

Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, Cairo. - Institute of Islamic Rituals Evaluators


Step into the digital realm crafted by Oliver, a luminary of pixels and a virtuoso of code. Oliver's canvas is an immersive space where creativity and technology converge harmoniously. Through the lens, he captures the essence of fleeting moments, weaving visual tales that resonate with depth and emotion. Beyond the visual storytelling, Oliver delves into the intricate language of coding, sculpting virtual landscapes that redefine the boundaries of innovation. Join Oliver on this digital journey, where every click and line of code contributes to an unfolding masterpiece of self-expression. Immerse yourself in his online haven, a space where creativity thrives, and the internet transforms into an expansive canvas for boundless exploration. 🌐💡📸


Horticulture, Soil Science, Horticulture, Horticulture


Publishing in Scopus-indexed journals can enhance the visibility and credibility of your research. Here are some ideas to consider for Scopus publications:

1. **Literature Review and Meta-Analysis:**
Conduct a comprehensive literature review on a specific topic in your field. Alternatively, perform a meta-analysis synthesizing data from multiple studies to provide new insights.

2. **Case Studies and Applications:**
Present case studies showcasing the practical application of theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios. This can offer valuable insights for practitioners.

3. **Interdisciplinary Research:**
Collaborate with researchers from other disciplines to explore interdisciplinary topics. This approach often leads to innovative solutions and attracts a wider audience.

4. **Longitudinal Studies:**
Conduct longitudinal studies to observe trends and changes over an extended period. This type of research can provide valuable insights into the evolution of phenomena.

5. **Survey and Questionnaire-Based Studies:**
Develop surveys or questionnaires to collect data from a large sample. Analyze the results to draw conclusions and offer recommendations based on the findings.

6. **Innovative Technologies:**
Explore the impact of emerging technologies in your field. This could include studies on the adoption of artificial intelligence, blockchain, or other cutting-edge technologies.

7. **Comparative Studies:**
Conduct comparative studies between different