Juan Jesus Luna Rodriguez


Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y de Computadores / Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba
Profesor Titular de Universidad




Electronics circuits, sensors and instrumentation. Electronics design, modeling and simulation.


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Design and Development of a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) with Open Source Tools for the Processing of Data Monitored in a Set of Photovoltaic (PV) Plants
    David Trillo-Montero, Samuel Cosano-Lucena, Miguel Gonzalez-Redondo, Juan Jesus Luna-Rodriguez, and Isabel Santiago

    The objective of this work has been to implement an orderly, accessible, fast and space-saving storage system that allows the transfer to a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) of all the data corresponding to the monitoring of a set of photovoltaic (PV) systems whose behaviour is to be analysed. The RDBMS consists of a series of linked databases, enabling all PV system information to be stored, and it is scalable so it can be expanded depending on the number of installations to be studied. The data recorded in the plants are found in a large number of very disaggregated files, and with different measured parameters, different formats, nomenclatures, or units of measurement, so the developed system is responsible for homogenising all the information for storage. For this purpose, a procedure has been developed to carry out the automatic transfer of all the data recorded in their corresponding databases. In addition, in this work, a web application called S·lar 2 has been developed to facilitate selective access to all the data once stored in the corresponding tables. This application, which is connected to the designed databases, allows the storage and management of the information coming from the PV plants, in order to determine, among other things, the operation mode of each of the components of these facilities. Using the data already organised, it has also been possible to establish a system for comparing the production of inverters within the same plant in order to have a tool that allows the quick and visual detection of possible deviations between them and thus detect malfunctions in any of the components. The whole procedure has been carried out using free software, such as Maria DB and Python.

  • A Low-Cost IoT Device to Monitor in Real-Time Wine Alcoholic Fermentation Evolution through CO<inf>2</inf> Emissions
    Eduardo Canete-Carmona, Juan-Jose Gallego-Martinez, Cristian Martin, Maria Brox, Juan-Jesus Luna-Rodriguez, and Juan Moreno

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    The alcoholic fermentation is a critical step that should be controlled and monitored to avoid any risks and hazards through the complete winemaking process. Usually, the control of fermentation is afforded by means of physical or chemical analysis carried out in situ or in oenological laboratories. These procedures are very time and workforce consuming and also causes a delay in the decision making by the winemaker. Nevertheless, they can be optimized and automatized by using disruptive technologies solutions as are the Internet of Things (IoT), combined with mini-sensors to autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring. This system has been tested at laboratory scale and the obtained results show that their use provide a low-cost solution to follow in real-time the evolution of the alcoholic fermentation. The information provided by the combination of the CO2 sensors and IoT technologies is very usefully to the winemakers, because it helps to detect the stopping or stuck of fermentation, allowing to react immediately, which is crucial to ensure the elaboration of a wine type with the expected quality.

  • Modeling of photovoltaic cell temperature losses: A review and a practice case in South Spain
    I. Santiago, D. Trillo-Montero, I.M. Moreno-Garcia, V. Pallarés-López, and J.J. Luna-Rodríguez

    Elsevier BV

  • Graphical diagnosis of performances in photovoltaic systems: A case study in southern Spain
    Isabel Santiago, , , , and

    The starting point of the operation and maintenance tasks in photovoltaic plants is the continuous monitoring and supervision of its components. The great amount of registered data requires a major improvement in the ways this information is processed and analyzed to rapidly detect any potential fault, without incurring additional costs. In this paper, a procedure to perform a detailed graphical supported analysis of the operation of photovoltaic installations, based on inverter data, and using a self-developed application, is presented. The program carries out the automated processing of the registered data, providing their access and visualization by means of color maps. These graphs allow a large volume of data set to be simultaneously represented in a readable way, enabling operation and maintenance operators to quickly detect patterns that would require any type of intervention. As a case study, the operation of a grid-connected photovoltaic plant located in southern Spain was studied during a period of three years. The average daily efficiency values of the PV modules and inverters were in the range of 7.6–14.6%, and 73.5–94% respectively. Moreover, the presence of shadings, as well as the hours and days mainly affected by this issue, was easily detected.

  • Honey bee colonies remote monitoring system
    Sergio Gil-Lebrero, Francisco Quiles-Latorre, Manuel Ortiz-López, Víctor Sánchez-Ruiz, Victoria Gámiz-López, and Juan Luna-Rodríguez

    Bees are very important for terrestrial ecosystems and, above all, for the subsistence of many crops, due to their ability to pollinate flowers. Currently, the honey bee populations are decreasing due to colony collapse disorder (CCD). The reasons for CCD are not fully known, and as a result, it is essential to obtain all possible information on the environmental conditions surrounding the beehives. On the other hand, it is important to carry out such information gathering as non-intrusively as possible to avoid modifying the bees’ work conditions and to obtain more reliable data. We designed a wireless-sensor networks meet these requirements. We designed a remote monitoring system (called WBee) based on a hierarchical three-level model formed by the wireless node, a local data server, and a cloud data server. WBee is a low-cost, fully scalable, easily deployable system with regard to the number and types of sensors and the number of hives and their geographical distribution. WBee saves the data in each of the levels if there are failures in communication. In addition, the nodes include a backup battery, which allows for further data acquisition and storage in the event of a power outage. Unlike other systems that monitor a single point of a hive, the system we present monitors and stores the temperature and relative humidity of the beehive in three different spots. Additionally, the hive is continuously weighed on a weighing scale. Real-time weight measurement is an innovation in wireless beehive—monitoring systems. We designed an adaptation board to facilitate the connection of the sensors to the node. Through the Internet, researchers and beekeepers can access the cloud data server to find out the condition of their hives in real time.

  • Implementation of an electronic system to monitor the thermoregulatory capacity of honeybee colonies in hives with open-screened bottom boards
    Víctor Sánchez, Sergio Gil, José M. Flores, Francisco J. Quiles, Manuel A. Ortiz, and Juan J. Luna

    Elsevier BV

  • Analysis of variations in PV production, focussing on storage and dispatchability decisions
    I. Santiago, D. Trillo-Montero, J. J. Luna-Rodriguez, R. Real-Calvo, and A. Moreno-Munoz

    Photovoltaic energy has been consolidated as one of the largest sources of renewable energy. Moreover, there is continuous worldwide growth in installed capacity. However, the inherent variability and uncertainty of these power systems are its main inconveniences. It causes undesirable effects on the distribution power grids and prevents it from participating in the electricity market as a manageable or dispatchable energy source. Energy storage could ensure stabilization of decentralized grids and help to enable the penetration of photovoltaic (PV) energy. However, incorporating batteries in PV installations will require increased investment and the concomitant decrease in their profitability. An optimal design of these storage systems, in order to minimize investment costs, could be achieved by means of accurate knowledge of the PV production variations. In this paper these fluctuations are analyzed in two grid-connected photovoltaic plants located in Andalusia, Spain, over a two-year period. Information about the batteries' capacity and life-cycle may be extracted. A smoothing effect has been found if the forecast of photovoltaic production is performed at 60-min. intervals.

  • Development of a software application to evaluate the performance and energy losses of grid-connected photovoltaic systems
    D. Trillo-Montero, I. Santiago, J.J. Luna-Rodriguez, and R. Real-Calvo

    Elsevier BV

  • Design and development of an automated application for the analysis of monitoring data of grid connected photovoltaic installations
    D. Trillo-Montero, I. Santiago, J. Luna-Rodríguez, and R. Real-Calvo

    AEDERMACP (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies and Power Quality)
    The aim of this paper was to design and develop an application for automating the analysis of the operating point of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) installations. This application integrates data from all of the devices that monitor information on PV installations, such as environmental sensors, inverters and meters, and it automates the storage, treatment and easy access to all information. The application is comprised by a Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS), with a common database to store the technical data of the various components of each PV installation, and a database for each of the installations to be analyzed, linked among them and with the previous one, where data from monitoring and calculated magnitudes would be stored. Moreover a software named S·lar was developed to determine, from monitored data, some standard magnitudes related to performances and losses of PV installation components at different time scales, and to visualize in a graphical and numerical way all the stored information. This tool enables to analyze PV facilities installed by small companies, with different configurations and technical specifications, in order to control and improve their production and maintenance, based on a more comprehensive and detailed study of their real operation.

  • Wireless sensor network and stochastic models for household power management
    Francisco Bellido-outeirino, Jose Flores-arias, Matias Linan-Reyes, Emilio Palacios-garcia, and Juan Luna-rodriguez

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    Energy consumption in the residential sector represents a global average of around 30% of the total consumed in the country, so any improvement that could reduce it, would have significant effects. Some of these upgrades are the incorporation of advanced communication and control algorithms based on predictive models of household consumption. This article describes the design, development and application of a fully centralized system in which home appliances are managed by a wireless sensor network. The management algorithms are based on consumption models in combination with timing schedule, power, temperature or ambient light measurements and prioritization. On the control side, on-off management is basically presented although DALI protocol for lighting continuous regulation is now implemented too. Finally it presents future work in this field.

  • Energy consumption of audiovisual devices in the residential sector: Economic impact of harmonic losses
    I. Santiago, M.A. López-Rodríguez, A. Gil-de-Castro, A. Moreno-Munoz, and J.J. Luna-Rodríguez

    Elsevier BV

  • An intelligent electronic device prototype for electric vehicle environments
    R. J. Real-Calvo, J. J. Luna Rodriguez, V. Osuna Carmona, F.J. Bellido Outeirino, and I. Santiago Chiquero

    In the future scenario of transport and human mobility, the optimization of electric vehicles and their infrastructures (transport and energy supply) will be a key. This is the reason why it will have to provide adequate intelligent systems, both in electric vehicles and in infrastructures that provide service. Moreover, the development nowadays of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) and communications Machine To Machine (M2M) have enabled commercial solutions with relatively inexpensive cost. This paper discusses the design of M2M-based IED to develop a prototype with a flexible architecture, incorporating GPRS as wireless WAN solution and GPS technology to equip the system with geo-location functions, in order to cover future applications between electric vehicles and the different infrastructures to provide service.

  • Simulation electromagnetic waves web as innovative methodology to improve the quality of electronic and computer engineering formation

  • Simul-EMI II: An application to simulate electric and magnetic phenomena in PCB designs
    Juan-Jesús Luna-Rodríguez, Ricardo Martín-Díaz, Manuel Hernández-Igueño, Marta Varo-Martínez, Vicente Barranco-López, Pilar Martínez-Jiménez, and Antonio Moreno-Muñoz

    Springer Berlin Heidelberg

  • Development of physics and electronic virtual laboratories in a web learning management system

  • Simul-therm: A MATLAB/Simulink Blockset of thermal modelling and simulation for engineering education

  • Dynamic analysis of heat transfers by Laplace transform
    Juan J. Luna, Daniel Tocados, Pilar Martínez-Jimenez, Vicente Barranco, Marta Varo, George Maroulis, and Theodore E. Simos

    In this paper a new method for the computational analysis of the dynamic behavior of bodies involved in calorific transfer processes is presented. This technique facilitates the thermal studies carried out in the engineering and science fields. The solution presented is based on Laplace direct transform application in order to solve the differential equations that characterizes one‐way heat conduction. In this way, fast and precise results of the dynamic process are obtained, without the need of applying finite differences methods which result in high computational loads.

  • A didactic test system for thermal characterization of electric and electronic devices

  • Application of smart sensors to the measurement of power quality
    A. Moreno-Munoz, J.A. Sanchez, J. J. G. de la Rosa, and J.J. Luna

    Today's businesses depend heavily on electrical services for lighting, general power, computer hardware and communications hardware. With the generalized use of sophisticated electronic devices, industries are shifting toward almost entirely electronic IT systems. PQ events are of increasing concern for the economy because today's equipment, particularly computers and automated manufacturing devices, is highly sensitive to such imperfections. Traditionally the control and supervision of a plant distribution network has mainly been focused on the protection of the network. Relatively little attention has been focused on the quality of the electrical energy. Metering technologies and communications systems have advanced to enable the development of web-based sensors. Power Quality is one area where these smart sensors can be very valuable. This paper investigates the challenges and possibilities in the development of distributed PQ measurement systems. This paper describes the challenges and lessons learned from this work.