Nital Patel

Assistant Professor, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Nirma University


Soft Sensor development for wastewater treatment plant


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Crop Irrigation and monitoring System using Programmable logic Controller

  • Soft Sensor for TSS in Effluent of Primary Clarifier of Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant
    Nital Patel, Jayesh Ruparelia, and Jayesh Barve

    Springer Singapore

  • Powertrain modelling and range analysis for all terrain electric vehicles

  • Development of a slow controller based prototype for data acquisition and control system for fusion research and development
    Palak Uday Shimpee, Himanshu Tyagi, and Nital Patel

    Nuclear fusion is the upcoming trend to develop high power and meet the energy requirements in the world. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a megaproject to develop a reactor producing high amount of power through nuclear fusion. For the fusion experiments, a neutral beam having a duty cycle of 3S ON/ 20S OFF and is modulated at 5Hz, having current of 18–20 A at 100 KeV of energy. Data Acquisition and Control System is required to acquire the samples for duration of 3600sec during the research process. Hence research and development works are being carried out for the development of slow controller [1] based prototype that can handle almost 400 signals for further evaluation and usage in Indian Fusion programs The slow control system is based on PLC. The control system software will be based on CODAC [2, 3, 4] software which is platform developed by ITER as a standard Instrumentation and Control framework. It has archiving facility that allows storing data for further use. The slow control system has to be set up where both components Control and data acquisition will communicate with each other.

  • Modelling, simulation and validation of continuous sedimentation process
    Neel Patel, Nital Patel, and Jayesh Barve

    One-dimensional model of continuous sedimentation process is presented in this paper. The proposed model is based upon 1-dimensional discretization of sedimentation tank into number of layers along its height. A point source and distributed source models are compared. Investigation of concentration at various layers of the tank is carried out. A preliminary tuning and validation of the proposed model is carried out by considering sedimentation tank that is a part of clari-flocculator process located at real-life waste-water treatment plant of the Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Ahmedabad. The model presented in this work is proposed to subsequently couple with flocculation model and to develop suitable process control applications like soft sensors to predict the relevant pollutants in the effluent of primary clarifier, automated flocculent dosage.