Rui Mendes

Ciências do Desporto e Motricidade
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra - Escola Superior de Educação (Portugal)


Rui Manuel Sousa Mendes. Conclui o(a) Título de Agregado em Ciências do Desporto / Sport Sciences – especialidade em Controlo Motor e Aprendizagem / Motor Control and Learning -, pela Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto-Douro (2020), Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana pela Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana / Human Movement Sciences (ULisboa-FMH) (1999), Mestrado em Desenvolvimento da Criança - Variante de Desenvolvimento Motor -, pela ULisboa-FMH (1994) e, Licenciatura (5 anos) em Educação Física / Physical Education pela ULisboa-FMH (1989). É Diretor da Unidade de Investigação Aplicada em Ciências do Desporto / Applied Sport Sciences Research Unit no Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra – Escola Superior de Educação (IPC-ESE), Coordenador do Grupo Científico e Disciplinar de Ciências do Desporto e Motricidade no IPC-ESE, membro do Centro de Investigação em Desporto e Atividade Física / Research Unit for Sport and Physical Activity (research centre) na Universidade


Academic Title of Aggregate in Sport Sciences - Motor Control and Learning -, by University of Trás os Montes e Alto-Douro (2020-06-23 and 24), 4-yr PhD in Human Movement Sciences - Motor Behaviour - by University of Lisbon (1996-1999), 2-yr Msc in Motor Development by University of Lisbon (1992-1994), 5-yr Bsc in Physical Education by University of Lisbon (1985-1990), High School at Maria Lamas in Torres Novas (1984) and Elementary School in Riachos (1975)


Sport Sciences, Motor Behaviour, Motor Development, Motor Control, Motor Learning, Play and Early Motor Development


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Methodology and Experimental Protocol for Studying Learning and Motor Control in Neuromuscular Structures in Pilates
    Mário José Pereira, Alexandra André, Mário Monteiro, Maria António Castro, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Vasco Vaz, and Gonçalo Dias

    The benefits of Pilates have been extensively researched for their impact on muscular, psychological, and cardiac health, as well as body composition, among other aspects. This study aims to investigate the influence of the Pilates method on the learning process, motor control, and neuromuscular trunk stabilization, specifically in both experienced and inexperienced practitioners. This semi-randomized controlled trial compares the level of experience among 36 Pilates practitioners in terms of motor control and learning of two Pilates-based skills: standing plank and side crisscross. Data will be collected using various assessment methods, including abdominal wall muscle ultrasound (AWMUS), shear wave elastography (SWE), gaze behavior (GA) assessment, electroencephalography (EEG), and video motion. Significant intra- and inter-individual variations are expected, due to the diverse morphological and psychomotor profiles in the sample. The adoption of both linear and non-linear analyses will provide a comprehensive evaluation of how neuromuscular structures evolve over time and space, offering both quantitative and qualitative insights. Non-linear analysis is expected to reveal higher entropy in the expert group compared to non-experts, signifying greater complexity in their motor control. In terms of stability, experts are likely to exhibit higher Lyapunov exponent values, indicating enhanced stability and coordination, along with lower Hurst exponent values. In elastography, experienced practitioners are expected to display higher transversus abdominis (TrA) muscle elasticity, due to their proficiency. Concerning GA, non-experts are expected to demonstrate more saccades, focus on more Areas of Interest (AOIs), and shorter fixation times, as experts are presumed to have more efficient gaze control. In EEG, we anticipate higher theta wave values in the non-expert group compared to the expert group. These expectations draw from similar studies in elastography and correlated research in eye tracking and EEG. They are consistent with the principles of the Pilates Method and other scientific knowledge in related techniques.

  • The Gaze Patterns of Group Fitness Instructors Based on Different Levels of Training and Professional Experience
    Francisco Campos, Catarina M. Amaro, João P. Duarte, Rui Mendes, and Fernando Martins

    The way in which group fitness instructors observe participants has a great influence on their pedagogical intervention. Based on the above, the main objective of this research is to characterize and compare their gaze patterns according to their training and professional experience. Twenty group fitness instructors of choreographed classes participated, aged between 18 and 42 years old, and for the comparison, four groups were created. Eye movements were captured with TOBII Pro Glasses 3, and data were coded and analyzed using the TOBII Pro Lab software. For the characterization of the gaze patterns, descriptive statistics were used in terms of count (f/m) and duration (s/m), while the comparison was performed using a one-way ANOVA test. More trained and experienced instructors tend to look at participants less, in count (80.59 ± 0.74) and duration (17.74 ± 0.71), with significant differences between the groups in some areas of interest (head, lower body, and other). There are also significant differences in the total number of eye fixations (F = 34.614; p = 0.001; η2 = 0.866; effect size very high). In conclusion, and projecting future works, it is important to understand how these gaze patterns are related to pedagogical behaviors in general or based on some specific factors (e.g., pedagogical feedback).

  • The influence of physical activity on the creativity of 10 and 11-year-old school children
    Ramón Romance, Adriana Nielsen-Rodríguez, Rui Sousa Mendes, Juan Carlos Dobado-Castañeda, and Gonçalo Dias

    Elsevier BV

  • Physical activity programs for older people: Methodological approach and practical implications
    Gonçalo Dias, Rui Sousa Mendes, Rodrigo Mendes, Cristiana Lameira, and Luis Pedro Ribeiro

    IGI Global
    To provide a physical activity (PA) program for older people, capable of offering lasting psychomotor benefits, it is necessary to prescribe exercises directed to their real needs. Moreover, to improve the quality of life of ageing people, it is important to apply an appropriate PA methodology in terms of intensity, volume, frequency, and progression, minimizing the physiological aspects that may be affected, such as cardiorespiratory function, among others. This chapter's main objective is to present a PA program for older people, which can be carried out with very simple materials and is accessible to any elderly person, being structured in three distinct phases. The first phase encompasses joint and organic mobilization. The second includes the fundamental part of the physical exercises and activities to be carried out. Finally, the third “return to calm” part, where some stretching exercises are proposed, so that participants gradually recover from the positive effects of the PA session and reflect on it.

  • Visual Patterns of U16 Athletes and Professional Basketball Players
    Rui Marques, Gonçalo Dias, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Rodrigo Mendes, Diogo Martinho, Manuel J. Coelho e Silva, and Rui Mendes

    This work aimed to compare the visual patterns of under 16 (U16) athletes and professional basketball players. The sample was composed of 10 U16 (aged 15.2 ± 0.4 years; 7.1 ± 2.5 years of experience) and 10 professional (aged 27.6 ± 3.7 years; 18.4 ± 4.6 years of experience) basketball players. All athletes were males and right-handed. Each participant performed 50 jump shots from 10 different positions and 5 different angle shots (0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180°). Number of fixations, time of first and last fixation, total fixation duration and Quiet Eye (QE) time of all shots were analysed. Overall, results indicated that the U16 group showed greater within-group differences regarding shot positions, last fixation times, shot angles, and first and last fixation times. Additionally, the U16 group presented different visual strategies than those of professional players, with significant differences found for shooting positions and shot angles, particularly for shots performed on the left side of the field, and for QE times. In conclusion, our results add to the understanding that longer fixation times and longer QE time are associated with better jump-shot efficacy, and this relation is evident when comparing players of different age groups.

  • Effects of Different Basketball Shooting Positions and Distances on Gaze Behavior and Shooting Accuracy
    Catarina M. Amaro, Ana M. Amaro, Beatriz B. Gomes, Maria António Castro, and Rui Mendes

    Basketball is a sport where in order to obtain points, it is necessary to put the ball in the basket. Therefore, basketball players need to shoot the ball accurately. This study aimed to evaluate if there are differences between shooting positions and angles concerning athlete visual behavior. Tobii Pro Glasses 3 was used to measure the number and duration of fixations in the target during shooting movement. The sample included 18 basketball players (10 female and 8 males; 22 ± 3.72 years; 12.5 ± 4.52 years of federated basketball practice) who performed a total of 60 shots in all shooting conditions and positions. Two distances (free throw and 3 points line) and three angles (45°, 90°, and 135°) in the 3 points shot were considered in all three shooting conditions (baseline, simulated opposition, and gym audience noise). Between distances, statistically significant differences occurred in the number and total duration of fixations and shooting accuracy. At a greater distance from the basket, the athlete tended to have less accuracy, as well as a lower number and duration of fixations. Between angles, there was no statistically significant differences, neither a tendency towards lower or higher values between them. Moreover, the shooting accuracy was better when the athlete focused for more time on the target, which occurred in the free throw condition.

  • Evaluation of the Ground Reaction Force in Basketball Shooting, with and Without Opposition
    C. M. Amaro, R. Mendes, B. B. Gomes, and M. A. Castro

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Acute Effect of Myofascial Release on Muscle Activation of Snatch Movement
    Thamyres Mourão, Prodamy da Silva Pacheco Neto, Rui Mendes, A. Vences-Brito, and Maria António Castro

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Effect of Basketball Shooting Distance on Muscle Recruitment of the Shooting Arm
    C. M. Amaro, M. A. Castro, R. Mendes, and B. B. Gomes

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Visual Information in Basketball Jump-Shots: Differences between Youth and Adult Athletes
    Rui Marques, Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Diogo V Martinho, Rui Mendes, Sarah A. Moore, Manuel J Coelho-e-Silva, and Gonçalo Dias

    Termedia Sp. z.o.o.
    This study aimed to examine visual patterns in male novice youth and professional adult players while performing a jump shot. The sample included 20 basketball players grouped as under-16 youth (<i>n</i> = 10) and professional adult (<i>n</i> = 10) players. Each participant completed 50 shots at two distances (long range: 6.80 m; middle range: 4.23 m). Eye tracking glasses were used to obtain quiet eye (QE), the number of fixations, total fixation duration, duration of first and last fixation. An independent t-test was used to assess differences between groups. Shooting accuracy given by % of efficacy indicated that under-16 players attained poorer scores at both distances: long (<i>t</i> = −4.75, <i>p</i> < 0.01) and middle (<i>t</i> = −2.80, <i>p</i> < 0.012) distance. The groups also differed in QE time (long: 600 ms vs. 551 ms; middle: 572 ms vs. 504 ms) and total duration of the fixations (long: 663 ms vs. 606 ms; middle: 663 ms vs. 564 ms) in both long and middle distance shots. Significant differences also occurred in the last fixation (long distance: <i>t</i> = −4.301, <i>p</i> < 0.01; middle distance: <i>t</i> = −3.656, <i>p</i> < 0.01) with professional adult players presenting the value of, on average, 454–458 ms, while youth shooters 363–372 ms. In summary, visual strategy differed between under-16 youth and professional adult basketball players. To support their long-term sport development, it is recommended that youth basketball players focus their attention with longer final fixation before releasing the ball to improve their shot.

  • Right to play promotion in primary education in Portugal: impact on children’s satisfaction levels and recess interactions
    Ana Lourenço, Beatriz Pereira, Rui Mendes, and Fernando Martins

    Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educacion Fisica (FEADEF)
    Brincar é um Direito da Criança e considerando o tempo que as crianças passam no contexto escolar, este deve assumir-se enquanto contexto privilegiado para a promoção deste Direito. Foi implementado um programa de promoção do Direito a Brincar em escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB) de Lisboa, com o objetivo de melhorar as oportunidades lúdicas das crianças em contexto escolar. O estudo realizado é de natureza quantitativa e apresenta o impacto do programa de intervenção nas dimensões da satisfação das crianças e das interações ocorridas nos espaços de brincar exteriores após a intervenção. Constituem a amostra 357 sujeitos, 188 raparigas (52.7%) e 169 rapazes (47.3%), com idade 8.65±0.789. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos de intervenção (G1 e G2) e um de controlo (G3). Utilizou-se um questionário para recolha do índice de satisfação, criado pela equipa de investigação e o questionário “Identificação das atividades e interações das crianças nos recreios” (Pereira, et al., 2016).Os resultados evidenciam que os grupos de intervenção demonstram uma maior satisfação com as pinturas de chão, mas o mesmo não acontece em relação aos materiais. Em relação aos materiais utilizados e às atividades desenvolvidas não existiram diferenças entre os grupos e é notória a prevalência de atividades e materiais ligados ao movimento e não a outras modalidades de atividade lúdica. Assim, o programa foi eficaz apenas em parte da intervenção o que pode ser explicado pelo facto do mesmo ter decorrido em período de restrições sanitárias ligadas à pandemia COVID-19. Palavras-chave: Brincar, jogo, 1º CEB, recreio, crianças, saúde, covid-19.

  • Movement variability in Pilates: a scoping review
    Mário José Pereira, Gonçalo Dias, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Maria António Castro, and Vasco Vaz

    Frontiers Media SA
    ObjectiveThis scoping review aimed to identify studies that analyzed movement variability in Pilates. Following a systematic approach to mapping evidence on this topic would highlight concepts, theories, sources, and knowledge gaps in this area.MethodsThis review used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) criteria for the selection, reading, and analysis of studies in this area. We searched five literature databases (Web of Science, SCOPUS, library catalog of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra—EBSCO Discovery Services, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar). Eligible articles contained the word “Pilates,” and the human movement variability was analyzed. Any type of study (except reviews) could be eligible and must have been published between 1 January 2002 and 30 November 2022, in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or English.ResultsOur search identified five eligible entries. Only one study used the Pilates method in its intervention, pointing to a more significant variability of hip–knee coordination, suggesting more diversified coordination patterns, and maintaining the variability of the angular position of the joint.ConclusionVery few studies have examined movement variability in Pilates, and only one applied an ecological framework.

  • Efficacy of Pilates in Functional Body Composition: A Systematic Review
    Mário José Pereira, Gonçalo Dias, Rodrigo Mendes, Rui Sousa Mendes, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, José Gama, Maria António Castro, and Vasco Vaz

    Background: The aim of this review was to collect and systematize results of studies from the last 5 years concerning the influence of the Pilates method (PM) on functional body composition (FBC). Methods: The criteria of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were used in this review. We conducted research in three scientific databases: (i) Web of Science Core Collection, (ii) SCOPUS, and (iii) search directory of the library catalog of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra—EBSCO Discovery Services. We found 334 articles, covering the period between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2021. After the selection process, we found 33 eligible articles. Results: The main results seem to point to a tendency to get a better body weight and body fat percentage (BFP), hip circumference (HC), waist, and skinfolds from the chest, abdomen, triceps, and supra-iliac in mostly female samples. Available evidence indicates that, in body composition (BC) and FBC, Pilates practice tends to be effective in reducing obesity as a multifactorial condition. Conclusions: It is concluded that there is a marked trend in the benefits of Pilates in FBC, which is in line with other systematic reviews at the BC level (which includes body weight (BW) and body mass index (BMI)) and in the reduction of the percentage of fat mass (FM). It is also concluded that there is a vast lack of studies on the male population, preventing further scientific development in this area. The limitations of this systematic review can be overcome with studies that bring together multidisciplinary aspects of FBC, better designed and methodologically more robust, which will allow more reliable analyses for the implementation of the Pilates method in terms of FBC. In addition, further studies with a male sample or mixed samples (men vs. women) could confirm the trend of no gender differences in the benefits of Pilates practice.

  • Social Network Analysis: Mathematical Models for Understanding Professional Football in Game Critical Moments—An Exploratory Study
    Diana Assunção, Isabel Pedrosa, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, João Francisco, Ricardo Gomes, and Gonçalo Dias

    Considering the Social Network Analysis approach and based on the creation of mathematical models, the aim of this study is to analyze the players’ interactions of professional football teams in critical moments of the game. The sample consists in the analysis of a 2019/2020 season UEFA Champions League match. The mathematical models adopted in the analysis of the players (micro analysis) and the game (macro analysis) were obtained through the uPATO software. The results of the networks indicated a performance pattern trend more robust in terms of the mathematical model: Network Density. As far as it concerned, we found that the Centroid Players had a decisive role in the level of connectivity and interaction of the team. Regarding the main critical moments of the game, the results showed that these were preceded by periods of great instability, obtaining a differentiated performance in the following mathematical models: Centrality, Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality, and Degree Prestige. We concluded that the networks approach, in concomitance with the dynamic properties of mathematical models, and the critical moments of the game, can help coaches to better evaluate the level of interaction and connectivity of their players toward the actions imposed by opponents.

  • Impact of Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Balance and Speed in Amateur Football Players
    Daniel Bogalho, Ricardo Gomes, Rui Mendes, Gonçalo Dias, and Maria António Castro

    Muscle strength, power, balance and speed assume decisive roles in football performance. This study aims to investigate whether lower limb flexibility, particularly the hip flexors and knee extensor and flexor muscles, are correlated with vertical jump performance, balance and speed in adult football players. A sample of 22 male amateur football players (age: 22.3 ± 3 years; height: 175.4 ± 7.4 cm; weight: 74.9 ± 11.6 kg; BMI: 24.2 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were assessed for lower limb flexibility, vertical jump, balance and speed. Results indicated that vertical jump ability is moderately correlated with left knee extensors flexibility (ρ = −0.426; p = 0.048), which did not occur on the right side. There were no statistically significant correlations between vertical jump and knee flexors flexibility (ρ = 0.330; p = 0.133). In balance, the reaching distance on the right side presented a moderate and statistically significant correlation with the knee flexors flexibility (ρ = 0.411; p = 0.040), which was not observed on the left side. Velocity was not correlated with the knee extensors flexibility (right: ρ = 0.360; p = 0.100; left: ρ = 0.386; p = 0.076), or with the knee flexors flexibility (ρ = −0.173; p = 0.440). In conclusion, the influence of flexibility on vertical jump ability, balance and speed appears to exist. Further research should seek to clarify the associations between these abilities.

  • Perception of the Special Troops (Commando) Soldiers Regarding Physical Fitness, Motor Control and Psychological Skills
    Carlos Monteiro, Gonçalo Dias, Susana Ramos, Ricardo Gomes, José Gama, Fernando Martins, Rui Sousa Mendes, and Maria Antonio Castro

    Physical fitness and motor skills are considered important attributes for the military, affecting their professional performance. The high physical and psychological demand that the special forces are subjected to requires the acquisition of a set of volitional skills such as resilience, effort, perseverance, or resistance to frustration, which are worthy of further research. This study aimed to analyse the perception of the special troops (commandos) in physical fitness, motor control and psychological skills. A total of 35 male soldiers that ended the commando recruit training program (21.69 ± 2.36 years old) were investigated. A questionnaire was applied to verify differences in perception of physical fitness, motor capacity, physical effort and military training during recruit training according to age, education, work experience and sports background. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the participants. All data collected were analysed using IBM-SPSS Statistics, version 24. Our results revealed differences in the importance given to the training of motor skills within military training (χ2 = 19.284; p = 0.023), conditional motor skills – speed (χ2 = 17.378; p = 0.043), coordinative motor skills—motor control (χ2 = 20.616; p = 0.014), psychological skills in a military context (χ2 = 13.730; p = 0.008), volitional skills—resistance to frustration (χ2 = 21.568; p = 0.043) and volitional skills—psychological resistance (χ2 = 29.144; p = 0.004). The participants highlighted the importance of instructors having scientific knowledge in physical education to provide military physical training to be better prepared for this purpose. We concluded that motor skills and psychological abilities tend to be equally important in the context of military training. Physical fitness and motor skill development can be considered essential in military training for most of the inquired participants.

  • Benefits of Pilates in the Elderly Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Mário José Pereira, Rodrigo Mendes, Rui Sousa Mendes, Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, José Gama, Gonçalo Dias, and Maria António Castro

    The aim of this systematic review is to collect and summarize the benefits of Pilates in the elderly population (>60 years old), within the current scientific production, assessing its contribution to Healthy Ageing (HA). We used PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) to select, collect, and analyse this thematic. The methodological procedures were registered in the PROSPERO database. The main results of the studies analysed (n = 30) point to significant differences between the intervention and the control groups in dynamic balance, strength, mobility, functional capacity, risk of falling reduction, and mental and psychological health. Thus, the results showed that Pilates may be beneficial for the health of the elderly. The meta-analysis found statistical differences between means on the dynamic balance (mean difference (MD) = −0.0, 95% CI [−0.71, −0.50]; I2: 0%) and the aerobic capacity and aerobic resistance [(MD) = 38.29, 95% CI [6.82, 69.77]; I2: 0%). Thus, it is concluded that the efficacy of Pilates has been shown in various areas of HA and has proven to be affordable and safe for the majority of people, using just a mat on the floor. Future studies should focus on the analysis of the relationship between the cost and the benefit of a Pilates intervention in the elderly population, to better understand how health costs can be minimized and to contribute to a multidisciplinary and generalized HA. Pilates has practical application for the clinicians, therapists, and health professionals that work with the elderly population.

  • Technical performance and aerobic fitness in Padel amateurs players with different practice levels

  • The re-organization of action in golf putting under different task constraints
    Micael Couceiro, Gonçalo Dias, Duarte Araújo, Keith Davids, José Gama, Rui Mendes, Fernando Martins, and Vasco Vaz

    IMR Press
    Background: The behaviours of golfers could be interpreted as emergent, resulting from the cyclical relations of perception-action couplings established under the interacting constraints of competitive performance environments. Underpinned by an ecological dynamics approach, the aim of this study was to investigate how a simple adaptation of task constraints constrained the (re)organization of putting actions in skilled golfers. Methods: Ten skilled golfers, male and right-handed (42.6 ± 14.4 years old) (average handicap of 2.3 ± 1.7) were investigated when putting at different distances from the hole. Results: Our results have revealed how the coupling of perception and action captures the mutual relationship that emerges between a performance environment and each golfer’s abilities, during task performance. In this sense, the manipulation of distance constraints selectively constrained movement organization variables in specific ways. As distance to the hole increased, there was a clear increment in backswing, downswing and follow-through amplitude, speed of putter impact on the ball and maximum acceleration of the putting movement. Moreover, heart rate (HR) decreased with distance to the hole, which may have indicated that a golfer was adapting to increasing distance constraints, or that a greater distance from the hole may require a greater attentional focus. Conclusions: Underpinned by an ecological dynamics approach, these and other findings in our study suggested some regularities in the behaviour of golfers when environmental constraints (e.g., distance) are manipulated. Thus, golfers’ behaviours can be interpreted as an emergent process resulting from the perception-action coupling relations established during practice

  • Golf-putting performance in skilled golfers at different distances to the hole
    Gonçalo Dias, Micael Couceiro, Pedro Mendes, Ricardo Gomes, Rui Mendes, Vasco Vaz, Fernando Martins, José Gama, and Maria António Castro

    Golf putting occurs under highly variable conditions. Therefore, adapting to different putting distances is a challenge that the golfer faces and understanding the variables underlying performance in this task is important. The main objective of this study was to analyse the golf-putting performance in skilled golfers at different distances to the hole. Fourteen highly skilled golfers, adult male and right-handed (41.5 ± 13.2 years with an average handicap of 2.3 ± 1.7) performed the golf putting on a natural grass green, completing a total of 120 randomly ordered trials, 30 trials at each of the four different practice conditions (1, 2, 3, and 4 m away from the hole). A smart engineered putter (InPutter) was used as the data acquisition instrument to record several process variables at 100 Hz. Results indicated that golf-putting distances constrained movement organisation variables in specific ways. For example, as the distance to the hole changes, so do the informational constraints, shaping how a golfer needs to regulate performance. We concluded that the effects of different golf-putting distances required the implementation of functional solutions uniquely adjusted to each player. Furthermore, the perception that the player withdrew from the properties of the context (e.g., distance to the hole) was important to adapt the golf-putting process variables (e.g., amplitude and duration of the movement, among others). All these factors led to a decisive influence on how the golfer hit the ball and adjusted his performance. A major implication of developing a better understanding of the role of performance in golf putting is that coaches and players should allow functional movement behaviours to emerge during practice.

  • Children are back to school, but is play still in lockdown? Play experiences, social interactions, and children’s quality of life in primary education in the covid-19 pandemic in 2020
    Ana Lourenço, Fernando Martins, Beatriz Pereira, and Rui Mendes

    The right to play is crucial for the overall development of children. Several studies highlight the need to have time and space to play, especially at school where children spend much of their time. Unfortunately, in formal education the obsession with academic achievements sidelines and ignores the importance of play. The neglection of play had already reached a critical stage before the pandemic, so data are needed to realize how the right to play in school is presently affected. This paper aims to understand children’s play experience in primary education during the pandemic. It investigates what activities children participated in and what materials were used, and provides insight into the social interactions between peers. Furthermore, children’s quality of life is explored. A group of 370 Portuguese children answered a questionnaire on play and social interactions, alongside with Peds 4.0TM on health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The results showed that recess still emerges as a significant element of children’s daily lives, but COVID-19 has brought limitations on play experiences and peer-interaction. It might also have impacted HRQOL, especially in emotional functioning. Since play, health and well-being are closely connected, play opportunities at school are crucial in helping children to thrive in the pandemic, and should be invested in.

  • Alcohol-impaired Walking in 16 Countries: A Theory-Based Investigation
    Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Ali Kemal Çelik, Ana Marti-Belda, Anna Włodarczyk, Daniel Demant, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Elisabeth Rubie, Erkan Oktay, Gabriel Dorantes Argandar, J.E. Rod,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Mathematical models to measure the variability of nodes and networks in team sports
    Fernando Martins, Ricardo Gomes, Vasco Lopes, Frutuoso Silva, and Rui Mendes

    Pattern analysis is a widely researched topic in team sports performance analysis, using information theory as a conceptual framework. Bayesian methods are also used in this research field, but the association between these two is being developed. The aim of this paper is to present new mathematical concepts that are based on information and probability theory and can be applied to network analysis in Team Sports. These results are based on the transition matrices of the Markov chain, associated with the adjacency matrices of a network with n nodes and allowing for a more robust analysis of the variability of interactions in team sports. The proposed models refer to individual and collective rates and indexes of total variability between players and teams as well as the overall passing capacity of a network, all of which are demonstrated in the UEFA 2020/2021 Champions League Final.

  • Siblings’ influence on the motor competence of preschoolers
    Luis P. Rodrigues, Carlos Luz, Rita Cordovil, Rui Mendes, Rita Alexandre, and Vítor P. Lopes

    The number of single-child families has been rising steadily in recent years, resulting in a childhood absent of sibling relationships. Being an only child has been shown to have a negative impact on physical fitness, somatic fitness, and motor development. In this study, we aimed to understand how living with and without siblings can impact the motor competence of children. One hundred and sixty-one children (87 boys, 74 girls) from 3.0 to 6.0 years of age (34 only children, 125 siblings) and with no known motor or cognitive disability were assessed using the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA). Their standardized results on the three MCA subscales (stability, locomotor, and manipulative) and total MCA were used to group them into high, average, and low motor competence groups. Motor competence percentile distribution of the sibling and only child group condition was compared using chi-square tests. Results showed a significative and positive association between the sibling condition and the distribution between the three MC groups (chi-square = 6.29; p = 0.043), showing that children in a household with siblings, independent of their age and sex, show a clear tendency for developing better motor competence.


  • Flow Training Program, Mindfulness, Decision Making and Mental Well-Being of Young and Adult Elite Handball Athletes
    L Martiny, G Dias, JP Ferreira, R Mendes, R Mendes
    Preprints 2024

  • Methodology and Experimental Protocol for Studying Learning and Motor Control in Neuromuscular Structures in Pilates
    MJ Pereira, A Andr, M Monteiro, MA Castro, R Mendes, F Martins, ...
    Healthcare 12 (2), 229 2024

    LE Martiny, B Carraa, C Magalhes, JP Ferreira, G Dias, R Mendes
    Revista Contempornea 4 (1), 481-523 2024

    L Eugnio Martiny, L Zanetti Theil, E Maciel Neto, G Dias, ...
    Revista Foco (Interdisciplinary Studies Journal) 16 (8) 2023

  • Promoo do direito a brincar nas escolas do 1. ciclo do ensino bsico em Portugal: impacto no ndice de satisfao das crianas e nas interaes no recreio
    A Loureno, B Pereira, R Mendes, F Martins
    Retos 2023

  • Movement variability in Pilates: a scoping review
    MJ Pereira, G Dias, R Mendes, F Martins, R Gomes, MA Castro, V Vaz
    Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1195055 2023

  • Effects of Flow States on Elite Athletes in Team Sports: A Systematic Review
    LE Martiny, LZ Theil, EM Neto, G Dias, JP Ferreira, R Mendes
    Revista foco 16 (8), e2910-e2910 2023

  • The Gaze Patterns of Group Fitness Instructors Based on Different Levels of Training and Professional Experience
    F Campos, CM Amaro, JP Duarte, R Mendes, F Martins
    Sports 11 (8), 153 2023

  • Screening the Variability in Pilates: A Scoping Review
    MJM da Silva Pereira, G Dias, R Mendes, F Martins, R Gomes, MA Castro, ...
    OSF 2023

  • The influence of physical activity on the creativity of 10 and 11-year-old school children
    R Romance, A Nielsen-Rodrguez, RS Mendes, JC Dobado-Castaneda, ...
    Thinking Skills and Creativity 48, 101295 2023

  • Acute Effect of Myofascial Release on Muscle Activation of Snatch Movement
    T Mouro, P da Silva Pacheco Neto, R Mendes, A Vences-Brito, ...
    Congress of the Portuguese Society of Biomechanics, 245-254 2023

  • Visual patterns of U16 athletes and professional basketball players
    R Marques, G Dias, F Martins, R Gomes, R Mendes, D Martinho, ...
    Applied Sciences 13 (6), 3783 2023

  • Effects of different basketball shooting positions and distances on gaze behavior and shooting accuracy
    CM Amaro, AM Amaro, BB Gomes, MA Castro, R Mendes
    Applied Sciences 13 (5), 2911 2023

  • Promocin del derecho al juego en las escuelas de la educacin primaria en Portugal: impacto en el ndice de satisfaccin de los nios e en las interacciones en los recreos
    A Loureno, B Pereira, RS Mendes, FML Martins
    Retos: nuevas tendencias en educacin fsica, deporte y recreacin, 817-825 2023

  • The influence of physical activity on the creativity of 10 and 11-year-old school children
    AR Romance-Garcia, A Nielsen-Rodrguez, RS Mendes, ...
    Elsevier 2023

  • Physical Activity Programs for Older People: Methodological Approach and Practical Implications
    G Dias, RS Mendes, R Mendes, C Lameira, LP Ribeiro
    Global Perspectives on Health Assessments for an Aging Population, 82-102 2023

  • Technical performance and aerobic fitness in Padel amateurs players with different practice levels.
    P Cabral Mendes, R Gomes, G Estquio Furtado, J Amoroso, S Lemos, ...
    Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educacin Fsica, Deporte y Recreacin 46 2022

  • Efficacy of Pilates in functional body composition: a systematic review
    MJ Pereira, G Dias, R Mendes, RS Mendes, F Martins, R Gomes, J Gama, ...
    Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7523 2022

  • Social Network Analysis: Mathematical Models for Understanding Professional Football in Game Critical Moments—An Exploratory Study
    D Assuno, I Pedrosa, R Mendes, F Martins, J Francisco, R Gomes, ...
    Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6433 2022

  • Impact of flexibility on vertical jump, balance and speed in amateur football players
    D Bogalho, R Gomes, R Mendes, G Dias, MA Castro
    Applied Sciences 12 (11), 5425 2022


  • Physical activity patterns in university students: Do they follow the public health guidelines?
    FM Clemente, PT Nikolaidis, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    PloS one 11 (3), e0152516 2016
    Citations: 185

  • General network analysis of national soccer teams in FIFA World Cup 2014
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, D Kalamaras, P Wong, RS Mendes
    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 15 (1), 80-96 2015
    Citations: 180

  • The usefulness of small-sided games on soccer training
    F Manuel Clemente, M Couceiro, F ML Martins, RUI Mendes
    Journal of physical education and sport 12 (1), 93-102 2019
    Citations: 178

  • Observao como instrumento no processo de avaliao em Educao Fsica
    R Mendes, F Clemente, R Rocha, AS Damsio
    Exedra: Revista Cientfica, 57-70 2012
    Citations: 173

  • Activity profiles of soccer players during the 2010 world cup
    FM Clemente, MS Couceiro, FML Martins, MO Ivanova, R Mendes
    Journal of human kinetics 38 (2013), 201-211 2013
    Citations: 152

  • Developing aerobic and anaerobic fitness using small-sided soccer games: Methodological proposals
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Strength & Conditioning Journal 36 (3), 76-87 2014
    Citations: 147

  • Midfielder as the prominent participant in the building attack: A network analysis of national teams in FIFA World Cup 2014
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, PD Wong, D Kalamaras, RS Mendes
    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 15 (2), 704-722 2015
    Citations: 146

  • Acute effects of the number of players and scoring method on physiological, physical, and technical performance in small-sided soccer games
    FM Clemente, DP Wong, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Research in Sports Medicine 22 (4), 380-397 2014
    Citations: 145

  • Using network metrics in soccer: a macro-analysis
    FM Clemente, MS Couceiro, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Journal of human kinetics 45 (1), 123-134 2015
    Citations: 140

  • Periodization based on small-sided soccer games: Theoretical considerations
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Strength & Conditioning Journal 36 (5), 34-43 2014
    Citations: 138

  • Perfil de liderana do diretor de turma e problemticas associadas
    F Manuel Clemente, R Mendes
    Exedra, 71-85 2013
    Citations: 137

  • Controlo motor e aprendizagem: Fundamentos e aplicaes
    M Godinho, R Mendes, F Melo, J Barreiros
    Lisboa: FMH edies 1999
    Citations: 122

  • Social network analysis applied to team sports analysis
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Springer International Publishing 10, 978-3 2016
    Citations: 112

  • Using network metrics to investigate football team players' connections: A pilot study
    FM Clemente, MS Couceiro, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Motriz: Revista de Educao Fsica 20, 262-271 2014
    Citations: 95

  • Measuring Collective Behaviour in Football Teams: Inspecting the impact of each half of the match on ball possession
    MF Clemente, SM Couceiro, FML Martins, R Mendes, AJ Figueiredo
    International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 13 (3), 678-689 2013
    Citations: 89

  • Team’s performance on FIFA U17 World Cup 2011: Study based on notational analysis
    F Manuel Clemente, M Couceiro, F ML Martins, R Mendes
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport 12 (1), 13-17 2012
    Citations: 69

  • Analysis of scored and conceded goals by a football team throughout a season: a network analysis
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, RS Mendes
    Kinesiology 48 (1.), 103-114 2016
    Citations: 68

  • Measuring tactical behaviour using technological metrics: Case study of a football game
    FM Clemente, MS Couceiro, FML Martins, R Mendes, AJ Figueiredo
    International journal of sports science & coaching 8 (4), 723-739 2013
    Citations: 67

  • Network analysis in basketball: Inspecting the prominent players using centrality metrics
    F Manuel Clemente, F ML Martins, D Kalamaras, R Mendes
    Journal of physical education and sport 15 (2), 212-217 2015
    Citations: 64

  • A systemic overview of football game: the principles behind the game
    FM Clemente, FML Martins, RS Mendes, AJ Figueiredo
    Journal of Human Sport and Exercise 9 (2), 656-667 2014
    Citations: 61