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Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Foreword: A critique of Mediterranean Europe as a "migration place"

  • Origins of extreme violence in Palermo: Health (infectious) impact of the trans-Saharan/ Mediterranean route for women on the move

  • Introduction to The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration

  • The absent image of women: Lacunae in the legacy of French colonial mobilities

  • Handbook On Human Security, Borders And Migration
    Natalia Ribas-Mateos and Timothy Dunn

    Edward Elgar Publishing

  • Introduction to the Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration

  • Transnational humanitarianism: Blurring the boundaries of the Mediterranean in Libya

    Natalia Ribas-Mateos and María Jesús Cabezón-Fernández

    Traditional studies of migration assumed that migrants brought with them a strong sense of place, of the territory of origin and the territory of destination, as well as an uni-directional sense of a return project. Therefore, the current mobility concept is not new, but different due to the emphasis on movement in relation with communications in real-time, on the intense movement of goods, as well as in the instant information conveyed by digital technologies. These are changes in a phenomenon which have brought the emergence of new theoretical paradigms. The objective of this article is to show how migration theories explain current social inequalities, configured as new borders of mobilities and migrations, resulting from new population dynamics linked to the population mobility of people under the light of two brief illustrative cases.

  • Borders and mobilities in the middle east: Emerging challenges for syrian refugees in “bilad al-sham”
    Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    Oxford University Press
    This chapter addresses the transformation of geopolitical lines and borders in a globalizing world. In the Middle East, this transformation has been accompanied by severe social inequalities that have been expressed in a number of different ways: increasing limitations placed on the mobility of refugees and migrants, yet decreasing limitations on the cross-border flow of goods; a proliferation of refugee encampments and settlements (formal and informal); human vulnerability and rights violations; and expanded border securitization. In the case of Lebanon, these processes play out in especially stark fashion in big cities and border sites. This chapter focuses on one such site in an area of Lebanon: the Central Bekaa. It is important to start by looking at the context of borders and mobility in the Middle East. This chapter is based on original research that aims to provide an examination of certain aspects of borders and mobility, including the transnational circulation of displaced communities, cross-border networks, and how Syrian refugees in the Middle East—especially in Lebanon—navigate borders and deploy their own social capital in the process.

  • Women and left in the middle east: The voice of the protagonists: How feminist change occurs in Lebanon: An interview with Azza Chararah Baydoun

  • Borders of Wealth and Poverty: Ideas Stimulated by Comparing the Mediterranean and U.S.-Mexico Borders
    Josiah Heyman and Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    How can anthropologists and sociologists share ideas and knowledge on the Mediterranean and U.S.-Mexico borders to deepen insight and understanding? The best-known comparison is militarized border enforcement, plus humanitarianism, posed against asylum seeking and irregular migration. But, more complex mobility occurs at these borders, including privileged and other differentiated and sorted mobilities. Interwoven with these mobilities, commerce of many scales and degrees of legality occurs, supporting complicated cultural worlds of informality and exchange. Borders require not just a political analysis, but also attention to capital. Importantly, borders (immediate and extended) have become increasingly important sites of export-oriented production in the world economy. The processes of interchange at borders, in turn, support important urban zones and other communities that merit close ethnographic study for their social and cultural complexity.

  • The mediterranean in the age of globalization: Migration, welfare, and borders
    Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    The Mediterranean in the Age of Globalization is a welcome corrective to the tendency to present globalization as a homogenous concept, and the failure to describe how it operates in specific regions. Ribas-Mateos examines globalization and migration across the Mediterranean, using an innovative, integrated framework so as to map social places by describing how social, political, cultural, and economic forces are embedded within a globalizing environment. The author articulates an original and compelling narrative, mapping the Mediterranean as a global place where international and regional forces are intertwined in multiple threads. In doing so, she identifies two key components of globalization - affecting specifically forms of welfare and issues of mobility - in the context of a weakening European welfare state and the relocation and reinforcement of Mediterranean borders. Nine Mediterranean cities are investigated as "gateway" cities, which shape two major effects of globalization: welfare and mobility. The book challenges conventional North-South perspectives, and focuses and systematizes the way international migration should be conceptualized. The originality of the book results from the author's fieldwork, which is rich in descriptive detail, and from a theory centered around global perspectives. Seven case studies in Southern Europe - Algeciras, Athens, Barcelona, Lisbon, Naples, Turin, and Thrace - deal with issues related to migration and the welfare state. She also includes two ethnographies that represent two Mediterranean gateways in the North-South Mediterranean division: Tangiers (in Morocco) and Durres (in Albania), which are mapped as border-cities in the global Mediterranean context. Because of its intrinsically multidisciplinary nature, this superb volume will be of particular interest to academics and social science researchers as well as policymakers and international agencies.

  • Security and insecurity at the Border: Notes from the Mexican-US Border when considering the Mediterranean

  • Global borders: A gender interpretation
    M. Solís

    pación femenina, como mano de obra poco calificada y de baja remuneración, ha sido fundamental para el sostenimien to del modelo de desarrollo económico vigente. Así, las fronteras de estudio se conciben como espacios que amplían las formas de participación de las muje res más allá del ámbito doméstico; pero, al mismo tiempo, las exponen a distintas formas de vulnerabilidad. Esta dicotomía entre autonomía y vulnerabilidad constituye el nodo conceptual que articula los diferentes capítulos del libro, lo que acerca esta obra a la perspectiva analítica de Sassen (2003), quien subraya la dualidad entre la feminización de la sobrevivencia y las posibilidades de emancipación que ofrecen las ciudades fronterizas para las mujeres. La globalización ha propiciado una ver tiginosa transformación en los roles atribuidos a hombres y mujeres, especialmente en los contextos fronterizos, al promover la incorporación masiva de las mujeres en los mercados de trabajo y la creciente participación femenina en los f lujos migratorios. En este escenario, Gender Transitions Along Borders. The Northern Borderlands of Mexico and Morocco representa un esfuerzo colectivo por comprender las transiciones que ex pe rimentan las mujeres en la frontera norte de México y la de Marruecos a partir de los cambios ocurridos en los roles de género en cuatro ámbitos: el tra bajo, la familia, la sexualidad y la participación colectiva. La comparación de ambas fronteras es pertinente porque en ellas la partici-

  • The international handbook on gender, migration and transnationalism: Global and development perspectives
    Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    Edward Elgar Publishing
    The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism represents a state-of-the-art review of the critical importance of the links between gender and migration in a globalising world. It draws on original, largely field-based contributions by authors across a range of disciplinary provenances worldwide.

  • An introduction to a global and development perspective: A focus on gender, migration and transnationalism
    Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    Edward Elgar Publishing
    This first chapter to the handbook encourages readers to conceptualize the introduction of a gender perspective on mobilities into a cartography of global chains and circuits. This is done in order to present a particular field on gender and migration studies, specifically in relation to the important works, concepts, debates and trends found in the different chapters and which we think should constitute a comprehensive overall work for many years to come. This introduction addresses the challenge of summarizing extensive areas of literature as well as describing the written work from which it is drawn, It provides an extensive bibliography, which also indicates further reading in the selected topics of interest. our point of departure is that this new phase in the study of global mobilities follows on from considering previous studies, first within the scope of gender and development, and second in terms of gender and migration analysis. More specifically, this introduction examines the connections between gender, migration, development and transnationalism in the context of globalization. The contributions in this volume address, one way or another, the terms of such connection between the different axes, which have somehow become parts of the book. Theoretically and operationally, such connections are strategic and capable of illuminating the issues at hand. They provide the elements that will enable us to explore the contents of the handbook, be they theoretical or empirical, by introducing a vast range of case studies, examples drawn from around the world. each of the chapters presented here illustrates in different ways gender and mobilities in the processes of globalization. over the past two decades there has been growing academic and policy interest in gender and migration, resulting, as we shall see, in a very productive literature. research has centred mainly on the analysis of the reproductive role of migrant women, as domestic servants, sex workers and caregivers within the process of globalization (Truong, 1996; hochschild, 2000; Parrenas, 2001a; ehrenreich and hochschild 2002; among others).

  • From surprise to uncertainty in the opening stages of the thematic study on gender and migration in the Spanish context
    Laura Oso Casas and Natalia Ribas Mateos

    Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
    Desde que, en los anos ochenta, Espana empieza a constituirse en un pais de inmigracion, las mujeres han tenido un papel determinante en la configuracion de los flujos de entrada y de las comunidades asentadas, no solo en lo que se refiere a su representacion numerica, sino en tanto agentes economicos y sociales. Ya en los anos noventa, los primeros trabajos que abordaron la inmigracion femenina en este pais apuntaron en esta linea, sacando a la luz el rol de las mujeres inmigrantes como pioneras de las cadenas migratorias, en el contexto del surgimiento de flujos migratorios feminizados por nacionalidad en el sur de Europa. Entre los primeros trabajos, destacaron las monografias por nacionalidad (Gregorio, 1998; Ramirez, 1998; Ribas, 1999), asi como los analisis sobre la insercion laboral de las mujeres inmigrantes, principalmente en el sector del servicio domestico (Colectivo IOE, 2001; Escriva, 2003; Herranz, 1996; Oso, 1998; Parella, 2003; Sole, 1994). Investigaciones que coincidieron en sacar a la luz como estos movimientos poblacionales ya no reproducian el estereotipo de la mujer reagrupada. Sumario

  • Filipinas in Spain: Learning to do domestic labour
    E. Spaan, F. Hillmann and T. V. Naerssen

    In an era of globalization and demographic transition international migration has become an important issue for European governments. The past decades have seen an increasing and diversifying flow of migrants from different parts of the world, including many from South, Southeast and East Asia. It has become apparent that in several European countries the demand for workers in certain sectors of the labour market is increasing and that Asia has become the source for these workers.

  • How can we understand immigration in Southern Europe?
    Natalia Ribas-Mateos

    Informa UK Limited
    The purpose of this paper is to set a general framework for this themed issue of JEMS in order to understand the notion of Southern European countries as an ensemble in relation to their migratory system. The proposed theoretical framework is based on a triadic relationship composed of the impact of global economic processes, a weak and familistic welfare state and a dynamic informal economy. The paper also incorporates and integrates some of the conceptual ideas deriving from other papers in this special issue.

  • Towards a diversity of migratory types and contexts in Southern Europe


    L Oso, N Ribas-Mateos, M Moralli
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024

  • Encyclopedia of Global Migration (Oso and Ribas-Mateos)
    NR Mateos

  • Foreword: a critique of Mediterranean Europe as a “migration place”
    N Ribas-Mateos, J Malheiros
    Migration Patterns Across the Mediterranean: Exchanges, Conflicts and 2023

  • Introduction to The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration
    N Ribas-Mateos, S Sassen
    The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration, 1-22 2022

  • Social Mobilization in Morocco: Lessons Learned for a Historically Informed Activism
    N Ribas-Mateos, L Feliu, F Izquierdo, JL Mateo
    Columbia University 2022

  • The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration: Beyond Western Research
    N Ribas-Mateos, S Sassen
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2022

  • Origins of extreme violence in Palermo: health (infectious) impact of the trans-SaharanMediterranean route for women on the move
    T Prestileo, N Ribas-Mateos
    The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration: Beyond Western Research, 287 2022

  • 4. The absent image of women: lacunae in the legacy of French colonial mobilities
    N Ribas-Mateos
    The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration: Beyond Western Research, 49 2022

  • Nuevas fronteras de la movilidad y de las migraciones:: un anlisis terico-emprico
    N Ribas-Mateos, MJ Cabezn-Fernndez
    Finisterra 56 (117), 253-272 2021

  • Elementos clave para un debate: Un siglo de movilizacin social en Marruecos (Entrevista a Mara Rosa de Madariaga. Una retrospectiva de investigacin)
    NR Mateos
    Idearabia, 116-131 2021

  • The mantling and dismantling of a tent city at the US–Mexico border
    ME Hernandez Snchez
    Instituto de Arquitectura Diseo y Arte 2021

  • Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2021

  • 5. The predatory character of today’s economies: a focus on borders and migrations
    S Sassen
    Handbook on human security, borders and migration, 102 2021

  • 10. Biopolitical governmentality at Chile’s northern border (Arica–Tacna)
    LI Valenzuela
    Handbook on human security, borders and migration, 165 2021

  • 11. Major changes in “migrations and borders” after the “revolution” of globalized liberalism
    S Palidda
    Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, 177 2021

  • 27. Adolescent mobilities and border regimes in the western Mediterranean1
    MG Jimnez-lvarez
    Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, 412 2021

  • Introduction to the Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration
    N Ribas-Mateos, TJ Dunn
    Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration 1 2021

  • 13. Transnational humanitarianism: blurring the boundaries of the Mediterranean in Libya
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, 210 2021

  • Spanish-Algerian border relations: tensions between bilateral policies and population mobilities
    MJ Cabezn-Fernndez, JD Sempere-Souvannavong, A Mazouni
    Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, 253-268 2021

  • Mobility and forced displacement in the Middle East
    Z Babar
    Oxford University Press 2021


  • Gender and migration in Southern Europe: Women on the move
    F Anthias, G Lazaridis
    Routledge 2020
    Citations: 582

  • Una invitacin a la sociologa de las migraciones
    N Ribas Mateos
    Una invitacin a la sociologa de las migraciones, 13-235 2004
    Citations: 253

  • How can we understand Immigration in Southern Europe?
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Journal of ethnic and migration studies 30 (6), 1045-1063 2004
    Citations: 159

  • The Mediterranean passage: Migration and new cultural encounters in Southern Europe
    R King
    Liverpool University Press 2001
    Citations: 151

  • The Mediterranean in the age of globalization: Migration, welfare, and borders
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Routledge 2017
    Citations: 144

  • Security, insecurity and migration in Europe
    G Lazaridis
    Routledge 2016
    Citations: 134

  • Las presencias de la inmigracin femenina: un recorrido por Filipinas, Gambia y Marruecos en Catalua
    N Ribas
    Icaria Editorial 1999
    Citations: 129

  • Rastreando lo invisible: mujeres extranjeras en las crceles
    N Ribas, E Almeda
    Anthropos Editorial 2005
    Citations: 111

  • The international handbook on gender, migration and transnationalism
    L Oso, N Ribas-Mateos
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2013
    Citations: 89

  • Una propuesta de recorrido bibliogrfico por las migraciones femeninas en Espaa
    G Aubarell
    Papers. Revista de sociologa 60, 381-413 2000
    Citations: 89

  • Female birds of passage: leaving and settling in Spain
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Gender and Migration in Southern Europe, 173-197 2020
    Citations: 73

  • Empresariado tnico en Espaa
    J Beltrn, L Oso, N Ribas
    Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Subdireccin General de 2006
    Citations: 73

  • Theoretical and methodological issues in migration research: interdisciplinary, intergenerational and international perspectives
    B Agozino
    (No Title) 2000
    Citations: 70

  • Las otras migraciones: la emigracin de menores marroques no acompaados a Espaa
    Ramrez Fernndez, M Jimnez lvarez
    (No Title) 2005
    Citations: 64

  • Migracin y desarrollo: estudios sobre remesas y otras prcticas transnacionales en Espaa
    A Escriv, N Ribas
    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, Instituto de Estudios 2004
    Citations: 64

  • Integraciones diferenciadas: migraciones en Catalua, Galicia y Andaluca Barcelona: Anthropos, 2005
    C Sol, A Izquierdo
    Citations: 60

  • Empresariado tnico en Espaa.
    I Light
    Citations: 54

  • De la sorpresa a la incertidumbre: abriendo etapas en el estudio de la temtica sobre gnero y migracin en el contexto espaol
    L Oso, N Ribas Mateos
    Papers: revista de sociologa 97 (3), 0511-520 2012
    Citations: 52

  • Perspectivas de la inmigracin en Espaa: una aproximacin desde el territorio
    G Aubarell, AR Pars
    Icaria 2003
    Citations: 52

  • Border shifts: new mobilities in Europe and beyond
    N Ribas-Mateos
    Springer 2016
    Citations: 51