Fergana State University
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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Avazbek Turdaliev, Gulom Yuldashev, Mavlonjon Khaydarov, Zafarjon Jabbarov, Gaybullo Mamajonov, Avazbek Akhmadjonov, Yunus Kenjaev, and Zamira Abdushukurova
EDP Sciences
Winter wheat in agricultural production is the most common and oldest crop. An accelerated and sustainable increase in grain production is a key problem for agriculture both in Uzbekistan and abroad. “According to the FAO, there are about 1.5 billion hectares of soil suitable for agriculture. Neutral and slightly alkaline soils of subtropical zones with a dry climate make up 8177.1 thousand hectares or 5.46% of the entire land area of the globe. 14.5 million km2 or 11% of the world's land stock is suitable for production. Over the past 50 years, the area of irrigated land has increased by almost 12%. As a result, the volume of agricultural production increased by 2.5-3 times1”. In this regard, the study of the theoretical foundations for improving the soil-ecological, energy conditions and increasing the fertility of neutral, slightly alkaline gray soils, taking into account the evolution of virgin and irrigated lands, the development of theoretical and practical issues of their improvement is of great importance.
Avazbek Turdaliev, Gulom Yuldashev, Mavlonjon Khaydarov, Khusnidakhon Abdukhakimova, Rakhima Muratova, Zikrjon Azimov, Guzalkhon Sotiboldieva, Ulugbek Mirzaev, Murodjon Isagaliev, Hatamjon Holdarov,et al.
Agriculture in Central Asia and in the Fergana Valley in general strongly depends on irrigation and drainage of agricultural lands. The Fergana Valley includes about 45% of the irrigated area in the Syr Darya River basin. Active use of irrigation in agriculture can lead to changes in the soil’s natural composition, as well as pollution and changes in the soil’s physical and chemical properties. Soil degradation in the process of irrigation can lead to a decrease in crop yields and, as a consequence, to a decrease in food security in the region. In this study, a comparative analysis of three main types of Calcisols (Dark, Light, and Typical) before (uncultivated soil) and after agricultural use (surface-irrigated agricultural soil) was carried out. Irrigation leads to increment of SOC stocks in Typical (from 113.8 to 126.3 t/ha) and Light (from 62.8 to 100.1 t/ha) Calcisols and to decreasing of SOC stocks in Dark Calcisols (from 160.1 to 175.3 t/ha). In general, the content of biophilic elements (SOC and TN) is lower in irrigated soils, and their distribution in the soil profile is close to the functional relationship (r2 0.98 to 0.99). In uncultivated Calcisols, the profile distribution of SOC and TN is more heterogeneous (r2 0.67 to 0.97). Changes in the humification processes of soil organic matter are also identified; in soils after irrigation the carbon ratio of humic/fulvic acids (CHA/CFA) is lower (<1) compared to their uncultivated counterparts (~1). The alteration of the soil water regime also resulted in transformation of the individual compositions of amino acids. All studied types of Calcisols are characterized by changes in particle-size distribution of soils especially in the number of the silt fraction (0.01–0.05 mm) and the difference between uncultivated and irrigated soils, 10–20%, which is associated with the processes of colmatage by accumulation of a fine fraction and replacement of sub-fractions in the fraction of sand. The highest concentrations of nutrients are characteristic of the upper soil horizons (P up to 231, K up to 2350 mg/kg), which indicate their pedogenic and agrogenic origins rather than inheritance from the parent material. Soil P and K availability is rather high, with non-labile forms prevailing, although of near reserve. The surface irrigation results in apparent accumulation of water-soluble Mg2+ (1.6–2.1 meq/100 g) and K+ (0.6–0.9 meq/100 g), but the cation of Ca2+ predominates in the base cations’ composition, which is the most favorable in terms of soil agrogenic property formation. Data obtained will be useful for development of strategies for effective land use in arid, subtropical, overpopulated regions of Central Asia that have deficient water sources and intensive soil degradation.
Zafarjon Jabbarov, Urol Nomozov, Yunus Kenjaev, Zamira Abdushukurova, Salomat Zakirova, Aliya Mahkamova, Bobir Kamilov, Rakhmon Kurvantaev, Davronbek Kholdarov, Avazbek Turdaliev,et al.
EDP Sciences
In the article, pollution of saline soils with oil and oil products, physical and water-physical properties depending on the level of salinity are studied. As a result of the research, it is scientifically based that the increase in the level of contamination of the soil is subject to the decrease in water permeability, and the decrease in the level of pollution is subject to the law of the increase in water permeability. In the article, weakly, moderately, strongly and very strongly contaminated soils with oil were studied. According to the results, it was determined that the water permeability of the soil was observed in 25, 45, 45, 37, 5, 3, 2 minutes, and it carried 75, 26, 44, 45, 540, 1050, 1200 ml of water, respectively, for 90 minutes. The amount of water transfer compared to the control soil for 90 minutes was less in 1%, 2%, 5% contaminated soils, and very high in 15%, 25% and 37.5% contaminated soils. The increase in the level of pollution is explained by the deterioration of water permeability and moisture retention. Also, due to the fact that oil is a viscous organic pollutant, the changes of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 mm microaggregates, which are important for soil fertility, as a result of pollution, and changes in the amount of these microaggregates were also determined. It was found that the soils around the South Mirshodi oil field were previously contaminated and the amount of microaggregates smaller than 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm in the irrigated soils increased as the distance from the source of contamination increased. This is explained by the decrease in the concentration of oil in the soil. The amount of 5 mm, 7 mm and 10 mm aggregates has decreased. A similar situation was observed around the Kumkurgan oil base. The effect of petroleum hydrocarbons is more noticeable in microaggregates with a diameter of 10 mm.
Sabirjan Isaev, Maksudkhon Sarimsakov, Mukhayyokhon Sarimsakova, Avazbek Turdaliev, Khusnidakhon Abdukhakimova, and Mutabar Mirzaeva
EDP Sciences
In this article, the purpose of the research is to improve the method of irrigation of intensive apple orchards, determining the rate and duration of irrigation, determining seasonal water consumption, and calculating water rates. When intensive apple orchards are irrigated on the basis of water-saving technologies, it is observed that the trees use soil moisture, atmospheric precipitation, and the efficiency of using irrigation water. As a result, it has been proven that seasonal water consumption can be saved from 12% to 52% compared to furrowlab irrigation. In this case, it was noted that the use of transverse barrier furrows in the conditions of soils prone to irrigation erosion reduced soil particle leaching by 31-51%, irrigation water by 17-25% and increased productivity by 22-28%. Also, it was observed that the fruit quality improved, the weight of one apple increased by 36 g, and the yield increased by 7.3 tons/ha. Intensive orchards irrigated with 75-80-70% relative humidity relative to LFMC have been reported to have 30-65% higher yields than controls.
Avazbek Turdaliev, Kamoliddin Askarov, Evgeny Abakumov, Elyorbek Makhkamov, Gayratbek Rahmatullayev, Gaybullo Mamajonov, Avazbek Akhmadjonov, and Akmal Axunov
The Central Fergana region is one of the overpopulated regions of Central Asia, which includes parts of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Here, in the dry subtropical climate are the most ancient, irrigated oases used for agriculture. Fergana valley is the key to the food security of the region as a whole. The article provides information on diversity and chemical composition of newly developed, new and old-irrigated Calcisols soils formed on alluvial and alluvial–prolluvial sediments. Soils are poor with organic matter (0.37–0.81% of organic carbon), with high nitrogen content (C/N ratio is 4.92–5.79), and with neutral (7.01–7.30) pH values. Data on the content and the ratio of the key components of soil salinity (Na2CO3, Ca(HCO3)2, CaSO4, MgSO4, Na2SO4, NaCl) and the bulk content of salts in soils under different irrigation regimes are presented. It was shown that Na2CO3 concentration is minimal in all the soils, and this salt presents only in ground waters (0.100–0.135 g L−1). Newly irrigated soils are characterized by higher content of salts than old irrigated soils. All the soils investigated are characterized by increasing salinity rate within the soil depth with the highest content of all salts in ground waters. This chloride–sulfate type of salinization is most pronounced in all the soils studied. Gypsum content in agricultural soils results in limited water and nutrient retention and the potential for dissolution, primarily in response to irrigation. The soils of the Fergana Valley are also subjected to polychemical pollution, so the content of trace elements in them was studied. Irrigated meadow-takyr and meadow-saz soils show low levels of environmental hazard, but irrigation results in accumulation of such trace elements as nickel (30 mg kg−1), arsenic (11.75 mg kg−1), bromine (5.00 mg kg−1), antimony (1.48 mg kg−1), cesium (5.00 mg kg−1), and hafnium (2.97 mg kg−1). Irrigation also affects the soil texture and thus increases fine particle percentages in the superficial soil horizons. Thus, the complex chemical characteristics of salinized soils are presented for numerous irrigated landscapes of the region.
Evgeny Abakumov, Gulomjon Yuldashev, Dilmurod Darmonov, Avazbek Turdaliev, Kamoliddin Askarov, Mavlonjon Khaydarov, Ulugbek Mirzayev, Timur Nizamutdinov, and Kakhramonjon Davronov
The use of conservation agriculture (SWC—soil and water conservation) technologies is now becoming more and more necessary. For the soils in arid ecosystems, the problem of irrigation deficiencies has always been relevant, and clean fresh water is always insufficient to irrigate these agricultural lands. This paper provides a brief historical overview of the use of mineralized water sources in agriculture and their impacts on soils and plants (Triticum aestivum L.). The experiment involving wheat cultivation in saline soils irrigated with mineralized water was set for 3 years. The main chemical and physical–chemical properties of the agro-transformed solonchaks and mineralized water sources were investigated. According to the contents of mobile forms of N, P, and K, the soils were poorly supplied; after a series of irrigation phases, they remained the same. There were signs of the growth of mobile phosphorus in the variants where mineralized water sources were applied. Our results showed that under conditions of irrigation with water sources with mineralization rates of up to 2.8–3.5 g/L, the wheat yield increased by 1.5 c/ha compared to the control. The use of mineralized water for irrigation purposes will reduce the use of clean river water.
Murodjon Isagaliev, Evgeny Abakumov, Avazbek Turdaliev, Muzaffar Obidov, Mavlonjon Khaydarov, Khusnida Abdukhakimova, Tokhirjon Shermatov, and Iskandar Musaev
The article provides an analysis of the cenopopulation and tissues element composition of the medicinal caper plant Capparis spinosa L. distributed on Calcisols formed on eroded alluvial-proluvial gravel textured rocks in the south of the Fergana Valley (Uzbekistan, Central Asia). The predominance of immature plants in the cenopopulation was detected in the Arsif hills massive, and quantitative indicators of micronutrients in the vegetative and generative organs of C. spinosa L. were determined. The study of biomorphological characteristics of the plant during the growing season (April-October) was carried out in the identified 10 observational experimental field populations. The cenopopulation dynamics and plant development patterns of Capparis spinosa L. were characterized for environmental conditions of south Uzbekistan for the first time. Soil, plant element analysis was performed by neutron-activation method. In this case, the samples were irradiated in a nuclear reactor with a neutron flux of 5 × 1013 neutrons/cm2 s, and their quantities were determined in accordance with the half-life of chemical elements. It has also been compared with research materials conducted by world scientists on the importance and pharmacological properties of botanicals in medicine and the food industry, as well as their botanical characteristics. The plant can serve to conserve soil resources, as it prevents water and wind erosion of dense clay soils in the dry subtropical climate of Central Fergana and could be considered an effective agent of destroyed soils remediation. The development of this plant will contribute to the diversification of agriculture in Uzbekistan (Central Asia) and the development of the food industry and pharmacology.
A T Turdaliev, D Yo Darmonov, N I Teshaboyev, A A Saminov, and M A Abdurakhmonova
IOP Publishing
Abstract The article shows that irrigation of wheat on irrigated meadow soil at an irrigation rate of 800-1000 m3/ha with water of various mineralization did not lead to significant changes in the soil-absorbing complex. The amount of cations after three years of irrigation with water of different salinity remains practically unchanged. But there is a tendency to change in the direction of increasing the amount of absorbed sodium, which did not lead to a state of salinity of irrigated soils.
Avazbek Turdaliev, Gulom Yuldashev, Kamoliddin Askarov, and Evgeny Abakumov
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract The Fergana valley is a region critically important for food safety in Central Asia. The human-altered soils in Fergana are considered a key component of the transboundary region between sub-boreal and sub-tropic climatic zones. As the results of the investigation of irrigated chloride-sulfate saline soils near the surface showed the deep petrocalcic and petrosalic horizons at various depths with extremely low water and air permeability. The chemical, pedogeochemical, and biogeochemical properties of soils, the content of macroelements, trace elements, lanthanides and radionuclides, and the general geochemical characteristics of desert zone soils were investigated and determined. The background contents of the mentioned elements were recognized. The irragic, salic, gleyic, and gypsic horizons in soils were identified by WRB 2015. They can be used as reference horizons for biogeochemical studies and soil management activities. The irragic, gleyic, carbonate-gypsum horizons, evaporation, oxygenic, and other geochemical barriers were studied and revealed. The processes of accumulation, migration, and differentiation of chemical elements in solum as well as in parent materials occur with the joint effects of exogenous, endopedogenic, and artificial factors. These fluxes of elements, in turn, are affected by the nature of soils and parent materials. In this process, unexplored elements form only scattering fluxes. During the vegetation season, as well as the leaching period, considering the various horizons features will help to save significant amounts of irrigation water.