Vali Golmohammadi

Assistant professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities
Tarbiat Modares university


Vali Golmohammadi Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Tarbiat Modares University, Department of International Relations, Tehran, and a visiting scholar at Bilkent University, Ankara. He is a lecturer at the World Studies Faculty of Tehran University and Senior Fellow in the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Institute for Political and International Studies of Irans Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


International Relations
International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Arts and Humanities, Political Science and International Relations, Political Science and International Relations


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • How Iran Perceives Turkey’s Rise in the South Caucasus
    Vali Golmohammadi, , Sergey M. Markedonov, , , , and

    Foreign Policy Research Foundation
    As the geopolitical landscape of the South Caucasus continues to evolve, multiple divergent interests are bringing new dynamics into the Iran-Turkey relations. The article explores Iran’s changing perceptions concerning the South Caucasus in general and Turkey’s assertive geopolitical activism in the region, in particular. The authors argue that, given Turkey’s increasing influence in the South Caucasus and Iran’s decreasing footprint in the region, the current geopolitical and geo-economic trends are likely to bring more conflict into the Iran-Turkey regional rivalry. Tehran is apprehensive of several key insecurities stemming from Ankara’s growing activism in the South Caucasus. Apart from historical disagreements between Iran and Turkey over the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, the East-West transit corridors and pan-Turkism in a bigger picture, Tehran perceives the underlying developments in the region as part of the West’s “geopolitical plot” of containing Iran, in which Turkey plays a strategic role. Consequently, the South Caucasus is increasingly becoming an additional source of regional confrontation between Iran and Turkey.

  • The Regional-Supremacy Trap: Disorder in the Middle East
    Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafaee and Vali Golmohammadi

    AbstractThis article analyzes the logic of recent instability and disorder in the Middle East. It offers two interrelated arguments. First, the region has turned into a battle zone in the aftermath of US retrenchment. The United States and other external powers refrained from direct engagement in shaping Middle Eastern order and, therefore, aspirant regional powers were prompted to redesign that order. Second, what makes instability and disorder a geopolitical feature of the Middle East is the “regional‐supremacy trap,” the seduction of a power vacuum and a desire for regional hegemony, a trap that draws all influential actors into a series of endless and cumulative conflicts. According to our findings, there is a meaningful relationship between the instability and the regional power struggle for supremacy in the post‐American Middle East. As there is no sign of cooperative mechanisms for shaping the regional order by the major Middle Eastern actors, the syndrome of disorder will continue for the foreseeable future.

  • Turkish-Russian Relations in the Post-Western World; from Geopolitical Rivalry to Strategic Partnership
    ولی گل محمدی

    در این نوشتار به‌دنبال درک نظام‌مند ماهیت مشارکت راهبردی ترکیه و روسیه در شرایط گذار نظام بین‌الملل هستیم. برخلاف بسیاری از دیدگاه‌های غالب که از چرخش ژئوپلیتیکی سیاست خارجی ترکیه به اوراسیا و پدیدارشدن روابط راهبردی میان ترکیه و روسیه سخن می‌گویند، در این نوشتار چنین روندی را نه چرخشی محوری بلکه واکنشی پویا به گذار در نظام بین‌الملل، پویایی‌های سیاست داخلی و تحول‌های ژئوپلیتیکی محیط پیرامونی دو قدرت نوپدید اوراسیایی می‌دانیم. با بهره‌گیری از چارچوب مفهومی «مشارکت راهبردی» به مطالعۀ محدودیت‌های راهبردی در شکل‌دهی به مشارکت راهبردی پایدار میان دو قدرت اوراسیایی تجدیدنظرطلب در یک محیط جدید بین‌المللی و منطقه‌ای می‌پردازیم. در پاسخ به این پزسش که آیا ترکیه و روسیه می‌توانند به شریکان راهبردی یکدیگر تبدیل شوند؟ در این نوشتار این ایدۀ اصلی را مطرح می‌کنیم که نزدیکی راهبردی ترکیه و روسیه خروجی برهم‌کنش بازتوزیع قدرت و ثروت بین‌المللی، بحران در اتحاد فراآتلانتیکی، ژئوپلیتیک درحال تغییر منطقه‌ای و پویایی‌های سیاست داخلی ترکیه است و به‌ضرورت به‌معنای ظهور مشارکت راهبردی بین دو قدرت اوراسیایی در یک نظام بین‌الملل پساغربی نیست. هرچند شرایط نوین بین‌المللی بسترهای همگرایی ترکیه و روسیه را فراهم ساخته است، اما روابط دو کشور همچنان دارای عناصر مهمی از مناقشه و رقابت و متأثر از وضعیت روابط آن‌ها با غرب است. در این میان، نقش روابط نامتقارن اقتصادی، واگرایی راهبردی در حوزۀ انرژی، عاملیت ناپایدار رهبری اقتدارگرایانۀ پوتین و اردوغان و همچنین رقابت‌های ژئوپلیتیکی در معادلات در حال تغییر دریای سیاه، قفقاز جنوبی، شرق مدیترانه و خاورمیانه برجسته می‌شود.

  • Trump’s “maximum pressure” and anti-containment in Iran’s regional policy
    Hamidreza Azizi, Vali Golmohammadi, and Amir Hossein Vazirian

    AbstractTwo years after withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, U.S. President Donald Trump's “maximum pressure” campaign has failed to change Iran's regional behavior, bring Tehran back to the negotiation table, curb its nuclear and missile programs, and counter Iran's proxy influence in the region. Instead, Iran has adopted a “maximum resistance” strategy to deal with Washington's pressure. According to the Neorealist school of thought in International Relations (IR), rising systemic or structural pressure on a given state is expected to alter its policies or even its regime. The case of Iran appears to challenge this expectation. This article suggests that Iran has adopted an “anti‐containment” strategy to deal with the U.S. pressure. The strategy is based on asymmetric deterrence, the main pillars of which are employing local allied forces and enhancing air and naval deterrence capabilities. Meanwhile, Iran's military–security establishment has gained the upper hand in dealing with the United States, sidelining the diplomatic apparatus. This situation bears the risk of a confrontation between Iran and the United States while leaving no space for meaningful diplomatic engagement.

  • The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Prospects for change and continuity


  • The Influence of the International Order on the Strategic Partnership between Iran and China
    R Salimi, SM Mosavi Shafaee, V Golmohammadi, B Sazmand
    International Relations Researches 14 (1) 2024

  • The Impact of Techno-Nationalism on US-China Economic Competition (with an Emphasis on the Semiconductor Sector)
    SH Salehi, SM Mousavi Shafaee, V Golmohammadi, AM Hajiyousefi
    International Political Economy Studies 6 (2) 2024

  • How Iran Perceives Turkey’s Rise in the South Caucasus
    V Golmohammadi, SM Markedonov
    Russia in Global Affairs 22 (1), 152-175 2024

  • The Role and Status of the Economy in Iran's National Power
    SH Salehi, SM Mousavi Shafaee, V Golmohammadi, AM Haji-Yousefi
    International Relations Researches 13 (2), 137-170 2023

  • منطقهایشدن مداخلۀ قدرتهای بزرگ و سیاست خاورمیانهای روسیه
    گلمحمدی, ولی, آرم, آرمینا

  • Regionalization of Great Powers Intervention and Russia's Middle East policy
    V Golmohammadi, A Arm
    Iranian Research letter of International Politics 11 (2) 2023

  • Cyber Deterrence and Israel’s Security-Defense Doctrine Transformation
    V Golmohammadi, T Jamshidi
    Research Political Geography Quarterly 7 (4), 1-23 2022

  • جایگاه قفقاز جنوبی در منطقه گرایی سیاست خارجی ایران
    گل محمدی, ولی, عزیزی

  • The South Caucasus in the regionalism of Iran's foreign policy
    V Golmohammadi, H Azizi
    Central Eurasia Studies 15 (1), 305-281 2022

  • الزامات سیاست خارجی ایران در جهان پساغربی؛ از تنهایی راهبردی تا استقلال استراتژیک
    گل محمدی, ولی, کریمی

  • بحران در روابط فراآتلانتیکی و ظهور اورآسیاگرایی در سیاست خارجی ترکیه
    گل محمدی, ولی

  • The Crisis in Transatlantic Relations and the Rise of Eurasianism in Turkish Foreign Policy
    V Golmohammadi
    Geopolitics Quarterly 18 (65), 259-288 2022

  • The Regional‐Supremacy Trap: Disorder in the Middle East
    SM Mousavi Shafaee, V Golmohammadi
    Middle East Policy 29 (1), 61-73 2022

  • الزامات سیاستگذاری ایران در مواجهه با پسااسلام گرایی ترکیه
    گل محمدی, ولی, پورابراهیم, ناصر

  • Rethinking of Political Islam in Turkey; the Post-Islamism and Iran’s Approach
    V Golmohammadi, N Pourebrahim
    Strategic Studies of public policy 11 (40), 362-384 2021

  • Transformation in Turkey's Strategic Culture and its National Security Doctrine; A Pivotal Turn or Balancing in Foreign Policy?
    V Golmohammadi
    Strategic Studies Quarterly 24 (2), 73-104 2021

  • روابط ترکیه و روسیه در جهان پساغربی؛ از رقابت ژئوپلیتیکی تا مشارکت راهبردی؟
    گل محمدی, ولی

  • Turkish-Russian Relations in the Post-Western World; from Geopolitical Rivalry to Strategic Partnership
    V Golmohammadi
    Central Eurasia Studies 14 (1), 353-376 2021

  • Water scarcity in the Middle East: Beyond an environmental risk
    V Golmohammadi
    Global Policy 20 (3), 21-31 2021

  • ارزیابی نقش محور مقاومت در بازدارندگی ناهمطراز ج. ا. ایران در برابر سیاست مهار آمریکا
    وزیریان, امیرحسین, گلمحمدی, ولی, علیزاده


  • The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Prospects for change and continuity
    V Golmohammadi
    All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace 8 (1), 93-102 2019
    Citations: 30

  • Trump’s “maximum pressure” and anti‐containment in Iran’s regional policy
    H Azizi, V Golmohammadi, AH Vazirian
    Digest of Middle East Studies 29 (2), 150-166 2020
    Citations: 20

  • The Regional‐Supremacy Trap: Disorder in the Middle East
    SM Mousavi Shafaee, V Golmohammadi
    Middle East Policy 29 (1), 61-73 2022
    Citations: 11

  • Erdoganism and understanding the Turkish Middle East policy
    V Golmohammadi, SMK Sajjadpour, SM MOUSAVI
    STRATEGIC STUDIES QUARTERLY 19 (37300522), 69-92 2016
    Citations: 9

  • Political consideration and development of economic relations, economic cooperation capacities of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan
    T Lotfi, V Golmohammadi, H Sarmadi
    Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 7 (3), 72-82 2016
    Citations: 7

  • Foreign Policy Strategies towards Economic Development; Comparative Study of the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran (2004-2013)
    V Golmohammadi, H Atanejad, H Naghib Sharbabaki
    Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (3), 711-719 2015
    Citations: 6

  • How Iran Perceives Turkey’s Rise in the South Caucasus
    V Golmohammadi, SM Markedonov
    Russia in Global Affairs 22 (1), 152-175 2024
    Citations: 4

  • The clash of roles in the Middle East; Understanding the tension in US-Turkey relations
    V Golmohammadi
    Strategic Studies Quarterly 22 (85), 107-133 2019
    Citations: 4

  • The Legitimacy of Economic Sanctions against Islamic Republic of Iran in the Light of International Economic Law: Legal Effects and Economics Consequences
    V Golmohammadi, P Imani
    Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 7 (3), 60-71 2016
    Citations: 4

  • The South Caucasus in the regionalism of Iran's foreign policy
    V Golmohammadi, H Azizi
    Central Eurasia Studies 15 (1), 305-281 2022
    Citations: 3

  • The Crisis in Transatlantic Relations and the Rise of Eurasianism in Turkish Foreign Policy
    V Golmohammadi
    Geopolitics Quarterly 18 (65), 259-288 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Transformation in Turkey's Strategic Culture and its National Security Doctrine; A Pivotal Turn or Balancing in Foreign Policy?
    V Golmohammadi
    Strategic Studies Quarterly 24 (2), 73-104 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Water scarcity in the Middle East: Beyond an environmental risk
    V Golmohammadi
    Global Policy 20 (3), 21-31 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Turkish-Russian Relations in the Post-Western World; from Geopolitical Rivalry to Strategic Partnership
    V Golmohammadi
    Central Eurasia Studies 14 (1), 353-376 2021
    Citations: 1

  • The US Maximum Pressure Policy and Iran's Anti-containment Strategy
    G Vali, AH Vazirian
    Research Political Geography Quarterly 6 (1), 111-129 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Regime Security and the Logic of Alliances in the Middle East
    V Golmohammadi
    STRATEGIC STUDIES QUARTERLY 23 (389001377), 105-132 2020
    Citations: 1

  • The Role of New Communications and IT in Conceptual Evolution of Diplomacy
    A Soltaninejad, MH Jamshidi, V Golmohammadi
    Majlis and Rahbord 23 (88), 359-386 2016
    Citations: 1

    V Golmohammadi
    FOREIGN RELATIONS 7 (428), 85-117 2016
    Citations: 1

  • مدل تصميم گيري شهودي چندوجهي و تحليل راهبردهاي سياست خارجي ترکيه در حمايت از جريان هاي تکفيري
    قوام سيدعبدالعلي, گل محمدي ولي

    Citations: 1