Shahnawaz Qadir

Assistant Professor, Information Technology
University of Kashmir



Computer Science, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • EA-SARSA-Based Recommendation Framework in SIoT for Smart Meeting Scheduling Using Smart Assistance
    Shahnawaz Qadir and Hakeem I Mhaibes

    In a smart workplace, the integration of intelligent assistance systems for meeting scheduling presents significant benefits. However, the reliance on specific commands often hampers user experience. To address this challenge, we introduce the Exponential Adaptation-based State-Action-Reward-State-Action (EA-SARSA) system. This sophisticated solution accommodates both text and voice inputs, enhancing user interaction. Furthermore, to ensure robust data security, inputs are encrypted using the Sieve of Atkin Lenstra-based Elliptic Curve Cryptography (SAL- ECC) technique. Following input processing and encryption, the system dynamically analyzes schedules by cross-referencing encrypted data with personalized database records. This enables seamless identification of available time slots or notification of scheduling conflicts. The system then optimizes schedules on a daily basis for enhanced efficiency. During meeting execution, decrypted schedule details are retrieved and leveraged to determine the optimal travel route using smart devices in the Internet of Things (SIoT) environment. Empirical validation underscores the efficacy and productivity gains afforded by the EA-SARSA system, making it a compelling solution for modern workplace productivity enhancement.

  • Enhancing IoT Security by Integrating Multi-Level Signature Verification in Smart Contract Creation using Permissioned Blockchain
    Shahnawaz Qadir and Rana Hashmy

    Centralized signature verification methods in the Internet of Things (IoT) limit efficiency and introduce human error. This research proposes a novel multi-level signature verification system built upon smart contracts in a permissioned blockchain environment to enhance security and optimize efficiency within the Internet of Things (IoT). The system leverages user contracts created using IoT-Solidity, seamless integration with MetaMask and Ganache, and implements robust hash codes and multi-level verification processes. Performance evaluation utilizes critical metrics, such as gas limit and throughput, to quantify the system's effectiveness. This innovative approach presents a transformative solution for elevating the security paradigm within IoT by harnessing the combined power of multi-level verification and permissioned blockchain technology.

  • A Lightweight Authentication Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Hakeem I Mhaibes and Shahnawaz Qadir

    International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is emerging as a dominant technology with its applications in areas like agriculture, communication, environment monitoring, and surveillance. The inherited vulnerability and resource-constrained nature of sensor nodes led researchers to propose many lightweight cryptographic protocols for WSN. These sensors are low-cost, low energy, have low processing capability and have low storage restrictions. WSN suffers from many risks because of these unique constraints. This paper proposes a new lightweight security framework for WSNs and covers different lightweight cryptographic schemes for WSN applications. The aim is to provide cryptographic primitives for integrity, confidentiality, and protection from the man-in-the-middle and reply attacks. The work is based solely on symmetric cryptography and it has four phases; Network Initialization, Node Initialization, Nodes Communication, and Node Authentication. This work adopts the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) framework, which deploys random rotation to distribute the energy among a group of nodes. The probability of attacking in LEACH is higher at cluster head and member nodes. Therefore, data transmission among communicated nodes is encrypted over multiple levels of protection by dynamic session keys to provide a high level of security. In addition, an authentication ticket is provided by a cluster head for each authenticated node to identify another node. The session keys are dynamically generated and updated during the communication to prevent compromising or capturing the keys. Through simulation and evaluation of the system, the results showed less energy consumption and efficient cryptographic primitive were compared with existing schemes


  • EA-SARSA-Based Recommendation Framework in SIoT for Smart Meeting Scheduling Using Smart Assistance
    S Qadir, HI Mhaibes
    2024 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics 2024

  • Enhancing IoT Security by Integrating Multi-Level Signature Verification in Smart Contract Creation using Permissioned Blockchain
    S Qadir, R Hashmy
    2024 2nd International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and 2024

  • A Lightweight Authentication Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
    H I Mhaibes, S Qadir
    International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 13 (1 2022

  • Applying Machine Learning in IoT
    S Qadir
    Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing and Information Technology

  • A Study of Accuracy and Reliability of Computer Simulated Climate Models
    S Qadir
    JK Science Congress, University of Kashmir


  • A Lightweight Authentication Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks
    H I Mhaibes, S Qadir
    International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 13 (1 2022
    Citations: 5