Andreas Stingl

Phornano holding gmbH


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Improvement of perovskite solar cells efficiency with safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) silver-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles
    O Cardozo, A Stingl, S Farooq
    Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 180, 108537 2024

  • Increasing efficiency in perovskite solar cells through energy downconversion using nanoparticles
    O Cardozo, R Maia-Junior, D Dias, S Farooq, A Stingl, PMA Farias, G S, ...
    Optical Materials, 115915 2024

  • Diffusion-enhanced efficiency of perovskite solar cells
    O Cardozo, S Farooq, A Kıymaz, P Farias, N Fraidenraich, A Stingl, ...
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35 (12), 1-12 2024

  • Sensitive and high laser damage threshold substrates for surface‐enhanced Raman scattering based on gold and silver nanoparticles
    F Mayr, R Zimmerleiter, PMA Farias, M Bednorz, Y Salinas, A Galembek, ...
    Analytical Science Advances 4 (11-12), 335-346 2023

  • Method of producing a metal or metal oxide nanoparticle
    A Stingl, MS Da Silva, VA Soares, CA de Oliveira, E da Silva Rodrigues
    US Patent App. 17/642,051 2023

  • Antiviral activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against SARS-CoV-2
    S Wolfgruber, J Rieger, O Cardozo, B Punz, M Himly, A Stingl, PMA Farias, ...
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (9), 8425 2023

    O Cardozo, A Stingl, N Fraidenraich, S Farooq, PMA Farias, RE de Araujo
    Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar-CBENS, 1-10 2022

  • Lanthanide (Eu, Tb, La)-doped ZnO nanoparticles synthesized using whey as an eco-friendly chelating agent
    C Picasso, Y Salinas, O Brggemann, MC Scharber, NS Sariciftci, ...
    Nanomaterials 12 (13), 2265 2022

  • Zinc oxide nanodiffusers to enhance p3ht: pcbm organic solar cells performance
    O Cardozo, S Farooq, PMA Farias, N Fraidenraich, A Stingl, RE Araujo
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 (6), 3225-3236 2022

  • Plant and bacterial nanocellulose: Production, properties and applications in medicine, food, cosmetics, electronics and engineering. A review
    JDP de Amorim, KC de Souza, CR Duarte, I da Silva Duarte, ...
    Environmental Chemistry Letters 18, 851-869 2020

  • Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using whey as an effective chelating agent
    VA Soares, MJS Xavier, ES Rodrigues, CA de Oliveira, PMA Farias, ...
    Materials Letters 259, 126853 2020

  • Investigation of performance of P3HT: PCBM organic photovoltaic module under real operating conditions
    O Cardozo, S Farooq, A Stingl, N Fraidenraich
    Solar Energy 190, 543-548 2019

  • ZnO nanoparticles with tunable bandgap obtained by modified Pechini method
    ES Rodrigues, MS Silva, WM Azevedo, SS Feitosa, A Stingl, PMA Farias
    Applied Physics A 125 (8), 504 2019

  • Resolution-enhancement of photoacoustic microscopy by modulation quenching of nanoparticles
    G Langer, PMA Farias, A Stingl, R Milani, B Buchegger, J Jacak, ...
    Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019 10878, 138-145 2019

  • Colloidal quantum dots suitability for long term cell imaging
    PMA Farias, A Galembeck, R Milani, WS Mendonca, A Stingl
    bioRxiv, 425850 2018

  • Long term imaging of living brain cancer cells
    PMA Farias, A Galembeck, R Milani, ACDS Andrade, A Stingl
    Neural Imaging and Sensing 2018 10481, 35-40 2018

  • Integrated single-and two-photon light sheet microscopy using accelerating beams
    P Piksarv, D Marti, T Le, A Unterhuber, LH Forbes, MR Andrews, A Stingl, ...
    Scientific reports 7 (1), 1435 2017

  • Quantum dots pushing up in vitro diagnostics limits
    PMA Farias, ACDS Andrade, R Milani, YPM Ruiz, T Tabosa, A Galembeck, ...
    Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIV 2017

  • A compact two photon light sheet microscope for applications in neuroscience
    P Piksarv, D Marti, T Le, A Unterhuber, A Stingl, W Drexler, PE Andersen, ...
    CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATu4O. 5 2016

  • Multifunctional laser device
    A Grujic, T Le, A Stingl, A Tomasch
    US Patent App. 14/358,589 2014


  • Ultrahigh resolution Fourier domain optical coherence tomography
    RA Leitgeb, W Drexler, A Unterhuber, B Hermann, T Bajraszewski, T Le, ...
    Optics express 12 (10), 2156-2165 2004
    Citations: 692

  • Tunneling of optical pulses through photonic band gaps
    C Spielmann, R Szipcs, A Stingl, F Krausz
    Physical review letters 73 (17), 2308 1994
    Citations: 554

  • Sub-10-fs mirror-dispersion-controlled Ti: sapphire laser
    A Stingl, M Lenzner, C Spielmann, F Krausz, R Szipcs
    Optics letters 20 (6), 602-604 1995
    Citations: 495

  • Generation of 11-fs pulses from a Ti: sapphire laser without the use of prisms
    A Stingl, C Spielmann, F Krausz, R Szipcs
    Optics letters 19 (3), 204-206 1994
    Citations: 301

  • Plant and bacterial nanocellulose: Production, properties and applications in medicine, food, cosmetics, electronics and engineering. A review
    JDP de Amorim, KC de Souza, CR Duarte, I da Silva Duarte, ...
    Environmental Chemistry Letters 18, 851-869 2020
    Citations: 279

  • Advances in broad bandwidth light sources for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
    A Unterhuber, B Považay, K Bizheva, B Hermann, H Sattmann, A Stingl, ...
    Physics in Medicine & Biology 49 (7), 1235 2004
    Citations: 191

  • Compact, low-cost Ti:Al2O3 laser for in vivo ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
    A Unterhuber, B Považay, B Hermann, H Sattmann, W Drexler, ...
    Optics letters 28 (11), 905-907 2003
    Citations: 141

  • High-power sub-10-fs Ti: sapphire oscillators.
    L Xu, G Tempea, A Poppe, M Lenzner, C Spielmann, F Krausz, A Stingl, ...
    Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics 65 (2) 1997
    Citations: 119

  • Imaging ex vivo healthy and pathological human brain tissue with ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography
    K Bizheva, A Unterhuber, B Hermann, B Povazay, H Sattmann, ...
    Journal of biomedical optics 10 (1), 011006-011006-7 2005
    Citations: 110

  • Precise thickness measurements of Bowman's layer, epithelium, and tear film
    T Schmoll, A Unterhuber, C Kolbitsch, T Le, A Stingl, R Leitgeb
    Optometry and vision science 89 (5), E795-E802 2012
    Citations: 97

  • Generation of smooth, ultra-broadband spectra directly from a prism-less Ti: sapphire laser
    T Fuji, A Unterhuber, VS Yakovlev, G Tempea, A Stingl, F Krausz, ...
    Applied Physics B 77, 125-128 2003
    Citations: 73

  • Imaging ex vivo and in vitro brain morphology in animal models with ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
    K Bizheva, A Unterhuber, B Hermann, B Povazay, H Sattmann, W Drexler, ...
    Journal of biomedical optics 9 (4), 719-724 2004
    Citations: 68

  • Continuous-wave mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser focusable to 5 1013??W/cm2
    L Xu, G Tempea, C Spielmann, F Krausz, A Stingl, K Ferencz, S Takano
    Optics letters 23 (10), 789-791 1998
    Citations: 68

  • Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using whey as an effective chelating agent
    VA Soares, MJS Xavier, ES Rodrigues, CA de Oliveira, PMA Farias, ...
    Materials Letters 259, 126853 2020
    Citations: 53

  • Integrated single-and two-photon light sheet microscopy using accelerating beams
    P Piksarv, D Marti, T Le, A Unterhuber, LH Forbes, MR Andrews, A Stingl, ...
    Scientific reports 7 (1), 1435 2017
    Citations: 49

  • Routes to fiber delivery of ultra-short laser pulses in the 25 fs regime
    T Le, G Tempea, Z Cheng, M Hofer, A Stingl
    Optics express 17 (3), 1240-1247 2009
    Citations: 41

  • Frequency-doubled DBR-tapered diode laser for direct pumping of Ti: sapphire lasers generating sub-20 fs pulses
    A Mller, OB Jensen, A Unterhuber, T Le, A Stingl, KH Hasler, B Sumpf, ...
    Optics Express 19 (13), 12156-12163 2011
    Citations: 39

  • Laser device
    A Stingl, F Krausz
    US Patent 7,172,588 2007
    Citations: 26

  • Zinc oxide nanodiffusers to enhance p3ht: pcbm organic solar cells performance
    O Cardozo, S Farooq, PMA Farias, N Fraidenraich, A Stingl, RE Araujo
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 (6), 3225-3236 2022
    Citations: 17

  • ZnO nanoparticles with tunable bandgap obtained by modified Pechini method
    ES Rodrigues, MS Silva, WM Azevedo, SS Feitosa, A Stingl, PMA Farias
    Applied Physics A 125 (8), 504 2019
    Citations: 17