Prakash V S

Assistant Professor II
Kristu Jayanti College



Data Mining , Network Security , Network,


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Opinion based memory access algorithms using collaborative filtering in recommender systems
    Ms.Sangeetha J*, , Dr.Sinthu Janita, and

    Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
    In recent years, the online shopping and the online advertisement businesses is growing in a vast way. The reason behind this growth is, the peoples are not having sufficient time for go for a shop. Without seeing the quality of the product directly, the people are ready to buy the product by seeing the other user recommendation of the particular product. This leads an interest / the need to develop the researcher an innovative recommendation framework. Based on the opinion prediction rule, the huge size of words and the phrases which are presented in the unstructured data is modified as a numerical values. The sale of the particular product in an online shopping is depends on its description of the quality, the review of the customer. Based on the positive and negative polarity, an Inclusive Similarity-based Clustering (ISC) is proposed to cluster the extracted related keywords from the user reviews. To evaluate the strength, weakness of the product, estimate the respective features, as well as the opinions, the Improved Feature Specific Collaborative Filtering (IFSCF) model for the feature with aspect opinion is proposed. Finally the complete feedback of the product is estimated by propose the Novel Product Feature-based Opinion Score Estimation process. The main challenge in this recommendation system is the fault information estimation of the reviews and the unrelated recommendations of the bestselling or the better quality product. To neglect these issues, an Enhanced Feature Specific Collaborative Filtering Model based on temporal (EFCFM) is proposed in the recommendation system. Hence the developed EFCFM method is investigated by comparing along with the existing methods in terms of subsequent parameters, precision, recall, f-measure, MAE and the RMSE. The outcome shows that the developed EFCFM approach predicts the best product and produce the accurate recommendation to the customers.

  • Optimization of rules for intrusion detection system (Org-ids)
    S. Latha*, , Dr. V. Sinthu Janita Prakash, and

    Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
    Computer Networks are prone to be attacked by a number of network attacks. To protect an individual system or the entire network from the malicious behaviour, a high level security system is needed. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system which give such protection to the network from the intrusions like misuse, unauthorised access etc. Even though many forms of new attacks come into practice, providing the security for the system from the known attack is also a challenging task. The solution is a Signature based IDS which is a potential tool to identify the known attack, sending alert and protect the networks. So a novel signature based IDS(ORG-IDS) with four phases such as Feature Selection, Classification, Optimized Rule generation and Pattern matching is proposed. For any efficient signature based IDS, it should have the signature rules in less number but it should be effective in identifying attacks with good time and memory complexity. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for Rule generation phase of proposed IDS to configure the rules by implementing Ant Colony Optimization Technique with Association Rule Mining . The parameters like number of rules, running time and memory utilization are measured and proved that this proposed algorithm outperforms the other existing algorithms.

  • A content level based deduplication on streaming data using poisson process filter technique (PPFT)
    Mrs. A. Sahaya Jenitha, , Dr. Janita pursed, and

    Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
    This paper proposed on Poisson process-based algorithm is to carry out content-level deduplication for the streaming data. Since Poisson processes are meant to do the counting of different events happening over a period of time and space, it becomes appropriate to use it for identifying duplications of data as it gets streamed based on time and space, which can allow the deduplication process to be carried out in tandem. Some of the research on deduplication has been focusing on File-level and Block-level deduplication while the focus can be brought to content-level, as data get streamed lively and becomes more dynamic. With this approach, the content-level deduplication will allow the data to be scanned intelligently and at the same time, it can save the deduplication operation time. Also, streaming data has its randomness which is innately there and by having Poisson process based deduplication it will address the random behaviour of the data transfer and can work efficiently in the dynamically connected environment. The proposed method identifies the unique data to store in the Database. Based on the experimental result, the Poisson Process-based algorithm produce 0.912 Area Under Curve (AUC) accuracy on real-world streaming data, which means that if AUC is greater than 0.8 then the performance of algorithm is pretty good. So, the machine intelligence-based deduplication model produced reliable and robust deduplication on streaming data compared to existing approaches.

  • Geographic multiattribute monarch butterfly optimization based traffic aware routing in VANET

  • Enhanced feature specific collaborative filtering model for aspect opinion and temporal based product recommendation

  • Movie review analysis and prediction using modified collaborative filtering and clustering with regression

  • Execution Time Based Sufferage Algorithm for Static Task Scheduling in Cloud
    H. Krishnaveni and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    Springer Singapore

  • Geographical zone-based cluster head for routing in urban vehicular network
    R. Brendha and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    Springer Singapore

  • An Efficient Inclusive Similarity Based Clustering (ISC) Algorithm for Big Data
    J. Sangeetha and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    In recent days, the big data opinion mining is considered as an important research area because, the size of the user reviews increase in petabytes. Opinion classification is the process of identifying the positive, negative and neutral opinion from the text. The traditional data mining software tools find it difficult to manage the reviews because of its size. Hence, to provide an efficient big data opinion mining, an efficient Inclusive Similarity based Clustering (ISC) algorithm is proposed. During pre-processing the data is cleaned with Parts of Speech (PoS) tagger and sliced by using the proposed Threshold based Data Partitioning (TDP) algorithm. After pre-processing the dataset, the inclusive similarity algorithm computes the similarity between the consecutive reviews and constructs an adjacency matrix. The proposed ISC algorithm exploits the adjacency matrix and merges the clusters into a single cluster. The performance of the proposed method is validated with the existing algorithms for the metrics such as time consumption, memory utility and accuracy. The comparison results prove that the proposed ISC algorithm provides optimal results for all the metrics than the existing algorithms.

  • A survey on network attacks and Intrusion detection systems
    S. Latha and Sinthu Janita Prakash

    Network Security is playing a vital role in all types of networks. Nowadays the network is implemented in all places like offices, schools, banks etc. and almost all the individuals are taking part in social network media. Even though many types of network security systems are in use, the vulnerable activities are taking place now and then. This paper presents a survey about various types of network attacks mainly web attacks, and different Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) which are in use. This may pave a path to design a new type of IDS which may protect the network system from various types of network attacks.

  • A survey on routing protocols for vehicular Ad Hoc networks
    R. Brendha and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) is an essential and emerging area of research in the field of Ad Hoc Networks. The main objective of deploying VANET is to improve the road safety and reduce the number of accidents. In VANET, routing is a difficult task because of the high mobility of nodes, which causes rapid changes of topology and to deliver a packet within a minimum period of time. Existing routing protocols are not sufficient to meet all the issues in routing. To provide best routing protocol, it is necessary to make an analysis of routing protocols in VANET. This paper starts with the basic architecture of VANET and provides a detailed description of various existing routing techniques with its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, this paper discusses an overview of the existing routing protocols for VANET.

  • An empirical study on text analytics in big data
    R. Merlin Packiam and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    Today's world is flooded with unstructured information. Big data is not just a description of raw volume but it has to real issue of usability. The major part of information retrieval is giant experience in big data. The real challenge is identifying or developing most cost effective and reliable methods for extracting value from all the terabytes and petabytes of data now available. That's where big data analytics become necessary. Conventional analytics focused on structured data but these methods are not appropriate for large volume of unstructured data in order to extract knowledge. Text analytics is the way to extract significance from the unstructured text to find out patterns and transformations. The importance of text analytics is increased more in social media and business intelligence. This study reveals that big data text analytics can breed new insight to the world of text information and discusses various researches carried out in text analytics.

  • Multi resolution touch panel with built-in fingerprint sensing support
    Pranav Koundinya, Sandhya Theril, Tao Feng, Varun Prakash, Jiming Bao, and Weidong Shi

    IEEE Conference Publications

  • Is ERP an ideal candidate for saas on the cloud-an in-depth analysis
    R. Malathi, M. Karthik kumar, S. Ramkumar, and V. Prakash

    Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp.
    The aim of this study is to weigh the pros and cons of SaaS ERP. The hype cycle surrounding Software as a Service (SaaS) has been escalating over the past several years, building to a crescendo entering 2012. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) holds a special place in the grand scheme of SaaS. While companies seemed willing enough to let the applications that surround and extend ERP reside in a SaaS environment, they were less willing to place their systems of record in a cloud they did not specifically own or control. The objective of this study is to prove that today the trend is changing and the advantages of ERP as SaaS appears to be winning.

  • Comparative Study of proactive and reactive AdHoc routing protocols using Ns2
    S. Vanthana and V. Sinthu Janita Prakash

    A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a temporary network without using any centralized access point or administration. MANET protocols have to face high challenges due to dynamically changing topologies, low transmission power and asymmetric links of network. An attempt has been made to compare the performance of two On-demand reactive routing protocols namely AODV and DSR which works on gateway discovery algorithms and a proactive routing protocol namely DSDV which works on an algorithm to constantly update network topology information available to all nodes for MANETs on different scenarios. In this paper comparison is made on the basis of performance metrics such as throughput, packet loss and end-to-end delay, and the simulator used is NS-2 in Ubuntu operating system (Linux). The simulations are carried out by varying the packet size, number of connecting nodes at a time and pause time and the results are analyzed.

  • Tape Cloud: Scalable and cost efficient big data infrastructure for cloud computing
    Varun S. Prakash, Yuanfeng Wen, and Weidong Shi

    Magnetic tapes have been a primary medium of backup storage for a long time in many organizations. In this paper, the possibility of establishing an inter-network accessible, centralized, tape based data backup facility is evaluated. Our motive is to develop a cloud storage service that organizations can use for long term storage of big data which is typically Write-Once-Read-Many. This Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud can provide the much needed cost effectiveness in storing huge amounts of data exempting client organizations from high infrastructure investments. We make an attempt to understand some of the limitations induced by the usage of tapes by studying the latency of tape libraries in scenarios most likely faced in the backing up process in comparison to its hard disk counterpart. The result of this study is an outline of methods to overcome these limitations by adopting novel tape storage architectures, filesystem, schedulers to manage data transaction requests from various clients and develop faster ways to retrieve requested data to extend the applications beyond backup. We use commercially available tapes and a tape library to perform latency tests and understand the basic operations of tape. With the optimistic backing of statistics that suggests the extensive usage of tapes to this day and in future, we propose an architecture to provide data backup to a large and diverse client base.

  • Back to the future: Using magnetic tapes in cloud based storage infrastructures
    Varun S. Prakash, Xi Zhao, Yuanfeng Wen, and Weidong Shi

    Springer Berlin Heidelberg

  • Touch panel with integrated fingerprint sensors based user identity management
    Tao Feng, Varun Prakash, and Weidong Shi

    In this paper, to enhance identity acquisition procedures in smartphones and make the process transparent to the user, a novel User Identity Sensing approach leveraging the unified fingerprint enabled touch panel that combines multiple capacitive TFT based fingerprint sensors directly with the touch screen panel of the smartphone is proposed. The solution passively fulfills mobile users identity management during natural user-device touch interactions and requires neither password nor extra actions from the user, which makes it highly user friendly. To demonstrate the feasibility of such a unified, user identity sensing based design, an investigation of the hardware metrics is performed. Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the system with touch data collected from 25 smartphone users. The resulting observations and simulation results provide guidance for an efficient design of the hardware and criteria that need to be satisfied for the development of an operational prototype.

  • Person-of-interest detection system using cloud-supported computerized-eyewear
    Xi Wang, Xi Zhao, Varun Prakash, Zhimin Gao, Tao Feng, Omprakash Gnawali, and Weidong Shi

    Detecting Person-Of-Interest (POI), e.g., fugitives, criminals and terrorists in public spaces is a critical requirement of many law enforcers and police officers. In realty, most law enforcement personnel cannot effectively differentiate POIs from millions of faces and thus demand a portable assistant to recognize faces, in order to take the golden opportunity taking the POIs into immediate custody. Unfortunately, current face recognition systems are stationary and limited to a small scale of POI datasets. In this paper, we investigate a wearable computerized-eyewear based face recognition system. This system is a portable device which can accompany a police officer during patrolling or other tasks. The eyewear is connected to a cloud based face recognition system via wireless networks. Facial images captured by the mounted camera are sent to the cloud for identity retrieval. When the system finds a POI, it would alert officers via overlaying a virtual identity tag on the real POI's face on the transparent screen of the eyewear. We provide approaches to greatly minimize recognition time, including leveraging the large storage and high computational capacities provided by the cloud. The cloud enables nationwide POI database and supports parallel computing for face recognition.

  • A real-time selective speaker cancellation system for relieving social anxiety in autistics
    Weidong Shi, Xi Wang, Xi Zhao, Omprakash Gnawali, Katherine Loveland, and Varun Prakash

    Due to hypersensitivity to sound, patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can feel frustrated and even profoundly fearful when talking with multiple speakers. This exacerbates their impairments in social interaction and communication. We propose a fully interactive system that allows ASD patient to focus on a single auditory stream (a person's voice) according to their preference during conversations. The system has the capacity to filter out other speakers' voices based on distinguishing their locations. The experimental results have demonstrated our prototyping system works reliably in regular conversations.

  • Computerized-eyewear based face recognition system for improving social lives of prosopagnosics
    Weidong Shi, Xi Wang, Xi Zhao, Varun Prakash, and Omprakash Gnawali

    Prosopagnosia (PA), or the inability to recognize faces, is widespread around the world, with no effective cure for the disease. We propose a wearable system to improve prosopagnosic's daily life. The system utilizes a real-time face recognition application that runs on a smartphone, and a portable eyewear that displays descriptive information when a person appears in range of camera mounted on the eyewear. The system helps these patients identify faces, reminds them to make social reactions and ultimately prevents them from developing social anxiety disorders, characterized by fear and avoidance of social situations that may cause embarrassment. Lastly, we implement the system in a real life demonstration to test its performance.

  • Secure NXT-the next level of cloud security
    N.Venkata Subramanian, V. Prakash, and K.S. Ramanujam

    Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp.
    The promise of the cloud is appealing: reduced costs, greater agility, flexibility, scalability and potentially greater security. At the same time, IT organizations recognize that the cloud introduces a number of issues related to security, data integrity, compliance, service level agreements and data architecture that must be addressed. Therefore, the adoption of cloud services is being tempered by a significant level of uncertainty. Numerous surveys indicate that the top concerns for moving to the cloud are security, performance and availability. In other words, enterprises are looking for assurances that they are not adding risk to the business by leveraging the cloud. For many, moving to the cloud is still a leap of faith. Different cloud deployment models-public, private, or hybrid have different security vulnerabilities and risks. Generally, risk increases from greater degrees of multitenancy among increasingly unknown participants. The objective of this article is to insist the fact that cloud security begins with and adds to, well-defined enterprise security; it also introduces a new cloud security model called Cloud Security NXT.


  • On Quick Switching System with Different Sampling Plans using Fuzzy Neutrosophic Weighted Poisson Distribution
    J Vennila, P Basker, K Josten, VS Prakash
    Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 79, 40-56 2025

  • Word Prediction Using Fuzzy Sets and Computational Intelligence
    D Rajalakshmi, G Revathy, V Prakash, R Bhavani
    Enhancing Communication and Decision-Making With AI, 267-294 2025

  • An Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for Securing the Healthcare Data Using Blockchain Based IoT Architecture
    P V S

  • An Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for Securing the Healthcare Data Using Blockchain Based IoT Architecture
    P V S

  • Prediction of skin disease using bottleneck technology
    R Bhavani, V Prakash, D Rajalakshmi, D Karthik, R Mathi
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3180 (1) 2024

  • An Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for Securing the Healthcare Data Using Blockchain Based IoT Architecture
    VS Prakash, KS Keerthi, S Jagadish, A Alkhayyat, M Soni
    2024 International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS), 1-5 2024

  • Experimental Evaluation of an Elliptical Curve Cryptographic Model Based Data Security Over Communication Channels Using Cybersecurity Logics
    VS Prakash, KK Thavamani, A Sivakumar, R Kumar, P Poongothai
    2024 International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Cybersecurity (ISCS 2024

  • Interim Analysis Using Machine Learning
    J Vennila, VS Prakash, H Kotian, K Chitra, L Sebastian, K Vijayan, ...
    2024 International Conference on Electronics, Computing, Communication and 2024

  • Road Traffic Accident Prediction in India Using Machine Learning Algorithm Techniques
    B Vinoth, VS Prakash, BN Shivakumar
    2024 International Conference on Electronics, Computing, Communication and 2024

  • Revolutionizing Agriculture: Artificial Intelligence Assisted Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning Principles
    VS Prakash, R Vanitha, SV Nikam, V Athappan, R Krishnamoorthy, ...
    2024 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2024

  • Maximizing Data Privacy: Empirical Analysis of Multi-Keyword Data Search and Privacy Protection over Cloud Computing Paradigm
    VS Prakash, N Karthikeyan, A Kanagaraj, PJ Shriidhar, P Viiayakumar
    2024 1st International Conference on Cognitive, Green and Ubiquitous 2024

  • Use Of Geolocation To Improve Security While Protecting Privacy
    BJ Buck, JM Wijdogen, K Lam, VS Prakash, MJ Mole, PD Phatak, ...
    US Patent App. 18/498,650 2024

  • Assigning identifiers to user sessions to manage security risk when monitoring access of a client device to services
    R Zerrad, D Gopal, S Sachidananda, DY Lord, VS Prakash, CB Leach, ...
    US Patent App. 18/487,961 2024

  • Enhancing Agriculture Productivity with IoT-Enabled Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning
    G Jasmine Beulah, V Vinothina, VS Prakash, M Sandhya, K Vignesh
    International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation, 67-82 2024

  • Enhancing Agriculture Productivity with IoT-Enabled Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning
    JB Gnanadurai, V Vinothina, VS Prakash, M Sandhya, K Vignesh
    EasyChair 2024

  • Visual Speech Recognition by Lip Reading Using Deep Learning
    V Prakash, R Bhavani, D Karthik, D Rajalakshmi, N Rajeswari, ...
    Advanced Applications in Osmotic Computing, 290-310 2024

  • Use of geolocation to improve security while protecting privacy
    BJ Buck, JM Wijdogen, K Lam, VS Prakash, MJ Mole, PD Phatak, ...
    US Patent 11,849,304 2023

  • Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Pneumonia Detection Systems
    VS Prakash, V Aiyyasamy, D Shobana, R Jayadurga, VA Kandaswamy, ...
    2023 9th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), 1-6 2023

  • Hybrid ML Algorithms for Learning Disability Forecast in School Going Children Using Python in Machine Learning Techniques
    VS Prakash, KS Divya, A George
    2023 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and 2023

  • Communicating with client device to determine security risk in allowing access to data of a service provider
    R Zerrad, D Gopal, S Sachidananda, DY Lord, VS Prakash, CB Leach, ...
    US Patent 11,818,129 2023


  • Use of geolocation to improve security while protecting privacy
    BJ Buck, JM Wijdogen, K Lam, VS Prakash, MJ Mole, PD Phatak, ...
    US Patent 11,523,282 2022
    Citations: 112

  • Vision-based skin disease identification using deep learning
    R Bhavani, V Prakash, RV Kumaresh, RS Srinivasan
    Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol 8 (6), 3784-3788 2019
    Citations: 21

  • Supervised Learning Algorithms: A Comparison
    PK Josephine, VS Prakash, KS Divya
    Kristu Jayanti Journal of Computational Sciences (KJCS), 01-12 2021
    Citations: 18

  • Communicating with client device to determine security risk in allowing access to data of a service provider
    R Zerrad, D Gopal, S Sachidananda, DY Lord, VS Prakash, CB Leach, ...
    US Patent 11,818,129 2023
    Citations: 14

  • Monitoring security of a client device to provide continuous conditional server access
    R Zerrad, D Gopal, S Sachidananda, DY Lord, VS Prakash, CB Leach, ...
    US Patent 10,785,230 2020
    Citations: 14

  • A Low-Cost, low-power flexible single lead ECG textile sensor for continuous monitoring of Cardiac Signals
    N Sriraam, A Srinivasulu, VS Prakash
    IEEE Sensors Journal 2023
    Citations: 12

  • An improved bacterial colony optimization using opposition-based learning for data clustering
    VS Prakash, V Vinothina, K Kalaiselvi, K Velusamy
    Cluster Computing 25 (6), 4009-4025 2022
    Citations: 12

  • Design And Implementation Of Simple Boost Pwm Controlled T-Source Inverter For Solar Pv Application
    KV 14. Chitra K, Prakash VS
    Citations: 9

  • EB algorithm for effective privacy and security of data processing in MCC
    VS Prakash, N Bharathiraja, RD Nayagam, R Thiagarajan, ...
    2022 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent 2022
    Citations: 8

  • Revolutionizing Agriculture: Artificial Intelligence Assisted Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning Principles
    VS Prakash, R Vanitha, SV Nikam, V Athappan, R Krishnamoorthy, ...
    2024 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2024
    Citations: 7

  • Analytical comparison and implementation of different inverter topologies for three-phase on-line uninterruptible power supply
    K Chitra, VS Prakash
    International Journal of Ambient Energy 43 (1), 1103-1112 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Random forest regression with hyper parameter tuning for medical insurance premium prediction
    VS Prakash
    International Journal of Health Sciences 6 (6), 7093–7101 2022
    Citations: 7

  • An Adaptive Deep Belief Feature Learning Model for Cognitive Emotion Recognition
    S Yuvaraj, JV Franklin, VS Prakash, A Anandaraj
    2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Switched inductor Z-source inverter with modified space vector pulse width modulation for uninterruptible power supply
    K Chitra, VS Prakash, K Viji, K Nehru, M Lakshmanan
    International Review of Electrical Engineering 16 (4), 368-376 2021
    Citations: 5

  • RETRACTED ARTICLE: A Sly Salvage of Semantic Web Content with Insistence of Low Precision and Low Recall
    R Bhavani, V Prakash, K Chitra
    Wireless Personal Communications 117 (4), 2757-2780 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Impact of Augmented Reality Applications On Fashion Industries
    G Muthumanickam, VS Prakash
    Xi’an Shiyou University, 82-85 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Assigning identifiers to user sessions to manage security risk when monitoring access of a client device to services
    R Zerrad, D Gopal, S Sachidananda, DY Lord, VS Prakash, CB Leach, ...
    US Patent App. 18/487,961 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Visual Speech Recognition by Lip Reading Using Deep Learning
    V Prakash, R Bhavani, D Karthik, D Rajalakshmi, N Rajeswari, ...
    Advanced Applications in Osmotic Computing, 290-310 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Pneumonia Detection Systems
    VS Prakash, V Aiyyasamy, D Shobana, R Jayadurga, VA Kandaswamy, ...
    2023 9th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), 1-6 2023
    Citations: 2

  • A Survey on Human Face Emotion Recognition using Machine Learning Models
    S Yuvaraj, JV Franklin, VS Prakash, A Anandaraj, R Subha
    2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication 2023
    Citations: 2