
Al Esraa University College/ Computer Engineering Techniques Department
Assist. Lec. Maysam Sameer Hussein


Assistant Lecturer Maysam Sameer Hussein graduated from the University of Baghdad/College of Engineering and had her (M.Sc.) in computer engineering from the same university in 2015, she is a faculty member at the Computer Engineering Techniques Department, Al Esra’a University College, Baghdad, Iraq.


Master in Computer Engineering from Univesity of Baghdad/ College of Engineering-2015
BSc in Computer Engineering from Univesity of Baghdad/ College of Engineering-2011


Computer Engineering, Networking, Mobile Networks, Software Engineering, Software Development, IoT, Access Control


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Design and simulation of dual-band rectangular microstrip patch array antenna for millimeter-wave
    Shahad Dhari Sateaa, Maysam Sameer Hussein, Zainab Ghazi Faisal, Amany Mohammad Abood, and Huda Dhari Satea

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    Microstrip array antennas are essentially for radar and communications systems. They are used to get a needed pattern that cannot be realized with a single element. This paper aims to design and simulate of rectangular microstrip patch array antenna 1 patch (1×1), 2 patches (1×2), and 4 patches (1×4) and improve the performance results. The proposed antenna is simulated by using electromagnetic simulation, computer software technology Microwave studio (CST) printed on Rogers RT5880 (lossy) substrate with dielectric constant 2.2, 0.0009 loss tangent, and thickness 0.1 mm. The simulation results show that the small patch antenna size (1.57 mm × 2 mm) for three designs works at dual bandwidth. The major target of this work is to accomplish an unusual directivity with improved gain for three antenna array designs.

  • Prediction Scheme Using Fuzzy Logic System to Control the Congestion in Wireless Sensor Network
    Zainab G. Faisal, Maysam Sameer Hussein, and Amany Mohammad Abood

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Design and simulation of video monitoring structure over TCP/IP system using MATLAB
    Amany Mohammad Abood, Maysam Sameer Hussein, Zainab G. Faisal, and Zainab H. Tawfiq

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    Video monitoring systems are undergoing an evolution from conventional analog to digital clarification to provide better rate and security over internet protocols. In addition, analog surveillance becomes insufficient to face enormous demand of security of system contains more than hundreds of camera often deployed in hotels environments far away from room control. This paper presents the design and simulation of a video monitoring scheme in excess of a transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) system using MATLAB. Sophisticated cameras could record directly high-definition digital videos based on digital technology which simply communicate the control room relaying on ordinary internet protocol infrastructure networks. This technology provides a flexible network interface over a wide variety of heterogeneous technology networks. Though, the acceptance of IP designed for video monitoring pretense severe difficulties in terms of power processing, system dependability, required bandwidth, and security of networks. The advantage of IP based video monitoring system has been investigated over conventional analog systems and the challenges of the method are described. The open research issues are still requiring a final solution to permits complete abandon against conventional technology of analog methods. In conclusion, the method to tackle the purpose of video monitoring in actual operation is proposed and verified properly by means of model simulation.

  • Finger vein techniques: Survey
    Amany Mohammad Abood, Maysam Sameer Hussein, and Alaa Ahmed Abbood

    AIP Publishing

  • Design and realization of motion detector system for house security
    Zainab G. Faisal, Maysam Sameer Hussein, and Amany Mohammad Abood

    Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    In this paper, the design and realization of motion detector system for house security based GSM network is presents. The development of microcontroller carried out intruder detection that supports tracking techniques to provide vital security with control and alert operation inside and outside the home. The pivot of security on the integration the motion detector and cameras into web applications has become more interested. The smart surveillance Pi camera obtain the input from the motion detector and controller which is send the video to the web server allowing the homeowner to access this video by use web applications. An intrusion alert send to the owner by mean of message via mobile and buzzers alarms located at suitable distance. This system is typify proficient video camera for remote sensing and tracking with live video for succeeding play again to offers efficient and easy implementation with omnipresent surveillance solution


  • Prediction scheme using fuzzy logic system to control the congestion in wireless sensor network
    ZG Faisal, MS Hussein, AM Abood
    Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques: Select Proceedings of 2022

  • Design and simulation of dual-band rectangular microstrip patch array antenna for millimeter-wave
    SD Sateaa, MS Hussein, ZG Faisal, AM Abood, HD Satea
    Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11 (1), 299-309 2022

  • Design and simulation of video monitoring structure over TCP/IP system using MATLAB
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, ZG Faisal, ZH Tawfiq
    Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24 (3 2021

  • Finger vein techniques: Survey
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, AA Abbood
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2213 (1) 2020

  • Design and realization of motion detector system for house security
    ZG Faisal, MS Hussein, AM Abood
    TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (6 2019

  • Pathway Discover of Moving Objects using Color Segmentation and Region property
    MSH Amany Mohammad Abood, Zainab G. Faisal
    Internationl Journal of Engineering and Technology 11 (1), 120-129 2019

  • Data Mining Using Association Rules with Fuzzy Logic
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, J Hassan

  • MPAES: A Multiple-Privileges Access E-Door System based on Passive RFID Technology
    MSH Mohamed I. Younis, Muaad Al tameemi
    7th Scientific Engineering and 1st International Conference “Recent Trends 2017

  • Construction of an Online Examination System
    MS Hussein, MI Younis, MI Al-Tameemi
    Scholars Press 2016

  • Construction of an online examination system with resumption and randomization capabilities
    MI Younis, MS Hussein
    International Journal of Computing 4 (2), 62-82 2015


  • Construction of an online examination system with resumption and randomization capabilities
    MI Younis, MS Hussein
    International Journal of Computing 4 (2), 62-82 2015
    Citations: 26

  • Design and simulation of dual-band rectangular microstrip patch array antenna for millimeter-wave
    SD Sateaa, MS Hussein, ZG Faisal, AM Abood, HD Satea
    Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11 (1), 299-309 2022
    Citations: 19

  • Design and realization of motion detector system for house security
    ZG Faisal, MS Hussein, AM Abood
    TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (6 2019
    Citations: 11

  • Design and simulation of video monitoring structure over TCP/IP system using MATLAB
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, ZG Faisal, ZH Tawfiq
    Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 24 (3 2021
    Citations: 3

  • MPAES: A Multiple-Privileges Access E-Door System based on Passive RFID Technology
    MSH Mohamed I. Younis, Muaad Al tameemi
    7th Scientific Engineering and 1st International Conference “Recent Trends 2017
    Citations: 3

  • Construction of an Online Examination System
    MS Hussein, MI Younis, MI Al-Tameemi
    Scholars Press 2016
    Citations: 3

  • Prediction scheme using fuzzy logic system to control the congestion in wireless sensor network
    ZG Faisal, MS Hussein, AM Abood
    Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques: Select Proceedings of 2022
    Citations: 1

  • Finger vein techniques: Survey
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, AA Abbood
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2213 (1) 2020
    Citations: 1

  • Data Mining Using Association Rules with Fuzzy Logic
    AM Abood, MS Hussein, J Hassan
    Citations: 1