- Review of Face Emotion Recognition Using Feature Extraction Techniques
M Talele, R Jain, P Kulkarni
2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems 2023
- A Novel Framework to Detect Business Email Compromise Through Unconsented Email Autoforwards
P Kulkarni, JR Saini
International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information 2023
- Network communication encoding: A study for authentication protocols
T Apte, P Kulkarni
SN Computer Science 3 (2), 152 2022
- Cyber incident response and planning: a flexible approach
N Shinde, P Kulkarni
Computer Fraud & Security 2021 (1), 14-19 2021
- Identification of Minimal Email Header Features for Discovery of Email Attachments
P Kulkarni, JR Saini
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6), 6242-6247 2020
- Creation of Bag of words using Map Reduce technique for Ham Email Classification.
P Kulkarni, JR Saini
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (5), 715 - 721 2020
- Effect of header-based features on accuracy of classifiers for spam email classification
P Kulkarni, JR Saini, H Acharya
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (3) 2020
- Email Thread Identification and Management
HA Priti Kulkarni
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 9 (2 2019
- Detection of minimum number of features for identification of group Emails
P Kulkarni, A H. S
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and 2019
- Use of Association Mining to Analyse Customer Behaviour for Small Scale Food Joints-A Case Study Approach
P Kulkarni, A Ranjan, N Bahirgonde
- A Predictive Analysis for Theme Wedding Planning using Customer Relationship Management Concepts and Data Mining Techniques–Case Study Approach
S Waghmare, P Kulkarni, K Kak
International Journal of Computer Science and Network, 5 (1) 2016
- Comparative analysis of classifiers for header based emails classification using supervised learning
P Kulkarni, H Acharya
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 3 (03), 1939-1944 2016
- Comparison of Email Extraction Methods
P Kulkarni, HS Acharya
Proceedings of National Conference on, 41 2010
- Email Classification for better Management of Educational Organizations
P Kulkarni, HS Acharya
Pathh & Anveshi 2013 On “INDIA OF MY DREAMS AT 2050”, 455