

Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food
National Research and Innovation Agency




Crops Production


Scopus Publications


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Scopus Publications

  • Community perceptions of village innovation development using the pentahelix approach in Central Bengkulu regency
    W.E. Putra, H. Subagio, D. Wamaer, V. Siagian, A. Ishak, E. Fauzi, Yahumri, Afrizon, and S. Rosmanah

    CRC Press

  • Recommendations for rice fertilizing based on soil nutrient status
    Harwindah, F. Rosbarnawan, R. Wati, Yahumri, T. Hidayat, A. Ishak, E. Fauzi, T. Rahman, S. Rosmanah, Alfayanti,et al.

    CRC Press

  • Evaluation of nutrition status and fertilization recommendations for lowland paddy (Case study in Merigi Kelindang District, Bengkulu Central Regency)
    Yahumri, Miswarti, Afrizon, Siti Rosmanah, Andi Ishak, Wawan Eka Putra, Emlan Fauzi, Jhon Firison, Taupik Rahman, and Harwi Kusnadi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Farmer fertilization doses are generally insufficient compared to the recommended doses therefore causing low productivity of rice plants. This study aims to evaluate soil nutrient status to determine site-specific fertilization recommendations in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This study was carried out in February-April 2022 in Merigi Kelindang District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Data was collected by taking composite soil samples at random after harvesting or before the first tillage. Determination of nutrient levels of N, P, K, and soil pH using the at Paddy Soil Test Kit. Data were analyzed descriptively comparatively. The results showed that the nutrient status of paddy fields in Merigi Kelindang District was low N 72%, medium N 14%, high N 7%, and very high 7%. P nutrient status was medium at 93% and low at 7%. High K nutrient status 100%. Meanwhile, pH status is acidic at 7% and slightly acidic at 93%. Recommendations for fertilizer usage in the Merigi Kelindang sub-district as follow; Urea 300 kg/ha for sandy soil (clay content < 20%) or 250 kg in clayey soil (clay content >20%); SP-36 fertilizer (100 kg/ha); KCl (50 kg/ha) without the use of paddy straw as compost and no KCL needed if 5 t/ha paddy straw compost used. Recommendations for soil management with a soil pH value of 5-6 (slightly acidic) are conventional drainage systems and the application of urea as N fertilizer.

  • Farmers' responses to the use of rice agro-advisory service application in South Bengkulu Regency
    A Ishak, T Margono, Y Hutapea. Alfayanti, E Fauzi, W E Putra, Miswarti, Yahumri, S Rosmanah, and T Rahman

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The Rice Agro-advisory Service which in Indonesian is called “Layanan Konsultasi Padi (LKP)” is an internet-based digital application developed by IRRI to compile recommendations for rice cultivation technology. This study aims to determine the response of farmers in the production centers of irrigated lowland rice in South Bengkulu Regency to the application. The research was carried out from September to November 2022 through a survey involving 87 farmers in 42 villages. The data collected includes farmers’ responses to recommendations for lowland rice cultivation technology generated by LKP and farmers’ responses to its attributes, namely mobility (ease of accessing applications), interactive (recommendations by needs of farmers), communicative (recommendations easily understood by farmers), and autonomous (applications can be operated by farmers independently). Data were analyzed descriptively and correlated using contingency coefficients. The results showed that 83.91% of farmers responded well to the application recommendations. Responses to LKP were classified as good for all attributes as mobility (95.40%), interactive (96.55%), communicative (98.95%), and autonomous (74.71%). Farmers’ responses to the LKP recommendations were positively correlated with the interactive attribute which means that a good response to LKP recommendations is closely related to the needs of farmers for site-specific recommendations for lowland rice cultivation.

  • Yield gap variation in rice cultivation in Indonesia
    Yiyi Sulaeman, Vivi Aryati, Agus Suprihatin, Putri Tria Santari, Yati Haryati, Susilawati Susilawati, Deddy Romulo Siagian, Vicca Karolinoerita, Hermawati Cahyaningrum, Joko Pramono,et al.

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract The rice yield gap (YG) is a global concern, requiring more detailed studies spatially and temporally. As a staple food in Indonesia, rice was produced from 7.4 Mha paddy fields in 2019. Better insight into the YG helps assess measures to boost rice production. However, the information on YG variation among regions scale is limited. This study aimed to identify the rice YG based on 295 historical trial datasets from 23 provinces in Indonesia. We surveyed published trial results from 2012 to 2022 and analyzed YGs, expressed as the percentage of farmer yield (FY). The potential yield (PY) was estimated from field trial results using introduced rice cultivation technology package, whereas FY from results using existing farmer practices. Our study showed that the average YG was 62% in rainfed, 54% in tidal, and 32% in irrigated paddy fields. The YG was significantly high in the paddy fields of Kalimantan (74%) and Maluku-Papua (49%), while the lowest was in Sulawesi (27%) and Java (31%). The YG varied significantly with geo-regions, rice varieties, and cultivation technology packages. Closing the YG and ensuring sustainable rice production requires the implementation of sustainable intensification through applying site-specific technology packages, reallocation of agricultural interventions to a higher YG region, and rice variety improvement to increase PY.

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y. Yahumri, E. Fauzi, W.E. Putra, A. Ishak, Alfayanti Alfayanti, Miswarti Miswarti, J. Firison, T. Hidayat, Z. Efendi, S. Rosmanah,et al.

    EDP Sciences
    Paddy Soil Test Kit is one of the appropriate instruments to determine the nutrient status of lowland paddy and preparation of site-specific fertilization recommendations to increase rice productivity. Agriculture extension agents as technology transfer agents have a strategic role. Technical Guidance is needed to improve knowledge of agriculture extension. This study aims to analyze the level of knowledge of agricultural instructors on Technical Guidance use of Paddy Soil Test Kit and Preparation of Site-Specific Fertilization Recommendations. Data collection was carried out before and after implementation of Technical Guidance through direct interviews with a questionnaire guide. The evaluation was carried out on all participants of technical guidance, totaling 32 extension workers from representatives of 11 sub-districts throughout Bengkulu Selatan Regency by providing pretest and posttest to determine the increase in knowledge of Technical Guidance participants. The level of knowledge of participants is calculated using index % formula. The significance of increasing knowledge of technical and technical training participants was analyzed using non-parametric Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test statistical analysis. Correlation test to determine level of knowledge on age, experience, and education. Results of the analysis showed that there was a very significant increase (<0.05) in the knowledge of officers after the implementation of technical guidance from an index of 52.58% (low category) to 84.83% (high category). There is no correlation between increasing knowledge about Paddy Soil Test Kit with age (sig > 0.05) which is 0.571, experience 0.661, and education 0.130.

  • Soil fertility management of rainfed rice fields in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
    Nurmegawati, Wilda Mika Sari, Ahmad Damiri, Tri Wahyuni, Irma Calista, Yudi Sastro, Yulie Oktavia, Yahumri, and Yartiwi

    EDP Sciences
    Rice is a staple food for the Indonesian people and is a national strategic commodity for national food security. Rainfed area is a potential land to support national rice production, by improving soil management through balanced fertilization based on the soil characteristics. This study aims to determine the soil fertility and alternative management implemented in 2019 and 2020 in Sukaraja and Pondok Kelapa sub districts, Bengkulu Province. Soil fertility status for CEC, base saturation, C-organic, total P and total K taken based on the classification of the value of the combination of these chemical properties. The results showed that the soil fertility status of the rainfed rice fields in Sukaraja and Pondok Kelapa sub districts was low. The limiting factors for soil fertility for Sukaraja sub district are alkaline saturation, total K-total and P-total for Pondok Kelapa sub district. The limiting factors are all elements related to nutrient status assessment, namely CEC, base saturation, total P, total K and C-organic. Alternative soil management is carried out in an integrated manner by providing balanced organic and inorganic fertilizers. The provision of soil amendments such as straw compost, manure, biochar and agricultural lime/dolomite, especially for acid reacting soils, aims at increasing soil fertility before fertilization is applied.

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    Miswarti, Andi Ishak, Wahyuni Amelia Wulandari, Jhon Firison, Siti Rosmanah, Erpan Ramon, Nurmegawati, Irma Calista, Yahumri, and Yudi Sastro

    EDP Sciences
    The objectives of this study was to determine soil fertility and types of plants in understorey ecosystems in oil palm plantation stand which are managed in different ways. The data collection method was a direct observation on smallholder oil palm plantation at 15 years of age with different management, namely: 1) weed control using herbicides, 2) without management, and 3) used for beef cattle grazing. The data consisted of soil fertility and identification of understorey species in each management. The soil samples were taken in a composite manner and analyzed in the laboratory, while the plant species samples were gathered using the 1x1 m2 method and identified using an identification manual. From the results, weed control in oil palm plantation with cattle grazing has a positive impact on soil fertility compared to the use of herbicides and without control. The diversity of understorey species in cattle grazing locations is less, namely, as much as 11 species compared to the use of herbicides (15 species) and without control (22 species). Weed management by grazing cows in the oil palm plantation increased land fertility and the dominance of understorey plants as a source of animal feed.

  • Performance test and economic analyses of Semi Mechanic Corn Sheller
    Taufik Hidayat, Yahumri, Miswarti, H. Iswadi, T. Rahman, S. Yuliasari and W. Mikasari

    Corn seed shelling process could be done manually or mechanically using motor generated machine. Limited number of available shelling machines become limiting factor for farmer to produce seed with appropriate physical quality. Manual sheller would require enormous time and labour while mechanized sheller would require higher production cost. Simple corn shelling tools could help small scale farmer. Its material was easy to get that consist of pipes connector and screws, with production cost only Rp. 20.000/unit that could be manufactured by famer themselves. This study aims to test tools performance and to study labour efficiency from simple corn sheller tools. This study design with two treatments that with and without using corn sheller tools. The study was carried out by 10 farmers with 3 times replication for each treatment. Each study was carried out using 10 kg dry weight corn. Collected data were shelling time and yields. Data analyses were done using descriptive methods and ANOVA. Technical economic analyses were done to evaluate simple corn sheller suitability. This study showed that simple corn sheller tools from 2” pipe were more efficient 59 minutes 4 second compared to manual shelling from time perspective and reduce labour cost by 38%. Average tools capacity were 12.50 kg/hours and manual labour were 5.63 kg/hours. Tools effectivity from yields; simple corn Sheller was 75.7% while manual labour was 82.8%. Based in economy analysis, tools price was Rp. 20.000 with cost Rp. 800,6/kg and Break-Even Point were 90 Kg/year.


  • Five decades of development of rice research in swamplands: Using bibliometric analysis
    Y Yahumri, S Abdullah, A Fahri, W Waluyo, S Rosmanah, V Aryati
    Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 13 (1), 1 2025

  • Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 10 (1), 61-64 2024

  • Evaluation of nutrition status and fertilization recommendations for lowland paddy (Case study in Merigi Kelindang District, Bengkulu Central Regency)
    Yahumri, Miswarti, Afrizon, S Rosmanah, A Ishak, WE Putra, E Fauzi, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1297 (1), 012005 2024

  • Farmers’ responses to the use of rice agro-advisory service application in South Bengkulu Regency
    A Ishak, T Margono, YH Alfayanti, E Fauzi, WE Putra, Miswarti, Yahumri, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1297 (1), 012004 2024

  • Yield gap variation in rice cultivation in Indonesia
    Y Sulaeman, V Aryati, A Suprihatin, PT Santari, Y Haryati, S Susilawati, ...
    Open Agriculture 9 (1), 20220241 2024

  • Open agriculture: Yield gap variation in rice cultivation in Indonesia
    Y Sulaeman, V Aryati, A Suprihatin, PT Santari, Y Haryati, S Susilawati, ...
    de Gruyter Open 2024

  • Yield gap variation in rice cultivation in Indonesia
    S Yiyi, A Vivi, S Agus, SP Tria, H Yati, S Susilawati, SD Romulo, K Vicca, ...
    Open Agriculture 9 2024

  • Keragaman dan Respon Petani terhadap Penggunaan Benih Unggul Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Merigi Kelindang, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah
    A Afrizon, T Hidayat, WE Putra, Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, S Rosmanah, ...
    Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian 4 (7), 1181-1188 2023

  • Tingkat Adopsi Varietas Unggul Baru di Sentra Produksi Padi Sawah Irigasi Bengkulu Selatan
    WE Putra, A Ishak, E Fauzi, M Miswarti, Y Yahumri, S Rosmanah, ...
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pembangunan dan Pendidikan Vokasi Pertanian 4 (1 2023

  • Adaptive Soybean Cultivation Technology on Space Between Immature Rubber Plants
    S Rosmanah, M Miswarti, A Alfayanti, T Wahyuni, T Rahman, H Artanti, ...
    AGROSAINSTEK: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 7 (1), 40-47 2023

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, WE Putra, A Ishak, A Alfayanti, M Miswarti, J Firison, ...
    E3S Web Of Conferences 373, 04028 2023

  • Farmers' Knowledge And Adoption Level Of Vub In Tebing Kaning Village, Bengkulu Utara Regency
    R Robiyanto, WE Putra, S Yuliasari, L Ivanti, Y Yahumri, T Wahyuni
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (2), 341-350 2022

  • Evaluasi Penggunaan Benih Dalam Budidaya Padi Sawah Irigasi (Kasus Di Kecamatan Seluma Selatan, Kabupaten Seluma)
    A Aprizon, Y Yuniarti, Y Yahumri, A Damiri, T Hidayat, A Ishak, A Gaffar
    Buletin Agritek 3 (1), 53-58 2022

  • Weaking Manna Coconut Conservation Efforts In South Bengkulu District
    E Fauzi, M Miswarti, Y Yahumri, A Ishak, WE Putra, H Kusnadi, A Alfayanti, ...
    Iseprolocal 2022

  • Analysis Of Increasing Knowledge In The Making Of Local Micro Organisms (Mol) In Merigi Kelindang District Bengkulu Tengah
    M Miswarti, J Santoso, Y Octavia, WE Putra, A Afrizon, Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, ...
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (1), 221-230 2022

  • Respons Petani terhadap Dosis Pemupukan Spesifik Lokasi Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan (Kasus di Desa Ulak Lebar, Kecamatan Merigi Kelindang, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah)
    A Afrizon, DS Marbun, WE Putra, Y Yahumri, A Gaffar, E Fauzi, A Ishak
    Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian 3 (1), 4245-4248 2022

  • Kajian Paket Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Merah Dataran Tinggi Musim Kemarau di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong
    Y Yahumri, S Yuliasari, M Miswarti, W Mikasari, T Hidayat, D Musaddad
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 3 2022

  • Keragaan Serangan Hama dan Penyakit serta Hasil Tiga Varietas Unggul Baru Padi pada Display Teknologi Pengendalian Hayati
    K Dinata, M Puspitasari, I Calista, Y Oktavia, S Rosmanah, Y Yahumri, ...
    Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 9 (2021), 555-562 2021

    Y Yartiwi, IC Siagian, Y Yahumri, S Yuliasari, D Musaddad, Y Sastro
    Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian 2021

  • Karakteristik Lahan untuk Kesesuaian Tanaman Apel (Malus sylvestris Mill.) di Kecamatan Sindang Dataran, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu
    Nurmegawati, Y Sastro, Yahumri, J Firison, L Ivanti, D Musaddad
    Jurnal Hortikultura 31 (1), 41-50 2021


  • Growth response and production of onion by applying organic fertilizer from industrial waste and animal waste
    Y Yahumri, LC Siagian, T Rahman
    Dalam International Seminar on Promoting Local Recources for Food and Health 2015
    Citations: 12

  • Keragaan pertumbuhan dan hasil tiga varietas unggul baru padi sawah di Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu
    Yahumri, A Damiri, Yartiwi, Afrizon
    Pros. Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon 1 (5), 1217-1221
    Citations: 8

  • Analisis Penerapan Teknologi Penanggulangan Hama Penyakit Pada Usahatani Cabai Merah Dataran Tinggi Di Provinsi Bengkulu
    HB Astuti, E Fauzi, Y Yahumri, R Hartono
    Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 127-134 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Kajian Keragaan Varietas Unggul Baru (VUB) Padi di Kecamatan Batumurung Kbupaten Maros Sulawesi Selatan
    A Maintang, Ilyas, E Tando, Yahumri
    Prosiding Seminar Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian Spesifik Lokasi Mendukung
    Citations: 5

  • Knowledge improvement of agricultural extender through technical guidance of paddy soil test kit
    Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, WE Putra, A Ishak, A Alfayanti, M Miswarti, J Firison, ...
    E3S Web Of Conferences 373, 04028 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Kajian Paket Teknologi Usahatani VUB Jagung Hibrida di Desa Sukaraja Kecamatan Seginim Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan Study of Technology Package of Hybrid Corn VUB in Sukaraja
    Miswarti, Yahumri, T Hidayat, D Musaddad
    J Pangan 28 (3), 1-7 2019
    Citations: 4

  • Keuntungan Dan Kelayakan Usahatani Jagung Hibrida Dengan Penerapan Rekomendasi Teknologi Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Terpadu
    Alfayanti, Yahumri, T Hidayat, L Harta, D Musaddad
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Yield gap variation in rice cultivation in Indonesia
    Y Sulaeman, V Aryati, A Suprihatin, PT Santari, Y Haryati, S Susilawati, ...
    Open Agriculture 9 (1), 20220241 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Respons Petani terhadap Dosis Pemupukan Spesifik Lokasi Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan (Kasus di Desa Ulak Lebar, Kecamatan Merigi Kelindang, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah)
    A Afrizon, DS Marbun, WE Putra, Y Yahumri, A Gaffar, E Fauzi, A Ishak
    Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian 3 (1), 4245-4248 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Performance test and economic analyses of Semi Mechanic Corn Sheller
    T Hidayat, Yahumri, Miswarti, H Iswadi, T Rahman, S Yuliasari, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 715 (1), 012074 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Soil fertility management of rainfed rice fields in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
    Nurmegawati, WM Sari, A Damiri, T Wahyuni, I Calista, Y Sastro, ...
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 04025 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Growth and yield performance of three new paddy rice superior varieties in Seluna Regency
    Yahumri, A Damri, Yartiwi, Afrizon
    Bengkulu Proceeding of National Conference: Biodiversifikasi Indonesia 1 2016
    Citations: 2

  • Recommendations on fertilizer of corn and soybean crops in Kaur District, Bengkulu
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 1 (4), 914-917 2015
    Citations: 2

  • Evaluasi Penggunaan Benih Dalam Budidaya Padi Sawah Irigasi (Kasus Di Kecamatan Seluma Selatan, Kabupaten Seluma)
    A Aprizon, Y Yuniarti, Y Yahumri, A Damiri, T Hidayat, A Ishak, A Gaffar
    Buletin Agritek 3 (1), 53-58 2022
    Citations: 1

  • Analysis Of Increasing Knowledge In The Making Of Local Micro Organisms (Mol) In Merigi Kelindang District Bengkulu Tengah
    M Miswarti, J Santoso, Y Octavia, WE Putra, A Afrizon, Y Yahumri, E Fauzi, ...
    AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pertanian 9 (1), 221-230 2022
    Citations: 1

  • Effect of weeds management toward understorey species diversity and soil fertility under oil palm plantation
    A Ishak, WA Wulandari, J Firison, S Rosmanah, E Ramon, Nurmegawati, ...
    E3S Web of Conferences 306, 05013 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Evaluasi Kinerja Perbenihan Benih Padi di UPBS Terhadap Penyediaan Benih Padi Di Provinsi Bengkulu
    Y Yahumri, S Yuliasari, T Wahyuni, L Ivanti, H Kusnadi, H Artanti, ...
    Buletin Agritek 1 (2), 27-34 2020
    Citations: 1

  • Keuntungan dan Kelayakan Usahatani Jagung Hibrida dengan Penerapan Rekomendasi Teknologi Sistem Informasi Tanam Terpadu
    Alfayanti, Yahumri, T Hidayat, L Harta, D Musaddad
    AgriHumanis: Journal of Agriculture and Human Resource Development Studies 1 2020
    Citations: 1

  • Keragaan pertumbuhan dan komponen hasil empat varietas unggul baru padi INPARA di Bengkulu
    Yartiwi, Yahumri, I Andi
    Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian. Bengkulu (in Indonesian) 2012
    Citations: 1