Dr. Nabajyoti Saikia


Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Basic Sciences
The Assam Kaziranga University




M. Sc. in Chemistry; PhD in Chemistry


Multidisciplinary, Process Chemistry and Technology, Ceramics and Composites, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment


Permeable cement composites for water purification Cement based eco-materials from waste materials

Applications Invited

Preparation of energy efficient LC3 type cement using low quality limestone deposits using; Magnesium Silicate Hydrate based composites materials and applications

Applications Invited

Biomass conversion (thermo-chemical and enzymatic) into biofuels and biochemicals using (nano)catalysts

Applications Invited

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications


  • Effect of Co and Ni impregnated ZSM-5 catalyst on pyrolysis products of Tithonia diversifolia: Kinetic study and thermodynamics
    N Bhuyan, N Bora, K Boruah, ND Choudhury, N Saikia, R Kataki
    Process Safety and Environmental Protection 185, 807-816 2024

  • Assessment of kinetic parameters, mechanisms and thermodynamics of Tithonia diversifolia pyrolysis
    N Bhuyan, ND Choudhury, BK Dutta, K Upadhyaya, N Saikia, R Kataki
    Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 13 (4), 2703-2718 2023

  • Synthesis and applications of magnetic nanoparticles in the ultrasound assisted oxidative degradation of methylene blue
    PM Bhuyan, J Phukon, BK Saikia, N Saikia
    ACMS 2022, April 14-16, 2022, IIChE, Kolkata 2022

  • Evaluation of the effect of high sulfur subbituminous coal on the devolatilization of biomass residue by using model free, model fitting and combined kinetic methods
    HP Nath, BK Dutta, D Kalita, BK Saikia, N Saikia
    Fuel 310, 122235 2022

  • Production of bio-oil from coir pith via pyrolysis: kinetics, thermodynamics, and optimization using response surface methodology
    ND Choudhury, N Bhuyan, N Bordoloi, N Saikia, R Kataki
    Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 11, 2881-2898 2021

  • Removal of methylene blue from water using okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) mucilage modified biochar
    H Nath, A Saikia, PJ Goutam, BK Saikia, N Saikia
    Bioresource Technology Reports 14, 100689 2021

  • A comprehensive study on the transition metal–catalysed pyrolysis kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanisms of bamboo powder
    HP Nath, BK Dutta, N Bhuyan, BK Saikia, N Saikia
    Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-15 2021

  • Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal
    K Konwar, HP Nath, N Bhuyan, BK Saikia, RC Borah, AC Kalita, N Saikia
    Fuel 256, 115926 2019

  • Recycling of industrial and municipal solid wastes in cement-based applications
    N Saikia
    Advances in Waste Management: Select Proceedings of Recycle 2016, 17-30 2019

  • Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry
    M Gogoi, K Konwar, N Bhuyan, RC Borah, AC Kalita, HP Nath, N Saikia
    Bioresource Technology Reports 4, 40-49 2018

  • Effects of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a sub-bituminous high-sulphur coal
    M Saikia, AA Ali, RC Borah, MS Bezbarua, BK Saikia, N Saikia
    Energy, Ecology and Environment 3, 251-265 2018

  • pH dependent leachings of some trace metals and metalloid species from lead smelter slag and their fate in natural geochemical environment
    N Saikia, RR Borah, K Konwar, C Vandecastelee
    Groundwater for Sustainable Development 7, 348-358 2018

  • Use of a plant based polymeric material as a low cost chemical admixture in cement mortar and concrete preparations
    A Hazarika, I Hazarika, M Gogoi, SS Bora, RR Borah, PJ Goutam, ...
    Journal of Building Engineering 15, 194-202 2018

  • The effect of a plant based polymeric material on the fresh and hardened states properties of cement mortar
    A Hazarika, I Hazarika, N Saikia
    1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable 2016

  • Pre-treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash for utilisation in cement mortar
    N Saikia, G Mertens, K Van Balen, J Elsen, T Van Gerven, ...
    Construction and Building Materials 96, 76-85 2015

  • Mechanical properties and abrasion behaviour of concrete containing shredded PET bottle waste as a partial substitution of natural aggregate
    N Saikia, J De Brito
    Construction and building materials 52, 236-244 2014

  • Use of construction and demolition waste as aggregate: Properties of concrete
    J Brito, N Saikia
    Recycled Aggregate in Concrete, 229-337 2013

  • Construction and demolition waste aggregates
    J de Brito, N Saikia, J de Brito, N Saikia
    Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and 2013

  • Industrial waste aggregates
    J de Brito, N Saikia, J de Brito, N Saikia
    Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and 2013

  • Use of Construction and Demolition Waste as Aggregate: Properties of Concrete
    J de Brito, N Saikia, J de Brito, N Saikia
    Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and 2013


  • Use of plastic waste as aggregate in cement mortar and concrete preparation: A review
    N Saikia, J De Brito
    Construction and Building Materials 34, 385-401 2012
    Citations: 770

  • Mechanical properties and abrasion behaviour of concrete containing shredded PET bottle waste as a partial substitution of natural aggregate
    N Saikia, J De Brito
    Construction and building materials 52, 236-244 2014
    Citations: 571

  • Recycled aggregate in concrete: use of industrial, construction and demolition waste
    J De Brito, N Saikia
    Springer Science & Business Media 2012
    Citations: 467

  • Influence of curing conditions on the mechanical performance of concrete containing recycled plastic aggregate
    L Ferreira, J De Brito, N Saikia
    Construction and Building Materials 36, 196-204 2012
    Citations: 260

  • Characterization, beneficiation and utilization of a kaolinite clay from Assam, India
    NJ Saikia, DJ Bharali, P Sengupta, D Bordoloi, RL Goswamee, PC Saikia, ...
    Applied clay science 24 (1-2), 93-103 2003
    Citations: 257

  • Production of cement clinkers from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash
    N Saikia, S Kato, T Kojima
    Waste Management 27 (9), 1178-1189 2007
    Citations: 249

  • Waste polyethylene terephthalate as an aggregate in concrete
    N Saikia, J Brito
    Materials Research 16, 341-350 2013
    Citations: 247

  • Influence of curing conditions on the durability-related performance of concrete made with selected plastic waste aggregates
    RV Silva, J de Brito, N Saikia
    Cement and Concrete Composites 35 (1), 23-31 2013
    Citations: 235

  • Assessment of Pb-slag, MSWI bottom ash and boiler and fly ash for using as a fine aggregate in cement mortar
    N Saikia, G Cornelis, G Mertens, J Elsen, K Van Balen, T Van Gerven, ...
    Journal of Hazardous materials 154 (1-3), 766-777 2008
    Citations: 162

  • Pre-treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash for utilisation in cement mortar
    N Saikia, G Mertens, K Van Balen, J Elsen, T Van Gerven, ...
    Construction and Building Materials 96, 76-85 2015
    Citations: 137

  • Thermogravimetric investigation on the chloride binding behaviour of MK–lime paste
    N Saikia, S Kato, T Kojima
    Thermochimica Acta 444 (1), 16-25 2006
    Citations: 110

  • Compositions and leaching behaviours of combustion residues
    N Saikia, S Kato, T Kojima
    Fuel 85 (2), 264-271 2006
    Citations: 96

  • Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry
    M Gogoi, K Konwar, N Bhuyan, RC Borah, AC Kalita, HP Nath, N Saikia
    Bioresource Technology Reports 4, 40-49 2018
    Citations: 88

  • Bricks from petroleum effluent treatment plant sludge: properties and environmental characteristics
    P Sengupta, N Saikia, PC Borthakur
    Journal of Environmental Engineering 128 (11), 1090-1094 2002
    Citations: 87

  • Cementitious properties of metakaolin–normal Portland cement mixture in the presence of petroleum effluent treatment plant sludge
    NJ Saikia, P Sengupta, PK Gogoi, PC Borthakur
    Cement and Concrete Research 32 (11), 1717-1724 2002
    Citations: 68

  • Kinetics of dehydroxylation of kaolin in presence of oil field effluent treatment plant sludge
    N Saikia, P Sengupta, PK Gogoi, PC Borthakur
    Applied clay science 22 (3), 93-102 2002
    Citations: 63

  • Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal
    K Konwar, HP Nath, N Bhuyan, BK Saikia, RC Borah, AC Kalita, N Saikia
    Fuel 256, 115926 2019
    Citations: 50

  • Hydration behaviour of lime–co-calcined kaolin–petroleum effluent treatment plant sludge
    NJ Saikia, P Sengupta, PK Gogoi, PC Borthakur
    Cement and Concrete Research 32 (2), 297-302 2002
    Citations: 49

  • Use of a plant based polymeric material as a low cost chemical admixture in cement mortar and concrete preparations
    A Hazarika, I Hazarika, M Gogoi, SS Bora, RR Borah, PJ Goutam, ...
    Journal of Building Engineering 15, 194-202 2018
    Citations: 43

  • Hydration behaviour of ecocement in presence of metakaolin
    N Saikia, A Usami, S Kato, T Kojima
    Resources Processing 51 (1), 35-41 2004
    Citations: 41


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CSIR-NEIST Jorhat, CPP-IPR Guwahati, Tezpur University, Tezpur.