- The Closet Scenes of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Marston’s Antonio’s Revenge
C Crosbie
The Explicator 83 (1), 67-73 2025
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare
C Crosbie
Comparative Drama 58 (3), 399-403 2024
- Aristotelian Time, Ethics, and the Art of Persuasion in Shakespeare’s Henry V
C Crosbie
Literature 3 (1), 82-93 2023
- “Strange Serious Wantoning”: Early Modern Chess Manuals and the Ethics of Virtuous Subterfuge
C Crosbie
Renaissance Papers, 1-12 2022
- Entertaining the Idea: Shakespeare, Performance, and Philosophy. Lowell Gallagher, James Kearney, and Julia Reinhard Lupton, eds. UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series. Toronto
C Crosbie
Renaissance Quarterly 75 (4), 1437-1439 2022
- Revenge Tragedy and Classical Philosophy on the Early Modern Stage
C Crosbie
Edinburgh University Press 2018
- Shakespeare, intention, and the ethical force of the involuntary
C Crosbie
The Routledge Companion to Shakespeare and Philosophy, 207-219 2018
- Renaissance Suppliants: Poetry, Antiquity, Reconciliation
C Crosbie
MODERN PHILOLOGY 115 (3), E219-E222 2018
- Shakespeare's Roman Trilogy: The Twilight of the Ancient World by Paul A. Cantor
C Crosbie
Shakespeare Quarterly 69 (3), 195-197 2018
- Refashioning Fable through the Baconian Essay: De sapientia veterum and Mythologies of the Early Modern Natural Philosopher
C Crosbie
The Essay: Forms and Transformations, 15-33 2017
- Publicizing the Science of God: Milton's Raphael and the boundaries of knowledge
C Crosbie
Renascence 67 (4), 239-260 2015
- The Longleat Manuscript Reconsidered: Shakespeare and the Sword of Lath
C Crosbie
English Literary Renaissance 44 (2), 221-240 2014
- Family and the State in Early Modern Revenge Drama: Economies of Vengeance
C Crosbie
Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England 27, 255-257 2014
- Francis Bacon and Aristotelian Afterlives
C Crosbie
A Companion to British Literature, 231-248 2014
- The Comedy of Errors, Haecceity, and the Metaphysics of Individuation
C Crosbie
Renaissance Papers 1, 101-13 2013
- Deathly Experiments: A Study of Icons and Emblems of Mortality in Christopher Marlowe's Plays.
C Crosbie
SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL 43 (2), 458-459 2012
- Hughes, Thomas
C Crosbie
The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature 2012
- English Revenge Drama: Money, Resistance, Equality, and: Women and Revenge in Shakespeare: Gender, Genre, and Ethics
C Crosbie
Shakespeare Quarterly 63 (2), 253-256 2012
- Oeconomia and the Vegetative Soul: Rethinking Revenge in The Spanish Tragedy
C Crosbie
English Literary Renaissance 38 (1), 3-33 2008
- Science, Literature and Rhetoric in Early Modern England
C Crosbie
Renaissance Quarterly 61 (4), 1406-1407 2008