Indonesia Language Education and Literature
Samawa University
Born at Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. He is lecturer at Universitas Samawa.
Bachelor at Alauddin Islamic State University of Makassar
Master at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar
Doctor at Yogyakarta State University
Language politics, language policy, language planning, Indonesian literature
Scopus Publications
Juanda Juanda, Iswan Afandi, and Andi Fatimah Yunus
Academy Publication
The research aims to explore the influence of digital short story literacy on environmental care character through moderation of reading interest. It is a quantitative study that measures the influence of digital short story literacy on environmental care character. The study involved 270 participants as a sample using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique for this research was a Google Forms questionnaire. Data analysis used the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 27. The results show that digital short story literacy has a significant influence on environmental care character. The effect of digital short story literacy on environmental care character is significant in statistics. However, reading interest does not present a moderately successful influence of digital short story literacy on the environmental care character. This research contributes to designing curriculum education with special attention paid to the inclusive aspects of digital literacy and environmental short stories to create a conscious and responsible generation’s answer to environmental preservation. More studies need to be conducted about this subject including the additional amount of higher education needed in the regions where natural disasters happen more frequently, as well as more engagement originating from participants who are studying social sciences. In the industrial sector, it is recommended to collaborate with students to make documentaries from digital short stories to promote environmental preservation.
Juanda, Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, Intama Jemy Polii, Baharuddin Purba, Mardiningsih, and Iswan Afandi
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
Purpose: This study aims to explore the phenomenon of the forbidden forest haze in the short story Tragedi Asap by Gigih Suroso. Method: This study uses a qualitative method. Data are presented descriptively by using Greg Garrard's ecocritical approach. The research data is in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in short stories. The data source is from the short story Tragedi Asap which was published by Analisa Newspaper. Data analysis using software Nvivo 12 and reseacher was carried out using interactive and interpretive model analysis techniques consisting of data condensation, data presentation, and concluding/verification. Result and Conclusion: The findings research, there are six aspects presented in the short story, namely pollution, wilderness, apocalypse, dwelling, animals, and earth. Environmental education found is protecting nature, disaster mitigation, and preserving nature as a mandate from God. This short story also features an arcadia construction in the form of a prohibition on the transfer of forest land because it is considered holy and sacred. Implication of the research: The study contributes to public policy by providing an ecocritical analysis of the environmental themes within the short story 'Tragedi Asap'. It sheds light on the portrayal of the natural environment and its ecological implications, offering a nuanced understanding of how literature intersects with environmental issues. This research adds to the broader discourse on environmental literature and its socio-political implications. Originality/value: The research novelty lies in the application of ecocritical analysis to the specific cultural and environmental context depicted in the short story 'Tragedi Asap', offering a unique perspective on the intersection of literature, society, and ecological concerns in a particular cultural setting.
Juanda and Iswan Afandi
Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o.
AI has developed rapidly. However, AI research in applied linguistics in the field of language education in Indonesia still needs to be expanded to reading and writing skills. This research aims to explore students' skills in writing summaries and understanding the historical theme of the development of the Indonesian language with AI based on gender and university aspects. The quantitative method uses descriptive statistical analysis techniques, independent sample t-test, and Welch One-Way ANOVA. The research sample was 288 students from Makassar State University, Timor University, and Makassar Health Polytechnic. The results show that ChatGPT is significantly better at reprocessing text than students based on the aspects measured. ChatGPT outperforms almost every aspect of the assessment. However, in the MCT_Score aspect, the average for Universitas Negeri Makassar students is slightly higher than ChatGPT and the other two universities. Meanwhile, the Makassar Health Polytechnic almost matches the average ChatGPT score. Apart from that, the Universitas Timor average seems significantly different, with a score range of only 6.00 – 7.00. This research contributes to developing the Indonesian curriculum using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The government can use these findings as a basis for making better policies to improve the quality of education. This research implies that Indonesian students have a gap in understanding texts compared to ChatGPT. The first implication is the need to revise and develop the educational curriculum. Therefore, future research can examine text comprehension abilities in more specific contexts, such as scientific texts, journalism, literature, or specific scientific disciplines. It can provide more detailed insight into students' strategies for overcoming difficulties in understanding texts. In addition, future research will be conducted on the broader impact of using Artificial Intelligence technology in language education on the development of student text comprehension and the potential social and ethical impacts.
Juanda and Azis
Academy Publication
The short story "Pengelana Laut" by Linda Christanty focuses on the theme of preserving dolphins. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the environmental phenomena and the importance of environmental education in the story. This qualitative design presents descriptive data using the Grag Garrard ecocritical approach. The primary data source is the short story "Pengelana Laut," published in Kompas newspaper and ruangsastra.com, containing words, phrases, and sentences related to marine ecological phenomena, collected using the literature study techniques. The data obtained were analyzed using interactive interpretive models involving data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. The NVivo software program was used to code the data. The result showed that the short story contains various environmental phenomena, such as pollution, wilderness, apocalypse, dwelling, animals, and earth, with a focus on the exploitation of dolphins by humans. In conclusion, environmental education is crucial for dolphin conservation, hence it is imperative to incorporate such material in literacy skills for students to cultivate a sense of concern for and environmental preservation of marine life.
Azis and Juanda
Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o.
This study aims to reveal in-depth the nuances of euphemism in mental health texts. The advantage of this research is that it can have an impact on the development of semantic science with mental health texts, especially euphemisms. The theory that supports this research is Pan (2013), Rabab'ah, Al-Qarni (2012), Gostin (2013), Terry (2020) and the difference from this study is that it focuses on the nuances of euphemism with mental health texts. The research data that is prioritized is the words in sentences from the mental health text of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar, a total of 110 students. There are 40 texts selected and qualified. Data were collected in the form of documentation for 8 months in 2021. Then, qualitative data analysis was carried out by paying attention to identification, reduction, verification, and conclusion. The results show the euphemism nuances of mental health texts in the form of one word that has different nuances according to the text in the form of disharmony, resilience, depression, infected, trauma, obesity insulin mystical; one word to two words with a special emphasis frustration becomes a feeling of disappointment; two words psychological stress, mood swing, negative relation; three words into one-word mental health disorder goes crazy, and that particle. Vocabulary appears as a series of sentences that form the meaning of euphemism.
Kartini Kartini, Achmad Tolla, Jasruddin Jasruddin, and Juanda Juanda
Academy Publication
This research and development aims to test the validity and effectiveness of Indonesian Language Teaching Materials Based on Local Culture of Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research and development is at level two; the researchers only conducted validity testing and effectiveness testing of existing teaching materials. Both types of testing were conducted at Cokroaminoto University of Palopo. The validity testing was done through Focus Group Discussion. The components of teaching materials of which validity are tested include content, presentation, graphics, and language use. Meanwhile, the effectiveness testing was done by employing one-group pretest-posttest pre-experimental design. The results of data analysis reveal that the Indonesian language teaching materials based on local culture of Luwu meet the standards of validity and effectiveness.
Sulastriningsih Djumingin, Sukardi Weda, and Juanda .
Conscientia Beam
Bastract: Anxiety in the classroom presentation has a debilitating effect on students’ success in learning a foreign language (FL) or a second language (L2). This article aimed at investigating students’ Anxiety in classroom presentation in Teaching — Learning Interaction of English as a Foreign Language for Students of Indonesian Study Program in general at higher education levels in Indonesia. The participants of this study were the students of Indonesian Education and Literature Department, Faculty of Education and Literature, UniversitasNegeri Makassar (N = 62). There were 55 or 88.71% females and 7 or 11.29% males from the seventh (42 or 67.75%) and ninth (20 or 32.25%) semesters. The findings reveal that the most frequent source of students’ anxiety was attending disorganized classroom presentation. The implication of the study is that anxiety is an interesting phenomenon in language study which potentially contributes to students’ failure. Therefore, teachers at a school need to manage the class well, while the lecturers at the university need to give a lot of time for students to learn the topics for discussion.
Haerazi Haerazi, Dedi Irwansyah, Juanda Juanda, and Yek Amin Azis
Academy Publication
Teaching English as a foreign language has been focused on cultural aspects. Teachers studied English from their cultures and then they compare those with the target cultures. This was aimed to facilitate English students to communicate orally and in written, linguistically accurate and culturally appropriate. Therefore, this research study was aimed at developing English materials based on intercultural language learning for writing classes. To reach the maximal materials, the researchers applied need analysis to identify cultural materials based learning model that feeds students’ needs and expectation. Based on the result of research study, students like cultural topics for their level, such as wedding ceremonies, historical buildings, and traditional music. These topics showed that the set of interculture-based instructional materials was appropriate to be utilized in the teaching of writing skills for English department students.
Anzar Anzar, Anshari Anshari, and Juanda Juanda
Academy Publication
This research is a development research which aimed to produce teaching materials of the drama appreciation based on local wisdom on the students of the Indonesia literature and language education Faculty of Teacher and the Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar which is valid, practical and effective. This is a Research and Development (R & D) study by using 4-D model of development Thiagarajan through stages: (1) assessment or initial tracing of topics that will be constructed or reconstructed; (2) development of teaching materials products from the findings that has been achieved; (3) experimental material trial testers that have been developed at the research site and the product will be used (4) improvement of teaching materials in accordance with the findings in the preliminary situation in the field. The results of the research are (1) The teaching materials product of drama appreciation based on Bugis Makassar local wisdom is valid because the average validity of the validation result of the material expert M = 3.54 is in the "Very Valid" class. (2) The product of study material of drama appreciation based on local wisdom of Bugis Makassar is considered practical because the average value obtained is M = 2, it can be concluded that this value belongs to the class " fully implemented” (3) based on effectiveness criteria of teaching materials product based on local wisdom drama appreciation Bugis Makassar declared effective as data showed that the maximum completeness met and that 91.89% of students who received a score of 75 and above.