Lawal, Taofeeq Olanrewaju

University of Ilorin, Ilorin



Environmental Science, Physics and Astronomy, Geophysics, Atmospheric Science


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Level and Potential Radon (222Rn) Radiation Risk in Groundwater Samples at Jimba-Oja, Northcentral Nigeria
    Yarmouk University
    Abstract: Radon (222Rn) concentration in groundwater was investigated using the Rad7 detector. This investigation was necessary due to the impact of a new mining company in Jimba-Oja, which may affect the surface water supply, potentially percolating into subsurface water sources. Nine (9) samples were collected from hand-pump wells and analyzed in the laboratory. The estimated radon concentration ranged from 3.08 Bq. L-1 to 9.18 Bq. L-1 with an average value of 5.00 BqL-1. The average AED for groundwater ingestion by adults, children, and infants was calculated at 36.50, 54.75, and 63.88 μSv.y^(-1), respectively. The average AEDtotal values were 162.50 μSv.y^(-1) for adults, 180.75 μSv.y^(-1) for children, and 189.88 μSv.y^(-1) for infants. The results indicate that the AED for infants exceeds the permissible limit of 100 μSv.y^(-1), while the values for children and adults remain within the recommended limit of 200 μSv.y^(-1). Thus, the health risk from radiological exposure is within allowable limits for children and adults but poses a potential risk for infants. Although 222Rn concentrations in groundwater samples are low, are currently low, there may still be probabilistic effects on local inhabitants over time. To monitor 222Rn levels, we recommend repeating these measurements in the same wells and season within the next two years to ensure consistency and detect any changes in radon levels. Keywords: Radon (222Rn) concentration, Groundwater, Jimba-Oja, Dose rate.

  • Groundwater potential mapping in hard rock terrain using remote sensing, geospatial and aeromagnetic data
    K.S. Ishola, A.A. Fatoyinbo, A.I. Hamid-Mosaku, C.J. Okolie, O.E. Daramola, and T.O. Lawal

    Elsevier BV

  • Mapping and Delineation of Hard Rock Aquifers in Parts of the South-western Nigeria Basement Complex Using Integrated Geophysical Techniques
    A. A. Fatoyinbo, T. O. Lawal, A. Yussuf and O. Fawale

    Yarmouk University
    Abstract: An integrated geophysical survey involving three different techniques; namely, VLF-EM, Seismic Refraction and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) has been carried out in parts of Eruwa, Ibarapa East LGA, Oyo State with a view of determining the structural characteristics of the subsurface geology and identifying suitable sites where viable borehole could be sited to reduce the problem associated with acute shortage of groundwater in the area. The area lies within the crystalline basement rock terrain of South-Western Nigeria and bounded by Latitude 7° 32' 59"N and Longitude 3° 25' 59"E. The VES results reveal that the area is made up of four major lithologic layers with the topmost layer being majorly laterites, the second layer being sandy clay, the third is weathered basement, while the fourth layer is fractured basement. The aquifer in the study area is mostly confined with curve responses of HA- and HKH-types. The 2-D pseudosection also showed that the fresh basement is very extensive laterally with undulating topography. The result of VLF-EM revealed high-amplitude anomalies. These anomalies are indicative of high conductive zones within the basement bedrock of the study area. The results of the seismic inversion reveals three lithologic layers; namely, the topmost layer / topsoil which is sandy (moderately loose) with an average velocity of 500 m/s, the middle layer can be sandy clay/laterite/caked clay with an average velocity of 1,149.33 m/s and the third layer can be said to be the beginning of the weathered/fresh basement with a velocity of 2,719 m/s. In conclusion, the three geophysical techniques have shown that the area is a hard-rock terrain with complicated geology with aquifers confined and the water bearing formation with low total longitudinal conductance. Keywords: Basement terrain, Granitic masses, Aquifer, Topography, Curve types.

  • Detection of Concealed Mineral Deposits using Magnetic Data in part of Osun State and its Environs, South-western Nigeria
    T.O. Lawal, D.M. Omar, M.K. Salami, T. Adewumi, J.A. Sunday, and O. Fawale

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Magnetic data of part of Osun State and its Environs, Southwestern Nigeria has been studied with the aim of identifying structures concealing mineral deposits through some enhancement techniques. These techniques are Analytic signal, Euler deconvolution, Center for exploration targeting and porphyry analysis. In this work we were have applied Analytic signal to identify edges and distribution of magnetic sources that are equivalent to concealed mineral deposits, Euler deconvolution was used to identify and estimate depth to various magnetic source geometries using prescribed structural indices of 0.0, 1.0 and 2.0 respectively and lastly, the center for exploration targeting and porphyry analysis was used to obtain magnetic lineaments and porphrytic intrusives that may serve as structures concealing mineral deposits. From this study, we were able to identify several volcanic intrusions which appeared beyond surface exposure and at the same time of Cenozoic era. These intrusions resulted from the high magnetic content which serves as a contributing factor for the presence of positive magnetic anomalies in the area. In conclusion, we have been able use magnetic data of Osun State and its environs to delineate structures concealing mineral deposits.

  • Radiological Safety of Water from Hadejia River
    M. M. Orosun, A. B. Alabi, A. O Olawepo, R. O. Orosun, T. O. Lawal, and S. O Ige

    IOP Publishing
    Water samples from Hadejia River in the north eastern part of Nigeria were studied in order to ascertain the suitability and radiological safety of water from the river for human consumption. Radioactive measurements, using a lead shielded sodium iodide detector coupled to a multichannel analyzer were used to estimate eight radiological parameters of water samples from Hadejia River. The results show that the values of all the parameters fall within the minimum universal standard, indicating that consuming the water pose no serious radiological hazard, especially for adults. The values of the Absorbed Dose Rate (50.10511 nGyh-1) and AEDE (12.458 mSvy-1) for the infant however portend that infant consumer could be susceptible to radiation hazard on consuming water from the River. It is however recommended that activities that are capable of enhancing the radiological content of the River be avoided within the area.

  • Depth Estimate and Mapping of source geometries from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of Benisheikh, Nigeria
    T.O. Lawal, J. A. Sunday, L.I. Nwankwo, M.M. Orosun, K. A. Yusuf, and S. O. Ige

    IOP Publishing
    Depth to magnetic basement and mapping of source geometries were estimated from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of Benisheikh using wavelet transformation technique. This technique was chosen because it has been proven to be a powerful and efficient tool in interpreting potential field data. In this work, a non-orthogonal wavelet function with a good symmetry and higher vanishing moment, Morlet was chosen as the analyzing wavelet. Wavelet power spectrums of the aeromagnetic anomalies were obtained using the scaled normalized analyzing wavelet in order to estimate the depth to the magnetic basement. Also, the square of the absolute value of the wavelet coefficient were plotted against the period in other to identify and map variations of pronounced and least energy values which can be regarded as magnetic source geometric features found from the HRAM data profiles. The results obtained from the analysis have shown the ability of wavelet transform as a tool in depth estimation and mapping of geological features of HRAM data of this part of Nigeria.

  • Analysis of rainfall data of Ikeja, southwestern Nigeria, using wavelet transform

  • Wavelet analysis of aeromagnetic data of Chad basin, Nigeria


  • Interpretation of airborne radiometric data of flamingo field, Southwestern Nigeria.
    TO Lawal, O Fawale, JA Sunday, GB Egbeyale
    Journal of Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences 7 (1) 2025

  • Delineation of structural features and hydrothermal alteration zones using integrated geophysical data of part of North-central Nigeria
    T Lawal, O Dahir, F Oluwakorede, AJ Sunday
    Proceedings of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 83-83 2024

  • A Geo-Electrical Survey for Groundwater Exploration in a Part of the Basement Complex Terrain, Ilorin Metropolis Northcentral Nigeria
    O Fawale, TO Lawal, JS Abayomi
    Nigerian Journal of Physics 32 (2), 55-65 2023

  • Assessment of activity concentrations of radioactive elements in selected groundwater samples of Kwara State Polytechnic and its environs, North Central Nigeria
    TO Lawal, SJ Abayomi, O Fawale
    Recent Advances in Natural Sciences, 6-6 2023

  • Groundwater potential mapping in hard rock terrain using remote sensing, geospatial and aeromagnetic data
    KS Ishola, AA Fatoyinbo, AI Hamid-Mosaku, CJ Okolie, OE Daramola, ...
    Geosystems and Geoenvironment 2 (1), 100107 2023

  • Mapping and Delineation of Hard Rock Aquifers in Parts of the South-western Nigeria Basement Complex Using Integrated Geophysical Techniques
    AA Fatoyinbo, TO Lawal, AH Yussuf, O Fawale
    Jordan Journal of Physics 15 (3), 247-258 2022

  • Geosystems and Geoenvironment
    KS Ishola, AA Fatoyinbo, AI Hamid-Mosaku, CJ Okolie, OE Daramola, ...

  • Delineation of Horizontal Locations and Estimation of Depth to Magnetic Source Geometries of Dubumbali, North-East Nigeria
    TO Lawal, JA Sunday, SO Issa, O Fawale, LI Nwankwo
    Physics Memoir-Journal of Theoretical & Applied Physics 3 (1), 25-37 2021

  • Detection of Concealed Mineral Deposits using Magnetic Data in part of Osun State and its Environs, South-western Nigeria
    TO Lawal, DM Omar, MK Salami, T Adewumi, JA Sunday, O Fawale
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 655 (1), 012074 2021

  • Use of Magnetic anomaly data to delineate subsurface structures and depth characterization of Lafiagi and its environs, Northcentral Nigeria
    TO Lawal, J Sunday, korede Fawale, M Salami, T Adewumi
    NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 10 (1), 155-167 2021

  • Bacteriological Analysis of Water, From Multiple Sources in Omupo, Kwara State
    M Otuyo, A Ahmed, MO Osinubi, TO Lawal, AK Ahmed
    Ilorin Journal of Science 7 (2), 227-235 2020

  • Integrated aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric data for delineating lithologies, structures, and hydrothermal alteration zones in part of southwestern Nigeria
    TO Lawal
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13 (16), 775 2020

  • Geo-Electrical Evaluation of Aquifer Characteristics and Groundwater Potential in Sango-Kulende Area, Ilorin, Nigeria
    O Fawale, LI Nwankwo, OI Oladipo, TO Lawal
    Journal of Applied Sciences 1 (1) 2020

  • Radiological safety of water from Hadejia River
    MM Orosun, AB Alabi, AO Olawepo, RO Orosun, TO Lawal, SO Ige
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 173, 012036 2018

  • Depth Estimate and Mapping of source geometries from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of Benisheikh, Nigeria
    TO Lawal, JA Sunday, LI Nwankwo, MM Orosun, KA Yusuf, SO Ige
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 173 (1), 012034 2018

  • Geothermal energy potential of the Chad basin, north-eastern Nigeria
    TO Lawal, LI Nwankwo, AA Iwa, JA Sunday, MM Orosun
    Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 22 (11), 1817–1824 2018

  • Depth Estimate and Mapping of source geometrics from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of Beisheikh, Nigeria
    SO Lawal, T. O., Sunday, J. A, Nwankwo, L. I, Orosun, M. M. Yusuf, K. A & Ige
    An Appraisal Proceedings of International Conference on Science and 2018

  • Characteristics of ionospheric minimum frequency obtained by DPS-4 digisonde and comparison with IRI-D-region electron density over Jicamarca station
    KA Bello S. A., Lawal T.O., Orosun M. M., Ige S. O., Adebanjo G. D. & Yusuf
    Ilorin Journal of Science. 2 (1), 1 - 12 2017

  • Analysis of Rainfall Data of Ikeja, Southwestern Nigeria, Using Wavelet Transform.
    TO Adewale, A. O., Alabi, A. A & Lawal
    The African Review of Physics 12 2017

  • Evaluation of the Depth to the bottom of magnetic sources and Heat flow from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) Data of part of Nigeria sector of Chad basin.
    LI Lawal, T. O & Nwankwo
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (378), 1 -12 2017


  • Assessment of heavy metal pollution in drinking water due to mining and smelting activities in Ajaokuta, Nigeria
    MM Orosun, P Tchokossa, LI Nwankwo, TO Lawal, SA Bello, SO Ige
    Nigerian Journal of Technological Development 13 (1), 31-39 2016
    Citations: 35

  • Natural radionuclide concentrations and radiological impact assessment of soil and water in Tanke-Ilorin, Nigeria
    MM Orosun, TO Lawal, FC Akinyose
    Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology 11, 158-172 2016
    Citations: 32

  • Groundwater potential mapping in hard rock terrain using remote sensing, geospatial and aeromagnetic data
    KS Ishola, AA Fatoyinbo, AI Hamid-Mosaku, CJ Okolie, OE Daramola, ...
    Geosystems and Geoenvironment 2 (1), 100107 2023
    Citations: 25

  • Evaluation of the Depth to the bottom of magnetic sources and Heat flow from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) Data of part of Nigeria sector of Chad basin.
    LI Lawal, T. O & Nwankwo
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (378), 1 -12 2017
    Citations: 22

  • Integrated aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric data for delineating lithologies, structures, and hydrothermal alteration zones in part of southwestern Nigeria
    TO Lawal
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13 (16), 775 2020
    Citations: 21

  • Wavelet analysis of aeromagnetic data of part of Chad basin, Nigeria.
    CO Lawal, T. O., Nwankwo, L. I. & Akoshile
    The African Review of Physics. 10 (16), 111 - 120 2015
    Citations: 18

  • Radiological safety of water from Hadejia River
    MM Orosun, AB Alabi, AO Olawepo, RO Orosun, TO Lawal, SO Ige
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 173, 012036 2018
    Citations: 17

  • Evaluation of Groundwater Potential and Subsurface Lithologies in Unilorin Quarters using Resistivity Method
    TO Olawepo, A.O., Fatoyinbo, A.A., Ali, I. & Lawal
    The African Review of Physics. 8 (45), 317 - 323 2013
    Citations: 16

  • Natural Radionuclide Concentration and Radiological Impact Assessment of Soil and Water from Dadinkowa Dam, Northeast Nigeria
    G Orosun, M. M., Lawal, T. O., Ezike, S. C., Salawu, N. B., Atolagbe, B. M ...
    Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics 42 (1), 307 - 316 2017
    Citations: 15

  • Impact of VES in delineation of groundwater distribution and exploration in hard rock terrain
    TO Lawal, JA Sunday, O Fawole
    International Journal of Advancement in Physics 4 (1), 30-35 2012
    Citations: 11

  • Geothermal energy potential of the Chad basin, north-eastern Nigeria
    TO Lawal, LI Nwankwo, AA Iwa, JA Sunday, MM Orosun
    Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 22 (11), 1817–1824 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Application of 3-D Euler Deconvolution Technique to Aeromagnetic Data of Ilorin and Osi, North central Nigeria
    I Lawal, T. O., Salawu, N. B., Orosun, M. M., Ekpumoh, J. I. and Nwankwo, L
    Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology 11, 66 - 75 2016
    Citations: 6

  • Use of Magnetic anomaly data to delineate subsurface structures and depth characterization of Lafiagi and its environs, Northcentral Nigeria
    TO Lawal, J Sunday, korede Fawale, M Salami, T Adewumi
    NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 10 (1), 155-167 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Geophysical Investigation of Groundwater Contamination in a Solid Waste Disposal Site
    LA Lawal, T. O, Orosun, M. M, Ige, S. O, Sunday, J. A, Shehu, S, A, Bello, S ...
    Al-Hikmah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences 5 (1), 8 - 16 2017
    Citations: 5

  • Characteristics of ionospheric minimum frequency obtained by DPS-4 digisonde and comparison with IRI-D-region electron density over Jicamarca station
    KA Bello S. A., Lawal T.O., Orosun M. M., Ige S. O., Adebanjo G. D. & Yusuf
    Ilorin Journal of Science. 2 (1), 1 - 12 2017
    Citations: 4

  • Geophysical Investigations of Groundwater Potential of Ara, Ilorin, Kwara State.
    YA Lawal, T. O., Nwankwo, L. I., Akoshile, C. O. & Salawu
    Centre point Journal Science Edition 20 (2), 41 - 52 2014
    Citations: 4

  • Geo-Electrical Evaluation of Aquifer Characteristics and Groundwater Potential in Sango-Kulende Area, Ilorin, Nigeria
    O Fawale, LI Nwankwo, OI Oladipo, TO Lawal
    Journal of Applied Sciences 1 (1) 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Mapping and Delineation of Hard Rock Aquifers in Parts of the South-western Nigeria Basement Complex Using Integrated Geophysical Techniques
    AA Fatoyinbo, TO Lawal, AH Yussuf, O Fawale
    Jordan Journal of Physics 15 (3), 247-258 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Detection of Concealed Mineral Deposits using Magnetic Data in part of Osun State and its Environs, South-western Nigeria
    TO Lawal, DM Omar, MK Salami, T Adewumi, JA Sunday, O Fawale
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 655 (1), 012074 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Depth Estimate and Mapping of source geometries from High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data of Benisheikh, Nigeria
    TO Lawal, JA Sunday, LI Nwankwo, MM Orosun, KA Yusuf, SO Ige
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 173 (1), 012034 2018
    Citations: 1