Prof. Silvance O. Abeka

Associate Professor- Department of Information Systems and Technology/ School of Informatics and Innovative Systems
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology


Prof. Silvance Onyango Abeka is a CUE Peer Reviewer for Curriculum Evaluation and Review of Academic Institution by Commission of University Education- Kenya, he is also an Associate Professor and a Director – Centre for E Learning of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology- Kenya. He worked previously as a Dean- School of Informatics and Innovative Systems- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Director- Institute of Open and Distance Learning at Africa Nazarene University and also as a Dean- Faculty of Applied Science and Technology of Kampala International University- Dar es Salaam Collage.
He has published widely in journals, conference proceedings and in books and sits on editorial boards of several peer reviewed journals. Prof. Silvance has broad corporate experience and is a Professional Member of Kenya University Quality Assurance Network, IEEE Computer Society, Computer Society of Kenya (CSK), Internet Society and ACM.


PhD- Information Systems and Technology


Multidisciplinary, Management Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems and Management


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Secure Algorithm for IoT Devices Authentication
    Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Anthony J. Rodrigues, and Silvance O. Abeka

    Springer International Publishing

  • Machine Learning Protocol for Secure 5G Handovers
    Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Anthony Joachim Rodrigues, and Silvance Onyango Abeka

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • ANN-FL Secure Handover Protocol for 5G and Beyond Networks
    Vincent O. Nyangaresi, Anthony J. Rodrigues, and Silvance O. Abeka

    Springer International Publishing

  • Efficient Group Authentication Protocol for Secure 5G Enabled Vehicular Communications
    Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Anthony Joachim Rodrigues, and Silvance Onyango Abeka

    The fifth generation (5G) networks exhibit extremely low latency, extremely high bandwidth, and high density connections that are salient features for the support of vehicle to everything (V2X) services. Although a lot of research efforts have been directed towards addressing 5G technical issues for the support of V2X communications, these researches only concentrate on synchronization, physical layer structure or resource allocation. Very little research has been carried out on how to uphold message security as well as user privacy in V2X networks and as such, these networks still face a number challenges relating to privacy and secure payload exchanges. For instance, to facilitate cooperative driving, road conditions as well as vehicle status is shared among all neighbor autonomous vehicles. This is accomplished via periodical generation of notification messages. As such, message authentication is essential to prevent attacks and boost reliability in an autonomous platoon. Unfortunately, existing authentication protocols incur high computational and communication costs during the authentication process. Moreover, although novel access validation and key agreement schemes have been suggested, secure and efficient mobility management still faces many challenges owing to the high number of recurrent handovers and massive vehicular communications. To address these challenges, this paper sought to develop an efficient and secure protocol that was shown to have average communication and computational costs and also robust against impersonation, MitM, replay and eavesdropping attacks.

  • Neuro-Fuzzy Based Handover Authentication Protocol for Ultra Dense 5G Networks
    Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Anthony Joachim Rodrigues, and Silvance Onyango Abeka

    Smart grids improve the management of various power network components as well as the monitoring of power flows. Their deployments require very fast communication channels, which can be facilitated by 5G networks. However, 5G’s ultra-densification boost system capacity and spectrum efficiency but introduce vulnerabilities due to the incorporation of many wireless network technologies and devices. The conventional 5G handover authentication protocols have security challenges that expose them to attacks such as message replay. As such, many authentication protocols have been proposed to secure smart grid data transmission. However, these protocols are unreliable in attacks detection and prevention, energy inefficient, have high latencies, heavy communication as well as computational overheads. In this paper, a 5G key management and handover protocol is developed to address some of these security and performance issues. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol preserves perfect forward key secrecy, is robust against de-synchronization, replay, man-in-the-middle (MITM), denial of services (DoS) and jamming attacks. Performance analysis showed that it has low communication overheads, space complexity and handover authentication latencies. Compared with 3GPP R16, the proposed protocol showed a 25% and 42.9% improvement in communication overheads and space complexity respectively.


  • Case of Contingent Digital Practices and Attendant Asset-Based Risk Mitigation Framework for Learning and Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    NM Anthony Rodrigues, Solomon Ogara, Silvance Abeka
    Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2024, 12, 257-273 12, 257-273 2024

  • A Systematic Review on Machine Learning Insider Threat Detection Models, Datasets and Evaluation Metrics
    NM Everleen N. Wanyonyi, Silvance O. Abeka
    International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications 15 (6), 37-56 2023

  • Holistic Security Pattern-Based Model to Protect Network Architecture
    CA Yoga, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    Holistic Security Pattern-Based Model to Protect Network Architecture 130 (1 2023

  • Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Attack Classification and Clustering in Network Security
    SOA Castro A. Yoga, Anthony J. Rodrigues
    International Journal of Computer Applications 185 (31), 45- 51 2023

  • Secure algorithm for IoT devices authentication
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities, 1-22 2022

  • Exploration of Cyber Security in a Workfrom-Home Environment
    SA Gloria Odiaga, Collins Awiti, Roggers Abong’o, David Odera, Philip Akech
    IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering 2022

  • Machine learning protocol for secure 5G handovers
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 29 (1), 14-35 2022

  • Critical Information Infrastructure Cyberspace Situational Awareness: Measure it, Manage it
    D Njoga, S Liyala, S Abeka
    International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2022

  • An Integrated Mobile Identity Authentication Model
    AJ Abwao Donatus, Abeka Silvance
    International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology 2022

  • Wireless body area networks: A critical review of the state-of-the-art security schemes
    J Auko, S Abeka
    Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances 12 (1), 131-146 2022

  • Health information systems security: Risks, prospects and frameworks
    HM Odiango, S Abeka, S Liyala
    World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences 6 (2), 057-070 2022

  • Influence of Cognitive Agility of Cyber Operators on Situational Aware Cyberspace Protection
    DAO Njoga, S Liyala, S Abeka
    International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) 2022

  • Technical factors influencing electronic health records adoption by nurses at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya
    LK Chirchir, WK Aruasa, SK Chebon
    African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 13 (5 2021

  • Blended Course Experience at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology
    SO Abeka, D Dwada
    Commonwealth of Learning (COL) 2021

  • ANN-FL secure handover protocol for 5G and beyond networks
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    Towards new e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 12th 2021

  • Efficient group authentication protocol for secure 5G enabled vehicular communications
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    2020 16th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 25-30 2020

  • A Survey of Data Exfiltration Prevention Techniques
    SOA Peter S. Nyakomitta
    First International Conference on Computer Engineering 5 (8), 45-52 2020

  • A survey of data exfiltration prevention techniques
    PS Nyakomitta, SO Abeka
    International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications 12 (3), 4585-4591 2020

  • Neuro-fuzzy based handover authentication protocol for ultra dense 5G networks
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    2020 2nd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 339-344 2020

  • Exploring a Social Learning Perspective on Computer Forensics Barriers and Factors Affecting Cybercrime Investigation in Kenya
    JA Odoyo, S Abeka, S Liyala
    International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology 2020


  • Theory of reasoned action as an underpinning to technological innovation adoption studies
    OC Otieno, S Liyala, BC Odongo, SO Abeka
    World Journal of Computer Application and Technology 2016
    Citations: 179

  • Efficient group authentication protocol for secure 5G enabled vehicular communications
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    2020 16th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 25-30 2020
    Citations: 44

  • Neuro-fuzzy based handover authentication protocol for ultra dense 5G networks
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    2020 2nd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 339-344 2020
    Citations: 36

  • User acceptance of banking technology with special reference to internet banking.
    YA Fathima, S Muthumani
    Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology 73 (1) 2015
    Citations: 33

  • A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach for mobile banking adoption-a strategy for achieving financial inclusion
    M Bhuvana, S Vasantha
    Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 8 (2), 175-181 2017
    Citations: 31

  • Perceived usefulness, ease of use, organizational and bank support as determinants of adoption of internet banking in east Africa
    SO Abeka
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2 2012
    Citations: 28

  • Challenges facing the use and adoption of mobile phone money services
    OC Otieno, S Liyala, BC Odongo, SO Abeka
    World Journal of Computer Application and Technology 2016
    Citations: 27

  • Machine learning protocol for secure 5G handovers
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 29 (1), 14-35 2022
    Citations: 24

  • ANN-FL secure handover protocol for 5G and beyond networks
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    Towards new e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 12th 2021
    Citations: 24

  • Security investigation on remote access methods of virtual private network
    PS Nyakomitta, SO Abeka
    Global journal of computer science and technology 20 2020
    Citations: 15

  • Effectiveness of security controls on electronic health records
    E Wanyonyi, A Rodrigues, SO Abeka, S Ogara
    IJSTR 2017
    Citations: 15

  • User satisfaction and acceptance of web based marketing information system among microfinance institutions in Nairobi region, Kenya
    SO Abeka
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2 2012
    Citations: 15

  • Technology-enabled learning: Policy, pedagogy and practice
    S Mishra, S Panda
    British Columbia, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning 3 2020
    Citations: 14

  • Factors influencing acceptance of mobile money applications in enterprise management: A case study of micro and small enterprise owners in kisumu central business district, Kenya
    E Omol, S Abeka, F Wauyo
    International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication 2017
    Citations: 13

  • Validation of extended theory of reasoned action to predict mobile phone money usage
    OC Otieno, S Liyala, BC Odongo, S Abeka, S Ogara
    World Journal of Computer Application and Technology 6 (1), 1-13 2018
    Citations: 12

  • Secure Handover Protocol for High Speed 5GNetworks
    VO Nyangaresi, AJ Rodrigues, SO Abeka
    Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications 11 (06), 4429-4442 2020
    Citations: 9

  • Secure Timing Advance Based Context-Aware Handover Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Heterogeneous Networks
    VO Nyangaresi, SO Abeka, A Rodgrigues
    International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 7 (3), 256-274 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Delay sensitive protocol for high availability LTE handovers
    VO Nyangaresi, SO Abeka, AJ Rodrigues
    Science Publishing Group 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Determinants of Adoption of internet banking by trade finance customers in East Africa
    SO Abeka, EO Abeka, OC Omondi
    International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and 2012
    Citations: 7

  • Percieved Importance and Perfomance of Information Systems in Azam Company-Dar Es Salaam
    SO Abeka, E Ochieng’Abeka
    International Journal of Learning and Development 2 (3), 9-24 2012
    Citations: 7


My past published research after promotion to an Associate Professor Level includes:
• Anthony, R. , Solomon, O. , Silvance, A. and Newton, M. (2024) Case of Contingent Digital Practices and Attendant Asset-Based Risk Mitigation Framework for Learning and Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 12, 257-273. doi: 10.4236/.
• Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Anthony Joachim Rodrigues and Silvance Onyango Abeka (2023) Secure Algorithm for IoT Devices Authentication, Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing,
• Everleen Nekesa Wanyonyi, Silvance Abeka, and Newton Masinde (2023), A Systematic Review on Machine Learning Insider Threat Detection Models, Datasets and Evaluation Metrics, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) , No.6.
• Yoga C. A, Rodrigues, A.J. & Abeka, S.O. (2023), Holistic Security Pattern-Based Model to Protect Network Architecture, International Journal of Research Publications, Vol 130(1), 268-278; doi:.10.47119/IJRP1001301820235295
• Yoga C. A, Rodrigues, A.J. & Abeka, S.O. (2023), Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Attack Classification and Clustering in Network Security. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 185 – No. 31, August 2023


Project number and name: 101182256 - STREAMING
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-11 - EU-African Union - towards climate-neutral, social just
fair trade food systems
Type of action: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Requested grant amount (proposal): 4 433 773.75 EUR
Maximum grant amount (after evaluation): 4 433 773.75 EUR
Project duration: 42 months

Project name: Green Futures: Capacity and Cooperation for Transforming Agriculture project.
Amount: EURO 162,200 Equivalent to Kshs. 22,708,000
Project Period: 1st of April until 31st December 2025
Granting Authority: The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Project name: Cooperation for Holistic Agriculture Innovation Nests in Sub-Saharan Africa (CHAIN)
Amount: EURO 781 824.00 Equivalent to Kshs 116,237,390.02
Project number: 101082963
Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Grant managed through EU Funding & Tenders Portal: Yes (eGrants)
Project duration: 36 months from 1/06/2023
Consortium agreement: Yes

Project Name: Strengthening Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Capacity in Natural Resource Management, Food Security and Health
Funding Body : VLIR-UOS (VLIR-Universitaire Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) (VLIR-University Cooperation for Development)
Amount: € 60,000 Per Year for 12 years


• Odiango H. M, Abeka, S.O. & Liyala, S. O. (2022), Health information systems security: Risks, prospects and frameworks, World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 06(02), 057–070.
• Abwao D., Abeka S. O. & Agola J. O. (2022), An Integrated Mobile Identity Authentication Model, International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 68-76
• Odiaga, G., Awiti, C, Abong’o, R., Odera, D, Akech, P. & Abeka, S. O (2022), Exploration of Cyber Security in a Work- from-Home Environment, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 09 Issue 04
• Auko J. & Abeka S. O. (2022), Wireless body area networks: A critical review of the state-of-the-art security schemes, Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2022, 12(01), 131–146, Article DOI:
• Nyangaresi, V.O., Rodrigues, A.J. & Abeka, S.O. (2022), Machine Learning Protocol for Secure 5G Handovers. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 29, 14–35 (2022).
• Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Silvance O. Abeka, Anthony J. Rodrigues, (2020), "Tracking Area Boundary-aware Protocol for Pseudo Stochastic Mobility Prediction in LTE Networks" (2020), International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), , No.5, , 2020. DOI: 10.5815/