Air-conditioning and Refiregration
AL-Rafidain University College



B.S.c Mechanical Engineering University of Technology
M,Sc Mechanical Engineering Gazi Antep University Turkey


Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, Energy, Energy Engineering and Power Technology, Mechanical Engineering


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Improving the Performance of Solar PV Panels Using Advanced Cooling Technologies
    Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Isbeyeh Wasmi Maid, and Ehan Sabah Shukri Askari

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Enhancing Solar Panel Cooling and Thermal Efficiency Using Nanoparticle-Enhanced Phase Change Materials
    Basil N. Merzah, Ziad M. Almakhyoul, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Sadoon K. Ayed, and Hasan Shakir Majdi

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Study of End-Effector of (2DOF) Five-Bar Robot Positioning: Accuracy, Modeling and Simulation
    Mohammed Mousa Al-azzawi, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Atheer Raheem Abdullah

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Increasing Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Phase Change Materials and Heatsinks: A Numerical and Analytical Study
    Hazim Jassim Jaber, Sanaa T. Mousa Al-Musawi, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Sadoon K. Ayed, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Nabeh Alderoubi

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Water Heating Rate as a Function of Magnetic Field and Electrical Induction Using Solar Energy
    Sanaa T. Mousa Al-Musawi, Monaem Elmnifi, Osama D.H. Abdulrazig, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Lina Jassim, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

    Monaem Elmnifi, Ahmed Nassar Mansur, Ayad K. Hassan, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Sadoon K. Ayed, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac



  • CFD Investigation of One-Way Interaction (Fluid-Heat-Deformation) in a Channel with Obstacles
    Hasan Shakir Majdi, Ali Abd Al-Nabi Abaas, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Hussein Alawai Ibrahim Al-Saaidi, Laith Jaafer Habeeb, and Dragoljub Zivkovic

    AIP Publishing

  • Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Micro-channel Heat Sink Technique Under Different Coolant Flow: A Comprehensive Review of the Recent Literature
    Jinan Mahdi Hadi, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Bassim Mohammed Majel, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    AIP Publishing

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Modules: CTI-80 and YHM-205-27P
    Hasan Shakir Majdi, Abdalfadel Younis, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Monaem Elmnifi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • High-Speed Helical Gear Design Parameters Effect on the Dynamic Stress
    Ali Raad Hassan, Malik N. Hawas, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Improving the Mechanical Properties of the Air-Conditioning Pipe Using Composite Materials
    Dheyaa Naji Dikhil Al Hussain, Mukhalad Kadim Nahi Alkanany, Karrar A. Hammoodi, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Hasan Shakir Majdi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Flow Enhancement Through Multi-Row Film Holes for Gas Turbine Blade Cooling
    Hasan S. Majdi, Basil N. Merzah, Sanaa T. Mousa Al-Musawi, and Atheer R. Abdullah

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Stress and Vibration in Internal Combustion Engines Using ANSYS
    Mohammed Mousa Azzawi, Auday Shaker Hadi, and Atheer Raheem Abdullah

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Evaluation of Bifacial Solar Energy Performance of a Cell with a Dual-Axes Tracker
    Hasan S. Majdi, Monaem Elmnifi, Atheer R. Abdullah, Abdalla S. Eltawati, and Laith J. Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Numerical Study of Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Multi-Cooling Process
    Atheer Raheem Abdullah and Bassim Mohammed Majel

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association
    Renewable energy sources are becoming more and more popular, regarding the pollution and non-sustainability of common energy sources. Photovoltaic is the most direct way to convert solar radiation into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. This technology generates direct current (DC) electrical power from semiconductors when they are illuminated by photons. This paper presents a mathematical model in CFD that simulates the thermal presentation of a solar thermal photovoltaic panel equipped with circler, square and elliptic pin fin cooling module. The effect of cooling water velocity on photovoltaic panel average temperature and average cooling water temperature has been studied and the effect of cooling water velocity on photovoltaic panel average temperature and average cooling water temperature. The results show that velocity contours for water flows in circular, elliptic and square pin fin cooling module with inlet water velocities (0.0002, 0.0004 and 0.001 m/s). It is noticed that for square pin fin, the velocity between the pins is higher than the other types of pins, which leads to more circulation of water and more cooling.

  • CFD Evaluation of Air Conditioning on the Distribution and Dispersion of COVID-19 Virus in a Room
    Wajeeh Kamal Hasan, Mohammed Mousa Al-azzawi, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association
    With the beginning of 2020, the Corona virus pandemic began, which negatively affected all of humanity, as medical and engineering research began to solve many problems faced by society during the era of the virus. Those who are exposed to this situation are among the medical staff responsible for treating and quarantining patients with the Corona virus. It has become the responsibility of engineers to develop solutions to the ventilation problem in order to limit the spread of this virus. Where the aim of this research paper was to study the effect of distance between patient and nurse and the effect of ventilation on the spread of the Corona virus. where a simulation model was created a room with real and 3D dimensions was studied with a patient lying down and the nurse treating him next to him. Where the room contains an air conditioner, two outlets for the airflow and an opening for the patient's mouth to simulate the exit of carbon dioxide gas from his mouth. Where the different and high speeds were studied to find out their effect on the spread of the virus abroad and its disposal. The result proves the best flow velocity of the ventilation system is 20 m/s, which led to a large limitation of the waiting for the Corona virus. The best place for the patient and the airway in the room should not be in the same airway, and the best place is between them. where these results serve as a reference for the engineering of medical rooms in terms of the effect of ventilation and distance of the pathogen on the spread of the Corona virus.

    Hasan Shakir Majdi, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Auday Shaker Hadi, and Laith Jaafer Habeeb

    Private Company Technology Center
    There are several applications in the aerospace, automotive and energy industries, for example, that often require high fidelity modeling or problems involving structural mechanics, heat transfer, or electromagnetic. Finite element analysis (FEA) is a popular method for solving the underlying partial differential equations (PDE) for these problems. 3D finite element analysis or 3D-FEA accurately captures the physics of these problems. The relevance of this study is to show how to set up finite element analysis (FEA) simulations and leverage the model of the environment to solve problems typically encountered by engineers and scientists in a variety of fields such as aerospace, automotive and energy. This study analyzes the behavior of mechanical components under different physical effects and shows a thermal analysis of a commercial KUKA YouBot robotic arm component by finding temperature distributions, figures, code, and test results for multiple materials. The developed model allows understanding and assessing the responsive component under loading, vibration or heat and determining deformation stresses among many things to select the best material and even prevent failure or undesired resonance as an example. These systems are typically modeled using partial differential equations or PDEs that capture the underlying physics of the problem and FEA is just one of the most common methodologies to solve this type of equation. The linear regression model can be a good predictive model that represents the relationship between thermal conductivity and max temperature to avoid undesired performance of the robotic arm.

  • Two-Way Fluid-structure Interaction Study of Twisted Tape Insert in a Circular Tube Having Integral Fins with Nanofluid
    Mustafa Abdulsalam Mustafa, Atheer Raheem Abdullah, Wajeeh Kamal Hasan, Laith J. Habeeb, and Maadh Fawzi Nassar

    Private Company Technology Center
    This work deals with fluid-structure interaction (FSI), one of the emerging areas of numerical simulation and calculation. This research shows a numerical study investigating heat transfer enhancement and fluid-structure interaction in a circular finned tube by using alumina nanofluid as a working fluid with a typical twisted tape that has a twisting ratio of 1.85. The studied nanofluid volumes of fraction are φ=0, 3, 5 % under conditions of laminar and turbulent flow. The solution for such problems is based on the relations of continuum mechanics and is mostly done with numerical methods. FSI occurs when the flow of fluid influences the properties of a structure or vice versa. It is a computational challenge to deal with such problems due to complexity in defining the geometries, nature of the interaction between a fluid and solid, intricate physics of fluids and requirements of computational resources. CFD investigations were made based on the numerical finite volume techniques to solve the governing three-dimensional partial differential equations to get the influence of inserted twisted tape and concentration of nanofluid on heat transfer enhancement, friction loss, average Nusselt number, velocity profile, thermal performance factor characteristics, and two-way interaction in a circular tube at laminar and turbulent flow. The governing continuity, momentum and energy transfer equations are solved using Ansys Fluent and Transient Structural. The simulation results show that the deformations of two-way coupling fluctuate from side to side, with 0.004 mm, as maximum amplitude, located at the typical twisted tape center. Heat transfer dissipation improved by adding fins and as Reynolds numbers increase the heat transfer behavior increases.

  • Experimental investigation of the effect of forced vibration on natural convection heat transfer in a concentric vertical cylinder

  • Natural convection heat transfer in a concentric annulus vertical cylinders embedded with porous media

  • Review on enhancement of natural convection heat transfer inside enclosure

  • Natural Convection Heat Transfer in An Inclind Elliptic Enclosure with Circular Heat Source

  • Porosity influence on natural convection heat transfer from a heated cylinder in a square porous enclosure


  • Improving the Performance of Solar PV Panels Using Advanced Cooling Technologies.
    AR Abdullah, IW Maid, ESS Askari
    International Journal of Heat & Technology 42 (5) 2024

  • Enhancing Solar Panel Cooling and Thermal Efficiency Using Nanoparticle-Enhanced Phase Change Materials.
    BN Merzah, ZM Almakhyoul, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (6) 2024

  • Experimental and Numerical Study of the Thermal Solar Panel Performance using heated tubes: A review
    A Abdullah
    Al-Rafidain Journal of Engineering Sciences, 213-224 2024

  • Study of End-Effector of (2DOF) Five-Bar Robot Positioning: Accuracy, Modeling and Simulation.
    MM Al-azzawi, HS Majdi, AR Abdullah
    Journal Europen des Systmes Automatiss 57 (2) 2024

  • Increasing Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Phase Change Materials and Heatsinks: A Numerical and Analytical Study.
    HJ Jaber, STM Al-Musawi, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi, N Alderoubi
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (3) 2024

  • Water Heating Rate as a Function of Magnetic Field and Electrical Induction Using Solar Energy.
    ST Mousa Al-Musawi, M Elmnifi, ODH Abdulrazig, AR Abdullah, L Jassim, ...
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (2) 2024

    M Elmnifi, AN Mansur, AK Hassan, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi, ...
    Proceedings on Engineering 6 (1), 161-170 2024

  • Experimental and Numerical Study of the Thermal Solar Panel Performance using heated tubes: A review
    BM Majel, AR Abdullah
    Al-Rafidain Journal of Engineering Sciences 2 (1) 2024

  • Evaluation of Paraffin based Phase change Material on Thermal Performance in Building
    AR Abdullah, B Majel
    Al-Rafidain Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13-31 2024

  • CFD investigation of one-way interaction (fluid-heat-deformation) in a channel with obstacles
    HS Majdi, AAAN Abaas, AR Abdullah, HAI Al-Saaidi, LJ Habeeb, ...
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2839 (1) 2023

  • Heat transfer augmentation in a micro-channel heat sink technique under different coolant flow: A comprehensive review of the recent literature
    JM Hadi, AR Abdullah, BM Majel, LJ Habeeb
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2839 (1) 2023

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Modules: CTI-80 and YHM-205-27P
    HS Majdi, A Younis, AR Abdullah, M Elmnifi, LJ Habeeb
    Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/ijdne 18 (4), 775-782 2023

  • High-Speed Helical Gear Design Parameters Effect on the Dynamic Stress.
    AR Hassan, MN Hawas, AR Abdullah, HS Majdi, LJ Habeeb
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (4) 2023

  • Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Flow Enhancement Through Multi-Row Film Holes for Gas Turbine Blade Cooling.
    HS Majdi, BN Merzah, ST Mousa Al-Musawi, AR Abdullah
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (3) 2023

  • Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Stress and Vibration in Internal Combustion Engines Using ANSYS.
    MM Azzawi, AS Hadi, AR Abdullah
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (3) 2023

  • Improving the Mechanical Properties of the Air-Conditioning Pipe Using Composite Materials
    DND Al Hussain, MKN Alkanany, KA Hammoodi, AR Abdullah, HS Majdi, ...
    Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances 33 (2), 103 2023

  • Improving the Mechanical Properties of the Air-Conditioning Pipe Using Composite Materials.
    DN Dikhil Al Hussain, MK Nahi Alkanany, KA Hammoodi, AR Abdullah, ...
    Journal of Composite & Advanced Materials/Revue des Composites et des 2023

  • Revue des Composites et des Matriaux Avancs-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials
    DND Al Hussain, MKN Alkanany, KA Hammoodi, AR Abdullah, HS Majdi, ...
    Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/rcma 33 (2), 103-109 2023

  • Evaluation of bifacial solar energy performance of a cell with a dual-axes tracker
    HS Majdi, M Elmnifi, AR Abdullah, AS Eltawati, LJ Habeeb
    Journal homepage 40 (5), 1299-1304 2022

  • Numerical Study of Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Multi-Cooling Process
    AR Abdullah, BM Majel
    Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/ijht 40 (4), 1100-1106 2022


  • Porosity influence on natural convection heat transfer from a heated cylinder in a square porous enclosure
    MH Alturaihi, L Jassim, AR ALguboori, LJ Habeeb, HK Jalghaf
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 43 (6), 236-254 2020
    Citations: 14

  • Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined elliptic enclosure with circular heat source
    AR Alguboori, MM Al-azzawi, AR Kalash, LJ Habeeb
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 43 (6), 207-222 2020
    Citations: 11

  • Experimental investigation of the effect of forced vibration on natural convection heat transfer in a concentric vertical cylinder
    MM Al-Azzawi, AR Abdullah, BM Majel, LJ Habeeb
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 44 (3), 56-65 2021
    Citations: 8

  • Review on enhancement of natural convection heat transfer inside enclosure
    J Habeeb
    Citations: 8

  • Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interaction Study of Twisted Tape Insert in a Circular Tube Having Integral Fins With Nanofluid
    MA Mustafa, AR Abdullah, WK Hasan, LJ Habeeb, MF Nassar
    Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (8), 111 2021
    Citations: 6

  • Natural convection heat transfer in a concentric annulus vertical cylinders embedded with porous media
    MA Mahmood, MA Mustafa, MM Al-Azzawi, AR Abdullah
    Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 66 (2 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Heat and mass transfer investigation in a single slope passive solar still using chemical additives
    HS Majdi, AA Mohammed, AR Al Guboori, LJ Habeeb
    2019 1st AL-Noor International Conference for Science and Technology (NICST 2019
    Citations: 5

  • Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Stress and Vibration in Internal Combustion Engines Using ANSYS.
    MM Azzawi, AS Hadi, AR Abdullah
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (3) 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Evaluation of bifacial solar energy performance of a cell with a dual-axes tracker
    HS Majdi, M Elmnifi, AR Abdullah, AS Eltawati, LJ Habeeb
    Journal homepage 40 (5), 1299-1304 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Automated vision based defect detection using gray level co-occurrence matrix for beverage manufacturing industry
    NM Saad, AR Abdullah, WHW Hasan, N Rahman, NH Ali, IN Abdullah
    Int J Artif Intell ISSN 2252 (8938), 8938 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Enhancing Solar Panel Cooling and Thermal Efficiency Using Nanoparticle-Enhanced Phase Change Materials.
    BN Merzah, ZM Almakhyoul, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (6) 2024
    Citations: 3

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Modules: CTI-80 and YHM-205-27P
    HS Majdi, A Younis, AR Abdullah, M Elmnifi, LJ Habeeb
    Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/ijdne 18 (4), 775-782 2023
    Citations: 3

  • High-Speed Helical Gear Design Parameters Effect on the Dynamic Stress.
    AR Hassan, MN Hawas, AR Abdullah, HS Majdi, LJ Habeeb
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 10 (4) 2023
    Citations: 3

  • Evaluation of Paraffin based Phase change Material on Thermal Performance in Building
    AR Abdullah, B Majel
    Al-Rafidain Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13-31 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Numerical Investigation of Hydrostatic Pressure on Free Vibrating Rectangular Cantilever Plates Partially Submerged in Viscous Media
    AR Abdullah, WK Hasan, MA Mustafa
    Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 60 (1 2019
    Citations: 2

  • Increasing Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Phase Change Materials and Heatsinks: A Numerical and Analytical Study.
    HJ Jaber, STM Al-Musawi, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi, N Alderoubi
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (3) 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Water Heating Rate as a Function of Magnetic Field and Electrical Induction Using Solar Energy.
    ST Mousa Al-Musawi, M Elmnifi, ODH Abdulrazig, AR Abdullah, L Jassim, ...
    Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems 11 (2) 2024
    Citations: 1

    M Elmnifi, AN Mansur, AK Hassan, AR Abdullah, SK Ayed, HS Majdi, ...
    Proceedings on Engineering 6 (1), 161-170 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Improving the Mechanical Properties of the Air-Conditioning Pipe Using Composite Materials
    DND Al Hussain, MKN Alkanany, KA Hammoodi, AR Abdullah, HS Majdi, ...
    Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances 33 (2), 103 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Numerical Study of Photovoltaic Panel Thermal Efficiency Using Multi-Cooling Process
    AR Abdullah, BM Majel
    Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/ijht 40 (4), 1100-1106 2022
    Citations: 1