Dr. Inna Vassileva Dimitrova


Lecturer/ Comprehensive Studies Department
University of Library Studies and Information Technology

2015-2016 (jan-jun) Old Bulgarian palaeography and codicology. Theory of writing and script. (prof. Heinz Miklas) – Vienna University, Philosophy and History Dept., Institute for Slavic Studies.
2016-2017 Erazmus Plus – research exchange – “Konstantine the Philosopher” University – Nitra, Slovakia.
Vienna University – ( lecture ) 13.12.2016. : Which Is The First Glagolitic Letter? (Insights Into The Origin Of The First Slavic Script)(Inna Dimitrova). // Institut für Slawistik, Uniwersität Wien, Diskussionsrunde.
Vienna University - (seminar) 2.05.2017.: Alphabet Symbolism and Philosophy (Inna Dimitrova, Lubos Lukovini). //Institut für Slawistik, Uniwersität Wien, Diskussionsrunde.


• English philology – SU” Ochridski”, Sofia – magister (2007) qualification: philologist, teacher of English language and Literature.
• Slavic Studies - SU” Ochridski”, Sofia – magister (2009-2011) qualification: specialist in Palaeobulgarian Studies (Palaeobulgarian Studies in the context of Byzantine literature). Mag. Thesis, 2011: „Опити за тълкуване на глаголицата в символен аспект“ – магистърска теза //Архив катедра „Кирилометодиевистика“, СУ „Св.Климент Охридски“.
• Dissertation - Bulgarian Academy of Science, The Cyrillo-Methodian Research Center – 12.12.2019 dissertation in the field 2.1 Philology. Theory and history of literature. Topic: "Contemporary theories of the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet" under scientific guidance of Prof. Heinz Miklas (Vienna University).


Multidisciplinary, Arts and Humanities, Literature and Literary Theory, Language and Linguistics


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Decrease the time for classification of the incoming signals from BCI
    Georgi P. Dimitrov, Galina Panayotova, Eugenia Kovatcheva, Pavel Petrov, Magdalena Garvanova, Snejana Petrova, Inna Dimitrova, and Olexiy S. Bychkov

    In the recent years the attention to Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) devices and their potential for decoding human brain signals have risen considerably. However, a number of issues related to the classification of received signals still remain unresolved. This study focuses on increasing the speed of classification of data obtained from the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), without significantly affecting the accuracy of processing and classification. Our research team focuses on the possibilities to reduce the number of channels as one of the potential factors for increasing the speed of incoming data classification. Experimental data is obtained by using Emotiv Epoc 14+. For data processing we used Python. The data is classified with K-Neighbors algorithm.

  • Analysis and Interpretation of Empirical Data Obtained by BCI Epoc 14

  • Increasing the Classification Accuracy of EEG based Brain-computer Interface Signals
    Georgi Dimitrov, Pavel Petrov, Inna Dimitrova, Galina Panayotova, Ivan Garvanov, Olexiy Bychkov, Eugenia Kovatcheva, and Pepa Petrova

    In the recent years the attention to Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) devices and their potential for decoding human brain signals have risen considerably. The achieved results find application in the spheres of medicine, Smart IoT, machinery management, automobiles etc. In this article our team research the impact of additional visual stimulation on the accuracy of the classification of human brain signals. Experimental data is obtained by using Emotiv Epoc 14+. The data is processed in OpenVibe platform. The results of the research show considerable quality improvement in classifier training when additional visual stimulation is introduced. This leads to improved accuracy of incoming signal classification when applied in practice.

  • Identification of EEG Brain Waves Obtained by Emotive Device
    Georgi P. Dimitrov, Magdalena Garvanova, Eugenia Kovatcheva, Kristian V. Aleksiev, and Inna Dimitrova

    The Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) is a technology that allows users to submit command to devices by focusing on which action the user wants to do. Using appropriate classification methods, brainwaves data can be used as a digital command to the computer, eliminating the need from classic GUI and commands to control devices. But one of the main problems in the processing of these signals is the preliminary determination of exactly which signals carry useful information containing the necessary commands. The purpose of this study is the show result from one approach to preliminary classification brain wave signals and to distinguish them with great precision when performing activities. In this research, we use an EMOTIV Epoc (14 channel) device. The results of the study show the need for pre-processing of signals coming from BCI devices. This can significantly reduce the amount of data for further processing since we can exclude further processing of data from those channels that do not contain important information. As a result, the processing speed and the percentage of correct recognizable commands increase.


2020a: Миклас, Х., Димитрова, И. Глаголически изследвания – съвременно състояние и перспективи. //Седми международен колоквиум по старобългаристика. Унив.изд. Св.Климент Охридски, 2020, 230-238. [Glagolitic research - current state and perspectives. H. Miklas, I. Dimitrova. - In: Sedmi mezhdumaroden kolokvium po starobulgaristika. . "Sv. Kliment Ohridski” , 2020, 230-238.]
2020b: За датата на създаване на славянската писменост според Черноризец Храбър. //Научни трудове на УниБИТ, 18, 2020, 430-437. [The date of the creation of Slavic letters, according to Monk Hrabar. - In: Proceedings of ULSIT, 18, 2020, . (in
2020c: Създаването на глаголицата като културен феномен.// Общество на знанието и хуманизмът на XXI век. 18-та национална научна конференция с международно участие, София, 1-2 Ноември, 2020. с. 101-110. [The creation of the Glagolitic alphabet as a cultural phenomenon. //The Society of Knowledge and Humanism of the XXI Century, XVIII National Scientific Conference with International Participation, Sofia, 1-2 November 2020, pp. 101-110.]
2021a: Глаголицата в съвременните изследвания. Теории за произхода на глаголицата. София, За Буквите-О писменехь, 2021, с.285. [The Glagolitic alphabet in contemporary studies. Theories for the Origin of Glagolitic alphabet. /Glagolicata v savremennite izsledvanija. Teorii za proizhoda na Glagolicata. (monograph)/ Sofia: Za Bukvite – O pismeneh, 2021, 285.]