Haimanot B. Atinkut


College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
University of Gondar




Farmers’ willingness-to-pay for eco-friendly agricultural waste management in Ethiopia: A contingent valuation

The abundance of agricultural waste (AW) production following rapid population growth and resource constraints has created an urgent need for sustainable agricultural waste management (AWM) for the welfare of rural society. In Ethiopia, open burning of biomass is common practice after harvest and in household cooking, and smoke and improperly discarded AW are also major problems. However, compared with municipal waste management, AWM is poorly addressed. In this study, we seek to assess the current AWM status, farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP), and the factors affecting WTP for ecofriendly AWM in the Mirab Gojjam, Amhara region of Ethiopia, which has not been studied previously. Data were collected through a contingent valuation survey of 353 randomly selected farmers in early spring 2018. We offered labour days and money as a payment vehicle. The mean annual WTP is 6.84 labour days (eq 273.50 Birr) and 8.20 Birr in monetary value, respectively. The strongly significant

Applications Invited

cognition of agriculture waste and payments for a circular agriculture model in central china

An integrated model combining multi-layer cradle to cradle approach: cost effective, technically sound, and bioenvironmental cutting-edge agricultural waste assessment technologies are lacking; to address this gap, the study proposes circular agriculture model (CAM) to support an integrated, bio-based, sustainable and broadly applicable rural society. CAM is an innovative, quasi-public product, bio-commodity, and concept. This study uses survey data on the Chinese province of Hubei to consider the returning of crop residues to the soil and manure for compost or biogas production (first-generation biorefinery). It explores farmers’ environmental understanding and their willingness to pay (WTP) under a “polluter pays” principle. Factors, including education, infrastructure, trust in family-neighbors, and environmental attitudes, have a significant effect on WTP. Moreover, income, sustainability-recycling behavior, environmental perception, perceived usefulness-easiness, and trust-in-gove

Applications Invited

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications


  • A leisure or livelihood strategy? Understanding nonfarm activities and income effects in rural Ethiopia
    AA Yaried, KA Abate, HB Atinkut
    Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-21 2024

  • Comparative financial profitability of agroforestry and cereal monocropping practices in Northwestern Ethiopia
    M Tebkew, Z Asfaw, A Worku, H Atinkut

  • Measuring integrated smallholder soil fertility management practices in Megech watershed, Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia
    AB Dessie, TM Mekie, TM Abate, AS Belgu, MA Zeleke, DG Eshete, ...
    Heliyon 9 (5) 2023

  • The impact of precise poverty alleviation policies on the vulnerability of farm households to poverty: Research based on micro big data
    S Qin, J Guo, HB Atinkut, C Yang
    Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Symposium on Big Data and 2022

  • Impact of forest decentralization on sustainable forest management and livelihoods in East Africa
    M Tebkew, HB Atinkut
    Trees, Forests and People 10, 100346 2022

  • Hydrological modeling, impact of land-use and land-cover change on hydrological process and sediment yield; case study in Jedeb and Chemoga watersheds
    SY Birhanu, MA Moges, BG Sinshaw, AK Tefera, HB Atinkut, HM Fenta, ...
    Energy Nexus 5, 100051 2022

  • Watershed-based soil erosion and sediment yield modeling in the Rib watershed of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    BG Sinshaw, AM Belete, BM Mekonen, TG Wubetu, TL Anley, ...
    Energy Nexus 3, 100023 2021

  • Groundwater quality evaluation of the alluvial aquifers using GIS and water quality indices in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    AK Tefera, AB Wassie, BG Sinshaw, DT Defersha, TA Takele, SB Atanaw, ...
    Groundwater for Sustainable Development 14, 100636 2021

  • Prioritization of potential soil erosion susceptibility region Using fuzzy Logic and Analytical Hierarchy process, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    Water-Energy Nexus 4 2021

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles. Ethiopia. Environ
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut
    Challen 2, 100009 2021

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environ Challenges 2: 100009
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut
    Environmental Challenges 2, 100009 2021

  • Farmers’ willingness-to-pay for eco-friendly agricultural waste management in Ethiopia: A contingent valuation
    HB Atinkut, T Yan, Y Arega, MH Raza
    Journal of cleaner production 261, 121211 2020

  • Cognition of agriculture waste and payments for a circular agriculture model in Central China
    HB Atinkut, T Yan, F Zhang, S Qin, H Gai, Q Liu
    Scientific Reports 10 (1), 10826 2020

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environmental Challenges, 2, 100009
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, GB Sinshaw, BH Atinkut

  • Soil water dynamics on irrigated garlic and pepper crops using Hydrus–1D model in the Lake Tana-Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia
    E Bekele, S Tilahun, A Beyene, S Asres, B Geremew, H Atinkut
    Advances of Science and Technology: 7th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2020

  • Spatial analysis of groundwater potential using GIS based multi criteria decision analysis method in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
    AT Kindie, T Enku, MA Moges, BS Geremew, HB Atinkut
    Advances of Science and Technology: 6th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2019

  • Factors influencing consumers choice of street-foods and fast-foods in China
    HB Atinkut, Y Tingwu, B Gebisa, S Qin, K Assefa, B Yazie, T Melese, ...
    African Journal of Marketing Management 10 (4), 28-39 2018

  • Analysis of Organic and Green Food Production and Consumption Trends in China
    ABH Gebisa Etea Bekele , Deyi Zhou, Assefa Abebe Kidane
    Am. J. Theor. Appl. Bus. 3 (4), 64-70 2017

  • Does domestic migration have a challenge? Evidence from Northwestern Ethiopia
    A Kibrom, A Haimanot, Y Sisay, P Tigist
    International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 9 (3), 28-34 2017


  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut
    Environmental Challenges 2, 100009 2021
    Citations: 123

  • Farmers’ willingness-to-pay for eco-friendly agricultural waste management in Ethiopia: A contingent valuation
    HB Atinkut, T Yan, Y Arega, MH Raza
    Journal of cleaner production 261, 121211 2020
    Citations: 99

  • Cognition of agriculture waste and payments for a circular agriculture model in Central China
    HB Atinkut, T Yan, F Zhang, S Qin, H Gai, Q Liu
    Scientific Reports 10 (1), 10826 2020
    Citations: 56

  • Spatial analysis of groundwater potential using GIS based multi criteria decision analysis method in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
    AT Kindie, T Enku, MA Moges, BS Geremew, HB Atinkut
    Advances of Science and Technology: 6th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2019
    Citations: 54

  • Prioritization of potential soil erosion susceptibility region Using fuzzy Logic and Analytical Hierarchy process, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    Water-Energy Nexus 4 2021
    Citations: 39

  • Watershed-based soil erosion and sediment yield modeling in the Rib watershed of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    BG Sinshaw, AM Belete, BM Mekonen, TG Wubetu, TL Anley, ...
    Energy Nexus 3, 100023 2021
    Citations: 35

  • Factors influencing consumers choice of street-foods and fast-foods in China
    HB Atinkut, Y Tingwu, B Gebisa, S Qin, K Assefa, B Yazie, T Melese, ...
    African Journal of Marketing Management 10 (4), 28-39 2018
    Citations: 29

  • Analysis of Organic and Green Food Production and Consumption Trends in China
    ABH Gebisa Etea Bekele , Deyi Zhou, Assefa Abebe Kidane
    Am. J. Theor. Appl. Bus. 3 (4), 64-70 2017
    Citations: 25

  • Groundwater quality evaluation of the alluvial aquifers using GIS and water quality indices in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    AK Tefera, AB Wassie, BG Sinshaw, DT Defersha, TA Takele, SB Atanaw, ...
    Groundwater for Sustainable Development 14, 100636 2021
    Citations: 23

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environmental Challenges, 2, 100009
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, GB Sinshaw, BH Atinkut
    Citations: 13

  • Impact of forest decentralization on sustainable forest management and livelihoods in East Africa
    M Tebkew, HB Atinkut
    Trees, Forests and People 10, 100346 2022
    Citations: 10

  • Farmers’ investment on sustainable agricultural practices: evidence from Amhara Region, Ethiopia
    HB Atinkut, AK Bedri, AK Sentayehu, D Warren
    American Journal of Life Sciences 5 (2), 38-45 2017
    Citations: 8

  • Hydrological modeling, impact of land-use and land-cover change on hydrological process and sediment yield; case study in Jedeb and Chemoga watersheds
    SY Birhanu, MA Moges, BG Sinshaw, AK Tefera, HB Atinkut, HM Fenta, ...
    Energy Nexus 5, 100051 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environ Challenges 2: 100009
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut
    Citations: 7

  • The determinant factors for internal migration in rural areas of North Gondar: The case of Dabat District
    A Kibrom, A Haimanot, Y Sisay, P Tigist
    J. Radix Int. Educ. Res. Consortium 4 (8), 2250-3994 2015
    Citations: 7

  • Soil water dynamics on irrigated garlic and pepper crops using Hydrus–1D model in the Lake Tana-Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia
    E Bekele, S Tilahun, A Beyene, S Asres, B Geremew, H Atinkut
    Advances of Science and Technology: 7th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Adoption of conservation agricultural practices: the case of Dangila District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
    HA Bazezew
    Global Journal of Agricultural Economics Extension and Rural Development 3 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Measuring integrated smallholder soil fertility management practices in Megech watershed, Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia
    AB Dessie, TM Mekie, TM Abate, AS Belgu, MA Zeleke, DG Eshete, ...
    Heliyon 9 (5) 2023
    Citations: 5

  • Measuring integrated smallholder soil fertility management practices in Megech watershed, Tana sub-basin Ethiopia. Heliyon. 2023
    AB Dessie, TM Mekie, TM Abate, AS Belgu, MA Zeleke, DG Eshete, ...

    Citations: 5

  • Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles. Ethiopia. Environ
    YS Kebede, NT Endalamaw, BG Sinshaw, HB Atinkut
    Challen 2, 100009 2021
    Citations: 4