
Professor & Biotechnology


Clinical Biochemistry, Plant Science, Biochemistry, Agricultural and Biological Sciences


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Chemical Composition Analysis and Assessment of Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Crude Extract of Flueggea on Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Wistar Albino Rats
    V Mayakrishnan, A Thirupathi, K Ramamoorthy, K Annadurai, et al
    Antioxidants 13 (976), 1-16 2024

  • Vegetable and fruit wastes: Valuable source for organic fertilizer for effective growth of short-term crops: Solanum lycopersicum and Capsicum annum
    K Ramamoorthy, R Dhanraj, N Vijayakumar, Y Ma, S Al Obaid, ...
    Environmental Research 251, 118727 2024

  • Antimicrobial and Anti-Cancerous Effects of Saponin from Andrographis paniculata Root
    KR Shahanaj Ismail, Mohan Krishnan, Natarajan Devarajan

  • Serratia rubidaea SNAU02-mediated biosurfactant production from cashew apple bagasse: A promising biotechnological strategy for environmental sustainability
    KR Rengasamy Parthasarathi, Vijayakumar Mayakrishnan, Vijayakumar Natesan ...
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 58 (2024) 2024

  • Antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, and antithrombotic, competency of saponins from the root of Decalepis hamiltonii
    Gitanjali Jayaraman , Duraisamy Sumathi Dinesh Ram , Kavitha R et al.
    Environmental Research 116096 (0), 0 2023

  • Phytochemical characterization, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of crude extracts of Anisomeles malabarica and Coldenia procumbens
    RK Ramalingam Revathi, R. Akash, Ramasamy Mahadevi
    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 0 2023

  • The current state of algae in wastewater treatment and energy conversion: a critical review
    KR Sabariswaran Kandasamy, Mathiyazhagan Narayanan
    Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 100469 2023

  • Cytotoxic and genotoxic properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis
    MR Nagesh, N Vijayakumar, R Anandan, M Renuka, V Amalan, R Kavitha, ...
    International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 233, 123506 2023

  • Green synthesis and pharmacological applications of silver nanoparticles using ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis L.
    MR Nagesh, N Kumar, JM Khan, MZ Ahmed, R Kavitha, SJ Kim, ...
    Journal of King Saud University-Science 34 (7), 102284 2022

  • Phytochemical Composition and In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Aerial Part of Aqueous Extract of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (Verbenaceae)
    MSMP R.Kavitha, V. Chitrarasu
    Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 13 (73), 46377-46386 2022

  • Extraction, antioxidant, and anticancer activity of saponins extracted from Curcuma angustifolia
    DSPVN Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Meenadevi Chidambaram, R. Kavitha, Rubalakshmi ...
    Applied Nanoscience, 0 2022

  • Phytostabilization of metal mine tailings - a green remediation technology
    R Lavanya Muthusamy, Manikandan Rajendran, KAVITHA
    Phytoremediation Technology for the Removal of Heavy Metals and other 2022

  • Biological Utilization of Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) for Production of Value Added Products
    Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 24 (1), 315-326 2022

  • Phytochemical profile and larvicidal activity of aqueous extract of Ocimum americanum against mosquito vectors
    RK Mathiyazhagan Narayanan, A. Vijay
    Applied nanoscience, 0 2021

  • Screening and characterization of phytochemical content of methanolic extract of Rhizome of Curcuma amada and their antibacterial activity against MRSA
    RKR Mahadevi
    Applied nanoscience, 0 2021

  • WITHDRAWN: HPLC, GC–MS and FT-IR analysis of bioactive phytochemicals present in aqueous extract of leaf of Clerodendrum phlomidis: A further evidence for its medicinal diversity
    M Naveen, R Kavitha
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2021

  • Phytochemical screening and GC-MS analysis of bioactive compounds present in ethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit of Trichosanthes dioica ROXB.
    R Kavitha
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 12 (5), 2755-2764 2021

  • Phyllanthin inhibits MOLT-4 leukemic cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis through the inhibition of AKT and JNK signaling pathway
    TR Hui Wang , Arunachalam Chinnathambi, Tahani Awad Alahmadi, Sulaiman Ali ...
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol 2021

  • Isolation and Screening of Industrially Important Fungi from the Soils of Western Ghats of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu and analysing their Bio-efficacy
    LMSVPR Kavitha. R
    Journal of Seybold Report 15 (9), 2935 - 2950 2020

  • Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Curcuma amada: A Review
    KR Mahadevi. R
    International journal of research in Pharmaceutical sciences 11 (3), 3546-3555 2020


  • Phyllanthin inhibits MOLT-4 leukemic cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis through the inhibition of AKT and JNK signaling pathway
    TR Hui Wang , Arunachalam Chinnathambi, Tahani Awad Alahmadi, Sulaiman Ali ...
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol 2021
    Citations: 97

  • physicochemical and phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of leaves of clitoria ternatea Linn.(fabaceae)
    R Kavitha
    international journal of institutional pharmacy and life sciences 3 (5), 45 - 53 2013
    Citations: ytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of leaves of clitoria ternatea Linn.(fabaceae)

  • phytochemical analysis of ethanolic extract of leaves of clitoria ternatea L.
    R Kavitha
    international journal of pharma and bio sciences 4 (4), 236-242 2013
    Citations: 30

  • Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Curcuma amada: A Review
    KR Mahadevi. R
    International journal of research in Pharmaceutical sciences 11 (3), 3546-3555 2020
    Citations: 27

  • Phytochemical profile and larvicidal activity of aqueous extract of Ocimum americanum against mosquito vectors
    RK Mathiyazhagan Narayanan, A. Vijay
    Applied nanoscience, 0 2021
    Citations: 25

  • Phytostabilization of metal mine tailings - a green remediation technology
    R Lavanya Muthusamy, Manikandan Rajendran, KAVITHA
    Phytoremediation Technology for the Removal of Heavy Metals and other 2022
    Citations: 23

  • studies on the synergetic effect of Trichosanthes dioica and clitoria ternatea leaf extract on the streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
    R Kavitha
    international journal of research in pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences 2012
    Citations: 22

  • Phytochemical screening and GC-MS analysis of bioactive compounds present in ethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit of Trichosanthes dioica ROXB.
    R Kavitha
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 12 (5), 2755-2764 2021
    Citations: 15

  • Green synthesis and pharmacological applications of silver nanoparticles using ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis L.
    MR Nagesh, N Kumar, JM Khan, MZ Ahmed, R Kavitha, SJ Kim, ...
    Journal of King Saud University-Science 34 (7), 102284 2022
    Citations: 13

  • Antidiabetic and enzymatic antioxidant potential from ethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit of Trichosanthes dioica and leaf of Clitoria ternatea on diabetic rats induced by
    R Kavitha
    Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11 (5), 233-239 2018
    Citations: 12

  • Biochemical studies on the effect of ethanolic extracts of Trichosanthes dioica and Clitoria ternatea in streptozotocin induced diabetic male Wistar rats
    R Kavitha
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 9 (11), 4682-4689. 2018
    Citations: 10

  • The current state of algae in wastewater treatment and energy conversion: a critical review
    KR Sabariswaran Kandasamy, Mathiyazhagan Narayanan
    Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 100469 2023
    Citations: 9

  • Effect of ethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit of Trichosanthes dioica and leaf of Clitoria ternatea on serum lipids in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
    International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 6 (4), 430 - 439 2015
    Citations: 9

  • Evaluation of hypoglycemic effect of ethanolic extracts of leaf and fruit of T.dioica and leaf of C.ternatea in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
    R Kavitha
    International journal of Pharma and biosciences 5 (3), 1061-1068 2014
    Citations: 9

    R Kavitha
    Citations: 9

  • Extraction, antioxidant, and anticancer activity of saponins extracted from Curcuma angustifolia
    DSPVN Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Meenadevi Chidambaram, R. Kavitha, Rubalakshmi ...
    Applied Nanoscience, 0 2022
    Citations: 8

  • Screening and characterization of phytochemical content of methanolic extract of Rhizome of Curcuma amada and their antibacterial activity against MRSA
    RKR Mahadevi
    Applied nanoscience, 0 2021
    Citations: 7

  • In vitro Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Ethanolic Extracts of Leaf and Fruit of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. and Leaf of Clitoria ternatea L.
    R Kavitha
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 27 (1 2014
    Citations: 7

  • In Vitro Antioxidant Studies of Costus pictus Leaf
    R Kavitha
    International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences 2013
    Citations: 7

  • Vegetable and fruit wastes: Valuable source for organic fertilizer for effective growth of short-term crops: Solanum lycopersicum and Capsicum annum
    K Ramamoorthy, R Dhanraj, N Vijayakumar, Y Ma, S Al Obaid, ...
    Environmental Research 251, 118727 2024
    Citations: 5