Sergio Grossi

Researcher (Marie Curie Fellow) -
Complutense University of Madrid

Dr. Sergio Grossi is a renowned researcher who currently holds the prestigious position of Marie Curie Fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Grossi's research focuses on conducting an international comparative study of exemplary practices in the fields of prisoner education and reintegration. In recognition of his expertise and contributions, he has been awarded a highly competitive Marie Curie fellowship with the support of UNESCO.
Dr. Grossi has been invited as a visiting researcher to prestigious institutions such as the UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison, the Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Columbia University in New York, and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. He has conducted research at various prestigious institutions, including the Centre for the Study of Violence in São Paulo, the UFF in Rio de Janeiro, Paris Nanterre University, the University of Padua, and the University of Bologna.


Postdoctoral degree in Sociology of Violence University of São Paulo, Brazil 2023 (ongoing validation)
Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences, Education, and Training University of Padua, Italy 2020
Doctorate in Education Federal Fluminense University, Brazil 2020
Master’s degree in Planning and Management of Educational Interventions in Social Distress University of Bologna, Italy
Erasmus at Paris Nanterre University, France 2016
Degree in Philosophy, Cognition, and Psychology University of Bologna, Italy 2013


 C.1. Publicaciones (non-exhaustive list due to space limitations)
 Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
1. Grossi, S., Ostronoff, L. J., & Adorno, S. (2024). ‘Pandemic-Obedient Disobedience? The Response of a Criminal Organization in Bolsonaro´s Brazil’ [under review]. Justice, Power and Resistance.
2. Grossi, S. (2021) ‘Rethinking Social Reintegration and Prison: A Critical Analysis of an Educational Proposal for an Alternative Model in Brazil’, Journal of Prison Education and Reentry (JPER), 7(2), pp. 183–198. doi: .
3. Grossi, S. (2021). ´A questão prisional entre educação, reintegração e abolição: reflexões sobre o modelo das Associações de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APACs) no Brasil. (The prison issue between education, reintegration and abolition [...])´. Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, 18(53), 06–25.
4. Grossi, S. (2020) ‘Educazione e carcere - una proposta dal Brasile (Education and prison - a proposal from Brazil)’, Educazione Aperta - rivista di pedagogia critica, (8), pp. 109–132. doi: 10.5281/.
5. Grossi, S. (2018) ‘Uma pedagogia contra a irresponsabilidade das prisões? (A pedagogy against the irresponsability of prisons?)’, Revista de Educación de Adultos y Procesos Formativos, (7), pp. 121–133. doi: .
 Books:
1. Grossi, S. (2024). ´Prisoners’ Lives Matter: Lessons on Education, Rehabilitation and Abolition from


 Principal researcher in “EDUPRISON. education, reintegration, and prison: a comparison of best practices” at UNESCO Chair for Applied Research for Prison Education and the Complutense University of Madrid (1-01-2023- 31-12-2025). Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement N.847635, 173.628€. Ongoing project.
 Project Partner in 'Education and universities in European prisons' (2025-2028). Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (Cooperation among organisations and institutions) – Cooperation partnerships in higher education (2024 call). Institutions involved: UNIBO (Italy), UNIMI (Italy), UNIV-RENNES (France), UCC (Ireland), UM (Malta). Project writing in progress. €400,000 requested for three years. Submission by 2024.
 Project Partner in “Education not incarceration” (2023-24). Funded by Incarceration Nations Network (INN). Coordinated by Baz Dreisinger (City University of New York). $10,000.
 Researcher in “Generative Justice Generative Justice: Exploring how communities re/create solidarity after crime and punishment" at Glasgow University (2023-24). Founded by the Independent Social Research Foundation; PI Fergus McNeill, Mary Corcoran and Beth Weaver. Ongoing project.
 Principal researcher in “An English model experience of reintegration and education - the case of Grendon Prison” at the Cambridge Institute of Criminology (01/04/2022 - 31/07/2022). São Paulo Research Foundation. €21,331. Project completed.
 Principal researcher in “Looking for legitimacy: prison in dispute between org