Ioan Seghedi

Institutul de Geodinamica al Academiei Romane

Author and co-author of 121 published scientific articles, 55 in ISI ranked journals;
- Author, co-author or editor of 30 contribution in published scientific thematic volumes;
- Author and co-author of 170 published abstracts at national and international conferences or
- Author and co-author of ~ 132 professional reports;
- More than 2000 citations in the national and international geological literature;
- Author and co-author of 7 sheets from The Geological Map of Romania, scale 1:50.000.
- According to Thomson Reuters, Hirsch index=25
- In 2010 obtaining LUDOVIC MRAZEC prize of Romanian Academy for the article: “The Gătaia
Pleistocene lamproite: a new occurrence at the south eastern edge of the Pannonian Basin,
in: COLTORTI, M. & GREGOIRE, M. (eds) Metasomatism in Oceanic and Continental
Lithospheric Mantle. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 293, 83-100,
doi:10.1144/SP293.5, by Ioan Seghedi, Theodoros Ntaflos, Zoltan Pécskay.


University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geography; PhD- University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geography-1987; Habilitation in Geology at Romanian Academy PhD School, 2018


Fundamental scientific research Involving principally geodynamic studies on the relationships between magmatic activity/processes and geotectonic evolution focused on Carpathian-Pannonian region, Alpine-Himalayan region and North America. Performing petrological and volcanological investigations


Bracco Gartner A. J.J., Seghedi I., Nikogosian I. K. & Mason P. R. D. Asthenosphere induced melting of diverse source regions for East Carpathian post collisional volcanism (2020). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175:54 Impact factor: 3.25
Seghedi I., Besutiu L., Mirea V., Zlagnean L., Popa R-G., Szakács A., Atanasiu L., Pomeran M., Vişan M. 2019. Tectono-magmatic characteristics of post-collisional magmatism: Case study East Carpathians, Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic range. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 293, 106270. Impact factor: 2.615