Nuning Rahmawati

Research Center for Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Traditional Medicine
National Research and Innovation Agency



Master of Science on Pharmacy


Medicinal plant and traditional medicine


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Ethnomedical uses of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. and Thomson in indigenous traditional medicine among Indonesia ethnic groups
    Nuning Rahmawati, Ika Yanti M Sholikhah, Rohmat Mujahid, Yuli Widiyastuti, Agung Endro Nugroho, and Abdul Rohman

    Open Science Publishers LLP
    Cananga odorata, commonly known as ylang-ylang, is an evergreen perennial tropical tree belonging to the Annonaceae family, which is traditionally and scientifically reported to have various pharmacological activities. This indigenous medicine study was carried out to document the traditional usage of C. odorata for medicinal reasons by Indonesian ethnic groups. This is one of numerous initiatives aimed at preserving indigenous knowledge and medical practices maintained by the community. Data were acquired during 2015 and 2017 through in-depth interviews with selected traditional healers from each ethnic group throughout 34 Indonesian provinces, who were chosen using a purposive sampling approach based on inclusion criteria. The information gathered includes the demographic data of healers, medicinal plants used, potions, and their applications for health purposes. Following the completion of the interview with the informant, specimens of medicinal plants were collected. Data quantification was accomplished by examining the value of plant parts and doing a simple ranking analysis for multihealth purposes. This study revealed 42 traditional applications of C. odorata by 36 traditional healers from 28 ethnic groups in 16 provinces to overcome 18 diseases. Cananga odorata was primarily obtained from the woodland instead of the house garden and other environments. Skin disease was identified as the most prevalent indication of C. odorata, in agreement with the most commonly employed administration method, the external route. Leaves became the foremost prominent plant part utilized by healers. This study emphasized the significant role of traditional healers in healing various illnesses with C. odorata and the variations in C. odorata ethnomedical usage as a traditional remedy in Indonesia. Nonetheless, cultivating initiatives should be started as more than 60% of identified C. odorata has yet to be grown. The study’s findings are likely to benefit various stakeholders, serve as baseline data for further studies on the efficacy and safety of C. odorata, and contribute to efforts for developing health products that employ C. odorata.

  • Traditional uses of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) based on ethnomedicine study in 254 Indonesia ethnic groups
    CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR)

  • Medicinal plants utilized for fitness disorders treatment by ethnic groups in Papua and West Papua Province, Indonesia
    Dian Susanti, Nuning Rahmawati, Ika Yanti M. Sholikhah, Rohmat Mujahid, Dyah Subositi, Harto Widodo, Yuli Widiyastuti, and Sari Haryanti

    Open Science Publishers LLP
    Papua is one of Indonesia’s islands with a large biological wealth, including medicinal plants. This study aimed to identify the utilization of medicinal plants by selected traditional healers who met inclusion criteria to treat fitness disorders in ethnic groups of Papua and West Papua. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and sample collection. Data quantification was done by analyzing the use value parameters, simple preference ranking exercise, multi-health purpose species rank, and the plant parts value. This study revealed 43 concoction information details and identified the use of 24 plant species distributed in 19 families among 19 healers in 10 ethnic groups in Papua and West Papua. Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (12.12%) and leaves (57.35%) were determined as the most prominent species and plant parts used. Morinda citrifolia was identified as the species with the biggest number of other treatable diseases, with a total score of 85. The most used plant families were Myrtaceae and Poaceae, each with a percentage of 12.12%. The study showed the critical role of medicinal plants and traditional healers in community health. However, conservation efforts must be initiated immediately since almost 40% of traditional healers still harvest the available plants and make no cultivation efforts.

  • Application of Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Quality Controls of Fats and Oils: A Review
    Anjar Windarsih, Lily Arsanti Lestari, Yuny Erwanto, Anggita Rosiana Putri, Irnawati, Nurrulhidayah Ahmad Fadzillah, Nuning Rahmawati, and Abdul Rohman

    Informa UK Limited

  • Review on ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe): phytochemical composition, biological activities and authentication analysis
    A.A. Styawan, R.A. Susidarti, Purwanto, A. Windarsih, N. Rahmawati, I.K.M. Sholikhah, and A. Rohman

    Rynnye Lyan Resources
    Zingiber officinale Roscoe, known as ginger has been widely used as a spice in food application and as a herbal component in traditional medicine. Its rhizome is known to have bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, flavonoid compounds, and essential oils which are responsible for pharmacological activities. Gingerol is the major phenolic compound in the ginger rhizome which consist of gingerol, shogaol, paradol, zingerol, gingerones, and gingerdiones. Other compounds such as polysaccharides, amino acids, organic acids, and minerals are also present. Ginger provides health advantages for humans because of its biological activities such as antioxidant, antiinflammation, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antihyperlipidemic, antiobesity, and hepatoprotective activities. Products developed from ginger rhizomes were used in foods, beverages, and herbal medicine. Due to its functional values and its wide application, it is very important to ensure its authenticity. Authentication is important for quality control because it is related to the safety, efficacy, and quality of the products. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), DNA-based method, and vibrational spectroscopy combined with chemometrics of multivariate analysis have been successfully used for ginger authentication. This review highlighted the phytochemical compositions, biological activities, and authentication analysis of ginger rhizome. Based on its biological activities, ginger is a good source of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

  • Genetic Diversity and Chemicals Profile of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) in Indonesia
    Dyah Subositi, Harto Widodo, Rohmat Mujahid, Nuning Rahmawati, Fanie Indrian Mustofa, Sari Haryanti, Ika Yanti Marfuatush Sholikhah, Anshary Maruzy, and Yuli Widiyastuti

    Insight Society

  • Ficus septica, an ecosystem keystone species induced ROS-mediated cytotoxicity in HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cells
    S Haryanti, N Rahmawati, I Y M Sholikhah, and Y Widiyastuti

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Ficus septica grows all around Indonesia, as one of the key species in various ecosystem types. This plant is a food resource and habitat for some animals. This study aimed to examine cytotoxic activity of F. septica extract in HepG2 cells. The leaves powder was macerated using ethanol 96%. Cytotoxic activity was evaluated by MTT assay. The determination of cell cycle profile and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were done by flow cytometry. The extract inhibited the growth of HepG2 and Vero cells with an IC50 of 50.9 and 286.2 µg/mL, while doxorubicin 0.8 and 12.8 µg/mL. The selectivity index of the extract and doxorubicin was 5.6 and 16 respectively. The extract triggered cell cycle arrest in HepG2 at the G0/G1 phase, whereas doxorubicin in the S phase. The extract and doxorubicin significantly increased intracellular ROS in HepG2, but not in normal Vero cells. In conclusion, our findings suggest that F. septica induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells is mediated by excessive ROS generation leading to oxidative stress.

  • Genetic characterization of iler (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) based on RAPD molecular marker
    D Subositi, D Rosdiana, A Yuniaty, D Susanti, A Maruzy, and N W Rahmawati

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Iler (Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) is an ornamental plant and also used as medicinal plant. The plant is one of medicinal plant for anti hemorrhoids Jamu Saintifik herbal formula in B2P2TOOT Indonesian Ministry of Health. This will lead to commercialization opportunities in herbal drug industry that recently has become increasingly popular. With the emergence of substitution and adulteration of herbal drug and the lack of information on coleus genetic diversity which may result in misidentification, this research was conducted to determine Iler genetic characteristics using RAPD markers. The genomic DNA was extracted from 15 accessions of iler and 3 accessions from genus Plectranthus as an outgroup. Six selected RAPD primers were used in amplification. Dice similarity index was used to calculate similarity index followed by cluster analysis and dendrogram contruction using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA). The results showed 52 DNA fragments were produce within the size range 293-2,667 bp and polymorphism level among accessions at 94.23%. Cluster results results in genetic diversity ranging from 40.45-97.87% and a dendogram that shows clustering trend of Iler accessions based on the similarity of morphological characters such as leaf shape and color.

  • Medicinal plant utilization for hypercholesterolemia by traditional healers in Java island
    N Rahmawati, F I Mustofa, S Haryanti, and R Mujahid

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This ethnomedicinal study aimed to reveal the medicinal plant utilization as traditional medicine for preventing as well as treating hypercholesterolemia by traditional healers in Java Island including Banten, Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java and Central Java Province of Indonesia. Data was collected based on purposive random sampling among five selected traditional healers in each ethnic in 2015. The results exhibited as of 38 medicinal plant species distributed in 24 families showed to have a pharmacological effect on treating hypercholesterolemia whereas Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. and Zingiberaceae were identified as the most prominent medicinal plant and family used by traditional healers. The most frequent plant part used was leaves (34.5%) followed by rhizomes (17.3%), fruits (12.7%), and others. Most medicinal plants were gained from house yard (37.6%) with planting efforts as of 45.9%. The most prescribed method by traditional healers was by drinking the formula (97.2%) as many as two times a day (59.63%). The study clearly demonstrated whether traditional healers had a pivotal role in overcoming ailments and disease especially hypercholesterolemia in Java Island.

  • Medicinal plants and practices of rongkong traditional healers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Fanie Indrian Mustofa, Nuning Rahmawati, and Aminullah

    UNS Solo
    Abstract. Mustofa FI, Rahmawati N, Aminullah. 2020. Medicinal plants and practices of Rongkong Traditional Healers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 642-651. Ethnomedicine reflects the fusion of tradition, natural resources, and local knowledge of the community in maintaining health. However, this knowledge is facing the threat of disappearance due to poor documentation and socio-cultural alteration. This study was conducted to find out information about species of plants used and related practices by traditional healers to overcome health problems. The study was conducted in Rongkong, North Luwu District, South Sulawesi Province. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed to obtain informants demographic data, species of medicinal plants, traditional medicine ingredients, parts used, methods of remedies preparation and use, as well as various ailments that can be treated by medicinal plants. The data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively, by calculating the family and species use-value. The study revealed medicinal plants used and practices by Rongkong traditional healers to treat 31 ailments. They used a total of 62 species of medicinal plants distributed among 33 botanical families and 55 genera. Allium cepa has the highest UV among all medicinal plants in Rongkong. Both traditional knowledge and medicinal plant diversity possessed by Rongkong community are valuable local assets that must be maintained and developed for greater benefits.

  • Diversity of medicinal plants utilized by to manui ethnic of central Sulawesi, Indonesia

    UNS Solo
    Abstract. Rahmawati N, Mustofa FI, Haryanti S. 2020. Diversity of medicinal plants utilized by To Manui ethnic of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 375-392. The present study reports the utilization of medicinal plants as medicines for the treatment of various diseases among the people of To Manui tribe in Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Data collecting was conducted based on purposive random sampling to five selected traditional healers who fulfilled some inclusion criteria. The results showed as of 89 species of medicinal plants distributed in 50 families and 80 genera have been documented to have any pharmacological effects against 37 diseases and illnesses. Curcuma longa L. was determined as the most frequent medicinal plant used by traditional healers in To Manui for treating diabetes mellitus as well as after-birth treatment. However, conservation of some medicinal plants needs to be initiated in the study area especially Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. as it is recognized in International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as Least Concern (LC) of conservation status.

  • Mechanism of action vasodilation Annona muricata L. leaves extract mediated vascular smooth muscles
    S Ismail, N Hayati, and N Rahmawati

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Annona muricata L. leaves (AML) is used as ethnomedicine by the Dayak Abai ethnicity in North Kalimantan for its already known use to reduce blood pressure. However, the mechanism of action in the vessel is still poorly understood. Aim study to prove the mechanism of action of AML in blood vessels. AML was extracted with a maceration technique using ethanol solvent. Mechanism of action test was performed with isolated rat aortic with endothelium (endo-intact) and without endothelium (endo-denuded). AML extract intervention on rats aorta with endo-intact and endo-denuded can induction vasodilatation activity. Increasing AML extract concentration can improve decrease vasodilatation activity on isolated rats aortic with endo-intact compared to endo-denuded, it means that endothelium can weaken vasodilatation activity of aorta mediated by vascular smooth muscle after the extract was given.

  • Phytochemicals and antidiabetic activity of Eusideroxylon zwageri stem bark collected from East Kalimantan, Indonesia
    I W Kusuma, Rahmini, R Ramadhan, N Rahmawati, R A Suwasono, and NM Sari

    IOP Publishing
    Eusideroxylon zwagery (Lauraceae), a tropical tree species known as ulin or borneo iron wood and traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes in the Ethnic of Kutai. Plant extract was prepared by maceration using ethanol. The plant extract was evaluated its DPPH and superoxide radicals scavenging activity, the inhibition on α-glucosidase and α-amylase activity as antidiabetic potential and the analysis of the total phenolic, total flavonoids and proanthocyanidin contents. The ethanolic extract of the stem bark was 8.62% on the dry weight basis. The IC50 values of antioxidant activity of the extract in DPPH and superoxide radical scavenging mechanisms were 44.90 µg/ml and 30.47 µg/ml. In antidiabetic assay, the E. zwageri stem bark extract showed IC50 value 58.45µg/ml in ɑ-glucosidase inhibition, and 9.04 µg/ml in ɑ-amylase inhibition. Quercetin, an antidiabetic activity-having flavonoid, displayed IC50 values 2.00 µg/ml and 4.04 µg/ml in ɑ-glucosidase and ɑ-amylase inhibitory assays. In phytochemical assay, the extract had 31.28 GAE/g extract (mg), 30.48 CE/g extract (mg) and 183.3 PE/g extract (mg) for the total phenolic, total flavonoid and total proanthocyanidin contents. The limited reports of E. zwageri indicated the needs to search the active compounds from plant as potential antidiabetic agents by considering plant conservation status.

  • Gastroprotective Effect of Combination of Hot Water Extracts of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pulasari Stem Bark (Alyxia reinwardtii), and Sembung Leaf (Blumea balsamifera) Against Aspirin-Induced Gastric Ulcer Model Rats
    Agung Endro Nugroho, Agustin Wijayanti, Mutmainah Mutmainah, Rina Susilowati, and Nuning Rahmawati

    SAGE Publications
    Licorice ( Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pulasari stem bark ( Alyxia reinwardtii) and Sembung leaf ( Blumea balsamifera) are traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. The aim of the study was to investigate gastroprotective effect of hot water extracts combination of those herbal against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer model in rats. The combination consisted of fixed doses of Licorice 273 mg/kg BW and Sembung leaf 457.5 mg/kg BW, and also consisted of Pulasari stem in various doses i.e. 100 mg/kg BW (first group), 200 mg/kg BW (second and sixth group) and 300 mg/kg BW (third group). The fourth grup rats received sucralfate 360 mg/kg BW. Ten minute after seven consecutive days of drug administration, the rats were induced with aspirin 450 mg/kg BW except sixth group rats. The fifth group rats only received aspirin without any protective agents. The number and area of gastric ulcers were evaluated macroscopically. Whereas, histopatological observation was used for evaluation of mucosal damage score, and the number of eosinophils and mast cells. In the study, herbal extracts combination markedly exhibited protective effects indicated by less number and smaller area of gastric ulcers in comparison to those of aspirin group ( P < 0.05). The score of mucosal damages were also decreased in herbal extracts combination groups. The number of eosinophils and mast cells of herbal combination groups were observed to be smaller than those of aspirin group ( P < 0.05). In conclusion, herbal combination of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pulasari stem bark (Alyxia reinwardtii) and Sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera) is potential to develop as a gastroprotective agent.

  • Gastroprotective effects of combination of hot water extracts of turmeric (Curcuma domestica L.), cardamom pods (Ammomum compactum S.) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera DC.) against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer model in rats
    Mutmainah, Rina Susilowati, Nuning Rahmawati, and Agung Endro Nugroho

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the protective effect of the combination of turmeric (Curcuma domestica), cardamom pods (Amomum compactum) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera) on gastric mucosa in aspirin-induced gastric ulcer model rats. METHODS Thirty male Wistar rats weighing 150-200 g were divided into 6 groups. Four groups were administered with the hot water extracts combination consisted of cardamom pods 36.6 mg/200 g body weight and sembung leaf 91.5 mg/200 g body weight (fixed doses). The herbal extracts combination were also consisted of turmeric in various doses i.e. 10 mg/200 g body weight in the second group, 30 mg/200 g body weight in the first and third groups, and 50 mg/200 g body weight in the fourth group. The fifth group rats received sucralfate 72 mg /200 g body weight. Ten minutes after receiving herbal extracts combinations or sucralfate, the rats were induced with aspirin 90 mg/200 g body weight except the first group. Another group (sixth group) only received aspirin without any protective agent. All treatments were adsministered orally for seven days. The number and area of the gastric ulcers were counted and measured macroscopically. Score of mucosal damage and the number of eosinophils as well as the number of mast cells were observed in paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin eosin and toluidine blue, respectively. RESULTS The groups receiving herbal infuse combination exhibited less number and smaller area of gastric ulcers as well as smaller score of mucosal damage in comparison to those of aspirin group (P<0.05). The number of mast cells and eosinophil of herbal groups were also smaller than that of aspirin group. CONCLUSIONS The herbal extracts combination of turmeric (Curcuma domestica), cardamom pods (Amomum compactum) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera) has potential gastroprotective effects.


  • Ethnomedical uses of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. and Thomson in indigenous traditional medicine among Indonesia ethnic groups
    N Rahmawati, IYM Sholikhah, R Mujahid, Y Widiyastuti, AE Nugroho, ...
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (9), 128-137 2024

  • Traditional uses of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) based on ethnomedicine study in 254 Indonesia ethnic groups
    N Rahmawati, IYM Sholikhah, D Subositi, FI Mustofa, S Haryanti, ...
    NIScPR-CSIR, India 2024

  • Medicinal Plants used for Antihypercholesterolemia in Ethnic Groups of Celebes Island, Indonesia: Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat sebagai Antihiperkolesterolemia di Berbagai Etnis di
    N Rahmawati, S Haryanti, IYM Sholikhah, D Subositi, H Widodo, ...
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 16 (2), 104-113 2023

  • Medicinal plants utilized for fitness disorders treatment by ethnic groups in Papua and West Papua Province, Indonesia
    D Susanti, N Rahmawati, IYM Sholikhah, R Mujahid, D Subositi, ...
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (9), 149-160 2023

  • Application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics for quality controls of fats and oils: a review
    A Windarsih, L Arsanti Lestari, Y Erwanto, A Rosiana Putri, Irnawati, ...
    Food Reviews International 39 (7), 3906-3925 2023

  • Ethnopharmacology Study of Medicinal Plants Utilized for Hypercholesterolemia Treatment on Borneo Island of Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, F Indrian Mustofa, S Haryanti, D Subositi, H Widodo, ...
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 15 (1), 1-15 2022

  • Genetic Diversity and Chemicals Profile of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) in Indonesia
    D Subositi
    International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information 2022

  • Aktivitas Anti-Dermatitis dan Gambaran Toksisitas Akut Ramuan Sembung (Blumea balsamifera DC.), Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), Rumput Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.), dan Cabe
    G Ratnawati, IYM Sholikhah, N Rahmawati, A Wuryani
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 14 (2), 156-163 2021

    G Ratnawati, I Yanti, N Rahmawati, A Wuryani
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 14 (2) 2021

  • Ethnomedicine of medicinal plants used by traditional healers to facilitate bone injury healing in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
    FI Mustofa, N Rahmawati, S Saryanto
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 14 (1), 36-54 2021

  • Medicinal plant utilization for hypercholesterolemia by traditional healers in Java island
    N Rahmawati, FI Mustofa, S Haryanti, R Mujahid
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 637 (1), 012043 2021

  • Curcuma zanthorrhiza Extracts Induce G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in 4T1 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells
    S Haryanti, G Ratnawati, N Rahmawati
    4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 415-419 2020

  • Medicinal plants used by traditional healers for the treatment of various diseases in ondae sub-ethnic of Poso District in Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, Y Widiyastuti, R Purwanto, SS Lestari, IHA Sene, Y Bakari
    4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 460-468 2020

  • Medicinal plants and practices of rongkong traditional healers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    FI Mustofa, N Rahmawati
    Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (2) 2020

  • Diversity of medicinal plants utilized by To Manui ethnic of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, FI Mustofa, S Haryanti
    Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (1) 2020

  • Budidaya dan Manfaat Sirih untuk Kesehatan
    Y Widiyastuti, N Rahmawati, R Mujahid
    Lembaga Penerbit Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 2020

    N Rahmawati, G Ratnawati
    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 2019

  • THE COMBINATION INFUSION OF Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn., Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. AND Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. EFFECTS ON TESTOSTERONE LEVELS AND INTRODUCTION
    N Rahmawati, IYM Sholikhah
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 12 (1), 33-40 2019

  • Utilization of the Geography Information System to Support Business Enterprises Site Planning of Defense Industry
    AA Supriyadi, F Rizky, N Rahmawati, IA Rs, MDM Manessa, RAG Gultom
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 313 (1), 012020 2019

  • Analysis of changes in morphological characteristics of leaves and stems in some sweet potato cultivars (Ipomoea batatas L.) from Simalungun and Dairi highlands planting in the
    M Irwan, DS Hanafiah, N Rahmawati, D Bakti
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 260 (1), 012150 2019


  • Gastroprotective effect of combination of hot water extracts of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pulasari Stem Bark (Alyxia reinwardtii), and Sembung Leaf (Blumea balsamifera
    AE Nugroho, A Wijayanti, M Mutmainah, R Susilowati, N Rahmawati
    Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine 21 (4), NP77-NP84 2016
    Citations: 33

  • Studi etnofarmakologi tumbuhan obat yang digunakan oleh penyehat tradisional untuk mengatasi diare di Sulawesi Selatan
    FI Mustofa, N Rahmawati
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 11 (2), 17-32 2018
    Citations: 31

  • The aphrodisiac effect and toxicity of combination Piper retrofractum L, Centella asiatica, and Curcuma domestica infusion
    N Rahmawati, MS Bachri
    Health Science Journal of Indonesia 3 (1 Jun), 19-22 2012
    Citations: 28

  • Diversity of medicinal plants utilized by To Manui ethnic of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, FI Mustofa, S Haryanti
    Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (1) 2020
    Citations: 27

  • Gastroprotective effects of combination of hot water extracts of turmeric (Curcuma domestica L.), cardamom pods (Ammomum compactum S.) and sembung leaf (Blumea balsamifera DC
    R Susilowati, N Rahmawati, AE Nugroho
    Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 4, S500-S504 2014
    Citations: 25

  • Medicinal plants and practices of rongkong traditional healers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    FI Mustofa, N Rahmawati
    Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (2) 2020
    Citations: 19

  • Application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics for quality controls of fats and oils: a review
    A Windarsih, L Arsanti Lestari, Y Erwanto, A Rosiana Putri, Irnawati, ...
    Food Reviews International 39 (7), 3906-3925 2023
    Citations: 17

  • Phytochemicals and antidiabetic activity of Eusideroxylon zwageri stem bark collected from East Kalimantan, Indonesia
    IW Kusuma, R Ramadhan, N Rahmawati, RA Suwasono, NM Sari
    IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 144 (1), 012030 2018
    Citations: 17

  • Analysis of curcumin in ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa Linn. and Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb. using high performance liquid chromatography with UV-detection.
    A Nugroho, A Rohman, E Lukitaningsih, N Rakhmawati, S Sudjadi
    Citations: 11

  • Medicinal plants used by traditional healers for the treatment of various diseases in ondae sub-ethnic of Poso District in Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, Y Widiyastuti, R Purwanto, SS Lestari, IHA Sene, Y Bakari
    4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 460-468 2020
    Citations: 10

  • Ethnomedicine of medicinal plants used by traditional healers to facilitate bone injury healing in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
    FI Mustofa, N Rahmawati, S Saryanto
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 14 (1), 36-54 2021
    Citations: 9

  • Cytotoxic and MMPs inhibitory activities of Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.): various extracts on 4T1 breast cancer cell line
    S Haryanti, Y Widiyastuti, N Rahmawati
    Health Science Journal of Indonesia 9 (1), 51-56 2018
    Citations: 9

  • Mechanism of action vasodilation Annona muricata L. leaves extract mediated vascular smooth muscles
    S Ismail, N Hayati, N Rahmawati
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 144 (1), 012006 2018
    Citations: 7

  • Ethnopharmacology Study of Medicinal Plants Utilized for Hypercholesterolemia Treatment on Borneo Island of Indonesia
    N Rahmawati, F Indrian Mustofa, S Haryanti, D Subositi, H Widodo, ...
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 15 (1), 1-15 2022
    Citations: 6

  • Aphrodisiac effect of Lunasia amara Blanco, Centella asiatica and Curcuma domestica Combination Infusion on Male Rat Libido
    R Nuning, APK Dewi
    International Conference: Research and Application on Traditional 2012
    Citations: 4

  • Medicinal plants utilized for fitness disorders treatment by ethnic groups in Papua and West Papua Province, Indonesia
    D Susanti, N Rahmawati, IYM Sholikhah, R Mujahid, D Subositi, ...
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (9), 149-160 2023
    Citations: 3

  • Medicinal plant utilization for hypercholesterolemia by traditional healers in Java island
    N Rahmawati, FI Mustofa, S Haryanti, R Mujahid
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 637 (1), 012043 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Curcuma zanthorrhiza Extracts Induce G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in 4T1 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells
    S Haryanti, G Ratnawati, N Rahmawati
    4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 415-419 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Efek afrodisiaka ramuan cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum L), pegagan (Centella asiatica) dan temulawak (Curcuma domestica) terhadap libido tikus jantan
    N Rahmawati, MS Ikayanti
    Seminar Nasional Reformasi Pertanian Terintegrasi menuju Kedaulatan Pangan 2011
    Citations: 3

  • Genetic Diversity and Chemicals Profile of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) in Indonesia
    D Subositi
    International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information 2022
    Citations: 2