Qudratillo Yuldoshev


Laboratory of Galatical astronomy
Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences




Astronomy and Astrophysics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Present status of UBAI plate archive
    Ehgamberdiev Shuhrat Abdumannapovich, Yuldoshev Qudratillo Khabibullaevich, Turaev Sobir Jurakobilovich, Jianhai Zhao, Meiting Yang, Zhenghong Tang, and Yong Yu

    SAGE Publications
    This paper discusses a photographic plate archive of the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI) of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, the history of photometric observations, the current state of photometric plates, and the process of their digitization. We will talk about telescopes used for observations, their characteristics and observations. In addition, we will also talk about the preparation of photographic plates for scanning. Also, the work carried out in the “UBAI-SHAO scientific and technical project” on digitization of photographic plates in the UBAI archive at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and future work will be reviewed and discussed.

  • The Stellar Abundances and Galactic Evolution Survey (SAGES). I. General Description and the First Data Release (DR1)
    Zhou Fan, Gang Zhao, Wei Wang, Jie Zheng, Jingkun Zhao, Chun Li, Yuqin Chen, Haibo Yuan, Haining Li, Kefeng Tan,et al.

    American Astronomical Society
    Abstract The Stellar Abundances and Galactic Evolution Survey (SAGES) of the northern sky is a specifically designed multiband photometric survey aiming to provide reliable stellar parameters with accuracy comparable to those from low-resolution optical spectra. It was carried out with the 2.3 m Bok telescope of Steward Observatory and three other telescopes. The observations in the u s and v s passband produced over 36,092 frames of images in total, covering a sky area of ∼9960 deg2. The median survey completenesses of all observing fields for the two bands are u s = 20.4 mag and v s = 20.3 mag, respectively, while the limiting magnitudes with signal-to-noise ratio of 100 are u s ∼ 17 mag and v s ∼ 18 mag, correspondingly. We combined our catalog with the data release 1 (DR1) of the first Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS, PS1) catalog, and obtained a total of 48,553,987 sources that have at least one photometric measurement in each of the SAGES u s and v s and PS1 grizy passbands. This is the DR1 of SAGES, released in this paper. We compared our gri point-source photometry with those of PS1 and found an rms scatter of ∼2% difference between PS1 and SAGES for the same band. We estimated an internal photometric precision of SAGES to be of the order of ∼1%. Astrometric precision is better than 0.″2 based on comparison with DR1 of the Gaia mission. In this paper, we also describe the final end-user database, and provide some science applications.

  • New reduction of old glass astronomical plates of Pallas and Vesta in 1956–1994 based on Gaia DR3 catalogue
    L.L. Wang, Y. Yu, Q.X. Yuldoshev, Sh.A. Ehgamberdiev, Z.J. Shang, M.T. Yang, J. Yang, S. Dong, D.M. Da, Z.H. Tang,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B-magnitudes of the Kitab's part of the FON project
    Q. Yuldoshev, Y. Protsyuk, H. Relke, S. Ehgamberdiev, M. Muminov, and V. Andruk

    AbstractWe present a catalog of stars with equatorial coordinates α and δ and B‐magnitudes of stars for the Kitab's section of the FON project (FON‐Kitab). The photographic plates of the FON project were exposed on the double telescope Double Zeiss Astrograph (DAZ, D/F = 40/300, 69″/mm) at the Kitab observatory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A total of 1963 plates, with size of 5.5 × 5.5 degrees (30 × 30 cm or 13,000 × 13,000 pixels) were digitized by Epson Expression 10000XL scanner with 1,200 dpi resolution. The reduction of plates was processed in the four astronomical organizations: Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI) of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences; the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; the Walter Hohmann Observatory of Essen, Germany; and the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The catalogue contains nearly 13.4 million stars and galaxies from 0° to −20° according to declination down to B = 17. m5 in the middle epoch of observation 1985.0. The coordinates of the stars and galaxies were obtained from the Tycho‐2 catalogue, while B‐magnitudes were determined in the system of photoelectric standards. The mean internal errors of the new catalogue for all objects were σαδ = 0. ′′23 and σB = 0. m15 (for the stars in the range of B = 5m − 14m, the errors are σαδ = 0. ′′085 and σB = 0. m054 for the equatorial coordinates and the B‐magnitudes, respectively). The convergence between the calculated and reference positions was σαδ = 0. ′′042. The convergence with the photoelectric B‐magnitudes is σB = 0. m16. External comparison with UCAC‐4 based on 9,892,697 or 73.8% cross‐identified objects yield σαδ = 0. ′′26.

  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B-magnitudes of stars of the Kitab part of the FON project
    Q. X. Yuldoshev, Sh. A. Ehgamberdiev, M. M. Muminov, Yu. I. Protsyuk, H. Relke, and V. M. Andruk

    Allerton Press

  • Results of modern processing of uranus and neptune photographic observations from UkrVo Archives
    Yu.I. Protsyuk, , O.E. Kovylianska, S.V. Protsyuk, O.M. Yizhakevych, V.M. Andruk, V.V. Golovnia, Q.K. Yuldoshev, , ,et al.

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

  • Star photometry on digitized astronegatives
    V.M. Andruk, , L.K. Pakuliak, V.V. Golovnia, S.V. Shatokhina, O.M. Yizhakevych, Yu.I. Protsyuk, I. Eglitis, M. Eglite, L.V. Kazantseva,et al.

    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
    This paper discusses the issues of characteristic curve restoration for astronegatives exposed in the wide range of expositions in U, B Johnson color bands using different telescopes. Photographic plates are digitized by Epson commercial scanners. Digitized images are processed in MIDAS/ROMAFOT software. The accuracy of characteristic curve restoration using photoelectric data is within the range 0,1—0,2 m .

  • Astrometry of the h and χ Persei clusters based on the processing of digitized photographic plates


  • Present status of UBAI plate archive
    E Shuhrat Abdumannapovich, Y Qudratillo Khabibullaevich, ...
    Journal for the History of Astronomy 54 (4), 456-468 2023

  • The Stellar Abundances and Galactic Evolution Survey (SAGES). I. General Description and the First Data Release (DR1)

    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268 (1), 1-18 2023

  • The Stellar Abundances and Galactic Evolution Survey (SAGES). I. General Description and the First Data Release (DR1)
    Z Fan, G Zhao, W Wang, J Zheng, J Zhao, C Li, Y Chen, H Yuan, H Li, ...
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268 (1), 9 2023

  • New reduction of old glass astronomical plates of Pallas and Vesta in 1956–1994 based on Gaia DR3 catalogue
    LL Wang, Y Yu, QX Yuldoshev, SA Ehgamberdiev, ZJ Shang, MT Yang, ...
    Planetary and Space Science 227, 105637 2023

  • Yerga yaqinlashuvchi amurlar guruhiga mansub 6569 ondaatje (1993 mo) va 276786 (2004 kd1) asteroidlarining fotometrik tahlili
    QXY K.E. Ergashev, R.I.Tojiyev
    RIAK_XVI, 41-44 2023

  • Dynamics of globular clusters with black holes
    QXY S. J. Turaev
    RIAK-XVI, 24-26 2023

    МММ Қ.Х.Йўлдошев, Ш.А.Эгамбердиев, С.Ж.Тўраев
    The bulletin of young scientists 4 (4), 27-31 2022

  • Test of the scanner for expression the astrometric and photometric parameters from the digitized plates
    ST Q. Yuldoshev, M. Muminov, V. Andruk, Sh. Ehgamberdiev
    Uzbek Journal of Physics 24 (2), 81-89 2022

  • History of astrophotography
    MMM Q.X. Yuldoshev, S.J. Turayev
    Астрономия фанини ўқитишда замонавий таълим технологияларидан фойдаланиш 2022

    JNK Yuldoshev Q.X., Ehgamberdiev Sh.A., Hafizov A.R., Omonov A.U., Abidxanov ...
    RIAK-XV 1, 54-56 2022

    SZJ Ehgamberdiev Sh.A., Yuldoshev Q.X., Hafizov A.R., Turayev S.J., Omonov A ...
    RIAK-XV 1, 56-59 2022

    КХ Йулдошев, ША Эгамбердиев, СЖ Тураев, БС Абидханов
    The bulletin of young scientists 4 (4), 24-26 2022

  • VizieR Online Data Catalog: 2728 asteroid positions (Kitab obs.)(Shatokhina+, 2018)
    SV Shatokhina, H Relke, Q Yuldoshev, VM Andruk, YI Protsyuk, ...
    VizieR Online Data Catalog (other) 630, J/other/OAP/31 2021

  • FON Dushanbe Catalogue. Results of Processing in the Tycho-2 System
    G Kokhirova, H Relke, Q Yuldoshev, YI Protsyuk, VM Andruk
    Odessa Astronomical Publications 34, 106 2021

  • Asteroid Positions Based on the Dushanbe Part of the FON Project Observations
    SV Shatokhina, H Relke, AS Mullo-Abdolov, OM Yizhakevych, ...
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 33, 154-157 2020

    SV Shatokhina, OM Yizhakevych, YI Protsyuk, LV Kazantseva, ...
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 32, 203-207 2019

  • The astrometric and photometric results of digitized plates on Epson expression 10000XL scanner with different resolutions
    Q Yuldoshev, V Andruk
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 32, 208-210 2019

  • On the FON astroplate project accomplishment
    VM Andruk, LK Pakuliak, I Eglitis, Q Yuldoshev, A Mullo-Abdolov, ...
    Odessa Astronomical Publications 32, 185-188 2019

  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B‐magnitudes of the Kitab's part of the FON project
    Q Yuldoshev, Y Protsyuk, H Relke, S Ehgamberdiev, M Muminov, ...
    Astronomische Nachrichten 340 (6), 494-509 2019

  • On the FON astroplate project accomplishment
    IB Vavilova, VM Andruk, LK Pakuliak, I Eglitis, QX Yuldoshev, ...
    Large Surveys with Small Telescopes Past, 13-14 2019


  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B-magnitudes of stars of the Kitab part of the FON project
    QX Yuldoshev, SA Ehgamberdiev, MM Muminov, YI Protsyuk, H Relke, ...
    Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 33, 250-253 2017
    Citations: 21

  • Star photometry on digitized astronegatives
    VM Andruk, LK Pakuliak, VV Golovnia, SV Shatokhina, OM Yizhakevych, ...
    Sci. Innov 13 (1), 17 2017
    Citations: 19

  • On the concept of the enhanced fon catalog compilation
    V Andruk, Q Yuldoshev, I Eglitis, L Pakuliak, A Mullo-Abdolov, I Vavilova, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 159-162 2017
    Citations: 17

  • Investigation of the Microtek ScanMaker 1000XL Plus scanner of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
    A Mullo-Abdolov, G Kokhirova, H Relke, Q Yuldoshev, Y Protsyuk, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 186-189 2017
    Citations: 14

  • Comparison of zero zone catalogues of the FON program based on the Kyiv and Kitab observations
    VM Andruk, H Relke, YI Protsyuk, MM Muminov, SA Ehgamberdiev, ...
    Odessa Astronomical Publications, 188 2015
    Citations: 14

  • The equatorial coordinates and B-magnitudes of the stars in the Southern hemisphere zones based on the digitized astronegatives of FON project at the Ulugh Beg Astronomical
    QX Yuldoshev, MM Muminov, SA Ehgamberdiev, OU Usmanov, H Relke, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 160-162 2016
    Citations: 13

  • Method for evaluating the astrometric and photometric characteristics of commercial scanners in their application for the scientific purpose
    YI Protsyuk, VN Andruk, MM Muminov, QX Yuldoshev, SA Ehgamberdiev, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 61-62 2014
    Citations: 13

  • Asteroids search results in digitized observations of the northern sky survey project (Kitab part)
    SV Shatokhina, H Relke, Q Yuldoshev, VM Andruk, YI Protsyuk, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 235-246 2018
    Citations: 11

    QH Yuldoshev, MM Muminov, SA Ehgamberdiev, H Relke, YI Protsyuk, ...
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 30, 205-208 2017
    Citations: 10

  • Astrometry of X and h Persei based on processing of digitized plates of archive of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    MM Muminov, QX Yuldoshev, SA Ehgamberdiev, BB Kahharov, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 57-58 2014
    Citations: 10

  • An astrometry of test plates digitized with EPSON EXPRESSION 10000XL scanner
    MM Muminov, BB Kahharov, KH Yuldoshev, VM Andruk, VV Golovnya
    Izvestia of the Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo 220, 517-522 2013
    Citations: 10

  • Astrometry of the h and χ Persei clusters based on the processing of digitized photographic plates
    M Muminov, Q Yuldoshev, S Ehgamberdiev, B Kahharov, H Relke, ...
    Bulg. Astron. J 26, 3-14 2017
    Citations: 8

  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B‐magnitudes of the Kitab's part of the FON project
    Q Yuldoshev, Y Protsyuk, H Relke, S Ehgamberdiev, M Muminov, ...
    Astronomische Nachrichten 340 (6), 494-509 2019
    Citations: 7

  • Progress in the realization of the project FON-Dushanbe catalogue
    A Mullo-Abdolov, H Relke, G Kokhirova, Q Yuldoshev, Y Protsyuk, ...
    Odessa astronomical publications, 224-227 2018
    Citations: 7

  • Astrometry and photometry of digitized plates of the FON-KITAB project
    K Yuldoshev, O Usmanov, E Egamberdiev, M Muminov, E Rel'ke, ...
    Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 54, 28-31 2016
    Citations: 6

  • FON Dushanbe Catalogue. Results of Processing in the Tycho-2 System
    G Kokhirova, H Relke, Q Yuldoshev, YI Protsyuk, VM Andruk
    Odessa Astronomical Publications 34, 106 2021
    Citations: 5

  • The first results of processing observations of SS bodies from UBAI photographic plate collection using the new technique
    OM Yizhakevych, VM Andruk, Q Yuldoshev, LK Pakuliak, MM Muminov
    Odessa astronomical publications, 251-254 2018
    Citations: 4

  • Catalog of equatorial coordinates and B magnitudes of stars in the equatorial zone of the Northern Sky Survey project based on the digitized plates of the Kitab observatory
    MM Muminov, SA Ehgamberdiev, AA Latipov, BB Kahhorov, ...
    Izvestiya Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii v Pulkove 223, 339-344 2016
    Citations: 4

  • Asteroid Positions Based on the Dushanbe Part of the FON Project Observations
    SV Shatokhina, H Relke, AS Mullo-Abdolov, OM Yizhakevych, ...
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 33, 154-157 2020
    Citations: 3

    SV Shatokhina, OM Yizhakevych, YI Protsyuk, LV Kazantseva, ...
    Одеські астрономічні публікації 32, 203-207 2019
    Citations: 3