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Scopus Publications

  • Experimental Investigation of Corrosion Effect of Automotive Fuel Tank for Biofuels
    T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran, R. Pugazhenthi, Abhishek Sharma, Anil Singh Yadav, Rahul Kumar, and Gopal Kaliyaperumal

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • An Overview of the Need for Circular Economy on Electric Vehicle Batteries
    S. Padmanabhan, C. Joel, S. Mahalingam, J. R. Deepak, T. Vinod Kumar, and Deborah Raj

    Technoscience Publications
    Batteries are a widely utilized and simple method for powering electronic devices, particularly given the prevalence of individuals traveling to all gadgets. The escalating adoption of electric vehicles and portable electronic devices has led to a surge in the demand for lithium-ion batteries. Consequently, this has given rise to supply uncertainties in acquiring essential minerals such as lithium and cobalt, along with concerns about the proper disposal of dead batteries. The existing methods for battery recycling exhibit variations based on the individual chemistries of the batteries, hence influencing both cost factors and greenhouse gas emissions. Simultaneously, there exists a possibility for repurposing depleted batteries for low-tier energy storage applications. The absence of legislation pertaining to the secure storage and handling of waste streams contributes to the accumulation of refuse in exposed environments and the release of hazardous substances from landfills. In addition, contemporary battery manufacturing methods necessitate the utilization of innovative substances, such as ionic liquids for electrolytes and nanostructures for cathodes, to enhance the energy characteristics and longevity of batteries. The presence of uncertainties regarding the accurate assessment of the environmental consequences associated with novel battery chemicals has the potential to impede efforts aimed at recycling and containment. The objective of this analysis is to consolidate the existing knowledge regarding battery pollutants, both those that are recognized and those that remain uncertain, and to assess their potential environmental impacts. Additionally, this research aims to examine the current strategies and methods employed for the recycling of batteries in the circular economy.

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Fuel Characteristics of Bioenergy Sources to Meet Sustainability and Environmental Goals
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, D. Sendil Kumar, B. Rubini, S. Arunkumar, A. Arul Peter, and V. Vijayan

    Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology
    Biodiesel recognized as a sustainable alternative to petroleum diesel, has garnered significant attention due to its potential to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate environmental problems. Produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, or waste oils, biodiesel shares similar combustion properties with conventional diesel fuel but also possesses distinct physicochemical characteristics. This study specifically examines the fundamental properties of rapeseed biodiesel blends, ranging from B10 (10% biodiesel, 90% base diesel) to B100 (100% biodiesel). Key parameters such as calorific value, viscosity, density, flash point, cloud point, and freeze point were meticulously measured and analyzed in comparison to standard diesel fuel. The calorific value indicates the energy content, while viscosity and density affect fuel injection and combustion. The flash point provides safety information regarding fuel storage and handling, and the cloud and freeze points are critical for understanding the performance in cold climates. This comprehensive evaluation aims to highlight the feasibility and performance characteristics of rapeseed biodiesel as a viable substitute for conventional diesel, contributing to the ongoing search for cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

  • Investigation and Parametric Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining of AA7075 Through Response Surface Methodology
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, V. Muthuraman, D. Sendil Kumar, Mulinti Navneeth Reddy, and T. Adi Sesha Sai Teja

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Investigation of the environmental implications of using cerium oxide nano-additives in gasoline engines fueled with gasoline-oxyhydrogen
    Padmanabhan Sambandam, Deepak James Raj, Vinod Kumar Thangaraj, Solomon Jenoris Muthiya, Mohankumar Subramanian, Senthilkumar Pachamuthu, and T Praveen Kumar

    Informa UK Limited

  • Investigation of alloy materials on a sports bike wheel rim designs using finite element analysis
    S. Padmanabhan, Balaji Boopathi, K. M. Kumar, Deepak J. R., Vinod Kumar T., and Baskar S.

    Malque Publishing
    Investigators are dedicating more work to the creation of lightweight vehicles as a result of the rising emphasis placed by the automotive industry on energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. While developing a wheel, it is important to keep both technology and safety considerations in mind simultaneously. Alloy materials are commonly used in the design of sports bike wheel rims due to their lightweight, strength, and durability. The ultimate goal of this study is to lay the groundwork for coming up with new designs for wheels and spokes that can be used on sports bike. In this work, it would be possible to compare how alloys of magnesium and titanium respond to stress and strain compared to structural steel materials. Using an equivalent stress and deformation investigation, two modern designs of wheel spokes for the sports bikes and three materials were compared. This study makes some insightful projections about the reliability of the structural design and provides useful references for the manufacture of alloy wheels. According to the stress analysis, the Ti alloy produces a stress concentration that is about 0.5% lower than on Model A and around 1% lower value for stainless steel on the Model B wheel rim design. Mg alloy has a deflection of about 77% and 53% more than stainless steel and titanium alloy, respectively, in the construction of the model A and B wheel rim.

  • Influence of Nano Material Coating on the Automotive Brake Liner – An Investigational Approach
    B. Gowthama Rajan, P. Sambandam, V. Hariram, and V. Vinodkumar

    It is very advantageous to have a solid grasp of the thermo-elasticity property of the material while designing an automobile brake at an early design stage. To ensure mechanical brakes' longevity and compactness, which are both crucial in this application, it is recommended that the accurate prediction technique of maximum structural stress be employed throughout the design process for mechanical brakes. As a consequence of this research, a practical and dependable analytical approach for the design of mechanical brakes has been developed, which makes use of modelling and analysis methodologies to accomplish its objectives. In this research, the stress analysis of an automobile's brake was carried out, with the purpose of minimising the stress and pressure created in the brake as a result of the vehicle braking. The complete investigation of the brake, as well as the modelling of the brake, will be carried out using the ANSYS software. The CAD software called CATIA will be used to do the clutch analysis. It is envisaged that this effort will also contribute to the creation of the most efficient and dependable mechanical brake design in the future. In this study, we investigate the structural, thermal and wear behaviour aspects of brake shoe liners coated with nano composite coating materials such as ZrO2 to see how they perform.

  • Sustainability improvement by utilizing polymer waste as an energy source for a diesel engine with alcohol additives
    Padmanabhan SAMBANDAM, Vinod Kumar T, S MAHALİNGAM, Ganesan S, and Giridharan K

    Environmental Research and Technology
    Energy and fossil fuel supplies have been threatened by the depletion of fossil fuels on a global scale, as well as by the constant rise in oil prices and the continual increase in environmental degradation. On the other hand, polymer waste has increased due to its usage in a daily lifestyle because of its cheap cost, ease of production, and adaptability. Indirectly, these polymer wastes are causing some major problems for the ecosystem and other living things. By transforming waste polymers into usable energy, can address for both the non-biodegradability of polymers and the need for an alternative fuel. This research paper aims to evaluate the performance of fuel produced by the pyrolysis of polyethylene polymer. Three distinct alcohol additive blends with polymer fuel were investigated in a single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine for their performance and emission characteristics. The engine efficiency of pentanol was found to be about 3.4% higher than that of base diesel, and with 7% better fuel consumption. Additionally, alcohol additives reduced CO emissions by 3.6%–3.8% and HC emissions by 3.5%–3.8%. The results were further analysed using the design of experiment tool, "Full Factorial Design" to determine the most optimal running condition with fuel consumption of 0.4508 kg/kWh, hydrocarbon of 49 ppm and carbon monoxide 0.265% at half load conditions.

  • Investigation of structural and thermal analysis of clutch facings with different friction materials
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, D. Sendil Kumar, Gowsikan Velmurugan, B. Akshay Kumar, and K. Hitesh Sri Subramanyam

    Elsevier BV

  • Optimization of stirrer speed on mechanical properties of aluminium graphite stir cast
    S. Arunkumar, Ch. Siva Ramakrishna, M.S. Alphin, R. Muraliraja, T. Vinod Kumar, Bhaskar Vishwakarma, Vandana Agrawal, and Anil Singh Yadav

    Elsevier BV

  • Performance evolution in machining parameter of Al-Si (LM6) alloy using neural network
    S. Arunkumar, N. Sriraman, R. Muraliraja, T. Vinod Kumar, and V. Muthuraman

    Elsevier BV

  • Investigation of lightweight wheel design using alloy materials through structural analysis
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, S. Thiagarajan, B. Gopi Krishna, and K. Sudheer

    Elsevier BV

  • Environmental impact of waste plastic pyrolysis oil on insulated piston diesel engine with methoxyethyl acetate additive
    Padmanabhan Sambandam, Parthasarathy Murugesan, Vinod Kumar Thangaraj, Muthuraman Vadivel, Muraliraja Rajaraman, and Ganesan Subbiah

    Informa UK Limited

  • An analysis of environment effect on ethanol blends with plastic fuel and blend optimization using a full factorial design
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, K. Giridharan, B. Stalin, N. Nagaprasad, Leta Tesfaye Jule, and Krishnaraj Ramaswamy

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThere is a growing amount of plastic waste that needs to be properly disposed of in order to protect the environment from the negative effects of increasing reliance on plastic products. Recent interest has focused on chemical recycling as a means of reducing plastic's negative environmental effects. Converting waste plastics into basic petrochemicals allows them to serve as hydrocarbon feedstock or fuel oil through pyrolysis operations. Scientists have taken a keen interest in the production of bioethanol from renewable feedstocks due to its potential as a source of energy and alternative fuel. Due to its beneficial effects on the environment, ethanol has emerged as a promising biofuel. In this paper, energy recovered from low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene waste was converted into an alternative plastic fuel and evaluated for its environmental impact with the blending of ethanol in a diesel engine. Ternary fuel blends with 20%, 30%, and 40% waste plastic fuel and 10%, 15%, and 20% ethanol with standard diesel were tested. The study found that blending 10% ethanol with 20% plastic fuel decreased fuel consumption by around 7.9% compared to base diesel. Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced by about 10.2%, and hydrocarbon emissions are reduced by about 13.43% when using the same ternary blend. The optimum values of fuel consumption and emissions were obtained by full factorial design for a ternary fuel blend of 10% ethanol and 20% plastic fuel at the full load condition.

  • The effects of electroless Ni-P coated SiC on the properties of magnesium composite
    R. Muraliraja, K. Pradeepkumar, P. Mohanraj, T. Vinod Kumar, C. Dhanasekaran, M. Chandrasekaran, S. Ragavanantham, and V. S. Shaisundaram

    ASTM International

  • Study the enhanced mechanical properties of Al/B4C metal matrix composite
    A. Abhishek Krishna Sai, M. Chandrasekaran, T. Vinod Kumar, and R. Pugazhenthi

    Elsevier BV

  • Investigation on the response parameters in electric discharge machining of developed aluminium metal matrix composites
    Kadapa Hemadri, S. Ajith Arul Daniel, A. Parthiban, and T. Vinod kumar

    Elsevier BV

  • Influence of copper anodization on structural and heat transfer characteristic of aluminum piston
    M. Amala Justus Selvam, S. Arunkumar, V. Balambica, S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, and V.S. Shai Sundaram

    Elsevier BV

  • Effective utilization and optimization of waste plastic oil with ethanol additive in diesel engine using full factorial design
    Maridu Bhargavi, T. Vinod Kumar, Reddypalli Ali Azmath Shaik, S. Kishore Kanna, and S. Padmanabhan

    Elsevier BV

  • Optimization of process parameters to improve the wear resistance of the mild steel using electroless Ni-P coating process

  • Investigation of Sapindus seed biodiesel with nano additive on single cylinder diesel engine
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran, and S. Ganesan

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT In the agriculture and transportation sector, many bio-seed based biofuels have exposed to be a better replacement for fuels derivative from fossil fuels. In the Indian context, due to the energy needs, agricultural growth, surrounding degradation and rural development these biofuels have achieved an acknowledgment as an alternative. Biofuels derived from the bio seeds such as rubber seed oil, cottonseed oil, jatropha and rapeseed oil etc. can hold the carbon emissions from vehicles in an efficient and economical method. In this research paper, an attempt has been made with blends from bio-seed based Sapindus seed oil with nano additive as an alternative for diesel. Its performance and emission characteristics were investigated on the constant speed single cylinder CI engine and results were compared.

  • Experimental investigation of a spark ignition engine using blends of biogas
    A. Arul Peter, M. Chandrasekaran, P. Prakash, T. Vinod Kumar, and P. Vivek

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Biogas from cow dung is one of the best fuels that readily mixes with gasoline and yields less emission and better performance on gasoline engines. In this study, an attempt has been made experimentally on a gasoline engine operating with enriched and compressed biogas blends B10, B20 and gasoline. A significant increase in specific consumption and reduction in brake thermal efficiency of the engine was observed. Exhaust gas emissions were measured and analysed for hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) at an engine speed of 2000rpm. The concentrations of CO, CO2 and HC emission were found to be decreased and increased trend in NOx for biogas blends.

  • Empirical performance analysis of VCR engine fuelled with karanja oil and various additives using ANOVA technique
    M. Vairavel, M. Chandrasekaran, P. Vivek, and T. Vinod Kumar

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT In this present paper, an experimental study is carried out on a single cylinder, four-stroke variable compression ratio (VCR), direct injection diesel engine to analyse the performance characteristics of 20% karanja oil (B20) with diethyl ether, methanol and ethanol as an additives by substituting 5% and 10%, respectively. The engine is operated at the speed of 1500 rpm with VCRs 17 and 18. Analysis of performance parameters such as brake power, indicated power, brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, specific fuel consumption and indicated thermal efficiency are arrived by the IC engine analysis software which has been coupled with the VCR engine. The outcome data of these blends are to be compared with the ordinary diesel. The results are optimised by using the design of experiments (DOE) method in MINITAB 17.0 software to find out the suitable blend for the engine.

  • Experimental studies on convective heat transfer coefficient of water/ethylene glycol-carbon nanotube nanofluids
    S. Baskar, M. Chandrasekaran, T. Vinod Kumar, P. Vivek, and L. Karikalan

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT The objective of the project is to study the enhancement of convective heat transfer of secondary refrigerants. It is the function of different volume fractions as well as different operating temperatures. This project deals with the use of CNT nanofluids with CNT as a nanoparticle and EG/water as a base fluid. In this study the theoretical study of CNT and thermo physical properties were reviewed and discussed. To investigate the convective heat transfer, an experimental set-up is required. The experimental set-up is used to compare the thermo physical properties of CNT nanofluids. Abbreviations: CNT: carbon nanotube; EG: ethylene glycol; MWCNT: multi-walled carbon nanotube

  • Experimental studies on flow and heat transfer characteristics of secondary refrigerant-based CNT nanofluids for cooling applications
    S. Baskar, M. Chandrasekaran, T. Vinod Kumar, P. Vivek, and S. Ramasubramanian

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT The aim of the research work is to explore the convective heat transfer coefficient characteristics of propanol-based nanofluids for cooling applications. The stable suspension of the nanofluid with volume fractions of 0.15 and 0.3 is prepared and characterised. The measurement on the density shows that there is only a negligible increase in the density of the nanofluid and the specific heat of the nanofluid increases with the volumetric concentration of nanofluids. Furthermore, there is an enhancement in the convective heat transfer coefficient of 70% for the nanofluid containing 0.3% of CNT. Abbreviations: CNT: carbon nanotubes; IPA: isopropyl alcohol; MWCNT: multi-walled carbon nanotubes; SDBS: sodium dodecyl benzene sulphate


  • Investigation of the environmental implications of using cerium oxide nano-additives in gasoline engines fueled with gasoline-oxyhydrogen
    P Sambandam, D James Raj, T Vinod Kumar, SJ Muthiya, ...
    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46 2024

  • Experimental Investigation of Corrosion Effect of Automotive Fuel Tank for Biofuels
    T. Vinod Kumar., M. Chandrasekaran, R. Pugazhenthi, Abhishek Sharma, Anil ...
    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering 1 (1), 365-377 2024

  • An Overview of the Need for Circular Economy on Electric Vehicle Batteries.
    S Padmanabhan, C Joel, S Mahalingam, JR Deepak, TV Kumar, D Raj
    Nature Environment & Pollution Technology 23 (1) 2024

  • Investigation of alloy materials on a sports bike wheel rim designs using finite element analysis
    S Padmanabhan, B Boopathi, KM Kumar, JR Deepak, ...
    Multidisciplinary Science Journal 6 (2), 2024013-2024013 2024

  • Investigation and Parametric Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining of AA7075 Through Response Surface Methodology
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, V Muthuraman, DS Kumar, MN Reddy, ...
    International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials 2023

  • Experimental Investigation of Corrosion Effect of Automotive Fuel Tank for Biofuels
    T Vinod Kumar, M Chandrasekaran, R Pugazhenthi, A Sharma, AS Yadav, ...
    Conference of Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing System 2023

  • Optimization of stirrer speed on mechanical properties of aluminium graphite stir cast
    S Arunkumar, CS Ramakrishna, MS Alphin, R Muraliraja, TV Kumar, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023

  • Sustainability improvement by utilizing polymer waste as an energy source for a diesel engine with alcohol additives
    P Sambandam, V Kumar T, S Mahalingam, S Ganesan, K Giridharan
    Environmental Research and Technology 6 (1), 35-45 2023

  • Performance evolution in machining parameter of Al-Si (LM6) alloy using neural network
    S Arunkumar, N Sriraman, R Muraliraja, TV Kumar, V Muthuraman
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023

  • Investigation of lightweight wheel design using alloy materials through structural analysis
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, S Thiagarajan, BG Krishna, K Sudheer
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023

  • Influence of Nano Material Coating on the Automotive Brake Liner–An Investigational Approach
    BG Rajan, P Sambandam, VT Hariram, V
    International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 15 (1), 110-115 2023

  • Investigation of structural and thermal analysis of clutch facings with different friction materials
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, DS Kumar, G Velmurugan, BA Kumar, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 92, 98-105 2023

  • An analysis of environment effect on ethanol blends with plastic fuel and blend optimization using a full factorial design
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, K Giridharan, B Stalin, N Nagaprasad, ...
    Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21719 2022

  • The effects of electroless Ni-P coated SiC on the properties of magnesium composite
    R Muraliraja, K Pradeepkumar, P Mohanraj, T Vinod Kumar, ...
    Materials Performance and Characterization 11 (1), 223-235 2022

  • Effective utilization and optimization of waste plastic oil with ethanol additive in diesel engine using full factorial design
    M Bhargavi, TV Kumar, RAA Shaik, SK Kanna, Padmanabhan S
    Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (3), 930-936 2022

  • Study the enhanced mechanical properties of Al/B4C metal matrix composite
    AAK Sai, M Chandrasekaran, TV Kumar, R Pugazhenthi
    Materials Today: Proceedings 68, 1422-1428 2022

  • Influence of copper anodization on structural and heat transfer characteristic of aluminum piston
    MAJ Selvam, S Arunkumar, V Balambica, S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2021

  • Promising Recovery Directions for Waste Plastic as an Energy Source: A Brief Overview
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, S Arunkumar, S Daniel, VA Suyamburajan
    BP International 2021

  • Optimization of Process Parameters to Improve the Wear Resistance of the Mild Steel using Electroless Ni-P Coating Process
    Vinod Kumar T., Muraliraja R. , Chandrasekaran M
    Jurnal Tribologi 31 (4), 1-12 2021

  • Study properties and mechanical behavior of the shaft material 16MnCr5
    S Arunkumar, M Chandrasekaran, V Muthuraman, T Vinod Kumar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2020


  • Experimental Studies on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Secondary Refrigerant Based CNT Nanofluids for Cooling Applications
    S Baskar, M Chandrasekaran, T Vinod Kumar, P Vivek, ...
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-5 2018
    Citations: 46

    L Baskar, S., Chandrasekaran, M., Vinod Kumar, T., Vivek, P., & Karikalan
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-5 2018
    Citations: 46

  • Control of carbon dioxide emission in automobile vehicles using CO2 scrubber
    V. S. Shaisundaram, M. Chandrasekaran, S. Mohan Raj, R. Muraliraja, T. Vinod ...
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-5 2018
    Citations: 40

  • Investigation of Sapindus seed biodiesel with nano additive on single cylinder diesel engine
    S. Padmanabhan, T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran and S. Ganesan.
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-4 2018
    Citations: 33

  • Effective utilization and optimization of waste plastic oil with ethanol additive in diesel engine using full factorial design
    M Bhargavi, TV Kumar, RAA Shaik, SK Kanna, Padmanabhan S
    Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (3), 930-936 2022
    Citations: 31

    T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran, V.Santhanam
    ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (8), 2401-2406 2017
    Citations: 21

  • An analysis of environment effect on ethanol blends with plastic fuel and blend optimization using a full factorial design
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, K Giridharan, B Stalin, N Nagaprasad, ...
    Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21719 2022
    Citations: 16

  • Study properties and mechanical behavior of the shaft material 16MnCr5
    S Arunkumar, M Chandrasekaran, V Muthuraman, T Vinod Kumar
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2020
    Citations: 15

  • Fillers preparation for polymer composite and its properties – a review
    T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran , P. Mohanraj , Ravishankar ...
    International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (2. 33), 212-217 2018
    Citations: 12

  • Investigation of lightweight wheel design using alloy materials through structural analysis
    S Padmanabhan, TV Kumar, S Thiagarajan, BG Krishna, K Sudheer
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2023
    Citations: 9

  • Behaviour of CI Engine Performance, Combustion and Exhaust Emission with Neem Biodiesel at Varied Fuel Injection Rates
    K Loganathan, M Chandrasekaran, T Vinod Kumar, Sridhar. R
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-8 2018
    Citations: 9

  • Material and design parameters optimization to enhance the life of Anti-Roll bar of commercial truck
    T Vinod Kumar, M Chandrasekaran, S Padmanabhan, R Saravanan, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 2020
    Citations: 8

  • The effects of electroless Ni-P coated SiC on the properties of magnesium composite
    R Muraliraja, K Pradeepkumar, P Mohanraj, T Vinod Kumar, ...
    Materials Performance and Characterization 11 (1), 223-235 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Effect of Coupling Agent on Mechanical Properties of Palm Petiole Nanofiber Reinforced Composite
    T Vinod Kumar, Chandrasekaran M, Santhanam V, Sudharsan VD
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 183 (1), 012006 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Is Kevlar29/Epoxy Composite an Alternate for Drive Shaft?
    R Saravanan, P Vivek, T Vinod Kumar
    Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science 2 (3), 1-13 2016
    Citations: 7

  • Experimental investigation on spark ignition engine using blends of biogas
    A Arul Peter, M Chandrasekaran, P Prakash, T Vinod kumar, P Vivek
    International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-8 2018
    Citations: 6

  • Characterization of Nylon 6 Nano Fiber/E-Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
    T Vinod Kumar, Chandrasekaran M, Santhanam V, Udayakumar N
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 183 (1), 012002 2017
    Citations: 6

    T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran, S.Padmanabhan
    ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (8), 2450-2454 2017
    Citations: 6

  • Study the enhanced mechanical properties of Al/B4C metal matrix composite
    AAK Sai, M Chandrasekaran, TV Kumar, R Pugazhenthi
    Materials Today: Proceedings 68, 1422-1428 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Snake Grass Fibre and Sisal Fibre Hybrid Composites by Injection Moulding Method
    T. Vinod Kumar, M. Chandrasekaran, P. Vivek, S. Arunkumar and S. Padmanabhan
    in International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (IJVSS) 11 (3), 236-240 2019
    Citations: 5