Ulfah Karmila Sari


Ecology and Etnobiology Research Centre
National Research and Innovation Agency


Forest Ecology and Forest Landscape


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • The impact of oil palm and paddy production on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Indonesia's agricultural sector
    S F Purba, D Djaenudin, S Astana, H Hariyadi, A Yulianti, D Yuniati, K Budiningsih, and U K Sari

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The most widely produced agricultural commodities in Indonesia are oil palm and paddy crops, which contribute the most to national income in the agricultural sector. On the other hand, in 2020, the agricultural sector contributed 9% to national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study aims to determine the effect of agricultural crop production, namely oil palm and paddy on GHG emissions in Indonesia’s agricultural sector from 2000-2020. Data for the study were obtained from the Directorate General of Climate Change, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and BPS-Statistics Indonesia. The GHG effect of agricultural crop production were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The findings showed that the production of oil palm and paddy crops significantly affects the agricultural sector’s GHG emissions. Oil palm and paddy production have a significant level of 5% with a regression coefficients of 0.4958 and 0.0003, respectively. From the findings, it can be implied that an increase in oil palm and paddy production will raise Indonesia’s agricultural sector GHG emissions. The government can draw up regulations related to (1) protecting forest areas and peatlands close to community residential areas so that land conversion does not occur in oil palm plantations and (2) a sustainable agricultural system to increase paddy productivity, hoping that the agricultural sector’s GHG emissions will decrease.

  • Heath forest identification using remote sensing in the surrounding area of the new capital city of Indonesia
    R M Nisaa, U K Sari, and Y B Sulistioadi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The construction of Indonesia’s new capital city, Nusantara, is envisioned as a forest city that heavily relies on biodiversity. One of the forest ecosystem types surrounding the Nusantara landscape is the heath forest ecosystem, also known as Kerangas. Heath forest is a rare and extreme habitat, thriving in nutrient-poor environments characterized by low pH, quartz sand soil, and podsol soil. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the heath forest in East Kalimantan, particularly in the Nusantara region. This research aims to map the location and characteristics of the heath forest in the surrounding area of Nusantara, specifically in Penajam Paser Utara Regency and Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. The creation of a tentative heath forest map requires four parameters: elevation, soil texture, NDVI, and a land cover map. Landsat 9 imagery was employed to conduct unsupervised classification and generate a land cover map. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was also applied as an image transformation. The parameters were then overlaid using Geographic Information System (GIS) with a binary model. The results indicate that the heath forest covers an area of 56,646 hectares, representing 23% of the total Nusantara area, while the non-heath forest covers 194,610 hectares. The heath forest tentative map aligns with the RePPProT (Regional Physical Planning Project for Transmigration) land system map. Kerangas forests exhibit unique vegetation types, characterized by stunted trees, shrubs, and various epiphytes. Due to the nutrient-poor soil conditions, the vegetation in heath forests is typically sparse and of low height.

    Ardiyanto Wahyu NUGROHO, , Ulfa Karmila SARI, and

    Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi
    In developing countries, ecotourism naturally involves many j with contrary interests which could potentially disrupt ecotourism plans and programs. Therefore, stakeholder collaboration is essential. The Hitam river is located in Borneo Island of Indonesi

  • Habitat utilization of the sumatran rhinos (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni) in kutai barat forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

    UNS Solo
    Mukhlisi, Ningsih TS, Sari UK, Kurniawan Y, Setiawan R, Muslim A. 2018. Habitat utilization of the Sumatran rhinos (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni) in Kutai Barat forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1842-1850. Sumatran rhino population in Kutai Barat forest faces a high threat of extinction. Conservation efforts can be developed more effectively and efficiently by understanding the condition of their natural habitat. This study aimed to analyze various factors influencing habitat utilization of the Sumatran rhino in Kalimantan, specifically in Kutai Barat forest. We used past survey data of rhino presence carried out by WWF from 2014 to 2016. GPS coordinates were recorded for all signs of rhinos, such as camera trap images, footprints, bites mark on food plant, dung piles, urine, scratch, twisting, and lying signs. Rhino occurrence GPS coordinates were plotted on a map of the Sumatran rhino's habitat distribution in Kutai Barat using a grid of 2 x 2 km2 size. Spatial analyses were run using ArcGIS 10.6. We used a habitat selection index formula to analyze habitat preference and biner logistic regression to develop Resources Selection Function (RSF). We found that the preferred habitat of the Sumatran rhino was in the secondary forest with medium and high vegetation densities. The most influential habitat variables on the presence of Sumatran rhinoceros in the Kutai Barat forest were the slope and distance from wallow. The Sumatran rhinoceros were more likely to be found in the sloping areas and the areas closer to the wallows.

  • The dominant species of herpetofauna in the coal mining area at East Kalimantan, Indonesia

    UNS Solo
    Mulyastuti Y, Rahayu SI, Sunarno S, Santoso S, Wasito EB. 2017. Short Communication: Investigation of Diphtheria in Indonesia: dtxR and tox genes analysis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae collected from outbreaks. Biodiversitas 18: 784-787. Diphtheria outbreaks have sporadically occurred in Indonesia recently. It is suspected that toxin profile changes play an important role in vaccine efficacy and the occurrence of outbreaks. This study aimed to investigate the genetic changes of dtxR and tox genes in Corynebacterium diphtheria in Indonesia. Four C. diphtheriae toxigenic isolates circulating in current outbreak area were analyzed by comparing DNA sequences of their dtxR and tox genes to those of the PW8 vaccine strain. Among the four isolates, three point mutations were detected in dtxR gene while three other point mutations were detected in the tox gene. All six were silent mutations, suggesting that the diphtheria toxin is highly conserved at the amino acid sequence level, and indirectly indicating that the vaccine remains appropriate. Genetic variation in dtxR and tox genes of C. diphtheriae isolates from the recent outbreaks in Indonesia was detected.