- Development of a Novel Gluten-Free Cookie Premix Enriched with Natural Flours Using an Extreme Vertices Design: Physical, Sensory, Rheological, and Antioxidant CharacteristicsS Ferradji, H Bourekoua, F Djeghim, R Ayad, M Krajewska, R RżyłoApplied Sciences 14 (22), 10391 2024
- Breadmaking and protein characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes tolerant against drought and heat in Algeria.H Mahroug, A Mouellef, H Bourekoua, F Djeghim, H Chenchouni, ...AIMS Agriculture & Food 9 (2) 2024
- Physicochemical, Functional, Antioxidant, Pasting and FT-IR Spectroscopic Properties of Fermented Acorns and Sorghum Using Traditional Algerian ProcessesR Belmouloud, H Bourekoua, AgnieszkaWjtowicz, H Mahroug, R Ayad, ...processes 12 (1647) 2024
- New Coagulant Proteases for Cheesemaking from Leaves and Latex of the Spontaneous Plant Pergularia tomentosa: Biochemical Characterization of CoagulantsI Leulmi, MN Zidoune, K Hafid, F Djeghim, H Bourekoua, D Dziki, ...Foods 12 (13), 2467 2023
- Development of Energy-Rich and Fiber-Rich Bars Based on Puffed and Non-Puffed CerealsH Bourekoua, F Djeghim, R Ayad, A Benabdelkader, A Bouakkaz, D Dziki, ...Processes 11 (3), 813 2023
- Process Optimization of Phytoantioxidant and Photoprotective Compounds from Carob Pods (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Using Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction MethodR Ayad, R Ayad, H Bourekoua, M Lefahal, EH Makhloufi, S Akkal, ...Molecules 27 (24), 8802 2022
- Monitoring of expansion and bubble evolution of wheat bread dough during leavening using liquid nitrogen followed by freeze-drying and image analysis.H Bourekoua, F Djeghim, MN Zidoune 2022
- Black cumin pressing waste material as a functional additive for starch breadR Rżyło, J Piekut, M Wjcik, K Kozłowicz, M Smolewska, M Krajewska, ...Materials 14 (16), 4560 2021
- Effect of by-products from selected fruits and vegetables on gluten-free dough rheology and bread propertiesF Djeghim, H Bourekoua, R Rżyło, A Bieńczak, W Tanaś, MN ZidouneApplied Sciences 11 (10), 4605 2021
- Acerola fruit as a natural antioxidant ingredient for gluten-free bread: An approach to improve bread qualityH Bourekoua, U Gawlik-Dziki, R Rżyło, MN Zidoune, D DzikiFood Science and Technology International 27 (1), 13-21 2021
- Effet de la poudre des grains de grenade sur les proprits antioxydantes du pain sans gluten destin aux malades cœliaquesH Bourekoua, R Rżyło, U Gawlik-Dziki, L Benatallah, MN Zidoune, ...Nutrition Clinique et Mtabolisme 32 (4), 253-254 2018
- Effect of pregelatinized corn and rice flour on specific volume of gluten-free traditional Algerian bread KhobzEddar using central composite designMNZ Fairouz Djeghim, Hayat Bourekoua, Leila BenatallahAfrican Journal of Food Science 12, 272-282 2018
- Characteristics of gluten-free bread: quality improvement by the addition of starches/hydrocolloids and their combinations using a definitive screening designH Bourekoua, R Rżyło, L Benatallah, A Wjtowicz, G Łysiak, ...European food research and technology 244, 345-354 2018
- Evaluation of physical, sensorial, and antioxidant properties of gluten-free bread enriched with Moringa Oleifera leaf powderH Bourekoua, R Rżyło, U Gawlik-Dziki, L Benatallah, MN Zidoune, ...European Food Research and Technology 244, 189-195 2018
- Panification traditionnelle sans gluten type khobz eddar: formulation avec amliorants naturelsH Bourekoua 2018
- Pomegranate seed powder as a functional component of gluten‐free bread (Physical, sensorial and antioxidant evaluation)H Bourekoua, R Rżyło, U Gawlik‐Dziki, L Benatallah, MN Zidoune, ...International Journal of Food Science & Technology 53, 1906–1913 2018
- DURUM WHEAT BREAD: FLOW DIAGRAM AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL ALGERIAN BREAD KHOBZ EDDARH Bourekoua, F Djeghim, L Benatallah, MN Zidoune, A Wjtowicz, ...Acta Agrophisica 24 (3), 405-417 2017
- Improving Bread Quality with the Application of a Newly Purified Thermostable α-Amylase from Rhizopus oryzae FSIS4A Ait Kaki El-Hadef El-Okki, M Gagaoua, H Bourekoua, K Hafid, ...Foods 6 (1), 1 2017
- Developing gluten free bakery improvers by hydrothermal treatment of rice and corn floursH Bourekoua, L Benatallah, MN Zidoune, CM RosellLwt 73, 342-350 2016
- Mise au point d’une technique pour le suivi des cintiques de fermentation de ptes boulangres avec et sans gluten.H Bourekoua, MN ZidouneUniversit Frres Mentouri-Constantine 1 2013