- Identification of putative volatile biomarkers of canine leishmaniasis in dog’s breath and hair employing a novel algorithm for automated chromatographic peak detection and
R Suschinel, AL Jaimes-Mogolln, SF Sim, W Ting, JM Cceres-Tarazona, ...
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1-13 2024
- Assessment of E-Senses Performance through Machine Learning Models for Colombian Herbal Teas Classification
JK Carrillo, CM Durn, JM Cceres, CA Cuastumal, J Ferreira, J Ramos, ...
Chemosensors 11 (7), 354 2023
- Non-Invasive Method to Detect Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Wild Boar by Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Obtained from
K de Jess Beleo-Senz, JM Cceres-Tarazona, P Nol, ...
Sensors 21 (2), 584 2021
- Low-cost desorption unit coupled with a gold nanoparticles gas sensors array for the analysis of volatile organic compounds emitted from the exhaled breath (gastric cancer and
CM Durn-Acevedo, JM Cceres-Tarazona
Microelectronic Engineering 237, 111483 2021
- Exhaled breath analysis for gastric cancer diagnosis in Colombian patients
CM Durn-Acevedo, AL Jaimes-Mogolln, OE Gualdrn-Guerrero, ...
Oncotarget 9 (48), 28805 2018
- Thermal desorption system for breath samples analysis from Colombian patients with gastric cancer
JM Cceres, CM Durn, OE Gualdron
- Desarrollo de un sistema de olfato electrnico para la deteccin de cncer gstrico a travs del aliento exhalado.
JM Caceres Tarazona
Universidad de Pamplona–Facultad de Ingenieras y Arquitectura. 2018
- Exhaled Breath analysis of smokers and nonsmokers using sensors based ultrapure Organically Modified Gold Nanoparticles
OE Gualdrn, TG Welearegay, AL Jaimes, JM Cceres, CM Durn, ...
VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016 2017
- Ultrapure organically modified gold nanoparticles for breath analysis
TG Welearegay, OE Gualdrn, AL Jaimes, JM Cceres, G Pugliese, ...
Procedia Engineering 168, 133-136 2016