Ana Maria Gomes Vieira

Water Quality Group
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL

My master thesis was based on functionalization of nanolipossomes, for delivery of a marine toxin, at a specific target, to be used in prostate and breast cancer treatment. As junior research fellow at INL, I worked in multifunctional materials for removal of microorganisms from water, development of a portable SERS-based detection system for  hydrogen sulfide, use of COFs for off-flavors removal from water and perform safety profile study of different nanomaterials.


I finished my bachelor degree in Biochemistry in 2016 and holds a master degree in Biophysics and Bionanosystems since 2018, at University of Minho.


Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS): from substrate design to application.
Covalent organic framework: synthesis, characterization and apllication
Nanoparticles synthesis, functionalization and characterization
Surface functionalization and characterization


Detection of antibiotic by surface-enhanced Raman scattering using hybrid composited based on covalent organic frameworks

Applications Invited