Renato Marcos Endrizzi Sabbatini

Associate Professor of Health Informatics and Telehealth
Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública


Renato Sabbatini is a biomedical scientist, with a doctorate and a post-doctoral fellowship in neurophysiology of behavior. He was a professor of physiology and medical informatics from 1970 to 1983 at the Medical Schools of the state Universities of Sao Paulo and Campinas, Brazil. He is founder and director of the Center of Biomedical Informatics for over 20 years, and founding member and past president and director of education of the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics, and founding member and vice-president/education WG co-chair of the HL7 Institute Brazil, and former vice-president of IHE Association Brazil. Dr, Sabbatini is also founding Fellow elect of the International Academy of Health Science Informatics (IAHSI), IMIA, and Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics. He is currently an associate and invited professor of health informatics and telehealth at several medical and health sciences schools around Brazil, and a private consultant of HIT


- Bachelor in Biological Sciences, Medical Modality by the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. (1065-1968)
- Doctor of Sciences (Physiology) by the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. (1970-1977)
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany (1977-1979)


Physiology, Information Systems, Health Informatics, Behavioral Neuroscience


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Tecnlogo em Informtica em Sade-Trilhas de formao

  • MEDICINA INFORMTICA EM SADE Plano de Ensino 2022.1
    RME Sabbatini

  • EAD Tecnlogo em Informtica em Sade: Documentao clnica na era digital e sade para todos
    F Barbosa, R Sabbatini

  • Capacitao Docente Intensiva em Educao a Distncia PARTE 1
    R Sabbatini

  • EAD: Perspectivas Profissionais em Padres de Informao em Sade
    R Sabbatini

  • Modulo de Introduo informtica e sade
    R Sabbatini

  • Tecnologia da informao e segurana do paciente
    R Sabbatini

  • Simulao do uso de Videoconferncia Telemedicina e Telerradiologia
    R Sabbatini

  • EAD BAHIANA: Aspectos ticos e Legais da Telemedicina e Telessade
    R Sabbatini

  • EAD BAHIANA: Sistemas de Apoio Deciso em Telemedicina
    R Sabbatini

  • A medicina do futuro-Inovaes tecnolgicas e a telemedicina e telessade
    R Sabbatini

  • Telemedicina e Telessade
    R Sabbatini

  • Robtica Mdica e Telecirurgia
    R Sabbatini

  • Quantified Self, Mobilidade e Sade
    R Sabbatini

  • Projetos de Telemedicina e Telessade no Brasil
    R Sabbatini

  • EAD BAHIANA: Aplicativos de Software e Projetos de Telemedicina
    R Sabbatini

  • Acupuntura Funciona? 2003
    http://www://epub. org. br/svol/artigo86. htm>. Acesso em 22 (06), 03 2017

  • Investigao de estratgias para mitigao de riscos para a segurana do paciente associados aos sistemas de registro eletrnico em sade
    LAV Junior
    [sn] 2016

  • The development and evaluation of a distance learning system in ophthalmology
    JN Iyeyasu, SMC Castro, RME Sabbatini, KM Carvalho
    Revista Brasileira de Educao Mdica 37 (01), 96-102 2013

  • Telemedicina na Educao Continuada em Sade
    RME Sabbatini, SH Cardoso
    SANARE-Revista de Polticas Pblicas 3 (1) 2013


  • Ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem via Internet: a Plataforma Moodle
    RME Sabbatini
    Instituto EduMed 7, 36 2007
    Citations: 118

  • Desenvolvimento e avaliao tecnolgica de um sistema de pronturio eletrnico do paciente, baseado nos paradigmas da World Wide Web e da engenharia de software
    CGA Costa
    Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2001
    Citations: 96

  • One-year mortality prognosis in heart failure: a neural network approach based on echocardiographic data
    J Ortiz, CGM Ghefter, CES Silva, RME Sabbatini
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology 26 (7), 1586-1593 1995
    Citations: 65

  • Are there differences between the brains of males and females?
    RME Sabbatini
    Brazil: State University of Campinas 1997
    Citations: 62

  • Gradual bone distraction in craniosynostosis
    CMR Do Amaral, GD Domizio, V Tiziani, F Galhardi, CL Buzzo, T Rinco, ...
    Scand J Plast Reconst Surg Hand Surg 31 (1), 25-37 1997
    Citations: 61

  • Role of the substantia nigra in audiogenic seizures: a neuroethological analysis in the rat.
    N Garcia-Cairasco, RM Sabbatini
    Braz J Med Biol Res 16 (2), 171-183 1983
    Citations: 61

  • Informatics and telematics in health: present and potential uses
    World Health Organization
    World Health Organization 1988
    Citations: 57

  • Possible interaction between the inferior colliculus and the substantia nigra in audiogenic seizures in Wistar rats
    N Garcia-Cairasco, RME Sabbatini
    Physiology & behavior 50 (2), 421-427 1991
    Citations: 54

  • Uso do computador no apoio ao diagnstico mdico
    RME Sabbatini
    Revista Informdica 1 (1), 5-11 1993
    Citations: 48

  • Telemedicina: a nova revoluo
    R Maceratini, RME Sabbatini
    Revista Informdica 1 (6), 5-9 1994
    Citations: 44

  • Phrenology: The history of brain localization
    RME Sabbatini
    Brain and mind 1, 69-98 1997
    Citations: 39

  • The history of shock therapy in psychiatry
    RME Sabbatini
    Brain & Mind: Electronic Magazine on Neuroscience, 10-12 1997
    Citations: 38

  • Neurons and synapses. The history of its discovery
    RME Sabbatini
    Brain and Mind. 17, 1-6 2003
    Citations: 37

  • Neuroethological evaluation of audiogenic seizures in hemidetelencephalated rats
    N Garcia-Cairasco, RME Sabbatini
    Behavioural brain research 33 (1), 65-77 1989
    Citations: 32

  • A telemedicina no Brasil: evoluo e perspectivas
    RME Sabbatini
    CAETANO, KC; MALAGUTTI, W. Informtica em Sade: uma perspectiva 2012
    Citations: 28

  • Discrete telencephalic lesions accelerate the habituation rate of behavioral arousal responses in Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens).
    J Marino-Neto, RM Sabbatini
    Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research= Revista Brasileira de 1983
    Citations: 25

  • Frenologia: a histria da localizao cerebral
    Revista Eletrnica Crebro e Mente, on line http://www. cerebromente. org. br 1997
    Citations: 24

  • The History of psychosurgery
    RME Sabbatini
    URL: http://www. epub. org. br/cm 2 1997
    Citations: 23

  • Applications of connectionist systems in biomedicine
    RME Sabbatini
    MEDINFO 92, 418-425 1992
    Citations: 23

  • Uma viso geral da educao a distncia
    C Bastos, SH CARDOSO, P Sabbatini
    Curso de Capacitao Docente em Educao a Distncia, realizado pelo 2000
    Citations: 22


Professor Sabbatini has founded a number of startups in education and health technologies in Germany and in Brazil:
Vortex (1978-1979) - Development of TRS-80 Radio Shack personal computer software and book publishing.
Dataquest (1983-1995) - Authors house for translation of technical manuals, and production of publications on Informatics for several publishing houses. Closed.
Webpraxis International (1999-present): Technical consultancy, development of software, localization of software, marketing, development and offer of courses. Holds several initiatives with their own names: Sabbatini Consulting & Education, Edumed Institute, Faculdade de Medicina Virtual (Virtual Medical School), Health IT Center, EduCert, among others.