- Determinants of farmers' knowledge exchange on drought-tolerant maize technology in Kwara State, Nigeria
OP Olabanji, I Ogunlade, KF Omotesho
Journal of Agricultural Research, Development, Extension and Technology 3 (1 2021
- Rice farmers’ perception and knowledge of integrated rice and fish farming in selected local government areas of Kwara State
D Olabode, K Omotesho, O Olabanji, I Ogunlade, O Adebisi
" Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary 2021
- Determinants of farmers’ willingness to adopt bee pollination technology in Kwara State, Nigeria
OP Olabanji, I Ogunlade, SA Mustapha
Technoscience Journal for Community Development in Africa (TJCDA) 2 (2), 1-9 2021
- Postharvest Losses along Citrus Value Chain in Osun State: Implication for Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria 2021
- Determinants of School-aged Children’s Participation in Family Poultry Production in Ilorin Metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria
OGA Olabanji F.A., Olabanji O.P., Paul A.B.
International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development 11 (1 2021
- Teachers’ Personality as a Correlate of Students’ Perception of Careers in Agriculture in Abia State, Nigeria
NNI Olabanji O.P., Evulobi C.C.
Nigerian Online Journal of Educational Sciences and Technology (NOJEST) 3 (2 2021
- Adoption of Innovation through Joint Asset Acquisition: The Case of Women Rice Processor Groups in Nigeria
DAOJA K.F Omotesho, I. Ogunlade, O.P Olabanji
Journal of social sciences and humanities 29 (1) 2021
- Information needs of wildlife hunters in Kwara State: Implication for extension service delivery in Nigeria
LL Adefalu, OP Olabanji, HI Bhadmus, S Ibrahim-Olesin, OW Kareem
Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Geografie 31 (2), 153-163 2021
- Reporting of Rural grazing area initiative in selected daily newspapers in Nigeria
I Ogunlade, OP Olabanji, FA Adebisi, KF Omotesho, DA Olabode
Journal of Agricultural Extension 24 (4), 82-90 2020
- Risk Management Attitude and Practices of Backyard Poultry Farmers in Ifelodun Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria.
OPOFA Olabanji
Journal of Information, Education, Science and Technology (JIEST). 6 (1 2020
GA Oyegbami, OP Olabanji, OL Abdulrahman, KK Azeez, P AB
- Scale development and validation for farmers' knowledge exchange: implication for agricultural extension in Nigeria.
OP Olabanji, I Ogunlade
- Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University
OP Olabanji, I Ogunlade
J Bangladesh Agril Univ 18 (4), 1029-1034 2020
- Vegetable farmers’ perception on record keeping in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria
B Adefalu, L.L., Olatinwo, L.K., Olabanji, O.P., Musa, M.O. and Folayan
Agricultural Economics and Extension Research Studies (AGEERS) 7 (1), 34-40 2019
- Disseminating Innovation on Dry Season Rice Farming in Remote Communities in Kwara State, Nigeria: Extension Volunteers to the Rescue.
IO Omotesho, K. F., Olabode, D. A., Olabanji, O. P.
2nd Women in Science Without Borders–Indaba 2018
- Farm Households’ Sanitary Practices in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria.
HKS Adefalu, L.L., Olabanji, O.P.
Banladesh Journal of Extension Education (BJEE). 30 (2), 21-28 2018
- Assessment of Factors Influencing Students' Enrolment and Career Interests in Colleges of Agriculture in Oyo State, Nigeria.
I Omotesho, K. F., Olabanji, O. P., Olabode, D. A. and Ogunlade
Taraba Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (2), 1-8 2017
- Analysis of university students’ perception on agricultural entrepreneurship option towards tackling unemployment among educated youths
KF Omotesho, OP Olabanjı, DA Olabode, I Ogunlade
Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG) 34 (3 2017
- Influence and Consumption Pattern of Dairy Products on Nutritional and Health Development of School-aged Children in Ekiti Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria
LL Adefalu, SA Aderinoye-abdulwahab, MB Aliwajud-Adewusi, ...
Sains Humanika 4 (1) 2015
- Effect of the Use of Agrochemicals among Arable Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria.
AZR Matanmi, B.M., Oladipo, F.O., Adefalu, L.L., Olabanji O.P., Yusuf S.Y.
Production Agriculture and Technology Journal. 11 (2), 20-28 2015