Shanker D Godwal

nirma university Ahmedabad



M tech


power system protection


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Impact of Various European and North American Standard Overcurrent Relays Characteristics on Optimum Coordination of DOCR
    Soumesh Chatterjee, Shanker D. Godwal, Sarika S. Kanojia, Akhilesh A. Nimje, Kartik S. Pandya, and Rupali Brahmachary

    The coordination of overcurrent relays plays very important role as it plays very important role in protection of distribution system. Based on various standard and non-standard relays characteristic the optimum coordination can be achieved. Many researchers have proposed various nonstandard and standard relays characteristic to achieve the optimum setting of relay parameters. In this paper, two widely recognized standard models are utilized for overcurrent relays coordination. The first is known as the European Standard Model, which is based on the British Standard and IEC12 60255-151:2009 (BS142). The latter is the ANSI/IEEE C37.112-1996 standard-based North American, the standard model. In this paper, the impact of a few American based and a few European-founded overcurrent relays on coordination has been explored. Further, the previously reported objective function has been considered and after essential modification, optimum settings are achieved. A modified IEEE-14 bus test system is used to evaluate the performance of these relay's characteristic features is also investigated. For these two widely used standard models, the best overcurrent relay settings are obtained using a genetic algorithm.

  • Optimizing Load Profiles for Improved Demand Response: A Comparative Study of Residential and Factory Scenarios
    Akshat Gupta, Dinkar Rathi, Soumesh Chatterjee, Rupali Brahmachary, and Shanker D. Godwal

    This paper examines the application of optimization techniques in demand side management (DSM) to optimize electricity consumption and load profiles in residential and factory settings. DSM plays a crucial role in achieving energy efficiency and cost reduction. The research focuses on load profile optimization for various scenarios, such as residential summer, winter, weekday, and weekend, as well as factory weekday and weekend scenarios, aiming to optimize load distribution over a 24-hour period. To achieve load profile optimization. By comparing load profiles before and after optimization, taking into account associated price variations, the paper identifies an improved elastic load profile. This tailored approach allows consumers to choose their preferred load management scenario based on the prices associated with different cases. The analysis presented in this paper facilitates the selection of the most suitable load management option for consumers, considering both cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. By empowering consumers with price comparisons, they can make informed decisions regarding their daily load demand, striking a balance between cost and efficiency.

  • A Method to Formulate Accurate Problem Statement for Overcurrent Relay Coordination
    Shanker D. Godwal, Soumesh Chatterjee, and Akhilesh A. Nimje

    Recently many researchers have proposed modifications in objective functions and constraints to improve mathematical formulation of overcurrent relay coordination. Unfortunately, some of them are not as per the required criteria for coordination of overcurrent relays. This paper brings one such issue related to objective function where required criteria is not matched. Moreover, many researchers without considering the technical requirements of overcurrent relay coordination have modified objective function. In this paper, these requirements have been explored and based on the same, a new objective function has been proposed with conventional constraint. In proposed objective function, these technical requirements are taken care and optimum relay setting parameters are obtained satisfying conventional constraints. Further, to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed method, the objective function has been used for IEEE 8-bus distribution system. To achieve optimum setting of the relays, i.e., plug setting and time multiplier setting, genetic algorithm is used. Obtained results are compared with slime module algorithm and water cycle algorithm. Based on results, it is found that proposed objective function produce better results as compared to slime module and water cycle algorithms.

  • Detection of Power System Events Using Bagged Tree Classifier
    Mayur Panchal, Soumesh Chatterjee, Rupali Brahmachary, Shanker D. Godwal, and Akhilesh A. Nimje

    The detection of events is crucial for robust operation and fast restoration of power system. This paper focuses on the identification of power system events, using an ensemble technique, i.e., bagged tree classifier. Five possible events have been considered in this work, which includes line trip, load trip, generator trip, fault, and transformer trip. The various events have been created in IEEE 9-bus system and data have been recorded through phasor measurement units (PMUs). The consideration of all five power system events assures robustness of the proposed method. The IEEE 9-bus system has been modelled and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink platform. The proposed approach promises excellent detection accuracy.

  • Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination of Radial and Parallel Distribution Systems
    Chandrodai Jangid, Shanker Godwal, Soumesh Chatterjee, and Akhilesh Nimje

    Coordination of overcurrent relays plays very important role in protection of transmission lines. The main task of coordination is to achieve optimum setting of overcurrent relays parameters. These parameters are mainly known as plug setting and time setting multiplier. Right selection of these parameters will give optimum operating time of overcurrent relays and completely avoid miscoordination between primary and backup relays. In this paper, optimum setting of overcurrent relays of radial and parallel feeders is achieved and further, these setting are being compared with prototype hardware models of radial and parallel feeders. To obtained relays setting one objective function is being proposed which avoid the miscoordination between primary and backup relays and further same proposed objective function is examined on prototype model to know the effectiveness of it. To achieve optimum setting for proto type models, Siemens 7SR1003 and 7SR1004 non-directional and directional overcurrent relays are used. It is found that practical settings are matching with expected results and alien in required range. For optimum setting of overcurrent relays genetic algorithm is used.

  • Optimum Overcurrent Relay Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Improved Mathematical Formulation
    Shanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Santosh C. Vora, Chintan R. Mehta, and Vipul N. Rajput

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Power flow control and power oscillation damping in a 2-machine system using SSSC during faults
    Kartikey Sharma, Kartikey Sharma, and Shanker D. Godwal

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract With the rapidly growing population, energy demand is increasing. The power supply to consumers must be free from distortions. By injecting voltage in quadrature with line current and varying the magnitude, the SSSC offers series compensation to the line. The injected voltage, which offers the effect of inserting an inductive or else capacitive reactance in series with the transmission line, is in quadrature with the line current. Using MATLAB/Simulink software, a phasor model of a 2-machine device with SSSC integration and POD as a subsidiary controller is simulated in this paper to evaluate efficient power flow regulation. The simulation has been used to study the time domain behavior of SSSC under normal and faulty conditions. The SSSC is implemented for correcting the voltage and analyzing power responses during a low voltage fault in the power system, whereas in normal conditions, the power system’s voltage stability for maintaining steady acceptable voltages at every bus is analyzed. It has been revealed that POD controller assists SSSC by supplying the reference voltage signal to damp out the low frequency power oscillations. The objective of this study is to reduce the crest outreach and clearing time during the fault thus improving the transient stability.

  • Optimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique
    Shanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Santosh C. Vora, Chintan R. Mehta, and Vipul R. Rajput

    Elsevier BV

  • Contingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security
    Ravindu Patel, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal, and Sarika Kanojia

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Optimum Over Current Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Soft Computing Techniques
    Shanker Godwal, S. S. Kanojia, and Akhilesh A. Nimje

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems
    Shanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Vipul N. Rajput, Santosh C. Vora, and Chintan R. Mehta

    Informa UK Limited

  • Particle Swarm Optimization Based Self-tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System
    Surendrasinh K. Solanki, S. S. Kanojia, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje, and Vinod Patel

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • An Industrial Perspective on Restructured Power Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques
    Kuntal Bhattacharjee, Akhilesh Arvind Nimje, Shanker D. Godwal, and Sudeep Tanwar


  • A Review on Approaches Employed for Solving Directional Overcurrent Relays’ Coordination Problem
    Shanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Vipul N. Rajput, and Santosh C. Vora

    Springer Singapore

  • Solving of economical load dispatch using efficient group leader optimization technique

  • Analysis of electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system in MCCB
    Hardik T. Mehta and Shanker Godwal

    This paper presents investigation on electromagnetic repulsion force of contact system for enhancement in repulsion threshold current in MCCB. Current flows on moving contact and fixed contact are repulsive in nature due to structure of contact system. Due to current concentration between electrical contacts and between two conductors, magnetic flux density produces electromagnetic repulsion force. Electromagnetic repulsion force can improve current limiting ability through enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system is presented. For enhancing in repulsion threshold current of contact system, we calculate electromagnetic repulsion force and finite element analysis are adapted.


  • Optimizing Load Profiles for Improved Demand Response: A Comparative Study of Residential and Factory Scenarios
    A Gupta, D Rathi, S Chatterjee, R Brahmachary, SD Godwal
    2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future 2024

  • A Method to Formulate Accurate Problem Statement for Overcurrent Relay Coordination
    SD Godwal, S Chatterjee, AA Nimje
    2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future 2024

  • Detection of Power System Events Using Bagged Tree Classifier
    M Panchal, S Chatterjee, R Brahmachary, SD Godwal, AA Nimje
    2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy 2024

  • Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination of Radial and Parallel Distribution Systems
    C Jangid, S Godwal, S Chatterjee, A Nimje
    2024 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES), 1-6 2024

  • Impact of Various European and North American Standard Overcurrent Relays Characteristics on Optimum Coordination of DOCR
    S Chatterjee, SD Godwal, SS Kanojia, AA Nimje, KS Pandya, ...
    2024 International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Electrical 2024

  • Power flow control and power oscillation damping in a 2-machine system using SSSC during faults
    K Sharma, AA Nimje, SD Godwal
    Energy Harvesting and Systems 10 (2), 291-301 2023

  • Optimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, SC Vora, CR Mehta, VR Rajput
    e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 5, 100248 2023

  • Issues and solutions for optimum overcurrent relays co-ordination in medium voltage radial distribution system
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya
    International Conference on Electric Power and Renewable Energy, 57-69 2023

  • Design and analysis of power distribution systems for optimum over-current relay coordination using voltage component of fault current limiters
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, AA Nimje, VN Rajput
    International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration 10 2023

  • Networks Using Soft Computing
    S Godwal, SS Kanojia, AA Nimje
    Soft Computing and Optimization: SCOTA 2021, Ranchi, India, March 26–27 404, 13 2023

  • Overcurrent Relay Coordination and Adaptive Relay Setting of Distributed Network Using Multiple Standardized Tripping Relays and Improved Mathematical Formulation
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya
    International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in 2023

  • Optimum Overcurrent Relay Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Improved Mathematical Formulation
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, SC Vora, CR Mehta, VN Rajput
    International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in 2023

  • An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, VN Rajput, SC Vora, CR Mehta
    International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 7899-7909 2022

  • Contingency analysis: A tool to improve power system security
    R Patel, A Nimje, S Godwal, S Kanojia
    Smart Technologies for Power and Green Energy: Proceedings of STPGE 2022, 79-92 2022

  • An Industrial Perspective on Restructured Power Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques
    K Bhattacharjee, AA Nimje, SD Godwal, S Tanwar
    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Intelligent Analytics for 2022

  • Particle Swarm Optimization Based Self-tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System
    SK Solanki, SS Kanojia, S Godwal, A Nimje, V Patel
    International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 248-256 2022

  • Optimum over current relays coordination for radial distribution networks using soft computing techniques
    S Godwal, SS Kanojia, AA Nimje
    Virtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization theory and 2021

  • Solving of economical load dispatch using efficient group leader optimization technique
    K Shah, K Bhattacharjee, S Godwal
    Technologies for Sustainable Development, 181-186 2020

  • A review on approaches employed for solving directional overcurrent relays’ coordination problem
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, VN Rajput, SC Vora
    Advances in Electric Power and Energy Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICPCCI 2020

  • Analysis of electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system in MCCB
    HT Mehta, S Godwal
    2015 5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), 1-5 2015


  • A review on approaches employed for solving directional overcurrent relays’ coordination problem
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, VN Rajput, SC Vora
    Advances in Electric Power and Energy Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICPCCI 2020
    Citations: 31

  • An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, VN Rajput, SC Vora, CR Mehta
    International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 7899-7909 2022
    Citations: 11

  • Optimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, SC Vora, CR Mehta, VR Rajput
    e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 5, 100248 2023
    Citations: 9

  • Contingency analysis: A tool to improve power system security
    R Patel, A Nimje, S Godwal, S Kanojia
    Smart Technologies for Power and Green Energy: Proceedings of STPGE 2022, 79-92 2022
    Citations: 9

  • Optimum over current relays coordination for radial distribution networks using soft computing techniques
    S Godwal, SS Kanojia, AA Nimje
    Virtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization theory and 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Design and analysis of power distribution systems for optimum over-current relay coordination using voltage component of fault current limiters
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, AA Nimje, VN Rajput
    International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration 10 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Overcurrent Relay Coordination and Adaptive Relay Setting of Distributed Network Using Multiple Standardized Tripping Relays and Improved Mathematical Formulation
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya
    International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Issues and solutions for optimum overcurrent relays co-ordination in medium voltage radial distribution system
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya
    International Conference on Electric Power and Renewable Energy, 57-69 2023
    Citations: 3

  • Solving of economical load dispatch using efficient group leader optimization technique
    K Shah, K Bhattacharjee, S Godwal
    Technologies for Sustainable Development, 181-186 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Analysis of electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system in MCCB
    HT Mehta, S Godwal
    2015 5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), 1-5 2015
    Citations: 3

  • Optimum Overcurrent Relay Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Improved Mathematical Formulation
    SD Godwal, KS Pandya, SC Vora, CR Mehta, VN Rajput
    International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in 2023
    Citations: 2