Omar Jorge Sabbag

Professor Associado III - Departamento de Fitotecnia, Tecnologia de Alimentos e Socioeconomia (DFTASE)
UNESP - campus de Ilha Solteira


Possui graduação em Agronomia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/FEIS (2000), mestrado em Agronomia (sistemas produtivos e gestão) pela UNESP/FEIS (2002), doutorado em Geografia (planejamento ambiental e gestão) pela UNESP/FCT (2006) e pós-doutorado em Zootecnia (políticas públicas e desenvolvimento) pela UNESP/FEIS (2012). Atualmente é professor associado III da UNESP/FEIS, coordenador de curso em Engenharia Agronômica, docente orientador no programa de Mestrado Profissional em Administração (FCAV/UNESP) e colunista no canal AgroMais, UNESP FM e BAND FM Ilha Solteira. Pesquisador e revisor de periódicos nacionais e internacionais e avaliador de órgão de fomento. Integrante do Banco Nacional de Avaliadores (BASis), do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação Superior (SINAES), certificado pelo INEP/MEC. Tem experiência em Economia e Gestão do Agronegócio, com atuação em análise de investimentos e riscos, análise de eficiência, empreendedorismo rural e gestão.


Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Ilha Solteira. Faculdade de Engenharia (FEIS).


Business, Management and Accounting, Finance, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Agronomy and Crop Science


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Diazotrophic bacteria increase yield and profitability in organic cultivation of common bean
    Juliana T. Martins, Fernando de S. Buzo, Lucas M. Garé, Nayara F. S. Garcia, Letícia Z. de S. Sales, Matheus V. L. do Nascimento, Neli C. B. dos Santos, Omar J. Sabbag, and Orivaldo Arf

    ABSTRACT The symbiosis of common beans with nitrogen-fixing bacteria provides an efficient approach to sustainable and economical food production. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the application of cost-effective nitrogen management strategies in organic common bean cultivation, including the application of poultry manure and organic liquid fertilizer, seed and co-inoculation with diazotrophic bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense and/or Rhizobium tropici), and supplementary Rhizobium tropici inoculation. The study spanned three years in a well-established organic cultivation field (2018) and an initial organic cultivation area (2019 and 2020) in Brazil. It was arranged in a randomized blocks design in a 2 × 5 (2018) and 2 × 6 (2019 and 2020) factorial scheme, with four replicates. The most profitable strategy involves seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and additional inoculation with Rhizobium tropici at stage V4-5 (fifth trifoliate leaf fully expanded), while the most costly strategy was the application of poultry manure at the V3 stage (first trifoliate leaf fully expanded). Thus, the use of diazotrophic bacteria for seed inoculation and co-inoculation (Azospirillum brasilense and/or Rhizobium tropici) ensured financial returns and system profitability in common bean cultivation.

  • Economic feasibility of a photovoltaic energy system for broiler chicken production: a case study

  • Economic viability of integrated agricultural production systems with consortia during the pasture phase in Mato Grosso, Brazil

  • Evaluation of productivity in tilapia farming for the years 2018 and 2019 using the Malmquist index

  • Technical and economic analysis of recovery systems for pastures with Urochloa brizantha CV. Marandu
    Rayner Sversut Barbieri, Maria Julia Betiolo Troleis, Paulino Taveira de Souza, Bruno Henrique Volpato Rodrigues, Omar Jorge Sabbag, and Rafael Montanari

    Centro Universitario de Maringa
    A recuperação de pastagens por meio da recomposição da fertilidade do solo tem custo operacional baixo, porém são necessários estudos que a comparem em sistemas de aplicação a taxas variadas como base de planejamento e desenvolvimento de uma área. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar economicamente a recuperação da fertilidade do solo de uma pastagem degradada em dois sistemas de produção: convencional (SC) e agricultura de precisão (AP), por meio de simulação, estimando-se os custos e a respectiva rentabilidade associada às práticas de recuperação em Selvíria (MS). Nesse estudo foi usada uma simulação bioeconômica e os custos foram classificados de acordo com a metodologia do Instituto de Economia Agrícola de São Paulo. A recuperação no SC apresentou índice de lucratividade 5,41% e o AP 6,42%, proporcionando um preço de custo @-1 de R$205,96 e R$203,54 para o SC e AP, respectivamente. Em função da valorização da arroba no último ano, ambos os sistemas apresentaram retorno econômico viável segundo as estimativas empregadas nesse estudo. Comparando-se áreas cultivadas com AP e SC, é provável que se obtenha resultados mais confiáveis e com melhores perspectivas em maiores áreas de cultivo.

  • Development of poultry production sustainability through bio-digestors
    Sulma Vanessa Souza, Régio Marcio Toesca Gimenes, Ana Carolina Amorim Orrico, Marcel Gonçalves de Almeida, and Omar Jorge Sabbag

    Revista em Agronegocio e Meio Ambiente Centro Universitario de Maringa
    Objetivou-se analisar a viabilidade econômica da implantação de um biodigestor em uma unidade produtora de frango de corte, utilizando-se como substrato para a geração de energia a cama de frango, gerada a partir de dois materiais base (casca de arroz e maravalha), visando a produção de energia limpa e renovável, na forma de biogás além da obtenção do biofertilizante, caracterizando assim um modelo sustentável para tratamento dos resíduos gerados na criação desses animais. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se de um estudo de caso, com a realização de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Como critério de avaliação da viabilidade econômica do projeto, foram utilizadas as técnicas de Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR), Índice de Lucratividade (IL), Relação Benefício Custo (B/C), Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada (TIRM), Valor Anual Equivalente Uniforme (VAUE) e Payback Descontado (PBd), a partir da determinação de uma Taxa Mínima de Atratividade de 9,57% ao ano. Os resultados obtidos na análise de viabilidade apontaram os seguintes resultados: VPL de R$178.304,15, TIR de 13,17%, IL de 1,22, B/C de 2,41, TIRM de 11,05%, VAUE de R$ 22.869,86 e PBd de 10,65 anos para o biogás produzido a partir de cama de casca de arroz. Já para a cama de maravalha, obteve-se VPL de R$ 147.007,60, TIR de 12,55%, IL de 1,18, B/C de 2,36, TIRM de 10,81%, VAUE de R$ 18.855,67 e PBd de 11,57 anos. Dessa forma, ambos os projetos podem ser aceitos, no entanto, a geração de biogás a partir da cama de casca de arroz é tida como a melhor opção.

  • Technical efficiency of orange growers in the agro industry in São Paulo: A case study

  • Scale efficiency in tambaqui farming in earth ponds in the metropolitan region of manaus-am
    Jesaias Ismael COSTA, Omar Jorge SABBAG, and Maria Inez Espagnoli Geraldo MARTINS

    Boletim do Instituto de Pesca
    This study aimed at determining the scale efficiency in tambaqui production in earth ponds developed in the metropolitan region of Manaus-AM. Eleven fish farms were analyzed and were sampled data regarding its characteristics, productive data, disbursement, infrastructure value and production value, in order to calculate the total operational cost and profitability indexes. For the DEA was applied the VRS/BCC (variable return of scale) model with input orientation, using three inputs (total operational cost, feed value, and depreciation, all in BRL($) per kilo) and one output (annual gross revenue, in BRL($) per hectare). The study showed that 80% of the fish farms (DMUs) had increasing returns to scale, with scale efficiencies lower than 65%, affected by lack of profitability, low technical and marketing knowledge, high production cost (R$ 4.50 kg-1 ) and low average sales price (lower than R$ 5.00 kg-1).

  • Economic analysis of irrigated bean production in function of nitrogen fertilization management and inoculation of seeds
    Arthur Pacheco, Adriano Da Silva Lopes, Omar Jorge Sabbag, Eder Duarte Fanaya Júnior, Marcos Jefferson Kraeski, Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez, Carla Deisiane De Oliveira Costa do Val, and Adriano de França

    The best period and method for the application of nitrogen fertilization, as well as the use of inoculation or not of bean seeds, are variables that can be of great value to the producer from an agroeconomic point of view when considering the selection of the correct irrigation management. So, the aim of this study was to perform an eco­nomic analysis of the irrigated bean, according to different fertilization managements and seed inoculation. The work was conducted in the municipality of Aquidauana-MS, Brazil in the experimental area of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, using the cultivar IAC Milenio with sowing during the winter season. The experimental was setup in a completely randomized block design with four replications. Nitrogen fertilization (sowing, cover and foliar) and seed inoculation (absence and presence) were used in the plots. For economic analysis of the irrigated common bean, calculation of the total production cost was performed, in function of the effective operational cost and the total operational cost. To determine the profitability of the treatments involved, the following values were calculated: gross revenue, net revenue, profitability index, equilibrium price and equilibrium productivity. The eco­nomic analysis response of the irrigated bean varied according to the different fertilization managements and inoculation of seeds, where nitrogen application at sowing and seed inoculation presented economic results. Alt­hough the cost of production varied little, the profitability indices of each treatment vary in function of the produc­tivity obtained. Nitrogen fertilization at sowing and inoculation of seeds with Rhizobium tropici provided increased net revenue for the common bean.

  • Analysis of technical efficiency in sweet potato production in the region of president prudente-sp

  • Sustainability and technical efficiency of fish hatcheries in the STATE of MATO GROSSO do SUL, Brazil
    Whanderson Santos Rodrigues, Juliana Rosa Carrijo Mauad, Everton Vogel, Omar Jorge Sabbag, and Clandio Favarini Ruviaro

    Elsevier BV

  • Sustainabilit y in traditional crops and in hydroponic culture of lettuce
    Alexandra Souza Ruiz, Sulma Vanessa Souza, and Omar Jorge Sabbag

    Centro Universitario de Maringa
    Objetivou-se com este trabalho conhecer a sustentabilidade de duas unidades de produção de alface, uma na modalidade tradicional e outra na modalidade hidropônica, em Dourados - Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para avaliação da sustentabilidade, aplicou-se a ferramenta Sistema de Impacto Social de Atividades Agropecuárias (APOIA-SOCIAL), que consiste em um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas, integradas por 16 indicadores da contribuição de uma dada atividade agropecuária. Quatro aspectos essenciais de avaliação são considerados: i) Emprego, ii) Economia, iii) Saúde e iv) Gestão e Administração. Utilizou-se o método qualitativo, caracterizado como descritivo-exploratório, fundamentados também com dados do Censo Agropecuário de 2006, realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e revisão bibliográfica. A atividade que sobressaiu foi a horticultura hidropônica, que obteve 0,73 de índice de sustentabilidade, valor acima da linha de base de utilidade dos indicadores (igual a 0,70). Apesar do desempenho satisfatório, alguns indicadores apresentaram valores de utilidade baixos, podendo prejudicar a sustentabilidade das atividades nestas unidades de produção familiar.

  • Technical efficiency analysis of marine shrimp farming (Litopenaeus vannamei) in biofloc and conventional systems: A case study in northeastern Brazil

    Shrimp farming has a great ecological, economic, and social importance in northeastern Brazil. Although the conventional farming system is widely used, biofloc technology (BFT) system has been developed to reduce environmental impacts and optimizing the production. Thus,the present study evaluated the technical efficiency of production cycles of Litopenaeus vannamei in conventional and BFT systems.We analyzed 48 production cycles in the conventional system in 2013 and 2014 and 9 cycles in the BFT system in 2014 through data envelopment analysis (DEA). The inputs corresponded to the population density (post-larvae m-2), amount of feed (kg ha-1 cycle-1), labor (man ha-1) and power supply (HP ha-1), whereas the yield (kg ha-1 cycle-1) was considered the output. The results indicated four production cycles (7.0%) technically efficient, three in the conventional system and one in the BFT. By comparing the productive systems, there was significant difference in their mean scores of technical efficiency. There was a greater influence of the management inefficiency on the conventional system, while the production scale reduced the average scores of technical efficiency in the BFT system. These results may help to improve the development of sustainable L. vannamei farming in both systems by reducing waste and increasing profits.

  • Economic evaluation of tilapia production in cages in the middle Paranapanema-SP

  • Technical efficiency of fish farming by the DEA method in the northwest region of são paulo

  • Efficient method, based on microplate readers, to detect resistance to triazole (DMI) and strobilurin (QoI) fungicides in wheat blast pathogen populations
    Priscila Santos Casado, Giselle de Carvalho, Paulo Cezar Ceresini, Vanina Lilian Castroagudín, Omar Jorge Sabbag, Samara Nunes Campos Vicentini, and João Leodato Nunes Maciel

    RESUMO Esta pesquisa propõe a utilização de um método baseado em leitor automatizado de microplacas para detectar resistência a fungicidas triazóis (IDM) e estrobirulinas (IQe) em populações do fungo hemibiotrófico fitopatogênico Pyricularia graminis-tritici (Pygt) do trigo. A disponibilidade de método acurado, mais rápido e eficiente para a detecção da redução da sensibilidade a fungicidas contribuiria para facilitar a tomada de decisão sobre o manejo químico da brusone do trigo no país. Há informação sobre redução da sensibilidade de triazóis no controle da brusone do trigo e evidências da ocorrência generalizada de redução da sensibilidade à estrobilurinas em populações do patógeno no Brasil. O método de microplaca foi acurado em discriminar a variação fenotípica na sensibilidade entre isolados do patógeno aos fungicidas IDM tebuconazol e epoxiconazol e ao fungicida IQe azoxistrobina. Economicamente, ambos os métodos representam alto custo, portanto, é necessário comparar a eficiência desses métodos. O método de microplacas foi mais eficiente no uso de recursos, com custo operacional total 33% inferior ao do método de placas de Petri. Em conjunto, os fatores acurácia, rapidez e eficiência no uso de recursos indicaram que o método de microplaca pode ser utilizado no monitoramento da resistência a fungicidas em populações do fungo da brusone do trigo no agroecossistema brasileiro.

  • Economic analysis of sorghum consortia with forages or with dwarf pigeon pea succeeded by soybean or corn
    Isabô Melina Pascoaloto, Marcelo Andreotti, Sanderley Simões da Cruz, Omar Jorge Sabbag, Emerson Borghi, Gilmar Cotrin de Lima, and Viviane Cristina Modesto

    Abstract: The objective of this work was to determine the most economically viable integrated no-tillage crop-livestock system by intercropping sorghum with tropical forages or dwarf pigeon pea, succeeded by soybean or corn, over a two-year period. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The treatments consisted of forage sorghum intercropped with: 'Marandu' grass; 'Marandu' grass and dwarf pigeon pea; 'Mombaça' grass; 'Mombaça' grass and dwarf pigeon pea; and dwarf pigeon pea and single sorghum, harvested for silage in the first cut and regrowth, succeeded by soybean or corn. The following calculations were made: effective operational cost, total operational costs, gross revenues, operational income, profitability index, equilibrium price, and equilibrium productivity. These variables were determined for individual crops, as well as for the sum of the crops occupying the same area over time. The sorghum consortia with 'Mombaça' grass, with or without dwarf pigeon pea, had 18 and 14% lower productivity and profitability, respectively, than the sorghum consortia with 'Marandu' grass, with or without dwarf pigeon pea. Soybean in succession requires less chemical control of the 'Mombaça' grass than corn in succession.

  • Periphyton-based cage culture of Nile tilapia: An interesting model for small-scale farming
    F. Garcia, O.J. Sabbag, J.M. Kimpara, D.M. Romera, N.S. Sousa, E.M. Onaka, and I.P. Ramos

    Elsevier BV

  • Economic aspects of the commercial breeding of crocodilians

  • Economic study about termination in fed guzera cattle containment levels with diets containing concentrate growing

  • Financial viability of inserting the biofloc technology in a marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei farm: a case study in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil
    Marcelo Augusto Soares Rego, Omar Jorge Sabbag, Roberta Soares, and Silvio Peixoto

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Productive performance and economic evaluation of tilapia stocked in different times of the year
    Jesaias Ismael da Costa, Omar Jorge Sabbag, Luiz Marques da Silva Ayroza, and Maria Inez Espagnoli Geraldo Martins

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine production cycles based on the stocking period and the influence of the cycles on productive performance indices, production costs, and profitability. The present study was carried out on a fish farm located in Palmital – SP, Brazil, which consists of 2706 m3 of net cages with an annual production of 400 tons of tilapia and regular harvests throughout the year. Production data, investment and expenditures were obtained by using a semi-structured questionnaire to calculate [...]

  • Economic viability of potted chrysanthemums production in Atibaia, Sao Paulo state
    Caio Shigueaki Shiroto, Narah Vieira Peres, and Omar Jorge Sabbag

    Lepidus Tecnologia
    The segment of flower production in Brazil has shown remarkable development in recent years. The chrysanthemum is a product of extensive sales throughout Brazil and the diversity of types and colors, resistance to transport, excellent durability, and its easy adaptation to different regions make it as one of the main products in the various markets. This study aimed to evaluate the cost and economic viability of commercial production of potted chrysanthemums in the Atibaia, São Paulo State. For the total cost of production (6,413 vases/month) expenses cuttings accounted for 36.4% of inputs and 26.4% of the EOC (effective operational cost), followed by labor, with 16% of the TOC (total operational cost) achieving a profitability index 27.7%. It was found, based on cash flow, an IRR (internal rate of return) of 10.27% IRR (internal rate of return) already for the 6th productive year, showing attractive results for this segment considering the improving producer profitability is proportional to better production indicators. Note that to get a higher return activity, more efficient managements are required, resulting in lower losses and higher operating earnings, being necessary to take into account the cost management and production system are also essential to success in cultivation.

  • Dairy farmers of efficiency analysis in rural settlement



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