University of Kufa
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MM Publishing, s.r.o.
This article is focused on the construction of a stand-alone residential 5-kW hybrid power system to feed different domestic loads at a typical house in Thi-Qar City, Iraq, including lighting loads, Table fan, Smartphone charger, TV, Microwave and Cooler. The stand-alone residential 5-kW hybrid power system consists of PV generator, PEMFC, storage batteries, Electrolyzer and hydrogen tank. The battery and hydrogen subsystem, composed of a fuel cell (FC), electrolyzer, and hydrogen storage tank, act as energy storage and support systems. The research in steps includes the design of the hybrid system. A program has been used in MATLAB to size system components in order to match the load of the site in the most cost-effective way. Evaluation of the economic feasibility of the same hybrid system when using a solar tracking system for photovoltaic cells. The simulation results demonstrate the hybrid system's ability to supply the required electrical energy to the loads, as well as the increase in hydrogen production when using the solar tracking system, which makes it possible to store excess hydrogen in the long term for later use when the photovoltaic energy decreases according to the seasons of the year.
MM Publishing, s.r.o.
The high performance of the photovoltaic cell requires proper and efficient cooling because the electrical efficiency of the photovoltaic cell is affected by the operating temperature. Providing a suitable operating environment for the photovoltaic cell at a low temperature is necessary, which can be achieved using devices with highly effective thermal performance in which heat is transferred from the cell to the external surroundings via pulsating heat pipes, and this process leads to significant energy generation and the best efficiency of the photovoltaic unit. In this work, we use pulsating heat pipes with copper fins to achieve adequate cooling of the cell and make it operate at the best temperature, leading to a higher photovoltaic cell efficiency. The metal used for the pulsating heat pipes is copper, which has high conductivity needed to increase performance. The study showed that pulsating heat pipes are the most suitable options for cooling the photovoltaic cell, which leads to increasing its efficiency and increasing electricity production.
MM Publishing, s.r.o.
Ensuring the quality of energy supply to remote regions is relevant for grid companies and the state. One of the solutions to this problem is the use of renewable energy sources to generate electrical energy. Given this, the article considers an integrated approach to designing combined autonomous energy systems of an individual residential building based on renewable energy sources with the complete replacement of traditional energy carriers. In addition to the combined power system, the proposed solution implies using an insulated facade of the building, which will reduce heat loss by 1.5 times, compared with an un-insulated building. to increase the reliability of the energy supply, the project provides for a wind power plant, a backup diesel generator station and a battery pack with an inverter. Estimated calculations have shown that the probability of failure of the power system of this configuration is 3%. The conducted ecological and economic justification of the use of an autonomous combined power system allows us to conclude that 2.1 tons of conventional fuel per year is saved and the payback of the energy supply system for a period of up to 8 years.
MM Publishing, s.r.o.
An integration between latent heat storage unit (LHSU) and an air cooler was studied to reduce the space cooling energy consumption in telecommunications base stations (TBSS). A mathematical model was developed to address the heat transfer processes within energy storage modules and air cooler. Furthermore, a solid works simulation was used to simulate the real system virtually. A simulated annealing algorithm (SA) was utilized to maximize annual energy savings ratio which was considered a performance criterion for the proposed system. The calculations included comparisons the relative errors of air and temperature difference between the optimized using simulated annealing algorithm and tested (virtual) results which were calculated for both operation modes energy charging and energy discharging. The obtained results illustrated a remarkable improvement both relative errors and annual energy savings ratio for the study case.
V. V. Kuvshinov, L. M. Abd Ali, N. V. Morozova, B. L. Krit, F. M. Al-Rufaee, and H. A. Issa
Allerton Press
Faez Al-Rufaee, Laythи Abd Ali, and Vladimir Kuvshinov
EDP Sciences
The paper discusses the possibilities of using hybrid composite structures to overcome the energy shortage in Iraq, as well as the development of an efficient system of solar, wind turbine diesel generators. In this article, a Diesel Generator is combined with a wind turbine and batteries on the basis that the sun’s energy is not constant over time. The simulation was carried out using the HOMER program, which allows a detailed analysis of the volume and power of energy generated by the proposed system. The HOMER program is used for technical, economic, and environmental assessments. According to the results of the study, it was established that the most effective solution for saving electricity and overcoming energy shortages is a system consisting of renewable sources, as well as a diesel generator with batteries. The results also show that renewable energy sources used in the hybrid system provide about 69.2% of the electricity generated. This certainly improves the reliability of the electricity generated and reduces the fuel and maintenance costs of diesel generators, as well as saving the environment. The analysis of optimal systems is explained in detail to find the most achievable autonomous system.
L. Ali, Q. A. Ali, Ivana Kla, Ková, H. A. Issa, B. Yakimovich and Vladimir V. Kuvshimov
Technical University of Kosice - Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46544/AMS.v26i4.14 Abstract A significant number of installations based on renewable energy sources are currently used in energy complexes in regions with high solar radiation. In particular, importance is attached to the use of direct solar energy conversion systems. The use of solar installations to provide thermal and electric energy is one of the promising areas of resources and energy saving. For more efficient use of solar energy, you can use combined plants that produce both thermal and electrical energy. Installations themselves to save materials, space and assembly time can be combined with the roof of buildings and structures. The authors of the presented work conducted experimental studies and obtained comparative characteristics of the operation of thermal, photovoltaic and combined solar installations. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the possibility of the development of thermal design power plants to produce electric power conventional steam to work the semi-joint system to exploit an array of solar collectors concentrated type parabolic cylindrical in processing the amount of thermal energy for steam turbine unit. In the study of the effectiveness of different designs to link Matrix complexes solar concentration in thermal design of the plant steam and as a measure of effectiveness was the use of the amount of savings in the amount of fuel consumed for the production of an electric power network, as a result of the use of matrix compounds concentrating solar power (CSP) study showed economic efficiency and environmental design of the proposed terms of the amount of savings the lowest in the amount of fuel consumed in the network 177.5 tons/year. Design of thermal energy for solar collectors concentrated matrix. Accordingly, the decrease in the amount of thermal energy and the amount of nitrogen oxides, which produced in the surrounded medium 0.628 tons.
L. M. Abd Ali, F. M. Al-Rufaee, V. V. Kuvshinov, B. L. Krit, A. M. Al-Antaki, and N. V. Morozova
Allerton Press
Pavel Kuznetsov, Ali Abd, Vladimir Kuvshinov, Hayder Issa, Hayder Mohammed, and Ali Al-bairmani
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
The article deals with research in solar power plants and Renewable Energy Laboratory. The purpose of research was to study the influencing of partial shading on the energy efficiency of photovoltaic installations in various connection options. As the title implies the article describes a study of the possibilities of increasing their energy efficiency when operating under different conditions. It is spoken in detail about replacement of "block connection" panels to the "in-line connection", in case of partial shading by the previous string. It is shown that substitution allows to obtain a significantly higher power - up to 8 times. It is examined that the horizontal arrangement of the panels instead of the vertical, under the same conditions, also allows up to 5 times the power of the partially shaded array in the case "in-line connection" and by 34% in the case of a "block connection". It is analyzed that parallel connection of partially shaded photovoltaic array with normally illuminated, requires voltage matching, for the selection of electrical energy at the point of maximum power, which makes it possible to obtain much more energy from the shaded array. It is experimentally shown that when using the "Intelligent maximum power selection device" that implements the voltage matching, it is possible to increase the array power up to 4 times with partial shading of 3 panels of 18. It should be noted that the choice of methods that allow receiving energy from shaded panels through individual matching converters does not permit significantly increasing the energy production of partially shaded array. It is experimentally shown that as a result of their use the array power does not increase by more than 2.5%. The results of research can be used in the design of new installations based on photovoltaic cells and the modernization of existing ones.
V. V. Kuvshinov, V. P. Kolomiychenko, E. G. Kakushina, L. M. Abd Ali, and V. V. Kuvshinova
Allerton Press
V. V. Cheboxarov, B. A. Yakimovich, N. V. Lyamina, L. M. Abd Ali, and I. G. Zhiganov
Allerton Press
V. V. Kuvshinov, L. M. Abd Ali, E. G. Kakushina, B. L. Krit, N. V. Morozova, and V. V. Kuvshinova
Allerton Press
V. V. Cheboxarov, B. A. Yakimovich, L. M. Abd Ali, and F. M. Al-Rufee
Allerton Press
S. V. Vologdin, B. A. Yakimovich, V. V. Kuvshinov, L. M. Abd Ali, E. G. Kakushina, A. G. Al Barmani, and F. M. Al-Rufaee
Allerton Press
V. V. Guryev, B. A. Yakimovich, L. M. Abd Ali, and A. G. Al Barmani
Allerton Press
V. V. Kuvshinov, V. P. Kolomiychenko, E. G. Kakushkina, L. M. Abd Ali, and V. V. Kuvshinova
Allerton Press
Layth Mohammed Abd Ali, Haider Ahmed Mohmmed, and Othman M. Hussein Anssari
Medwell Publications
Layth Mohammed Abd Ali, Haider Ahmed Mohmmed, and Husam Abdulhusein Wahhab
Medwell Publications