Eliane Guedes


Associate Professor/Geology and Paleontology Department
Museu Nacional/UFRJ



Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

    Vanessa Noveletto and Eliane Guedes

    Universidade Federal do Parana
    A Coleção de Petrografia do Museu Nacional tem relevância científica e histórica para o Brasil. O Museu Nacional teve importante papel no século XIX, quando o interesse pelos combustíveis minerais brasileiros aumentou e muitas das pesquisas relacionadas ao tema foram realizadas na instituição. Atualmente, o acervo da Coleção de Petrografia conta com 124 registros provindos do estado de Santa Catarina. As principais contribuições ao acervo foram da Comissão Geológica do Império e do Serviço Geológico e Mineralógico do Brasil. A coleção também foi enriquecida ao longo dos séculos XIX e XX por profissionais relacionados ao museu. O objetivo desse trabalho é resgatar parte da história do acervo petrográfico do Museu Nacional, referente ao estado de Santa Catarina. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e o levantamento do banco de dados da Coleção. O estudo permitiu concluir que a maior parte dos registros são provenientes do Sul Catarinense, associados principalmente ao interesse na exploração de carvão. A correlação da localização dos registros com o mapa geológico do estado mostrou que pouco mais de 52% dos registros representam o Escudo Catarinense e o restante está associado às rochas sedimentares e vulcânicas da Bacia do Paraná. Essas informações ajudam a ampliar o conhecimento do acervo e podem fundamentar coletas futuras em importantes unidades que ainda não estão representadas na coleção de petrografia do Museu Nacional.

  • Pre-to-syn-rift tholeiitic magmatism in a transtensive hyperextended continental margin: Onshore and offshore magmatism of the Campos Basin, SE Brazil
    Julio Almeida, Monica Heilbron, Eliane Guedes, Franz Neubauer, Bernroider Manfred, Martin B. Klausen, Claudio de Morisson Valeriano, Henrique Bruno, João Paulo Giro, Michael McMaster,et al.

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract The wide range of geochemical and isotopic signatures of dyke swarms are essential for defining tectonic settings and isotopic reservoirs, as they represent windows into the Earth's mantle. The Early-Cretaceous Buzios-Cabo Frio dyke swarm (BCFDS) represents the easternmost pre-rift magmatism within the Campos Basin's onshore basement. This magmatism is associated with the break-up of Gondwana and subsequent opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Whole-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and petrography suggest an AFC evolutionary process for this low-TiO2 (

  • Tectonic inheritances in rifts: The meaning of NNE lineaments in the continental rift of SE-Brazil
    João Paulo Giro, Julio Almeida, Eliane Guedes, and Henrique Bruno

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract The effect of previous structures inheritance is known to be important in the development of tectonic rifts. A series of overlapping structures generally can be represented by lineaments marking the successive tectonic events. We studied the NNE structural lineaments corridor in the central region of the Ribeira Belt. We used a digital elevation model (DEM) and new and previous fieldwork data to investigate the structural control of such lineaments and their relevance for the Brazilian continental margin. Our results suggest that the NNE direction is a crustal weakness zone characterising corridors of intense ductile and brittle deformation which was recurrently reactivated. Aligned NNE Neoproterozoic-Ordovician ductile and brittle structures as foliations, shear zones, lithological boundaries, and fractures filled by pegmatitic veins coincide with the lineaments. During the Cretaceous rift, a transtensional sinistral regime generated NNE T-fractures filled by mafic dykes. In the Cenozoic, the NNE direction is represented by transfer and domino faults developed within a mega accommodation zone in an intracontinental rift system. Our results suggest that the NNE direction was active in this region throughout the Phanerozoic and has high relevance for the structural development of the continental margin of southeastern Brazil.

  • Martin Vaz island geochronology: Constraint on the Trindade Mantle Plume track from the youngest and easternmost volcanic episodes
    Anderson Costa dos Santos, João Mata, Fred Jourdan, Sérgio Willians de Oliveira Rodrigues, Lucas Guimarães Pereira Monteiro, Eliane Guedes, Leonardo Benedini, and Mauro César Geraldes

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract The oceanic basins are dotted by seamounts, guyots and islands formed by the mantle plumes and oceanic lithosphere interaction. These plumes are responsible for several intraplate volcanisms such as the Emperor-Hawaii Chain in the Pacific Ocean with a remarkable bend at ca. 47 Ma. Comparatively, the Vitoria-Trindade Ridge (VTR) in the South Atlantic Ocean was also generated by a mantle plume and in response to the lithosphere interaction and tectonic settings it shows three remarkable bends through time. One occurred after 85 Ma associated with the Trindade plume tail movement under the Archean Sao Francisco Craton, and another one ca. 52 Ma after the formation of the Abrolhos Bank in the Brazilian platform ( Mohriak, 1989 ; Thompson et al., 1998) when the Trindade Plume encountered a thinner lithosphere in the Brazilian coast and formed a chain of seamounts and islands of W-E direction. The last bend marked in the Trindade plume trajectory is ca. 20o00′lat, around Davis Bank, marking a Miocene (21.07 Ma - 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock method) subtle clockwise rotation in the South American Plate. The easternmost part of this ridge is composed of Trindade-Martin Vaz Archipelago subject of this study. Located ca. 1200 km away from the Brazilian coastline at the Vitoria (ES) parallel, its geology is an important preserved record of an alkaline Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanism, the youngest one recorded in the Brazilian territory. Martin Vaz and the nearby islets are located on the easternmost part of the VTR. Its geological features include phono-tephritic to tephri-phonolitic domes; nosean-phonolitic dykes and sub-horizontal layers formed by pyroclastic rocks and subordinate lava flows (melanephelinites) of Volcanian-style magmatism (mostly). 40Ar/39Ar ages yielded values ranging from 336 to 721 ka representing a young and short period of intraplate magmatic activity in the South American Plate offshore. These new ages associated with compiled radioisotopic ages from onshore and offshore volcanic rocks represent a strong decreasing age correlation related to Trindade Mantle Plume. Moreover, Trindade-Martin Vaz Archipelago is a contemporaneous product of a terminal plume expression in the offshore portion of a long-lived track (ca. 90 Ma) with a slow shear velocity (VS) placing its origin at the Upper Mantle suggesting a shallow mantle plume rising from the asthenosphere.

  • “Meninas com Ciência” lives and resists for Brazil’s National Museum / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    Luciana Witovisk, Luciana Barbosa Carvalho, Eliane Guedes, Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto, Bárbara Da Silva Maciel, Priscila Joana Gonçalves de Paula, Uiara Gomes Cabral, Gisele Rhis Figueiredo, Sarah Siqueira da Cruz Guimarães Sousa, Silvia Maria Teixeira Silveira,et al.

    Instituto de Geociencias - UFRJ
    O curso de extensao “Meninas com Ciencia” e uma acao concebida e executada pelas mulheres do Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia do Museu Nacional (MN/UFRJ), voltado para alunas do 6o ao 9o ano do Ensino Fundamental, de escolas publicas e particulares. Ocorre desde 2017, em edicoes semestrais, com oficinas praticas e ludicas em Geociencias. Aqui, sao apresentados o historico do curso, as atualizacoes ao metodo, avaliacoes de acesso e permanencia das alunas, alem das perspectivas futuras. O objetivo deste trabalho e inspirar novas iniciativas, democratizando o acesso as acoes de divulgacao no pais. Desde sua criacao, o curso enfrentou diversos desafios; entre eles, a perda de toda a sua estrutura fisica, durante o incendio do MN/UFRJ, mas a equipe persiste e, ao longo de seis edicoes, teve 2333 inscritas e ofertou 455 vagas. Alem disso, e crescente o interesse de outras instituicoes em replicar o modelo. Ate o momento, “Meninas com Ciencia” inspirou, com sucesso, a execucao de sete acoes semelhantes nos estados de Sao Paulo, Distrito Federal e Para, o que corrobora a receptividade da sociedade e a importância destas iniciativas voltadas as questoes de genero. Este trabalho demonstra que e possivel realizar divulgacao cientifica de qualidade e gratuita, mesmo sob condicoes adversas e com baixo orcamento. Ainda, traz os desafios em popularizar o acesso de meninas de diferentes condicoes, sociais e economicas, ao curso. Em 2020, em virtude da pandemia do novo coronavirus, as duas edicoes previstas estao suspensas. Porem, a partir desta adversidade, “Meninas com Ciencia” cresce e torna-se um projeto de extensao. Trata-se de uma estrutura maior e permanente, que abriga: a) o curso presencial, que sera retomado assim que possivel; b) um canal online direto com a sociedade, visando propor atividades, tirar duvidas sobre Geociencias, conversar sobre as experiencias de mulheres cientistas, etc. e c) a criacao de linhas de pesquisa em extensao.

  • Characterisation and tectonic implications of the Early Cretaceous, Skeleton Coast Dyke Swarm, NW Namibia
    M. McMaster, J. Almeida, M. Heilbron, E. Guedes, M.A. Mane, and J.H. Linus

    Elsevier BV
    The Early Cretaceous, Skeleton Coast Dyke Swarm (SCDS) was intruded into Permo-Carboniferous sediments of the Karoo Supergroup, Pan-African granites, Neoproterozoic metasediments, and Archean to Mesoproterozoic gneisses of the Kaoko Belt, NW Namibia. Aeromagnetic data and satellite imagery has been used to map the distribution of the generally coast parallel mafic dykes along with a significant number of dykes that cut across Pan-African structures of the Kaoko Belt. Dykes of the SCDS were mapped for some 500 km along the Skeleton Coast of NW Namibia and up to 200 km inland, and with a likely continuation into Angola. The geochemistry and published geochronological data suggest that the majority of the dykes are related to the Etendeka volcanics. These volcanics, together with the basalt and rhyolite lava flows and associated mafic dyke swarms of S-SE Brazil, form the Parana-Etendeka magmatic province of Early Cretaceous age. Geochemical analysis of 26 dykes show that the majority of the dykes are Low-TiO 2 quartz tholeiites of two types: 1) qtz-tholeiites enriched in LREE [(La/Yb)N - 3.43 to 6.46]; & 2) qtz-tholeiites with REE patterns similar to E-MORB [(La/Yb)N

  • Geochemical and temporal provinciality of the magmatism of the eastern Parnaíba Basin, NE Brazil
    Monica Heilbron, Eliane Guedes, Miguel Mane, Claudio de Morisson Valeriano, Miguel Tupinambá, Júlio Almeida, Luiz Guilherme do Eirado Silva, Beatriz Paschoal Duarte, Jorge Carlos Dela Favera, and Adriano Viana

    Geological Society of London
    AbstractThis paper presents new field, petrographic, geophysical, geochemical and geochronological data for the felsic and mafic magmatism of the eastern Parnaíba Basin, integrating previously published data with new surface data acquired within the scope of the Cooperation Program developed by UERJ-Petrobras. New precise 40Ar–39Ar Cambrian ages (c. 508–506 Ma) were obtained for the felsic volcanic to subvolcanic rocks associated with intracontinental rift sediments in the São Raimundo Nonato area in the SE of the basin. The new results include the detection of three different basic magmatic pulses at c. 181, 126 and 118 Ma, related, respectively, to Central Atlantic Magmatic Province magmatism, the Sardinha large igneous province and the break-up period for the equatorial basins. The eastern side of the basin contrasts with the western side and shows a predominance of outcropping sills of Sardinha age. Most of these rocks are quartz tholeiites, but two samples (c. 118 Ma) are olivine tholeiites. This paper provides the first description of a clear chemical provinciality of the Sardinha tholeiitic magmatism in the eastern Parnaíba Basin, similar to that described in the Paraná Basin. Low-TiO2 suites, independent of age, occur on the northwestern side of the Senador Pompéu–Coccoci lineament, whereas high-TiO2 suites, including the Ceará Mirim dyke swarm in the basement to the east, are located SE of this lineament. The duality of geochemical signatures reproduces the basement signatures of the opposite sides of the Senador Pompéu suture zone, suggesting, at least in part, that the composition of the sub-lithospheric continental mantle of these two domains played a part in the development of Cretaceous magmatism in the Parnaíba Basin.Supplementary material: Geophysical and geochemical data provided by Petrobras and subsequent analysis. Supplementary material available online at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4117985

  • Course “girls with science”: Potentials of geology and paleontology’s popularization from a gender perspective

    Instituto de Geociencias - UFRJ
    O curso de extensao “Meninas com Ciencia: Geologia, Paleontologia e Genero no Museu Nacional/UFRJ” nasceu da percepcao que a divulgacao cientifica para criancas e jovens no Brasil deveria criar estrategias para despertar o interesse das meninas para a Ciencia, uma vez que as iniciativas em curso frequentemente contam com maior participacao masculina. O grande numero de inscricoes revelou o interesse da sociedade por uma acao de divulgacao cientifica com recorte de genero. O curso tem como principal objetivo mostrar as meninas que a Ciencia e feita por pessoas comuns e que, mesmo em areas historicamente masculinas, como as Geociencias, o papel feminino vem crescendo. O objetivo deste trabalho e divulgar o metodo aplicado no curso, composto por atividades teorico-praticas, ludicas e acessiveis sobre Geologia e Paleontologia, com enfoque em exemplos do cotidiano das estudantes. Ainda, espera-se incentivar outras instituicoes a replicarem a ideia ou inspira-las a desenvolver atividades de extensao para diversos publicos. A equipe de trabalho multidisciplinar e composta por professoras, tecnicas, estudantes de graduacao e de pos-graduacao e e um dos grandes diferenciais do projeto, uma vez que as estudantes tem a oportunidade de observar e conviver com cientistas em diferentes fases da carreira. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, tanto e necessaria a interacao entre o ambiente academico e as escolas, como a aplicacao de atividades praticas relacionadas ao cotidiano para melhorar a divulgacao cientifica. Este curso, apesar de recente, teve sua iniciativa e excelencia reconhecidas, com a mencao honrosa recebida no 8o Premio Ibero-Americano de Educacao e Museus e, por isso, faz parte do Banco de Boas Praticas Educativas, mantido pela Ibermuseus.

  • The chemical composition of garnet for sedimentary provenance determination, north coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

    Instituto de Geociencias - UFRJ
    A determinacao da composicao quimica da granada, aliada a identificacao da assembleia de minerais pesados, representa uma importante ferramenta para a determinacao de fontes de sedimentos com maior precisao. Neste trabalho, o segmento litorâneo do norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro, limitado pelas desembocaduras dos rios Paraiba do Sul e Itabapoana, teve sua proveniencia sedimentar estudada por meio da analise da composicao quimica de graos de granada em MEV-EDS, integrada a identificacao da assembleia de minerais pesados e suas caracteristicas texturais. Os sedimentos apresentam-se angulosos a subangulosos, euedricos a subedricos, com faces bem definidas, indicando pouco retrabalhamento por transporte, e consequentemente uma area-fonte proximal. Os graos de granada aparecem como fragmentos irregulares, angulosos e a maioria nao apresenta zoneamento composicional ou inclusoes solidas. A granada das amostras apresenta predominio de moleculas de almandina e piropo, indicando que as principais rochas-fonte dos sedimentos representam terrenos metamorficos de alto grau, com contribuicoes de granitoides e metabasitos. Sugere-se que as principais rochas-fonte dos graos de granada estudados corresponderiam aos paragnaisses do Grupo Sao Fidelis do Dominio Costeiro, Terreno Oriental do Orogeno Ribeira e aos granitoides que intrudem os litotipos deste dominio. Intercalacoes de anfibolitos seriam fontes subordinadas.

  • Collections inside a collection: The contribution to the assembly of the museu nacional do rio de janeiro petrographic collection

    Instituto de Geociencias - UFRJ
    Desde sua fundacao em 1818, o Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro recebeu inumeras contribuicoes que gradativamente enriqueceram seu acervo em geral. Produtos antropologicos, zoologicos, botânicos e geologicos, tanto do territorio nacional, coletados por naturalistas viajantes, como oriundos de diversos paises, particularmente europeus e norteamericanos, eram enviados ao museu por inumeros especialistas. No que tange as colecoes geologicas e, particularmente, ao acervo petrograico, o papel de naturalistas e geologos estrangeiros, como o Barao de Eschwege, Friedrich Sellow, Charles Frederick Hartt, Orville Adelbert Derby e Claude-Henry Gorceix, foi fundamental para o enriquecimento das colecoes petrograficas, assim como a contribuicao de instituicoes estrangeiras e a inclusao de exemplares da colecao particular do imperador Pedro II, conhecida como Museu do Imperador. Este trabalho ressalta a contribuicao desses pesquisadores, enfatizando a importância tanto historica como cientiica do acervo petrograico recebido pelo Museu Nacional no decorrer do seculo XIX e nas primeiras decadas do seculo XX.

  • Grain size and heavy minerals of northern Rio De Janeiro state beaches (Se Brazil): Sediment distribution and deposition conditions
    Sarah Siqueira da Cruz Guimarães Sousa, João Wagner de Alencar Castro, and Eliane Guedes

    UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista
    Os depósitos litorâneos de minerais pesados têm sua gênese associada aos processos de intemperismo, erosão, transporte e deposição de sedimentos. Ao serem depositados pelos rios nas regiões costeiras, os sedimentos interagem com ondas e correntes de deriva litorânea, em associação com as variações do nível relativo do mar. Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar os sedimentos de praia localizados entre as desembocaduras dos rios Itabapoana e Paraíba do sul, com enfoque na distribuição granulométrica e ocorrência de minerais pesados. Foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos nos ambientes de ante-praia, praia e pós-praia de 10 pontos distribuídos ao longo do litoral. As amostras passaram por análises granulométricas e o conteúdo de minerais pesados foi identificado e quantificado. Os sedimentos são moderadamente selecionados, com predomínio de areia média nos pontos mais próximos às desembocaduras dos rios e areia fina e muito fina no restante dos pontos. Os minerais pesados mais abundantes são: ilmenita, limonita, anfibólio e apatita. Os grãos apresentam-se, de modo geral, subangulosos e angulosos, bem preservados, indicando transporte fluvial de curta distância. Como as praias da região são de baixa a média energia, as ondas exercem pouca influência no retrabalhamento dos grãos, possibilitando que os grãos apresentem características fluviais.

  • Evidence of Gondwana early rifting process recorded by Resende-Ilha Grande Dike Swarm, southern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Eliane Guedes, Monica Heilbron, Claudio de Morisson Valeriano, Julio César Horta de Almeida, and Peter Szatmari

    Elsevier BV
    Continental flood basalts and dike swarm have been related to continental breakup process through geological time. The Resende – Ilha Grande Dike swarm (RIGDS) located in the southeast Brazil, is related the Gondwana breakup and composed of dikes/sills intruded in Precambrian gneiss. The dikes have three distinguish orientations: NNW more inland; NS-NNE in the central segment and NE orientation in the coast line, consistent with Precambrian structural lineaments. The swarm comprises high-TiO2 tholeiitic basalts divided into three suites based on REE and Sr and Nd isotope data. The Resende and Volta Redonda suites present higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7077 and 0.7065, while Angra dos Reis suite presents values of 0.7066 to 0.7057. Geochemical and isotopic data support the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) as the main source for the high-TiO2 basalts. The suites heterogeneities are explained by different compositions of SCLM in accreted Precambrian terranes and/or different degree of partial melting and fractional. 40Ar/39Ar data indicate age interval between ca. 156 to 144 Ma for the swarm, older than the average for Gondwana breakup (ca. 130-120 Ma). The age interval places the RIGDS between the Karoo magmatism (181-178 Ma) and the Parana-Etendeka magmatism (133–134 Ma) and indicates that extensional process affected the supercontinent prior the break-up.

  • Beachrocks from the Cabo Frio Island: Unique geological record of the pleistocene - holocene transition in Rio de Janeiro State

    Instituto de Geociencias - UFRJ
    The Cabo Frio Island, Rio de Janeiro State, southeast Brazil shows four bodies of beachrocks, emerged up to +1.5 m and submerged down to - 4.5 m. These bodies are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coastline. Beachrock is beach sediment that has been cemented within the intertidal zone. Like the beach itself, it represents a transition between the marine and meteoric environments, where it is commonly elected by processes from each. Because beachrock is lithified within the intertidal zone and because it commonly forms in a few years, its potential as an indicator of past sea level is important. Four beachrocks samples were analyzed by polarizing microscope. This study indicated that carbonate elements that constitute most of the samples were at least partly incorporated within the intertidal zone. The adequate method for radiocarbon dating (total sample or cement) was decided according to these observations. The dates obtained from Cabo Frio island beachrocks indicate 4 separate sea level stands: the first one at about + 1.5 m around 13.000 BC, the second one at about 0.0 around 12.500 BC, the third at about - 3.0 m around 11.000 BC and finally the fourth sea level at about - 4.5 m around 10.000 BC. The results suggests that between 13.000 to 11.000 yr BP, a sea level fluctuation was around 6,0 m, corresponding probably to negative fluctuation of - 4.5 m and positive fluctuation of + 1.5 m. On the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil several relative sea level positions are recognized. The more important was the Malhada mash to the north area, a great marine transgression around 5.000 years B.C.

  • K-Ar and <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar ages of dikes emplaced in the onshore basement of the Santos Basin, Resende area, SE Brazil: Implications for the south Atlantic opening and Tertiary reactivation
    Eliane Guedes, Monica Heilbron, Paulo M. Vasconcelos, Cláudio de Morisson Valeriano, Júlio César Horta de Almeida, Wilson Teixeira, and Antonio Thomaz Filho

    Elsevier BV
    New K-Ar and Ar-40/Ar-39 data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9 +/- 2.2 to 160.9 +/- 1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)(N) ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3 +/- 3 to 133.9 +/- 0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate-K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64-59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic-Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Parana Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.