Suhaib Khazaleh

school of Business
Amman Arab university



Finance, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, General Economics, Econometrics and Finance, General Business, Management and Accounting


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • The Dynamic Impact of Environmental Sustainability, Green Finance, and FinTech on Energy Efficiency in Middle Eastern Economies
    Omar Al-Kasasbeh, Suhaib Mohammed Al-Khazaleh, and Ghaith Alsheikh

    Middle Eastern countries have prioritized energy efficiency in their policy, regarding the adverse environmental consequences of relying heavily on fossil fuels. Over time, their reliance on fossil fuels for energy generation and imports has resulted in a continual rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, Middle Eastern countries possess considerable capacity for renewable energy resources that can be utilized without causing harm to the environment. This study empirically examines the effect of green finance, environmental sustainability, and fin-tech on energy efficiency using panel data from 2012 to 2023 in Middle Eastern countries: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The study achieved its aims by employing a range of econometric methodologies. The CIPS and IPS procedures are employed to analyze unit root attributes, while the panel cointegration methodology of Westerlund (2007) is used to examine cointegration. The results indicate that there is cointegration among the variables that were analyzed. The outcomes provide helpful knowledge regarding the development of energy efficiency in Middle Eastern countries.

  • COVID-19 pandemic and linkage between stock markets in Middle Eastern countries
    Suhaib Al-Khazaleh, Dr Nemer Badwan, Ibrahim Eriqat, and Zahra El Shlmani

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the linkage between stock markets in Middle Eastern countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic by using daily and monthly data sets for the period from 2011 to 2021. Design/methodology/approach The multivariate BEKK-GARCH model was computed to evaluate the existence of non-linear linkage among Middle Eastern stock markets. A correlation approach was used in this study to determine the type of linear connectivity between Middle Eastern stock markets. The study used monthly and daily data sets covering the years 2011 to 2021 to investigate the linkage between stock returns and the volatility spillover between the stock markets in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, both before and during COVID-19. To understand the types of relationships between markets before and during COVID-19, the daily data set was split into two periods. Findings Results from the pre-COVID-19 suggest that the Syria stock market is not related to any stock market in the Middle East markets; the Palestine and Lebanon stock markets exhibit a weak relationship, but Jordan and Palestine stock markets are strongly linked. Conversely, results from COVID-19 evince a very strong bidirectional volatility spillover between Middle East stock markets. Overall, the results indicate the existence of increased linkage during the COVID-19. Research limitations/implications The data collection on a daily and monthly basis, both before and during COVID-19, presents certain limitations for the paper. Another limitation is that the data cannot be generalized to all other Middle Eastern countries; rather, the conclusions drawn can only be applied to these four countries. This is especially true if the scholars collected most of the necessary data but were unable to obtain certain data for various reasons. Practical implications These findings have implications for risk management, market regulation and the growth of local stock markets. Facilitating the growth of smaller, more specialized markets to improve integration with other Middle Eastern markets is one of the goals of the domestic stock market development policy. To ensure financial stability, Middle Eastern stock market linking policies should consider spillover risk and take steps to minimize it. Enhancing the range of investment opportunities accessible to shareholders and functioning as confidential risk-sharing mechanisms to facilitate improved risk management in Middle Eastern stock markets will not only significantly influence the mobilization of private capital to promote investment and local economic growth but also lay groundwork for integrated market platforms. Originality/value This paper adds to the body of literature by demonstrating the nature of the connections between these small markets and the larger markets in the Middle East region. Information from the smaller markets provides institutional insights that enhance the body of existing research, guide the formulation of evidence-based policies and advance financial literacy in these markets. This study contributes by comparing data from different stock markets to better understand the type and strength of the link and relationship between Middle Eastern stock markets, as well as any underlying or reinforcing factors that might have contributed to the relationship and the specific types of links that these markets shared prior and during COVID-19.

  • The Impact of Corporate-and Country-level Governance Mechanisms on the Firm's Disclosure Quality: Evidence from MENA Countries
    f F, f F, and

    People and Global Business Association
    Purpose: The paper aims to investigate the impact of corporate and country-level governance mechanisms on the firm's disclosure quality.Design/methodology/approach: The paper employs a panel dataset comprising 96 financial institutions listed on the stock markets of four countries in the MENA region: Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, and Qatar. This dataset spans five years, from 2016 to 2020. Data primarily originate from the annual reports of these institutions and are subjected to analysis through pooled OLS, fixed effect (FE), and random effect (RE) methodologies.Findings: The main findings of this study reveal that corporate governance (CG) factors, including board size, board meetings, and audit committee size, have a positive impact on disclosure quality. Additionally, concerning country-level governance, the role of law positively influences disclosure quality, whereas political stability and corruption negatively influence disclosure quality.Research limitations/implications: This study's main limitations are missing data, especially regarding the audit committee information, and the lack of a database covering the firms in the MENA region. The findings can help managers, policymakers, and other stakeholders enhance the firm's disclosure by adopting good corporate and country- level governance practices.Originality/value: The study develops a disclosure quality index that examines various disclosure requirements attributes, encompassing financial and non-financial disclosure aspects. Such an index adds value to prior research on disclosure quality. Additionally, this study expands the scope of previous research by incorporating wide aspects of CG attributes and investigating the role of country-level governance.


  • The Dynamic Impact of Environmental Sustainability, Green Finance, and FinTech on Energy Efficiency in Middle Eastern Economies
    O Al-Kasasbeh, SM Al-Khazaleh, G Alsheikh
    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (4), 574-579 2024

  • COVID-19 pandemic and linkage between stock markets in Middle Eastern countries
    S Al-Khazaleh, DN Badwan, I Eriqat, Z El Shlmani
    Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 2024

  • Using the ARDL Approach, Measure the Impact of Global Oil Price Fluctuations on Foreign Reserves
    AM Jwair, F Zoghlami, SM Al-Khazaleh
    Cuadernos de Economa 47 (133), 153-165 2024

  • The Impact of Corporate-and Country-level Governance Mechanisms on the Firm's Disclosure Quality: Evidence from MENA Countries.
    IOA Eriqat, S Al-Khazaleh
    Global Business and Finance Review. 28 (7), 122-137 2023

  • The Effect of Accounting Disclosure on Investment Decision-Making—A Case Study Sample of Investors in Companies Listed on Palestine Stock Exchange
    M Faza, N Badwan, M Hamdan, S Al-Khazaleh
    IntechOpen 2023

  • Board Structure And Firm Performance: Evidence From Non-Bank Financial Institutions In Jordan
    S Al-Khazaleh, H Ibrahim, MDA MIA, N Badwan
    Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 35, 1059-1092 2023

  • Financial Risk Management in the Supply Chain Using Business Intelligence and Big Data
    N Badwan, L Al-Zoubi, S Al-Khazaleh
    International Journal of Management and Business Research 7 (1), 1-27 2023

  • A Conceptual Model For The Role Of Corporate Governance In Increasing Venture Capitalist Firms Performance In The Uae.
    SMS Al-Khazaleh, AH Zulkafli, MN Dargiri
    Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 12 (5) 2021


  • Board Structure And Firm Performance: Evidence From Non-Bank Financial Institutions In Jordan
    S Al-Khazaleh, H Ibrahim, MDA MIA, N Badwan
    Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 35, 1059-1092 2023
    Citations: 5

  • The Effect of Accounting Disclosure on Investment Decision-Making—A Case Study Sample of Investors in Companies Listed on Palestine Stock Exchange
    M Faza, N Badwan, M Hamdan, S Al-Khazaleh
    IntechOpen 2023
    Citations: 3

  • Financial Risk Management in the Supply Chain Using Business Intelligence and Big Data
    N Badwan, L Al-Zoubi, S Al-Khazaleh
    International Journal of Management and Business Research 7 (1), 1-27 2023
    Citations: 3

  • A Conceptual Model For The Role Of Corporate Governance In Increasing Venture Capitalist Firms Performance In The Uae.
    SMS Al-Khazaleh, AH Zulkafli, MN Dargiri
    Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 12 (5) 2021
    Citations: 3

  • The Impact of Corporate-and Country-level Governance Mechanisms on the Firm's Disclosure Quality: Evidence from MENA Countries.
    IOA Eriqat, S Al-Khazaleh
    Global Business and Finance Review. 28 (7), 122-137 2023
    Citations: 2