that they can be absorbed by the construction industry and reduce unemployment.
Nur Kholifah, Muqarramah Sulaiman Kurdi, Muhammad Nurtanto, Farid Mutohhari, Moh Fawaid, and Tamil Selvan Subramaniam
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
The quality of learning for vocational teachers in Indonesia in the 21st century is still a very serious problem and has not yet received a practical solution. The prediction is that the self-efficacy of vocational teachers is weak and is motivated by very limited mastery of digital technology and low psychological well-being, which is strongly suspected as a contributing factor. This study examines the role of self-efficacy and mediation of digital technology intimacy and psychological well-being in improving the quality of vocational teacher learning. This research is an ex-post-facto study with 216 vocational teachers as respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire technique consisting of digital technology intimacy (DTI), psychological well-being (PWB), self-efficacy (SE), and instructional quality (IQ) questionnaires using four Likert scales, namely strongly agree to strongly disagree. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis techniques with path analysis and bootstrap methods. The results of the study revealed that SE had a significant and positive effect on DTI and PWB in influencing the quality of learning. On the other hand, DTI and PWB have a positive effect on self-efficacy and learning quality.
Rihab Wit Daryono, Muhammad Agphin Ramadhan, Nur Kholifah, Fajar Danur Isnantyo, and Muhammad Nurtanto
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
The low work readiness of vocational education (VE) graduates is caused by a mismatch of competencies with job demands. The unemployment rate for VE graduates is increasing due to low competency mastery and job absorption. The purpose of this study is to determine the competency needs of architectural engineering graduates according to the current demand for the construction industry. The research sample consisted of 193 respondents consisting of VE teachers and practitioners from the construction industry in Indonesia. The Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) analysis is used for the evaluation of the structural models of architectural engineering competency demands. The results of the analysis test using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) show that the construct validity of the evaluation model is in a good category. The evaluation model testing met the statistical criteria of goodness of fit. The model substantially explains 89.75% of the various competencies that must be mastered by architectural engineering graduates and suitable for use in Indonesia and other countries.
Muhammad Nurtanto, Putu Sudira, Herminarto Sofyan, Nur Kholifah, and Pardjono
AIP Publishing
Widarto Widarto, , Muhammad Nurtanto, Arif Bintoro Johan, Aci Primartadi, Fajar Danur Isnantyo, , , , and
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology
Abstract: Employability Skills (ES) are a key component of prospective workers to be accepted to work in industry, especially manufacturing. However, the Employability Skills in Vocational Education Diploma (ES-VED) implementation has not been identified, and no standard pattern is in line with the manufacturing industry. The purpose of the study is to explore the perceptions of the lecturers of the student internship program coordinator at VED regarding the understanding, implementation, and strategies of employability skills. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with five VED lecturers: Yogyakarta State University, Surakarta State University, Industrial Mechanical Engineering Academy in Solo, Semarang Polytechnic, and Subang Polytechnic. Data analysis used qualitative thematic data. The study findings reveal that employability skills are identified as software, career skills, and added value. Furthermore, employability skills consist of six components, Including Teamwork Skills (TWS), Problem-Solving Skills (PSS), Planning and Organizing Skills (POS), Management Skills and Occupational Health and Safety (MS-OHS), Initiative Skills (IEs), and Communication Skills (CnS). A strong relationship based on the Pearson CorrelationCoefficient (PCC) is Planning and Organizing Skills to Management Skills and Occupational Health and Safety of 0.852. Strengthening employability skills to the challenges of industry 4.0 is carried out through equalizing industry-based curricula, digitizing technology, developing human resources, and digitizing learning management. Keywords: employability skills, manufacturing industry, soft skills, vocational education diploma
Farid Mutohhari, , Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Putu Sudira, Muhammad Nurtanto, Nur Kholifah, , , , and
Penerbit UTHM
The importance of intention in producing graduates who are ready for entrepreneurship has not been addressed indepth invocational education. The lack of entrepreneurial personality that is supported by technological competence is the main problem. In addition, low social and psychological capital is a consequence of theseproblems. This study examines the determination of the influence of social and psychological capital, and entrepreneurial personality on entrepreneurial intentions. In addition, the entrepreneurial personality is tested for its role as a mediator and the moderating effect of technological competence is tested, which includes technological capacity and capability. Ex-post facto research was conducted involving 647 participants. Data were collected through the entrepreneurial intention scale questionnaire. SEM analysis was used to test the direct effect relationship based on the path coefficient and the mediation and moderating effect based on the bootstrap results. Findings revealed that social and psychological capital, and entrepreneurial personality have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurial personality plays a significant role in mediating the effect of social capital, but not on the influence of psychological capital. Meanwhile, capacity and capability only play a significant role in moderating the influence of social capital, even though technological capabilities are cansignificantly moderate entrepreneurial personality. These results indicate the importance of social and psychological capital, and entrepreneurial personality as an important foundation for the formation of entrepreneurial intentions in vocational education students. On the other hand, technological competence is very important in strengthening social capital to stimulate the growth of entrepreneurial intentions.
Dwi Jatmoko, Suyitno Suyitno, Mohamad Sattar, Muhammad Nurtanto, Nur Kholifah, Alias Masek, and Hamid Ramadhan
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
<p style="text-align: justify;">In the future, vocational students will face all changes and developments in technology and information. In this context, students' digital literacy skills need to be trained to adapt to the demands of the world of work. This article aims to present the results of a study on factors that can improve the digital literacy practice for vocational students as a roadmap for digital learning in the current era. The sampling technique used purposive random sampling of 8 Vocational Schools in East Java Province, Indonesia. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 355 second-year students. The study has found that online learning, motivation, and technology introduction are influenced by students' digital literacy practices, while teacher readiness and infrastructure must be mediated by online learning. The findings in this study indicate that collaboration from various parties is needed from teachers, school administrators, and policymakers in planning learning that focuses on students' digital abilities.</p>
Mochamad Bruri Triyono, , Farid Mutohhari, Nur Kholifah, Muhammad Nurtanto, Hani Subakti, Kiftian Hady Prasetya, , , ,et al.
Penerbit UTHM
The rapid development of technology and digitalization in today's era has affected many aspects of life, including business and entrepreneurship. On the other hand, vocational education also has an essential role in preparing reliable and qualified human resources in this field. However, the main problem is the absence of entrepreneurial orientation and digital competency support in vocational education. In addition, low social and psychological capital results fromthis problem. This research aims to measure the role of social capital (SC) and psychological capital (PC) on entrepreneurial orientation (EO). Together they influence entrepreneurial intention (EI). In addition, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) was tested for its role as a mediator and tested for the moderating effect of digital competence (DC). This study used a quantitative research method with an ex post facto approach involving 757 vocational education student respondents. Data was collected through an Entrepreneurial Intentions questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5 (strongly disagree to agree strongly). SEM analysis tests the direct effect based on the path coefficient and the mediating and moderating effect based on the bootstrap results. The study results reveal that social capital (SC) and psychological capital (PC) and entrepreneurial orientation(EO)are significant in entrepreneurial intentions(EI). Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is essential in mediating social and psychological capital's influence in determining intentions. Digital competence (DC) can prove its moderating role significantly in its interaction with entrepreneurial orientation(EO)in determining intentions. In addition, social capital (SC) and psychological capital (PC) andentrepreneurial orientation (EO) as the basis for forming entrepreneurial intentions(EI)in vocational education students. The recommendation from the study is that vocational education providers need to increase the use of technology in learning, provide entrepreneurship education and training programs and build networks with local business communities.
Moh. Fawaid, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Thomas Sukardi, and Muhammad Nurtanto
AIP Publishing
Muhammad Nurtanto, Putu Sudira, and Herminarto Sofyan
AIP Publishing
Rabiman Rabiman, Dianna Ratnawati, Endang Wani Karyaningsih, Muhammad Nurtanto, Herminarto Sofyan, and Herman Dwi Surjono
AIP Publishing
Wahyudi Wahyudi, Putu Sudira, Farid Mutohhari, Muhammad Nurtanto, and Hamid Ramadhan Nur
AIP Publishing