Yevhen Stavychnyi

Public Join Stock Company Ukrnafta


Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University oil and gas


Energy, Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology, Energy Engineering and Power Technology


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Well Rehabilitation is a Promising Area for Increasing Hydrocarbon Production
    Stanislav Piatkivskyi, Yevhen Stavychnyi, Yaroslav Femiak, Bohdan Tershak, Danyil Ahafonov, and Mykhailo Kovbasiuk

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract This article provides a general description of the potential for increasing hydrocarbon production in Ukraine through the restoration of oil and gas wells by drilling sidetracks, based on an analysis of the fields resource potential. The main factors for selecting candidate wells for sidetracking are described. Each stage of well selection set during the design and direct drilling operations is supported by practical results. The main technical and technological solutions for well rehabilitation are described, taking into account the possibility of minimizing the cost of sidetrack drilling. The approaches to selecting and designing a sidetracked well profile are analyzed in detail. The technological scheme for drilling a sidetrack and the layout of the bottom of the drill string are substantiated. An algorithm for calculating the required length of weighted drill pipes and the length of the casing exit for sidetracking is presented. The peculiarities of using drilling fluids for deepening wells with an assessment of the impact on the coefficient of core permeability recovery are presented. The requirements for high-quality well casing are analyzed on the basis of an assessment of the possibility of running the casing in certain areas of sharp changes in the curvature parameters when drilling a well with a small-sized rock-destroying tool. The main functional criteria of the applied buffer systems are characterized and the necessity of using sedimentation-stable dispersion-reinforced grouting systems for high-quality cementing of sidetracks in conditions of small annular gaps is substantiated.

    Ye. A Koroviaka, Ye. M Stavychnyi, O. B Martsynkiv, A. O Ihnatov, and A. V Yavorskyi

    Dnipro University of Technology
    Purpose. On the base of the geological cross-section analysis of the productive stratum and the features of the filtration-capacitance characteristics of the reservoir rocks, to develop effective technological fastening schemes for the delimitation of closely located different-pressure and different-saturated horizons on the example of the Romny group deposits. Methodology. The proposed work is an analytical and production research on the geological-and-lithological structure features of borehole sections of the Romny structure and the results of their drilling and cementing based on the analysis of electrical, pulsed neutron-neutron, acoustic and other types of loggings. The data on the spectrum of the oil and gas boreholes properties cores was obtained on the basis of macroscopic description, methodical and practical methods of lithological, sedimentological, and facies analysis. The filtration capacity of permeable reservoir rocks was examined with the application of the Darcy’s device. Modern methods of experimental research analysis using mathematical and physical modeling techniques, methods for processing research results in SolidWorks, STATGRAPHICS, MATHSAD, EXCEL, control and measuring devices were applied. Findings. It has been established that currently applied fastening methods do not provide the prerequisites for high-quality delineation of productive horizons, as a result of which interlayer flows occur, that is lead to the loss of the potential flow rate of the boreholes and increasing in the cost of hydrocarbon production. A new design of the borehole is proposed in order to increase the reliability of the fastening. It has been proven that the effectiveness of opening oil-saturated reservoirs increases with the application of specialized drilling flushing fluids capable of minimizing the risk of their clogging. The necessity of cementing the production column and the shank with tamponage materials based on composite cements is substantiated, while effective buffer systems should be applied to separate process fluids. Originality. On the base of the systematization and correlation of the geophysical material, the specific features of the structure of the productive strata of B-18 and B-19 horizons were evaluated as well as the nature and degree of saturation, the filtration-capacity characteristics of the seams. It has been proven that in order to reliably cover the high-pressure water-bearing horizon B-18 with an operational column, it is recommended to include packer systems of various types of activation in the equipment. Practical value. On the basis of the detailed multifaceted results of laboratory and industrial testing and analytical model research, technological solutions have been developed for boreholes fastening in the conditions of the occurrence of closely located productive horizons of different pressures and different saturations on the example of the Romny group deposits.

  • Fundamental principles and results of deep well lining
    Yevhen Stavychnyi, Yevhenii Koroviaka, Andrii Ihnatov, Oleksandr Matyash, and Valerii Rastsvietaiev

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The review of the theory and practice of the special technological fluids application is analyzed. On the example of a specific borehole, with an actual vertical depth of 3287 m, intended for opening horizons B-17v, B-17n and project B-21, measures to clarify the filtration and capacity properties of reservoir rocks, increase production volumes are considered of hydrocarbons and accelerating the rate of selection of mining reserves. Testing in the interval 3364 - 3337.6 m of the B-21 horizon by using a set of test tools KVI-95, objectively proved that the specified object is characterized as penetrating, gas-saturated, the activity of which is reduced by contamination of the near-outbreak zone of the seam. As a method of determining clogging, a cut of the working end of the core with a length of 1 mm was applied. According to the results of the interpretation of the materials of the geophysical research of the specified borehole, it was established that the seam fluid comes from the interval 3339 - 3344 m. The paper determined that a promising way to solve the issue of high-quality cementing is the application of composite tamponage systems in combination with advanced preparation methods of borehole shaft.

  • Development and Implementation of Innovative Approaches to Fixing Wells in Difficult Conditions
    A. O. Ihnatov, Jamil Haddad, Ye. M. Stavychnyi, and M. M. Plytus

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

    Ye. A Koroviaka, M. R Mekshun, A. O Ihnatov, B. T Ratov, Ya. S Tkachenko, and Ye. M Stavychnyi

    Dnipro University of Technology
    Purpose. To rationalize well washing by considering the influence of the annular channel limitation, granulometric composition of the mud, limitation of the joint movement of mud particles, drill string rotation, shape of the movement channel, and rheological properties of a cleaning agent. Methodology. Applied laboratory studies on the properties of drilling fluids are carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental studies, in particular, by using general principles of mathematical and physical modelling, methods of processing the results of studies in the EXCEL, MATNSAD environment, control and measuring devices of the laboratory of washing liquids of the Department of Oil-and-Gas Engineering and Drilling of Dnipro University of Technology (hydrometer, viscometer, plastometer, stalagmometer), and materials (technical water, clay bentonite powder, reagents, stabilizers and activators, surfactants as well as equipment and laboratory base of “Ukrnafta” PJSC to carry out certain stages of research. Findings. The properties of surface-active substances and activated washing liquids are analyzed. The main technological properties of drilling fluids are studied. Comprehensive information on the physical and chemical ability of flushing drilling fluids is provided. The main technological measures ensuring the stability of drilling process using activated-surfactant drilling fluids are considered in detail. The main technological principles of determining rational formulations of a selected cleaning agent in the circulation of Newtonian liquids are formulated and substantiated. A detailed description of surfactants, their properties and methods to study the formed solutions is given. Originality. The process of a rock-breaking tool on the well bottom will be stable in the conditions of dynamic equilibrium of the rock-breaking processes and removal of broken products into the annular space. Therefore, for a correct understanding of wellbore washing issues, basic regularities are established of the specified processes and the influence of various factors on these processes. Practical value. It has been proven that in order to give a drilling fluid the necessary properties that, on the one hand, will ensure an increase in the efficiency of rock breaking on the well bottom, and, on the other hand, will create favourable conditions for stable removal of cuttings onto the surface and maintenance of the well walls in a stable condition, it is necessary to apply different methods, in particular chemical activation as well as magnetic, thermal and electrochemical activation, in its different varieties.

  • Analysis of reservoir delineation problems in complicated conditions
    I. Vytvytskyi, O. Martsynkiv, I. Kovbasiuk, M. Seniushkovych, Y. Stavychnyi, and Y. Zhdanov

    European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers