Akademi Analis Farmasi dan Makanan
Akademi Analis Farmasi dan Makanan Putra Indonesia Malang
analytical chemistry
food analysist
pharmacy analysist
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Na’ilah Fauziyah, Andini, Anneke, Ika Oktavia, Meiria Istiana Sari, Hermin Sulistyarti, and Akhmad Sabarudin
IOP Publishing
Abstract The determination of the antioxidant activity in green tea using FRAP essays developed in a Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Device (μPADs) was observed. μPAD was prepared on the chromatographic paper with a suitable pattern and then printed using a solid ink printer. The solid printing was intended to obtain a hydrophobic barrier and a hydrophilic channel on the chromatographic paper. A preliminary study was done to determine the optimum time and temperature used on the penetration of obtaining the hydrophobic barrier to avoid leakage in the channel. Optimization of temperature and time was calculated by the average velocity, the optimum condition was obtained at 120 °C for 90 seconds with an average speed of 0.1 mm.s−1. The green tea samples were prepared by extracting its active compound using demineralized water at 25 °C and 90 °C with 2 hours of immersion time. For the measurement of antioxidant activities, the analysis was carried out by placing 0.5 μl in the detection zone and 5 μl samples into the sample zone μPAD. Then, the color reaction product, which propagates from the sample zone to the detection zone, is processed by Image J software to measure color intensity in CMYK mode. Extracts of green tea samples at 25 °C and 90 °C has a significant difference in antioxidant activity. These results indicate that the method developed in this work can be used as an alternative method for analyzing antioxidant activity in green tea extract. The results of the average amount of antioxidant activity in green tea samples were shown with Fe2+ concentration. High-speed detection, low cost, high accuracy, and ease of use can be attributed to the advantages of our μPAD method.
Andini, Ulfa Andayani, Anneke, Meiria Istiana Sari, and Akhmad Sabarudin
IOP Publishing
Abstract Microfluidic paper-based analytical device has been fabricated and subsequently applied to determine the Vitamin C level of the non-seasonal fruit i.e pineapples, oranges, guavas, and apples in Indonesia. µPAD was prepared by creating a hydrophobic barrier on Whatman Chromatography paper No. 1 in a certain pattern printed using Xerox Colorcube 8580 DN-2. 0.05 µl of 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol was dispersed into a detection area on the µPAD devices prior to the addition of 0.2 µl of fruits juice samples. The barrier allowed the fruits juice to flow and alter the color of the reagents through a redox reaction. Vitamin C in fruit juice altered the color of 2.6-Dichlorophenolindophenol reagent into a pinkish color. The changing of the reagent color was then processed using Image J software to determine the RGB intensity level. The results showed that the average amounts of Vitamin C in pineapples, oranges, guavas, and apples are 0.05%, 0.05%, 0.08%, and 0.04% respectively.
M I Sari, Ulfa Andayani, Anneke, Andini, and Akhmad Sabarudin
IOP Publishing
Abstract Microfluidic Paper-based Analytical Devices (μPADs) are a simple analytical platform that satisfy combination of low cost, portability, and ease-to-use with selectivity, sensitivity, and accuracy. In this experiment, the μPADs devices are prepared using a chromatographic paper and designed at appropriate pattern prior to printing by mean of a solid ink (wax) printer to produce hydrophobic barriers and hydrophilic channels. Then, the μPADs are heated at 120°C for 3 min to allow a wax penetrates in the both side of a paper. The resulted μPADs are used for the detection of benzoic acid through alkalimetry principle. For this purpose, the devices are implanted with 5M NaOH in the detection zone and a 2% phenolphthalein indicator in the sample zone before dried in open air. When the devices have dried, the μPADs are ready to be used to detect benzoic acid. To avoid color interferences, the samples are distilled before introduced to the sample zone for quantitative detection. The result soft the color changes can be immediately seen by naked eye, and their intensities are quantified by the Image J software. Excellent linearity is achieved in the range of benzoic acid concentration of 20-120 ppm with the linear equation of Y = 0.0102 x + 0.0077 and the correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.9999. The optimized μPADs devices are successfully applied to the quantitative analysis of benzoic acid in the 5 kinds of commercially packaged beverages. There is no significantly different of the analytical results obtained by the µPADs in comparison to the spectrophotometric method. Overall, the results obtained in this study indicate that the μPADs devices are a reliable tool for high throughout and on-site determination of benzoic acid content in commercial drinks.