dr sheelendra m bhatt


associate professor
iimt university




Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Microbial Cellulolytic-Based Biofuel Production
    S.M. Bhatt

    John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

  • A critical review on nano-food packaging and its applications
    Sheelendra M BHATT

    thinkBiotech, LLC
    The present manuscript addresses the effect of nanotechnology in various food sectors. Increasedfood functionality, enhanced flavor, reduced delivery of food additives are some of theappealing choices raising plausibility of high health advantages hypothesized in future. At theface of explosion of information, it is important to monitor them in a brief and updated manner.In this manner, new nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes, nano-biopolymers have diverseapplications in food packaging, good food release property with enhanced food safety features.Furthermore, nano-encapsulation of probiotics, nano applications in food processing sector andother related issues, new functional nanomaterials for use in food along with their propertieshave been talked about in this review paper.

  • Current technical perspective and application of aquatic weeds in phytoremediation
    Anand Mohan, S. M. Bhatt, Madhuri Girdhar, Geetanshu Goyal, Abid Ali Ansari, and Hasibur Rehman

    Springer International Publishing

  • Comparative analysis of antioxidant properties of different medicinal and non-medicinal plants

  • Lignocellulosic feedstock conversion, inhibitor detoxification and cellulosic hydrolysis - A review
    Sheelendra M. Bhatt and Shilpa

    Informa UK Limited
    The current review is an attempt to cover various pre-treatment strategies such as physical, chemical, organosolve and biological pre-treatment in order to change the crystallinity of lignocellulosic biomass along with methods and strategies for inhibitor detoxification for improving the cellulose hydrolysis and fermentation. The presence of lignin in lignocellulosic biomass is the biggest hurdle and therefore a judicial pre-treatment selection technique is important, based on lignocellulosic mass composition analysis for improving overall saccharification. The production of inhibitors during pre-treatment is another cause of low saccharification owing to deactivation of cellulase enzyme. In this review a comprehensive discussion has been made of the impact of various pre-treatment strategies on overall hydrolysis and saccharification in view of the varied composition of lignocellulosic biomass. Various detoxification approaches have also been discussed, along with the economical bioprocessing issue, and their advantages and disadvantages. Bio refinery approaches have been important in this regard to make bioethanol production more economical.

  • Optimization studies of alkaline cellulase from bacillus licheniformis sm1 isolated from rice agricultural soil using taguchi methodology
    Sheelendra M. Bhatt, Pankaj Lakhwan, and Shilpa Shilpa

    Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
    The aim of the present work was to screen microbes related to alkaline cellulase production from rhizosphere of rice field soil from Phagwara, Punjab. Out of 9 isolates screened, isolate 6 th designated as SM1 was selected for alkaline cellulase study. Results of 16S rRNA revealed this strain as Bacillus licheniformis. Various medium conditions affecting cellulase activity such as pH, C/N ratio, Tween-20 and lactose were optimized using L9 conditions by Taguchi methodology in submerged conditions. Factors having significant impact over alkaline cellulase activity were in order pH > C/N ratio > Tween20 > Lactose. The most optimum conditions for cellulase production was pH 9; C/N, 1:2; Lactose, 1 % (w/v) and Tween 20, 1 %(v/v) at 50 0C.

  • Bioethanol production from economical agro waste (Groundnut Shell) in SSF mode

  • Lactic acid production from cane molasses by Lactobacillus delbrueckii NCIM 2025 in submerged condition: Optimization of medium component by Taguchi DOE methodology
    S. M. Bhatt and S. K. Srivastava

    Informa UK Limited
    Lactic acid production parameter optimization was performed using cane molasses by design of experiment (DOE) with the help of Qualitek-4 software with bigger is better as quality characteristics with eight media components at three levels in submerged culture condition. Eight factors with three levels studied were yeast extract, CaCO3, MnSO4, pH, Temperature, molasses, urea, and Tween 80. These factors were optimized based on their S/N ratios obtained from Qualitek-4 software and their significant individual interactions, and interactions with each other have been studied. Effects of mixed N2 sources, Tween 80, and MnSO4 have been studied by their individual interactions and interactions among themselves. Lactic acid production was significantly affected by interactions of two factors such as temperature-urea, pH-CaCO3, temperature-Tween 80, but individually they have minimum impact on lactic acid production. Individually pH, yeast extract, molasses, and urea are the most significant factors in lactic acid production. Lower amount of CaCO3 and MnSO4 and Tween 80 enhanced lactic acid production. The expected yield of lactic acid under optimal condition was 98.66% and the actual yield was 96.8%. Overall 6% improvement in yield has been observed when compared with same (mutant) species grown on cane molasses with productivity of 3.15 g/l.h.


  • A Comprehensive Review on the Role of Gymenma sylvestre in Combating Diabetes-2
    SM Bhatt, N Sharma
    Journal of Natural Remedies, 2143-2155 2024

    Jain Pragati, Singh Amisha, Sharma Ananya
    Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & applied sciences (JABAAS) 2 (3), 120-135, 2024

    S Bhatt
    Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences 1 (2), 19-31 2023

  • The Recent trend in Bio-fortified wheat production-A review
    S Bhatt
    Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences 1 (1), 22-27 2023

  • The Economical Cellulase Production under Optimized condition in Batch condition using Water Hyacinth (WH) Waste
    SM Bhatt
    Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences 1 (1), 11-21 2023

    Sciences 1 (1), 1-4 2023

  • Nutritional Prospects in Wheat Bio-Fortification
    SM Bhatt, A Jahan
    KMICS Journal of Sciences 1 (1), 1-9 2023

  • Nutritional Prospects in Bio-Fortified Wheat
    SMBA jahan2
    KMICS Journal of Sciences 1 (1), 1-9 2023

  • pharmaceutical biotechnology
    SM Bhatt

  • Challenges Assessment in Economic Algal Biofuel Production
    SM Bhatt
    Technological Advancement in Algal Biofuels Production, 129-147 2022

  • Extremophiles in Aviation Biofuel Production
    SM Bhatt
    Extremophiles: General and Plant Biomass Based Biorefinery, 202 2022

  • Biogas from kitchen waste
    SM Bhatt
    Food waste to green fuel: trend & development, 153-164 2022

  • Evaluation studies of thermophilic bacteria isolated from rice field soil for cellulose digestion
    V Sharma, PK Singh, SM Bhatt
    International Journal of Research Radicals in Multidisciplinary Fields, ISSN 2022

  • Morphological variation of electrocardiogram: A boon in diagnosis of canine cardiac disorders
    KK Sahoo, D Gupta, A Tiwari, S Rai, A Sawhney, P Sharma, S Sahu, ...
    The Pharma Innovation Journal 11 (1199-1202), 4 2022

  • Microbial Cellulolytic‐Based Biofuel Production
    SM Bhatt
    Bioenergy Research: Evaluating Strategies for Commercialization and 2021

  • Economical Biofuel Production Strategies from Biomass Biowaste
    SM Bhatt, S Bhatt, A Bakshi
    Bioenergy Research: Integrative Solution for Existing Roadblock, 1-22 2021

  • iron fortified giloye busicuit
    SM Bhatt

  • A Critical Review On Nano-Food Packaging and Its Applications
    SM Bhatt
    Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 25 (3), 3-17 2020

  • Method development and validation of UV spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of curcumin in simulated nasal fluid
    S Sharma, JB Sharma, S Bhatt, M Kumar
    Drug Research 70 (08), 356-359 2020

  • Analysis of Body Mass Index (Bmi) In Relation to Cancer in Rural Population of Faridkot, Malwa Region, Punjab.
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (09752366) 12 (2) 2020


  • Lignocellulosic feedstock conversion, inhibitor detoxification and cellulosic hydrolysis–a review
    SM Bhatt, Shilpa
    Biofuels 5 (6), 1-17 2015
    Citations: 44

  • Shilpa (2014).“
    SM Bhatt, P Lakhwan
    Lignocellulosic feedstock conversion, inhibitor detoxification and
    Citations: 44

  • A textbook of molecular biotechnology
    AK Chauhan, A Varma
    IK International Pvt Ltd 2009
    Citations: 43

  • Challenges in Enzymatic Route of Mannitol Production
    SM Bhatt, A Mohan, SK Srivastava
    http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/biotechnology/2013/914187/, 1-13 2013
    Citations: 40

  • Assessment of synthetic milk exposure to children of selected population in Uttar Pradesh, India
    SA BHATT, S M, Bhatt S R
    ANVISHIKI 7 (1), 1-16 2009
    Citations: 33

  • Biofuel production technologies: critical analysis for sustainability
    N Srivastava, M Srivastava, PK Mishra, VK Gupta
    Springer 2020
    Citations: 24

  • Lactic Acid Production from Cane Molasses by Lactobacillus delbrueckii NCIM 2025 in Submerged Condition: Optimization of Medium Component by Taguchi DOE
    SM Bhatt, SK Srivastava
    Food biotechnology 22 (2), 115-139 2008
    Citations: 24

  • Method development and validation of UV spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of curcumin in simulated nasal fluid
    S Sharma, JB Sharma, S Bhatt, M Kumar
    Drug Research 70 (08), 356-359 2020
    Citations: 16

  • Sustainable Approaches for Biofuels Production Technologies
    N Srivastava, M Srivastava, PK Mishra, SN Upadhyay, PW Ramteke, ...
    Biofuel Biorefin Technol 7, 121-146 2019
    Citations: 14

  • Biosorption of Arsenic (III) from drinking water by using low cost biosorbents derived from peels of Oranges, Turnip and Peanut shells
    M Sidhu, P Sama, J Parmar, SM Bhatt
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Drug Development 1 (1), 16-21 2014
    Citations: 13

  • Bioprocessing perspective in biorefineries
    SM Bhatt, JS Bal
    Sustainable approaches for biofuels production technologies: from current 2019
    Citations: 12

  • Bioethanol production from economical agro waste (groundnut shell) in SSF mode.
    SM Bhatt, S Shilpa
    Citations: 12

  • Impact of media and education on food practices in urban area of Varanasi.
    SR Bhatt, SM Bhatt, AS Anita Singh
    Citations: 10

  • Highly sensitive & low cost colorimetric method for quantifying arsenic metal in drinking water of Malwa Punjab and comparison with ICAP-AES
    M Sidhu, P Mahajan, SM Bhatt
    annals of biological research 5 (3), 105 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Food adulteration and practices in urban area of Varanasi–
    Food Science Research Journal 1 (2), 183-195 2010
    Citations: 9

  • A Critical Review On Nano-Food Packaging and Its Applications
    SM Bhatt
    Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 25 (3), 3-17 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Enzymology and Enzyme Technology
    Enzymology and Enzyme Technology, ISBN 81-219-3584-9-2011, 2010
    Citations: 7

  • Morphological variation of electrocardiogram: A boon in diagnosis of canine cardiac disorders
    KK Sahoo, D Gupta, A Tiwari, S Rai, A Sawhney, P Sharma, S Sahu, ...
    The Pharma Innovation Journal 11 (1199-1202), 4 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Approaches to enhance industrial production of fungal cellulases
    M Srivastava, N Srivastava, PW Ramteke, PK Mishra
    Springer 2019
    Citations: 5

  • Fungal Biorefineries
    S Kumar, P Dheeran, M Taherzadeh, S Khanal
    Springer 2018
    Citations: 5