Tonni Limbong

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan


Sejak 2005 menjadi Dosen Tetap di STMIK Budi Darma Medan sampai Tahun 2016. dan sejak 2016 menjadi Dosen Tetap Yayasan di Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan.
Lahir di Pananggahan tanggal 18 Desember 1978


SD Neger Parik Sinomba Barus
SMP Negeri 1 Barus
SMA Negeri 1 Barus
D3 Manajemen Informatika AMIK MBP Medan
S1 Teknik Informatika STMIK Budi Darma Medan
S2 Ilmu Komputer Universitas Putra Indonesia "YPTK" Padang


computer science


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Mixed Learning Models and IoT Devices: Effectively Increasing Competence and Training Independent Learning Students in Unnormal Situations
    Ramen Antonov Purba, Janner Simarmata, Tonni Limbong, and Romanus Damanik

    Society of Visual Informatics
    Abnormal situations often occur, such as natural disasters and COVID-19. Educational institutions struggle to regulate learning. The web programming course aims to shape students into website programmers. Independence in learning is needed so that competence is obtained. Students are not enough to rely on learning from the lecturer. This study aims to analyze the combination of the Inquiry-Based Learning model with IoT devices based on Android mobile. As a supporter, an application is built with a mobile programming language. This type of research is quasi-experimental. Calculations using SPSS 23.0. An experimental class learns to use the Inquiry-Based Learning model with IoT devices, and a control class learns with various media. The research subjects were 60 students of Information Management. The study found differences in students' competence and learning independence in those who learned to use the inquiry-based learning model with IoT devices compared to those who studied with various media. The test results showed a higher increase in the experimental class. The experimental class's value is 14.40 for a gain of 7.5. The sig. value is  .000, and the average gain is .83. Control class score is 11.87, an increase of 5.1, sig. value is .000, and the average gain is .53. Applying the inquiry-based learning model with IoT devices has also proven to be effective as a model and learning media in abnormal situations and reinforced by the average gain of the experimental class, which is greater than the control class. Future research could use different methods to determine what methods are most effective.


  • Decision support system to determine eligibility to get social assistance using the simple additive weighting method
    Tonni Limbong, Elpiana Putri Br. Ginting, Andy Paul Harianja, and Sorang Pakpahan

    AIP Publishing

  • Development of quality assurance information systems at the faculty of Computer Sciences, Santo Thomas Catholic University with rapid application development (RAD) model
    Lamhot Sitorus, Joshua Van Mitchelle Situmorang, Tonni Limbong, Zekson Arizona Matondang, and Alex Rikki

    AIP Publishing

  • Implementation of Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) in Assessment of Employee Performance Achievement
    Tonni Limbong, Janner Simarmata, Mamed Rofendi Manalu, Alex Rikki, and Denni M Rajagukguk

    IOP Publishing

  • Implementation of the sugeno fuzzy logic method in identifying the quality of coffee beans
    Tonni Limbong, Parulian Siagian, Tumiur Gultom, and Janner Simarmata

    IOP Publishing
    Identifying the quality of coffee beans is quite important to be followed up better because it involves the products to be processed or traded. Because the management is quite a lot and complicated, it is proposed to design an application for identifying the quality of coffee beans. With these demands, it is necessary to measure the quality of coffee beans by using Sugeno's Fuzzy Logic method. The identification of the quality of coffee beans using Fuzzy Sugeno by using the Sugeno Fuzzy model of the zero order and using the rule as much as 36, which is in accordance with the need to support the conclusions of quality from the identification results.

  • Waveform analysis of broadband seismic station using machine learning Python based on Morlet wavelet
    Eva Darnila, Mutammimul Ula, Kerista Tarigan, Tonni Limbong, and Marzuki Sinambela

    IOP Publishing

  • The implementation of computer based instruction model on Gost Algorithm Cryptography Learning
    Tonni Limbong, Janner Simarmata, ARS Tambunan, Parulian Siagian, Joel Panjaitan, Lestina Siagian, Erbin Sitorus, Marvin Frans Sakti Hutabarat, Abba Suganda Girsang, and Katen Lumbanbatu

    IOP Publishing
    The objective of this study is to develop learning media by using the Computer Based Instruction (CBI) model for GOST algorithm cryptographic material (Gosudarstvennyi Standard). Besides, the study serves to present learning using computer media, especially in the Informatics Engineering study program. The method used in this study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. The results of this development research are learning media products in the form of tutorial CDs with the contents of the material: GOST Cryptographic Theory, Encryption Process and Decryption process using alphabet text data. Based on the results of the application and testing of the program, it can be concluded that this application is easy to use. Learning the Gost algorithm in the encoding method utilizing the Computer Based Instructions (CBI) method helps to understand the material and facilitate the learning process.

  • Applying the learning multimedia applications for completion of linear equations with subscription methods

  • Implementation of AES Algorithm for information security of web-based application

  • Using Google form for student worksheet as learning media
    Abdullah Sallehhuddin, Azizi Shamsudin, Al Mansor Abu Said, Mohammad Jais, Mohd Ariff Mustafa, Md Shukor Masuod, Nor Hasmanto, and Hishamuddin Ismail

    Science Publishing Corporation
    Performances of mosque co-operatives rely on the effectiveness of the board of governance. The board has responsibilities to determine the strategic direction of mosque co-operatives, oversight management, and ensure the integrity of members’ rights and interests. The board of governance functions is becoming more challenging since the launching of National Co-operative Policy II (2011-2020), which among another, place greater emphasis on the expansion of mosque co-operatives movement via initiative of 1 Community, 1 Co-operative. Furthermore, the board of governance of mosque co-operatives is expected to deliver not only economic performance but also socio-economic governance, especially in supporting the activism of mosque institutions. Hence, as an initial observation, this study attempts to highlight the board governance attributes and mosque co-operatives organisational characteristics. The initial findings are essential in assisting regulator and policy maker like Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operative, and Consumerism (KPDNKK), Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission (SKM), and Malaysia National Co-operative Movement (ANGKASA) in preparing the Mosque Co-operative Strategic Plan 2017-2020, and National Co-operative Policy III (2021-2030).  

  • Multimedia of number recognition for early childhood using image object

  • The implementation of Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis Of Ratio Analysis method to select the lecturer assistant working at computer laboratorium

  • Learning application of multimedia-based-computer network using computer assisted instruction method
    J V.Vidhya, Archit Kumar, and Yashwardhan Parakh

    Science Publishing Corporation
    In today's automatic and robust modern world, possibilities of optical character recognition is endless. Previously OCR was used in postal service to read address from mail, car number plate tracking, automation of bank check transfer but today it has taken document management system to whole new level. Using OCR we can convert normal hardcopy document into Searchable text. We will use deep Neural network to train systems to recognise characters in a precise manner, basically we have proposed neural network model combined with machine learning technique like gradientDescent, regression, softmax normalization which will help to increase the efficiency of the OCR. Computer will able to recognise hand written digit. We will be using Google's advanced TensorFlow to create an OCR system which will be efficient and robust in action.  


  • Seminar Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa yang Unggul di Era Society 5.0 dengan Model "Dirandra Acalapati Nispatti"
    T Limbong, MI Panjaitan, DM Rajagukguk
    ULEAD :Jurnal E-Pengabdian 4 (2), 60-66 2025

  • Mixed Learning Models and IoT Devices: Effectively Increasing Competence and Training Independent Learning Students in Unnormal Situations
    RA Purba, J Simarmata, T Limbong, R Damanik
    JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 8 (4), 2502-2510 2024

  • Workshop Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (Project-Based Learning/PBL) untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan di Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia
    T Limbong, EP Malau
    ULEAD: Jurnal E-Pengabdian, 1-7 2024

  • Visualisasi Pengelompokan Data Produktifitas Pertanian di Indonesia dengan Self Organizing MAP
    PM Hasugian, T Limbong, A Rikki, PBN Simangunsong, SP Sipayung
    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Sains Teknologi Informasi Komputer, 383-391 2024

  • Efektivitas Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA
    T Limbong, R Damanik
    JUKI: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 6 (1), 64-70 2024

  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT-DD) di Desa Pagar Manik menggunakan Metode SMART
    FOB Purba, T Limbong
    KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer) 5 (2) 2023

    T Limbong, AMH Pardede, D Purba, L Sitorus
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 101 (20), 6523-6532 2023

  • Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Game Edukasi Pakaian Adat Batak Berbasis Android
    D Deminar, T Limbong
    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Sains Teknologi Informasi Komputer, 156-172 2023

  • Sistem Informasi Hasil Pertanian Kecamatan Barusjahe Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall
    ESBB Ginting, T Limbong
    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Sains Teknologi Informasi Komputer, 111-122 2023

  • Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Game Huling-Huling Acca Atau Teka-Teki Suku Batak Berbasis Android
    KS Banjarnahor, T Limbong
    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Sains Teknologi Informasi Komputer, 97-110 2023

  • Development of quality assurance information systems at the faculty of Computer Sciences, Santo Thomas Catholic University with rapid application development (RAD) model
    L Sitorus, JVM Situmorang, T Limbong, ZA Matondang, A Rikki
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2798 (1) 2023

  • Development of game based learning for Toba Batak script learning media with multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) model
    T Limbong, E Napitupulu, S Sriadhi
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2798 (1) 2023

  • Decision support system to determine eligibility to get social assistance using the simple additive weighting method
    T Limbong, EPB Ginting, AP Harianja, S Pakpahan
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2798 (1) 2023

  • Pelatihan Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah dalam mempersiapkan Jurnal terakreditasi Dikti di Lingkungan Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
    T Limbong, A Rikki
    ULEAD: Jurnal E-Pengabdian, 1-7 2023

  • Media Pembelajaran Rumah Adat Batak Toba “Jabu Bolon” Berbasis Multimedia dengan menggunakan Macromedia Flash
    T Limbong, P Tarigan
    JUKI: Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 5 (1), 176-184 2023

  • Pelatihan Pembelajaran Model Permainan untuk Pelajaran Muatan Lokal Aksara Batak pada Siswa SD Negeri 173403 Sirisirisi Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan
    T Limbong, J Simarmata, P Simanullang
    ULEAD: Jurnal E-Pengabdian, 57-64 2023

  • Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Game Learning Multimedia Aksara Batak Toba (Galemabato) Berbasis Huling-Huling Ansa Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Anak Memahami Aksara Batak Toba
    T Limbong
    UNIMED 2023

  • Desain Grafis: Teori dan Praktek dengan CorelDRAW X7
    T Limbong, M Kom, AA Moloan, JM Manik
    Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna 2022

  • Pemanfaatan Kamera (Face Recognation) untuk menjamin mutu Pengawasan pada Ujian Psikologi Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Anggota Bintara Polri TA 2022 Panitia Daerah Kepolisian
    T Limbong, L Sitorus, A Rikki, HK Sitanggang
    ULEAD: Jurnal E-Pengabdian, 43-51 2022

  • PKM: pelatihan pembuatan buku digital dan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia pada smk negeri 1 pergetteng-getteng sengkut kabupaten pakpak bharat
    T Limbong, J Simarmata
    ULEAD: Jurnal E-Pengabdian, 88-93 2022


  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
    T Limbong
    Medan: STMIK Budi Darma 2009
    Citations: 487

  • E-learning: Implementasi, strategi dan inovasinya
    L Simanihuruk, J Simarmata, A Sudirman, MS Hasibuan, M Safitri, ...
    Yayasan Kita Menulis 2019
    Citations: 294

  • Media dan Multimedia Pembelajaran: Teori & Praktik
    T Limbong, J Simarmata
    Yayasan kita menulis 2020
    Citations: 260

  • Hoaks dan media sosial: saring sebelum sharing
    J Simarmata, M Iqbal, MS Hasibuan, T Limbong, W Albra
    Yayasan Kita Menulis 1 (1), 1-18 2019
    Citations: 145

  • Using Google form for student worksheet as learning media
    B Simanjuntak, T Limbong
    International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.4), 321-324 2018
    Citations: 92

    T Limbong, J Simarmata
    Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 4 (2), 370-376 2020
    Citations: 81

    J Simarmata, T Limbong, M Aritonang, S Sriadhi
    CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) 3 (2), 93-97 2018
    Citations: 68

  • Pemrograman Web Dasar
    T Limbong
    Yayasan Kita Menulis 2021
    Citations: 48

  • Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Untuk Pemilihan Pekerjaan Bidang Informatika
    T Limbong
    Proceeding SNIKOM 3 (5), 6-7 2013
    Citations: 34

    T Limbong, R Limbong
    Jurnal Teknik informatika Kaputama (JTIK) 2 (1), 115-122 2018
    Citations: 33

  • The implementation of Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis Of Ratio Analysis method to select the lecturer assistant working at computer laboratorium
    T Limbong, J Simarmata, S Sriadhi, ARS Tambunan, EK Sinaga, ...
    Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (2.13), 352 2018
    Citations: 32

  • Testing the Classic Caesar Cipher Cryptography using of Matlab
    T Limbong, PDP Silitonga
    International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology 6 (Vol 6, Issue 2 2017
    Citations: 32

  • Sriadhi.(2021)
    T Limbong
    Pemrograman Web Dasar, 4
    Citations: 32

  • Implementation of multi factor evaluation process (MFEP) in assessment of employee performance achievement
    T Limbong, J Simarmata, MR Manalu, A Rikki, DM Rajagukguk
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1573 (1), 012022 2020
    Citations: 26

  • The implementation of computer based instruction model on Gost Algorithm Cryptography Learning
    T Limbong, J Simarmata, ARS Tambunan, P Siagian, J Panjaitan, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012094 2018
    Citations: 24

  • Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kehadiran Mengajar Dosen
    T Limbong
    Pelita Inform. Inf. dan Inform 2012
    Citations: 24

  • Waveform analysis of broadband seismic station using machine learning Python based on Morlet wavelet
    E Darnila, M Ula, K Tarigan, T Limbong, M Sinambela
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012048 2018
    Citations: 22

    T Limbong
    Prosiding SNITI 2015 2 (USU Press), 77-80 2015
    Citations: 22

  • Multimedia: editing video dengan Corel VideoStudio X10
    T Limbong, E Napitupulu
    Yayasan Kita Menulis 2020
    Citations: 21

  • Paradigma Pedidikan Bermutu Berbasis Teknologi Pendidikan
    IK Sudarsana, NLPSS Dewi, NP Sukarmiasih, IK Resna, IAMP Arini, ...
    Jayapangus Press Books, i-67 2018
    Citations: 21

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Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan